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Republic of the Philippines


Laoang Campus
Laoang, Northern Samar





Subject Instructor
Introduction to History: Definition, Issues,
Sources, and Methodology
Learning Task 1

Identify the words you think could be possible link to the word “HISTORY”. Encircle the words
would you think possible link in studying history. You have 10 minutes to finish this task.

Monarch’s wars psychologist

Saints revolutions biologist
Government records nobilities archeologist
Songs architectures geographers
Epics personal letters love letters
Memory sociologist DNA

Task 1.

• Explain why history did not give justice to the complexity of the subject and its
importance to human civilization?

ANSWER: As anchored in the reference, history is the study of the past. History was
being develop not just by writing but also through storytelling or oral tradition which
sometimes become a great factor that the other information become omitted or
neglected which is considered as the vital part of the story. In explaining the complexity
of a particular event or things, orally and has no any written records, some may think
that it is invalid which lead to elucidation why history gives an injustice account. A
means from that, history did not give justice to the complexity of the subject in a matter
that if we are going to dig deeper to the antiquity it is mainly focused in the lives of
renowned and eminent individual in the society especially about heroes, saints,
monarch’s, and nobilities. But we all know that history is very paramount to human
civilization in every aspects of life. Through history we learn from the experiences of
our ancestors. We learn from their mistakes and somehow it gives a lesson that can
be our guide to avoid those lapses if we encounter in the same page of our story.
History molds what we are and what we have now.
• Explain why historiography is important for students studying history?

ANSWER: Historiography as defined by Merriam Webster Dictionary, it is the writing of

history or history of history. Sounds very confusing but it is understandable that what’s
included in the history is the historiography. From this, the imperative of historiography
for students studying history is that it aids one person to answer the various questions
which are connected in the history especially the questions: What is history? Why study
history? History for whom? Through this, one cannot study history without
historiography because they are bind together so that student can have a first-hand
information a reason that it is considered as a root of learning and knowledge of what
is the major events in the past that gives inevitable contribution in the formation of the
ancient time.

• Give one event in the Philippine history that falls into positivism and
postcolonialism approach.

ANSWER: Positivism is a school of thought emerged during the 18th and 19th Century
and it requires empirical and observable evidence before one can claim that a
particular knowledge is true. One of the events that shows positivism is when the
Americans depicted the Filipino people as uncivilized in their publication. They wanted
the colonialization to appear not as a means of undermining the Philippines
sovereignty but as a civilizing mission to fulfill what they called as the “white man’s
burden.” Meanwhile, the postcolonialism approach is a school of thought that emerged
in the early 20th Century when formerly colonized nations grappled with the idea of
creating their identities and understanding their societies against the shadows of their
colonial past. The example of this style is that it is the history of second World War in
the Philippines that depicts the U.S as the hero and the imperial Japanese Army as
the oppressors. Filipino who collaborated with the Japanese were lumped in the
category of traitors or collaborators.

Assessment Task 3
• Assess and examine critically the primary source and apply research to prove you
evidence is valid. Provide critical analysis on the primary source and answer the
following question:

1. Did young Rizal really write poem “Sa Aking mga Kabata”?
ANSWER: I believe it was really the young Rizal who wrote the poem entitled “Sa Aking
mga Kabata.”

2. What makes the poem suspicious for the young Rizal?

ANSWER: It was said that Rizal was fluent in speaking and writing in Tagalog however
he was not able to write a whole novel in his own dialect. Furthermore, it was also
questioned that an eight years old youngster that usually just start to read could write
five stanzas poem with philosophical terms.

3. What are your evidences that young Rizal really the author of the poem?
ANSWER: Habitually, believing that the poem entitled “Sa Aking mga Kabata” was the
first written Tagalog poem of Rizal is one of the evidences that might prove that Rizal
could wrote the poem. Besides, Rizal was known as a prodigy child because of his
unbelievable intellectual capacity like the fact that he was able to speak twenty-two
languages in his life and it was said also that it is his mother, Dona Teodora Alonso
who inspired him to write poems.
Assessment Task 4
What Source? Read the following scenarios and classify the sources discovered as primary,
secondary, or tertiary sources. Write your answer in the space provided.
1. Jose was exploring the library in his new school in Manila. He wanted to study the
history of Calamba, Laguna during the nineteenth century. In one of the books, he saw
an old photograph of a woman standing in front of an old church, clipped among the
pages. At the back of the photo was a fine inscription that says: “Kalamba, 19 de Junio

Is the photograph a primary, secondary, or a tertiary source? Why?

