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Love Itrelf LOVE'S MEMORIES, love recalling ite in Jeter loxt and found over an interval of forty yeas: Chou writer naritor advances here far Into labyrinth of pssions long ago delivered and yet sill aiving through the mai, through leters and Ierature n other words, the poetry ofthe post. As forthe lover’ retuming scenes, they hive their addresses in Pars (rue Olver de Serres, Avene de Choisy, stet names that end lessly feed loves unconscious language) and in New York, but also ina lost oasis ofthe Feyptian desert during the Napoleonic wats, in Athens and along the shores of a great lake centuries in the county of myth. The lovers are poets or soles, philosophers o students madly in kve with poetry and poets. They ae aswell mermaids panthers. Panthers? es, fori is the passion of the animal that drives all these lovers to bare themselies, and sometimes thee clavs, before the be wed. Misunderstandings ae often, even Inevitably, the resul. Seconded and witnessed by her passionate, truth-elling cats, Cioas’s arate write rts unetingly to moments of ‘raneyifited on adres nd language, those cro and faults when lve, perhaps is isteing ly to del, without subject or objet or beloved, just love itself, Tamour méme amour msime, love loving me, in the leter ‘ "flo LOVE ITSE | ITSELF TTER BOX LOV IN THE LE polity vin x Oliver de Serres-a Single Passion Tivo Wineses The Caulifower ofthe Lauaret, The Fist Lucy (One Time, Avenue de Choisy Echo, My Love ise Lewers Notebook Life Fithfilly Forever ‘When I come a Frenetie Keeper ‘On February 12,1 Commitee an Feror OLIVIER DE SERRES — A SINGLE PASSION TWo WITNESSES. 1 passed infront of Olver de Seres which saddens me you si Ly to recapture exact devils in the flesh but I can’, Picture the place remains the same you sy, The cene-that ems ne day you were rearing rm ac ti fll upon you we made con the oor remember the tex ‘ewe of our you sty which saddens me remains the rexure ‘we ae siting on The Divan allofasuden we fall upon the scene-that- remains, Hlean over Tsee you fla ofa sudden 08 her me who I way itis there! ths brian sene returned t0 fallin font of wy i/she ison the lor on the carpet, ise is 1m your face, Tse us on your fae lok a ws falling all of a Shulden, here T thought I remember: thus, he returns ~ thus he has come out of disappearance, he ha returned frm his snon-returing —T remember T thought al is wel sinned, Tid’ believe and god isthe uabelicrale, hough: chs he returns, che one who will ever rotor, at that moment the thing (omy soul el nto the height ofthe sky, you throw a Fie pebble into the sky and hats me [am afraid of you and ear you [abandon myself by not expecting you each time that you retur Tim knocked over Inckwars by it you have me filling a¢ your feet, I chug, struck by lightning 1 thought all the same, I have always hough under lighenng, then you gave me 3 red,» kind of stylas pen while saying to me “I wasnt expecting that you were aot forewarned ofthis return, Tsay which etn? you ay-yours Tay Yiu dont remember what precedes never, [thought siting, ‘on The Divan, always on your right lank, our knees rubbing lighly against cach other, but ay nothing to you, look you look at us alia the scene-tha remains, your lps suck the sg- ared flow a the hing shat happened tha comes hak vp lays by way of the mouth, comes to lick the tongue and rexwaken words, ook a your ips, you suck at memory’ nipple, "theo witnesses" say to myself wear the two witnesses of arses, the two witnesses of the sene-thutremins, not bering the same wienesa single scene makes fortwo sens. ~"Then you gave mea reed, thai to saya pen, ‘Me? I gwe youa pent sa metaphor sy. [sid to you: no one wil ever write the tate ofthis scene, and youd tom Twas alays afraid hat my mother would suddenly enter, (Or inorder, my son, then my daughter . There are seven fers atthe doors and windows of my lie, and a teror tht fills my chest and entails, thats you To come back to he evo witness There wis no place ‘more ikea