The Summary and The Connectors

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The summary and the connectors.

Made by:

Yoirelis Cáceres.

C.I: No. 29, 954,166.

Mention: Nursing.

Teacher: Adrian.

English subject.

Semester: II Section: "A".


1.-What is a summary? Explain several of its uses.

2.- Types of summaries.

3.- Steps to make a summary.

4.- Definition of connectors

5.- Types of connectors

6.- Function of the connectors.


1.- What is a summary? Explain several of its uses.

It is a text in which the most important ideas of another text are condensed. In
this way, oral, written or audiovisual texts can be summarized. It should be done
in the writer's own words (paraphrase). There must also be clarity, precision
and objectivity. The purpose of the summary is to represent the content of a
document so that users can understand the information it contains and find
what they need. The purpose of a summary is to inform,

2.- Types of summaries.

* Informative. It synthesizes and provides an overview, from the important data

of a document. For example, a scientific article or a press summary.

* Descriptive. It synthesizes in a deep way the structure of the document or of a

literary work. For example, you can mention the sources of information and the
author's position.

* Research. Collect information from various sources on the same topic. It

unifies the concepts taking only the main aspects and elaborates a synthesis of
the matter in an objective way, citing the sources and avoiding self-criticism.

* Synopsis. It summarizes in a general way a particular literary or audiovisual

work. The word synopsis comes from the Greek and means "vision as a whole."
For example, the synopsis of a book explains what the work consists of, without
revealing the end of the story.

* Review. It summarizes the content of a work, but from the personal evaluation
of the person who analyzes it. For example, the review of a movie, work,
musical composition, sports match, among others. It is not a synthesis, but an
opinion criticism that can be positive or negative.

3. - Steps to make a summary.

* Read the original text fully. This is essential to make the summary: you cannot
summarize what is unknown, nor can you summarize a text by reading it over,
because we will ignore which are the main ideas and which are the secondary

* Separate the text into paragraphs. Once separated, mark the main, secondary
and supplementary ideas in each paragraph, using a different highlighter for
each category. If necessary, take notes in the margin or on a separate sheet of

* Transcribe the underlined. Copy in your notebook the main and secondary
ideas only, and try to order them to form a single paragraph.

* Rewrite the paragraph. Rewrite the paragraph with the primary and secondary
ideas in order, but this time try to do it in your own words.

* Check what is written. Reread your final text and eliminate any excess. Add it
a title and summary book information (author, title, publisher) somewhere

4.- Definition of connectors

Connectors are terms or expressions that link words, ideas, phrases,

sentences, and paragraphs together. Their use is necessary, because through
them a more fluid, organized and coherent writing is established, which favors
the good performance of a reading and an effective understanding of the texts.
The connectors have a classifying function and with the proper use of them
there is a correct connection between the different ideas.

5.- Types of connectors

* Order connectors. For example: first of all, first, then, finally, to start

* Emphasis connectors. For example: certainly, in fact, it should be highlighted,

without a doubt, above all.

* Time connectors. For example: next, later, before, now, then, while, later.

* Space connectors. For example: front, back, middle, low, over.

* Cause connectors. For example: so that, because of, so, so, because.
* Consequence connectors. For example: for that, for that reason, then,

* Purpose connectors. For example: in order to, to, in order to, in order to.

* Conditional connectors. For example: yes, provided that, on condition of.

* Add-on connectors. For example: in addition, and, even, on top, too.

* Conclusion connectors. For example: thus, therefore, therefore, therefore, to


* Synthesis connectors. For example: in conclusion, in synthesis, synthesizing.

* Opposing connectors. For example: however, but, however, more than, but,

* Explanation connectors. For example: that is, rather, that is, well, viz.

* Comparison connectors. For example: as, like, such as.

6.- Function of the connectors.

Their function is to unite words, phrases, phrases or sentences within the same
paragraph. They also serve to establish semantic relationships between the
different paragraphs of a text.

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