ANSWER: The photography is primary source. The reason why I claimed that the
photography is considered as a primary source it is because the source produced is at
the same time as the event, period, or subject being studied. In a means if we are
going to scrutinize we can say the leveled where the photo was taken as well its date
that prove it is in line in the primary source.

2. Lorena was a new teacher of Araling Panlipunan in a small elementary school in Mauban,
Quezon. Her colleagues gave her the new textbook that the she ought to use in class. Before
the class started, Lorena studied the textbook carefully. She noted that the authors used works
by other known historians in writing the textbook. She saw that the bibliography included
Teodoro Agoncillo’s The Revolt of the Masses and The Fateful Years: Japan’s Adventure in
the Philippines, 1941-45. Also she saw that the authors used Ma.Luisa Camagay’s Working
Women of Manila During the 19th Century and many others.

Is the photograph a primary, secondary, or a tertiary source? Why?

ANSWER: The photography is tertiary source. With this, I state that that the
photography is tertiary source because main purpose of the source is to list and
summarizes or repackage ideas. It is also tertiary source because the author of the
said book that Lorena’s using, uses also some sources that is considered as secondary
source that it why it tertiary because it was pattern or locate in the previous source. In
connection, if we apply critical thinking with regard to the article we can conclude that
the textbook was moored and anchored for two consecutive time from the original
Customs of the Tagalogs
(Los costumbres de los Indios Tagalos de Filipinas)

Learning Task 1
Identify the following words and write your answer in your activity sheet. You have
10 minutes to finish this task.




Question & Answer 1.1

1. As what you observe in our country, do you think Social classes is still visible? Explain
your answer.
ANSWER: From what I have observed in my country, I think that social classes are still
visible. For a reason that if we are going to perceive in our society these Social classes
are still predominant and widespread because of different factors that we encounter
especially that we facing right now the COVID-19 pandemic that become a great
feature that this classes will be leveled in our society. Aside from that, I can say that
these Social classes are perceptible because the human race nowadays classified it
through the income of one person or in a certain family member that is why it is easy
to distinguish the classes. In addition, another reason why I state that it is noticeable
is because of the physical appearance of a person and the way the individual uplift
herself/himself in clothes and style or fashion.
Question & Answer 1.2

1. Is this dowry of our ancestors being still evident even though we are in digital era?
Prove your answers.
ANSWER: I think that at this moment that we are facing the 21st Century wherein we are
connected with the progression of science and technology I think this dowry of our
ancestors is not evident nowadays. A reason why I uplift this idea is that, in the society
that I live in today, marriage can be accessible on different social media platforms
because of the various puts that promote dating sites which are considered as the
current trade in this generation. It was also a mere fact that in this situation mankind
become captured with gadgets brought by the modern era. Moreover, if we are going
also to perceive our current situation everything is only one click especially the
courtship in a means that through media and information it makes easier and more
reachable. Those are factors that in the contemporary age, dowry is not already
prevalent in or digital era.

Question & Answer 1.3

1. Is it true that our Filipino ancestors believe in Animism before the coming of Spanish

ANSWER: My insight with this question is that I firmly believe that our Filipino ancestors
believe in Animism since time immemorial in a sense that when I was in my elementary
and high school journey there are a lot of books published that discuss that our ancestor
believes in Animism or the belief that all animals, geographic features, and natural
phenomena are inhabited by a spirit. This Pre-Hispanic era also proves that our
ancestors linking in that religion because the belief system of the Filipino during this time
consist of a pantheon of gods, spirits, creatures, and men that guarded the streams,
fields, trees, mountains, forests, and houses. Another reason why I truly believe that our
ancestors practicing animism in a matter that if we are going to scrutinize deeply the TV
series, titled “INDIO” that has a genre of historical drama portraying the lives of the
Filipinos before the Spanish colonialism we can conclude that they truly live with said
religion. Wherein the movie highlights the practices of Animism such as worshiping
nature and believing in the god and goddesses which serve as their navigators in
chasing their day-to-day living. Lastly, another thing that our ancestor believes in was
Animism because it was proved by many archeologists at the national and international
Question & Answer: 1.4