temple than Olivier de Serres a dark and necessary lle stad, Temples are places that spend thee time tem bling, pling apace and caving in, catching fe, ells rising back up and thei foreheads are touched by the wing of jackdaws that how! postpropheticlly: they sce misforenes ‘coming only after the fact, give me something ise and measure the Temple aa remainder, you sy oA Teecal it coud not have been larger chan 15 a. ‘en struggles take place ina sal room they ae all she snore tribe, one iin roto, a cella acl, hut “he wall are crumbling they show taces of wot, Olivier gelsernes as tiny a hole in a dead-end street, with some ffaatsh furitre:‘Thats where we prophesied, mouth to rina, ou ite me, itvabways yu who ite, bite bite I dnt ‘Je, On my sie drank swallowed your book, in my mouth ied he sete of honey, but right afterwards my entrails vnc hitter beease Twa jealous of my own mouth. Isa Toon everything and Keeps noching T thought. But L never thred say to yous [want to swallow your sperm and keep it ‘uride me atthe same tine, My to lie my everything my rot enough To come back to the two witmeses. The two restorer emelsher heroes of the Temple, tenants of eri for afew hours those of whom its sid: “These are she ra ove tree tnd the two torches tang bf he Lord of the ext” who tre they? Who are we? We are Thursday, February 12, 205 People have spoken of Moses and Fla, Peter and Paul Names. And we? ‘Wer the names, we lef them outside sight away. We ell ourselves: you, or ele we. You, you and we. Each time Ls: ‘ve Lam afta, | fae you and I fear fate. Who can swear 0 cae"? No one. “Wey” T say timidly and impeudenly and "scrutinize your facet see iit OK. Th fory years, on average forty mes year, that makes one thousand si dred control checks. You remember? you sy Yeu ny elev so, Pancealling this moment cement~ bert lving, hastily [ite inc it February 12, 2005, blve sweater gray shoes, 30 inthe afternoon, themes: soisdes” the las ime,” the-ls-me-dhat-we thesis ‘ime-thatewe-thought-orsaid-eplicitly “ithe lasing” {remember this momen, bie shelter of time, weae siting ‘on the ivan and real tha we re siting onthe dvan a thst "moment you lay your head once more on my cight shoulder, remember ths instant Tsay o myself «supply of oy forse eral days. Meanwhile T recall with you I belive, believe now what rca itse to you his wery le seene, tour shild and our childhood, it would he tersble if we had for. ote i it would be infarc, a the time we dd’ know. ‘hat we had conceived a tenuous tt very powerfil cil, we ‘ben down over her, over im, over the photo there Ey in ‘hismoment, you have thesame emprylonk that Abraham had wwhen he looks at Isa for the lst time the texture of his skin, That already a lot for memory, i already the esentil ~You remember what? Tay. = It was the end of a summer you were rewing I threw ‘nyse upon you, Iwill never forget this isthe iste that. Tell you this memory, you sy. ach time ise rer ohm, ithe ist ime, the mys tery ofthis seene i its power to return to him each time for the fie cme neversay tha thisscene as already taken place, the scene where he remembers the memory ofeildhood forthe fst ‘im, that the charm, his char and that of the scene tretuns evry three yeas, forthe first tmeiemust have a secret periodic rhythm Lise yi thisscene, the unique one anditssene of ep tition tke om a grandeur, ide by lite the sene ant second time are elevated tothe seed. Repetition aor it with ador- ‘on. Theltlesoen snow oe of he gest scenesin out book {never sa: you told i eo me, remember in the Japanese restaurant. Never! That would be our suicide. t want the springtime. admire i He recurs eich sme trembling al over oa having crossed cemeteries, ish roth fe We come ‘brief and blazing ceremony. We fall, sometimes on ed sometines onthe carpet sometimes wth Fes round th ven sfc sess inan pan wit you se? We ares there, we sy to Someone In my jew it into Death chat we say that bat ve donot gran itche Ap 3,208 when he scene ey mae one of ‘And you ida’ remember them? They would