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Explanation of the space between classical reality and parallel universes

As the greats in theoretical physics agree in the concept of parallel universe and how all things
are connected at the sub-atomic level to the upper universe, their presentation of the
connection from this theory only provides a macro explanation of the quantum linkage to our
alternate selves potentially running around in like worlds. At a micro level, every person on the
planet has, in some way, shape, or form experienced a type of phenomena such as Déjà vu,
Mandela Effect, or the hairs standing on the back of their necks. This paper is an explanation in
consideration of a gap between classical reality or cognitive reality (CR) and parallel universes.
Our CR interprets our direct understanding of the universe as we experience it. Non-Cognitive
Reality (NCR) describes the immediate extension of what could be the multitude of divergent
actions and interactions tied together by our sub-atomic particles and separated by frequency.
NCR fills the gap between CR and parallel universes.

If reality is our cognitive perception of our environment, and the experiences gained in it are
the sum of that cognitive interpretation along a linear path, then NCR is all the potential
variables which exponentially expand and contract in all possible directions around and through
your cognitive linear path. Non-Cognitive Reality works in sync with Parallel Universe Theory as
the continued diverging alternate pathways expand beyond the scope of local possibilities,
becoming the bridges to those parallel universes which stand completely out of sync with our
own. To be able to quantify NCR is in some sense relative to the consideration of the formula
developed to quantify the parallel universes.

A. Understanding of Non-Cognitive Reality
As we hold the standards in all physics that energy and matter cannot be created nor
destroyed, it follows that the sub-atomic particles which comprise all things in this reality would
be the same sub-atomic particles binding all alternate versions both in the NCR and parallel
universes through quantum entanglement. Also, we must incorporate the idea that all things
resonate upon a wavelength of varied speed and power. As linear time is merely a perception
within our CR, the consideration of a beginning and an ending can be realized. If given an
individual at some point along their beginnings, whether it be birth or at the point the brain
begins its functions, one such beginning can thus be called a quantum singularity and continue
its outward expansion in all aspects of possibilities; then those movements contract to a point
of quantum extinction. Like the connection between a white hole and a black hole, this exists
throughout all layers universally.
Our brains are configured to oscillate at varied frequencies which range from alpha and delta
waves to theta and gamma waves. These wave oscillations are the result of electro-neuro
synapsis firing off in specific patterns. Combined with the sub-conscious, the brain makes a
great receptor to signals of both cognitive reality and NCR. Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep,
which is the closest and most active in frequency oscillation of the brain, provides an
opportunity to tune in to NCR and CR past and future, not only in relation to their own
particular set of possible events, but of those in their surrounding range of frequency.
NCR allows us to explain phenomena such as Déjà vu and the Mandela Effect by identifying the
near sense of intertwining the preexisting pathways of future events both CR and NCR as
experienced through dream state and then experienced again at a particular point in time,
though usually not remembered but experiencing a sudden sense of familiarity of the event.
Also given is the variance of frequency with which every NCR oscillates at and how it is
influenced by the natural influencers such as force of gravity, density of mass, and other forces
of energy tied to similar frequencies.
Another possible explanation is the NCR’s relative close proximity in frequency to the CR during
particular moments when overwhelming urges or feelings compel someone to conduct a
specific action or motion due to the potential near-exact activities experienced in the NCR.
The best example to provide is where person A has a dream about an event where this person
remembers said dream. The dream itself could be of a situation where the individual asked for
something specific of person B, who in turn says no to the request. Person A wakes from the
dream and life continues for a month until upon the situation with person B that was previously
played out in the dream. Person A, identifying the results in the dream prior to the decision
made by person B, decides to adjust his question to person B in order to get a different
response, thus changing the outcome of the dream.
The takeaway from this scenario is that the situation occurred a month after the dream
happened. If that is the case then the events perceived prior must have already taken place,
thus providing evidence that time is not linear. Also, Person A changed the outcome of the
situation as dreamt and changed the course of their Cognitive Reality, leaving the other option
in NCR.