1. Our elderly often believes in “pamahiin”. Do you think on the advent of technology
would it be possible for millennial like you to still believe in this? Why?
ANSWER: I think despite the advancement of technology in this era it is still possible to
believe with those “pamahiin” that our ancestor believes in. A means that as one of the
millennial individuals who wade in this modernized world I persist to practice and live
with those beliefs in a reason that it is one of the teachings of my parent in shaping my
personality as I starting to face and hone in this sarcastic reality of life as well as it also
thought by my grandparents to always live with it because it will serve as one of the
best action that might save my life from any arising transgression. A matter that it will
aid me to be my compass in narrowing my journey and what are the pleasant decisions
in every doubt that I encountering because those “pamahiin” encompasses my self-
awareness and security and remain as my beckoning light in finding my path and in
deciding life. Aside from that, it is probable also that the internet savvy individual like
me believes in those “pamahiin” because in my 18 years of existence in this world it is
always shown to promote a healthy mental attitude in my part wherein I learn how to
make a careful choice that I take in life. All in all, despite the prevalence of technology
in this epoch it never hinders me to continue to believe in our ancestor's great legacy.

2. Give at least 10 omens that we still practiced here in Northern Samar. Explain
give each an example.
1. Don’t go straight home after attending a wake
• This omen is called “pagpag” (the shaking off the dirt). In the context of a wake,
it means going elsewhere after attending the wake before heading home to
shake off the spirit of the deceased least it follows you home. This belief are
mostly practice in the Northern Samar.
2. Siblings should not marry within the same year
• This superstition is called “sukob” and advises against siblings marrying within
the same year as it is said to divide the luck between the two marriages. Another
type of marriages within the same year as the death of an immediate family
member. Pushing to do so is condidered bad luck.
3. Respect the elementals
• Filipino folklore is rich with a variety of elementals, from giants smoking tobacco,
to small, grumpy, old men living in anthills. Stories of these creatures fill the
childhoods of many Filipino children, inciting both intrigue and fear.
4. Sweeping at night is “Malas”
• This takes the most popular belief in Filipino traditions especially in the Northern
Samar that our grandparents always taught us back then. They uplift that it
doesn’t matter how dirty the floor is or if have dirt on the sala because someone
forget to take off the shoes, because will result unlucky or ‘malas’
5. When you bite your tongue semeone is thinking of you.
• If someone accidentally bite his/her tongue, this means someone can’t get you
off in their mind. Meanwhile, despite of the idea of somone might be thinking of
you is somewhat sweet, the thought of having them think of you can be in a bad
way or also disturbing.
6. Crossing paths with a black cat is a bad omen
• This mean that the way to shirk is catastrophe is to immediately go back to the
house and postpone your plan or errads for the day.
7. Fitting your wedding dress prior to your wedding day will cost you into bad
• It fosters that bride is strictly prohibited to fit her wedding gown prior to the actual
day itself. A means that it was believe that doing the said fitting will cost the
bride’s life.
8. Walking under a ladder was considered as bad luck
• This means that when you walk through the triangle, it’s thought that you tempt
the fates. You also run the risk of awakening spirits who may not be happy with
the disturbance.
9. Breaking a mirror
• This omen is signify as a bad luck because breaking a mirror sets you up for 7
years of bad luck. That may be because 7 years is the time it takes to replace
all the cells in the physical body.
10. Knock twice on wood to reverse the bad luck
• The origin of this renowned omen dates back to a time when some culture
believed that gods lived in trees. To ask the gods for a favor, people would
lightly up the bark of the tree.
Module 2 Assessment


This quiz pertains to Chapte1 of the textbook Los costumbres de los Indios Tagalos de
Filipinas by Fr. Juan de Plasencia.

