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1 Concrete weight = 2400

A Plywood Kelas Kuat 2

1 Panel Ukuran = 100 x

Ketentuan Ijin =
(Modulus elastik) = 100000 kg/cm2
(teg. Tarik) = 100 kg/cm2
(teg. Geser) = 12 kg/cm2
f = L
= 50
= 0.16666666667 cm

(momen inersial) Ix = 1/10 x

= 0.1 x
= 58.32 cm4
Wx = 1/6 x
0.1667 x
= 97.2 cm3
Load Case t beton
Concrete = 0.8 x
Formwork = 1 x
Dead load (DL) =

Man Power = 1 x
Live Load (LL)
Total Q = Dead load (DL)
= 771.2 +
= 10,800.00 kg/m

Tumpuan adalah sendi - sendi berlaku koef momen : Δ

Momen maksimal berada pada tumpuan tengah yaitu 1/12 x ql2

Gaya lintang maksimal berada pada 1/4 L tumpuan tengah yaitu 5/8 x ql

M max = 1/10 x ql
= 0.1 x 10,800.00
= 97.20 kg m
= 9,720.00 kg cm

δ lt yang terjadi = M
= 9,720.00
= 100 kg cm2 ≤ δ lt ijin

Lendut, f = 5 ql4
384 x EI
= 270 x 30^4
384 x 100000
= 0.09765625 cm

 B.  Balok 5/10
q 1000
(teg. Tarik) lt == 100,000 100 kg/cm2
(Modulus elastik) E = 864.00 100000 cm4
(momen inersial) Ix = 864 cm3
(Modulus of section) Wx = 144 cm3
Load Case
Concrete = 0.8 x
Formwork = 1 x
Dead load (DL) =

Man Power = 1 x
Live Load (LL)

Total Q = Dead load (DL)

= 731.2 +
= 1,000.00 kg/m

M max = 1/10 x
= 0.1 x
= 144.00 kg m
= 14,400.00 kg cm

δ lt yang terjadi = M
= 144.00
= 100 kg cm2

Lendut, f = 5 ql4
384 x
= 270 x
384 x
= 0.31 cm

 C.  WF 250
q= 16560

(teg. Tarik) lt == 100,000 1600 kg/cm2

(Modulus elastik) E = 864.002100000 cm4
(momen inersial) Ix = 5180 cm3
(Modulus of section) Wx = 414 cm3
Load Case
Concrete = 0.8 x
Formwork = 1 x
Dead load (DL) =

Man Power = 3 x
Live Load (LL)

Total Q = Dead load (DL)

= 4648 +
= 16,560.00 kg/m

M max = 1/10 x
= 0.1 x
= 6,624.00 kg m
= 662,400.00 kg cm

δ lt yang terjadi = M
= 6,624.00

= 1600 kg cm2

Lendut, f = 5 ql4
384 x
= 828 x
384 x
= 0.0002 cm

 C.  Cek Shoring

Safety Faktor = 1.99
Equivalent Point Load = 16560 x
= 32900
Kuat Tekan Statis Maksimum = 32916
Estimated number of shoring = 32900
= 1 legs
Capacity = 32916 kg
244 x 1.8 cm

b x h3
100 x 1.8^3

b x h^2
100 x 1.8^2

pxl BJ
0.36 x 2400 = 691.2
80 x 1 = 80
771.2 kg/m

100 100
100 kg/m
Live Load (LL) Faktor Keamanan
100 x 12.4

x 0.3 ^2

100 kg/cm2

0.36 x 2400 = 691.2
40 x 1 = 40
731.2 kg/m

40 40
40 kg/m

Live Load (LL) Faktor Keamanan

40 x 1.3

ql ^2
1,000.00 x 1.2 ^2

≤ δ lt ijin 100 kg/cm2

120 ^4
100000 x 864
2.4 x 2400 = 4608
40 x 1 = 40
4648 kg/m

100 300
300 kg/m

Live Load (LL) Faktor Keamanan

300 x 3.22

ql ^2
16,560.00 x 2 ^2

≤ δ lt ijin 1600 kg/cm2

200 ^4
2100000 x 662400


> Permisslbe 32900 kg

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