B. Non-Cognitive Reality in connection with Parallel Universe Theory

From the human standpoint, reality resonates from the world around us. The vibrations of life
vary at a multitude of frequencies which originate at the sub-atomic level. As Plank provided
the understanding of photons having both particle and frequency nature, Clinton Davisson and
Lester Germer demonstrated the wave particle duality, originally theorized by Louis de Broglie
in 1924, which demonstrated that energy and frequency exists in all matter. [1] This proof of
concept coupled with quantum entanglement allows for the understanding and connectivity
extending from Cognitive Reality to Non-Cognitive Reality, continuing further out into the
parallel universes.
Utilizing the pre-described Parallel Universe Theory III as presented in Tegmarks’ paper Parallel
Universe [2] “The abstract quantum world described by this evolving wavefunction contains
within it a vast number of parallel classical storylines, continuously splitting and merging…” In
reference to the ever-diverging multiverse, it stands to reason, even at a quantum level, that
there must be a locality of alternate reality before heading out to the point of Parallel Universe.
The fluid state of change in the multitude of alternate realities as they exponentially grow
should equate for the constant crossing of pathways, both amongst themselves and across the
cognitive reality pathway.
The line of decoherence between CR and NCR is clear in the fact that from the cognitive
mindset, there is no particular physical perception of divergence from classical reality as
gathered from our own personal experience. However, to state that there is no perception at
all would be inaccurate.
Using radio communication as an example to understand the perception, the military utilizes a
technique for communications known as Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum [3]. This is a
method of transmitting radio signals by rapidly changing the carrier frequency among many
distinct frequencies occupying a large spectral band. For advanced communications in use in
the military, there are three things you must have in order to send secure radio traffic between
1. A load set of frequencies. A series of frequencies with which the radio can quickly jump
2. Timing. In order for the radio to communicate, the load sets between two radios must
be in sync with each other. If there is a delay, or the timing is off, then attempts at
communication will be unintelligible as there will be static or no voice at all.
3. Encryption. The last bit is the algorithm to encode the transmission of the message.
If the divergence of the NCR occurs directly from the point of decoherence, then the
communication and perception from the classical standpoint loses sync within the brain’s
frequency oscillation as both lose timing. The subconscious of the brain interprets the ability to
receive the signals. During the height of its activity, when all frequencies are modulating, the
reception of NCRs could be received for brief periods of time as micro second glimpses but lost
during waking hours as the subconscious does not prioritize those signals. However,
experiences like Déjà vu can be applied to this concept of the brain receiving NCRs, as well as,
future and past CR events, when it is most active during times of rest like during REM sleep. The
synchronizing of these frequencies can be interpreted through the subconscious in the form of
dreams. The challenge of sifting between relevant and superfluous information during the
dream state is also a mitigating factor in determining what could be valid and what the
subconscious is spewing during its regular cycle to make sense of all that has happened during
the days’ time.
The other reason that the NCR acts as the buffer between CR and Parallel Universe is the
probability of near-term outcomes can only extend so far before not seaming feasible to return
toward the continuing CR track. For example; in a parallel universe, I could be a Theoretical
Physics professor instead of a licensed General Contractor whose own NCR track has made its
way either across our CR track or near enough in timing and frequency to warrant the
subconscious to send an overwhelming feeling, thought, or concept to the forefront of my

Although theories are never truly concluded, the end state of this paper was to adequately
express the concept of Non-Cognitive Reality as a locality buffer between Cognitive Reality and
its eventual extending parallel universes. The concept of perception of NCRs can be evidenced
by anyone who experience dreams and potentially measured for accuracy through dream
studies. The continued research into the subconscious and mapping of brain frequency
oscillations could also provide further insight into this concept. NCR can open up a new
perspective into the more micro superpositions of classical reality with which others might be
able to look more closely and further our understanding of the relationships we have as
individuals beyond decoherence of our own reality.

[1] Wave Particle Duality Principle
[2] Parallel Universes Max Tegmark Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
19104; (January 23 2003.)
[3] Frequency-hopping spread spectrum

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