Points: 20

Questions: 20

Allowed Attempts: 1

1. Uraca
2. Barangay
3. Maharlica
4. 2 half slave and half free
5. Dowry
6. Simbahan
7. Bathala
8. Dianamasalanta
9. Nagaanitos
10. Datu
11. Lic-ha
12. Manyisalat
13. Mancocolam
14. Mantatanggal
15. Manggagayuma
16. Sonat
17. Pangatahojan
18. Bayoguin
19. Barangay
20. Datu

1. Why did Juan de Plasencia write the customs of the Tagalogs?

ANSWER: Juan de Plansencia wrote the customs of Tagalogs to provide an exoticize

description of the natives’ Tagalog that should be appealing to the Western outsiders.
It was intentionally written during the Spanish colonial period.

2. What are the customs of the Tagalogs?

ANSWER: The customs of the Tagalog has three categories: First, is the Social System
wherein the natives are regrouped according to their financial income or status in the
society they lived in. Second, is the Status of the Child/Children, it includes the money
that they will get from their parents. Lastly, is the Dowry/Divorce that pertains to the
married life of the Tagalog natives.

3. What is the main idea of customs of the Tagalogs?

ANSWER: The main idea of the customs of the Tagalog that we can get is the distinctive
way of living among the Tagalog natives which make them special compared to other
group of people.

4. What is the background of Fr. Juan de Plasencia?

ANSWER: Fr. Juan de Plansencia was born in the 16th century in Spain and considered
as Fransiscan Friar who has known to be a leader of the natives. He was also credited
for founding a number of towns in the provinces of Bulacan, Laguna, and Rizal. That
is why he spent most of his missionary life in the Philippines, where he authored
several religious and linguistic books, most notably the Doctrina Cristiana, the first
book ever printed in the Philippines. Fr. Palencia died in 1590 at Liliw, Laguna.
First Voyage around the World
Learning Task 1

Identify the following words words and write your answer in your activity sheet. You have
10 minutes to finish this task.

I. IDENTIFICATION. Identify the following.

______Kinnari _______ 1. Gold artifact of religious significance; The half-bird, half-woman creature
______No Rose______ 2. Pigafetta’s family motto
______Johanna______ 3. Christian name of Queen Juana; wife of Rajah Homabon.
______Amorsolo_____ 4. The painter of Philippine sunlight.
__Francisco Serrano__ 5. Cousin of Ferdinand Magellan
_Ferdinand Magellan__ 6. First man who circumnavigate the world
_____Paris, France____ 7. The treaty of Paris was signed in what country?
________Knife_______ 8. The natives offered a porringer of rice in exchange of ________________?
____Inter Caetera_____ 9. A papal bull issued by Pope Alexander IV
_Gaspar de Quesada___ 10. Captain General of Concepcion ship
______Johanni_______ 11. Christian name of King of Mazaua
______1522_________ 12. On what year does the Spanish fleet complete the circumnavigation?
______Spanish_______ 13. The first colonizer of our country?
The Treaty of Tordesillas 14. A division of the lands beyond Europe between Portugal and the Crown of Castille
__ Tudrok or Tugbok _ 15. Both young and old man pierce their penises with a gold tin rod called?

II. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read each question carefully and choose the correct answer. Write the letter of the
correct answer before the number. STRICTLY NO ERASURES.
1. He served as secretary to the Papal Ambassador to the Court of King Charles I, in Valladolid, Spain
a. Ferdinand Magellan c. Maximilianus Transylvanus
b. Antonio Pigafetta d. Franciso Serrao
2. The island that was named by Ferdinand Magellan during his expedition in 1521.
a. Ma-yi c. Archipelago of St. Lazarus