die, cn do tm he hed . ‘wo memories, Our memory has ewo forgettings. You come inom 9 orn ah ne ae he “Tero doi et mys eed song Tt you mae ine Tay asnachasitean edo ano pssble it pon sible to will - but not always.” " ™ soft is geome ech om coe ngage oma a fy Bee Bible my Lathe our KingJames the od lie ones, the youngbigones, pass toga rr her aie hack an fri ede fndagsinyorencs ounces Tyo hese caso yo hava hal ore ae Thane seas hed es rca eu ory et ani ei a ad os Ie Ms my do on bk ie Asa my ear specch bre you dot pea you ov sete Yar tron thai ak tore Aden ene woe ‘Seat ms tcp io Your ngage ly comeback owe ga, Ieytoprger ph my onoror ee yoy pe Tnolener ino wiser oie te your weds isp uth hea ead en your ng he sight ‘ouch slash myers power as penestion = Had T not written ny poems in ‘wou have loved me?" * pace Engh woul yo = What question! Te whole body ofthis sory, out Longshore, suddenly folds up, fates ou, hollows oa its back sides ise like 2 letter into 2 box, in'a hue where oar memory of eildhood shines beneath the ds the Memory issucint in ively colors it omesbackalive mother world when all memories ave fr solong gone fa ep. Afi den that ooks fora comer in which tack rose saree knows why certain memories come back alive, crbershalf dead had earned round on you {You thew yourself upon me asi TFT had opened a small gap in your thigh, as if you had ‘cine coineed that | wanted to devour you ike a panther ejaring lea real person which I would never have thought vrnoing fr anything in the world, bur overturn the fre craic ofwhat fe scemed should never be, chis moment rese- Ug dream and yet bearing a powerful ely ‘Who could have cok! me that everything tht seemed incredible at Olier de Seres when we were down ther asif Tnocked over and trampled beneath paws, now forty years [aterwe ourselves wuld Took upoa from above like gods ook- ing vthe afi of mortal? And subsequent when the days in bich we ate wl in turn be part of the past, where? who! ‘Cived by a feat admiration? will we be? our evo witnesses? ‘Or tike gos watching frm the next mountain these wo chat we wl then have been? When I evoke Olivier de Serres following your lead, 1am in the mid of reading Demenr, tine the strange tvice: founted text by Dervis haunted once by the death of Socrates who isa beautiful woman, dresed in white, beaut fal her mame tal a her sal dresed in daylight, more ‘ctyin the hour ofthe day dawning, second sine in truth perhap the fis, bya sentence. This sentence is ao tll and Fecal, hue for is part or for her par, she doesnot come, she precedes everyone: ‘he went, the naratve, the reading, the ator, the ators, ‘the winnesses she, this sentence there before us, when Ital {you aon ie you too you shiver, you ell me that she not tunlnows to yo, you have aleady found yourself infront of| her, buts for you, you donor chink she i esti but hard and auhortarian "Now nau devon le mor" *We owe ourselveseach other to death” it sys, she says. The voice is metalic, you sy. Whereas find this voice elastic like che ir of cat sequiee- ing co che laws of Nate How diferent we ae I thought the sane word ay things othervise tous ‘The to non-idensfible feminine characters the woman in white andthe sentence in the blank, monotone voice give rendezvous to the two heroes, Jasues Derrida and Socrates And hat, ill never do, ge yon arndesour, Thats indeed 2 perfdious, dreadfl expression. A rendezvous to you, Never ‘The convocation ofthe wo men: thei indicement, their convition, and whats hei crime? Life Ando say thatthe rwo feminine characters ae so beati- fal and so indiferent The thrce-beavifal woman by the way they speak of her [eel they ae under her spel iT were Iman I would recog nize her, I would bea litle bald i appearance but my mouth ‘would be open oma heart-shaped tongue, I woul chuckle in eight, my’ eyes would split par in the mile of my cheeks fy whole body would be fed by the voice of my mother, the inedible nourishing dew: And what song does she sing, ‘what song did she sing beforeve? “Iam lif.” *My baby my