b. Maniola d. Felipinas
3. King Emmanuel of Portugal refused to finance his journey which prompted him to renounce his Portuguese
citizenship and offer his services to King Charles I of Spain.
a. Ferdinand Magellan c. Luiz Mendoza
b. Juan Sebastian Elcano d. Joao Serrao
4. According to the writing of Antonio Pigafetta explorers arrived at Zamal (Samar Island) on what date?
a. March 18, 1521 c. March 15, 1521
b. March 17, 1521 d. March 16, 1521
5. Native Filipino term of Palm wine.
a. Uraca c. Cochos
b. Areca d. Ureca
6. Name given by Ruy Lopez de Villalobos to the Philippines in honor of then Prince of Crown of castille
a. Pilipinas c. Felifinas
b. Felipinas d. Pelipenas
7. First mass based on Crown of Castille time?
a. March 30, 1521 c. March 31, 1521
b. April 01, 1521 d. April 02, 1521
8. The Rajah that required all ships were to pay tribute.
a. Colambu c. Sikatuna
b. Homabon d. Lapu-Lapu
9. The King who made the first Sandugo with Magellan.
a. Sikatuna c. Siagu
b. Homabon d. Lapu-Lapu
10. The 21-karat gold figure dating to around 850 to 950 C.E. weighs 4 lbs and depicts a woman sitting in the
lotus position in Buddhism.
a. Kinari c. Golden Tara
b. Golden Buddha d. Campuchea

Question & Answer 1

1. Do you still remember the 3G’s? Explain 3G’s

ANSWER: The 3G’s pertains the main motives of the explorers during the age of
exploration. The first G stands for God which is their desire to spread and expand
Christianity. The second G is Glory which stand for greater power and larger empire
and last G gold which stands for the attainment of gold, silver and other precious
stones for greater wealth.

Question & Answer 2

1. To make the explanation short. What is Treaty of Tordesillas? Explain

ANSWER: The Treaty of Tordesillas is a treaty that states the world was being
divided into two parts by the Spain and Portugal wherein the East part that has an
unclaimed territory will be given to Spain and the Western part will be given to
Portugal. The Treaty of Tordesillas aimed to lessen the war between the two
powerful countries during 1494 which is Spain and Portugal.

Question & Answer 3

1. From the picture of the map naming Ladrones Island. It tells us that Magellan and
his fleet came to the Ladrones island dated March 15, 1521, but according to our
history Magellan and his fleet set their feet on our Philippine soil dated March 16,
What is the real date of Magellan coming in our country?

ANSWER: As I evaluated in the map naming the Lardones Island, I can say that real
date of Magellan coming in our country was March 16, 1521 in a means that if we
are going to have a dipper analyzation we can concluded that March 15, 1521 is
not stated in the map that was presented in the module or reference.
Question & Answer 4

1. Controversy about the first mass in Limasawa some historian said that it’s not in Limasawa
but instead it was held in Butuan. What is your stand about the first mass?

ANSWER: With this contradicting issue, I must say that first mass was held in the
place of Butuan. This perspective of mine was supported by the chronicles of
Pigafetta, in a reason that if we go back in our history and comprehend it we
conclude that during that time the King name Raia Calambu, King of Zuluan and
Calagan (Butuan and Calagan), and the first King Raia Siagu was attended the
first mass on March 31, 1521, which happened to be Easter Sunday. At that
moment, Magellan ordered the chaplain to preside a Mass by the shore and the
two kings heard this plan and sent two dead pigs and joined the Mass. Another
reason why Butuan is where the first mass was seized because after that mass,
Magellan ordered that the cross be brought with nails, and crown in place.
Magellan explained that the cross, the nails, and the crown were signs of his
emperor and that he was ordered to plant it in the place that he would reach. The
two kings that time concurred and allowed for the cross to be planted that is why
the said Mass would go down in history as the first Mass in the Philippines, and the
cross would be the famed Magellan’s Cross still preserved at present day.

Learning Task 2
1. Why was Magellan’s voyage considered a historic endeavor?

ANSWER: The Magellan’s voyage was considered a historic endeavor because it

was Magellan who first circumnavigate the Earth that change the mindset and
perspective of the people around the globe in a means that he was stated that our
Earth is flat in which it is an information that was measured as a lie because Earth
is round or spherical in shape.

2. Why it is that Pigafetta’s writing considered the purest?

ANSWER: In my own standpoint, Pigafetta’s writing considered as the purest

because it was one of the most cited documents by the historians who wished to
study the precolonial Philippines. Which consider as one of the earliest written
accounts, Pigafetta was seen as a credible source for a period, which was prior
unchronicled and undocumented. Moreover, being the earliest detailed
documentation, it was believed that his writings account is purest.
3. From the learning you’ve gained what is the real date of Magellan’s coming
to our country?

ANSWER: Upon reading and moored in the module as well as searching the primary
sources of information I found out that the real or exact date of Magellan’s coming
to our country was March 16, 1521. A reason that ten days after they reached
Lardones Islands, Pigafetta reported that they reached what Pigafetta called the
island of Zamal, now Samar but Magellan decided to land in another uninhabited
island for greater security where they could rest for a few days. Pigafetta recounted
that after two days, March 18. Meaning if we are to examine and analyze deeply
the primary source we can state that the real date of Magellan’s coming to our
country was March 16, 1521.

Philippine Revolution
Learning Task 1
Enumerate the 20 persons involve in Philippine Revolution and identify each of them, write
your answers here. You have 10 minutes to finish this task.

1. Jose Burgos – Accused of mutiny by the Spanish

2. Mariano Gomez – Accused of mutiny by the Spanish
3. Jacinto Zamora – Accused of mutiny by the Spanish
4. Jose Rizal – National Hero of the Philippines
5. Andres Bonifacio – Supremo ng Katipunan
6. Emilio Aguinaldo – First President of the Philippines
7. Apolinario Mabini – Brain of Revolution
8. Gabriella Silang – Leader of Revolt in the Ilocos Region
9. Melchora Aquino – Tandang Sora
10. Juan Luna – Filipino Painter
11. Gregorio Del Pila – Filipino General dueing the Philippine American War.
12. Antonio Luna – Filipino General
13. Graciano Lopez Jaena - Journalist and renowned because of his La Solidaridad
14. Diego Silang – Filipino Revolutionary
15. Emilio Jacinto – Commanding General of Katipunan
16. Marcelo H. del Pilar – Filipino writer or Plaridel

17. Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista – Authored the Declaration of Philippine Independence.

18. Teodoro Plata – Co-Founder of Katipunan

19. Deodato Arellano – First President of Katipunan
20. Mariano Ponce – Filipino Physician during revolution
Question and Answer #1

1. What is the purpose of the Katipunan?

ANSWER: The purpose of Katipunan is to gain the Philippine Independence from the
Spanish colonizers through armed revolt. Due to the abusive Spanish government, the
Filipino people united paving the way of building Katipunan headed by Andres

2. Who exposed the Katipunan?

ANSWER: The person who exposed the Katipunan was Teodoro Patino. A reason
why he exposed the Katipunan because he got fight with fellow katipunero Apolonio
de la Cruz because of the two-peso wage increase in the printing shop of Diario de
Manila. Because of this, Patino, went to his sister Honoria and revealed the secrets
and plans of the KKK. Honoria went to tell the head nun about this matter. Then nun
urged Patino to tell the secrets to the parish priest that resulted to the total annihilation
of indios in one of the places where KKK would up rise.

3. Do you consider Aguinaldo a revolutionary?

ANSWER: I consider Aguinaldo a revolutionary, a means that just lie other heroes he
also fought and offered his life whole-heartedly for the freedom of our beloved country
just to achieved its liberty from abusive colonizers.

4. Is it true that Aguinaldo and Bonifacio have conflict?

ANSWER: In my own perspective, Bonofacio and Aguinaldo has a good relationship

to each other back then and had no conflict at all but after the snap election that was
held at Tejero’s Convention wherein the supremcy among katipuneros was
transferreed from Bonifacio to Aguinaldo become the said conflict was arise and grew
larger causing some unwanted accident and happenings.

Question and Answer #2

1. Why was the Tejeros Convention failed?

ANSWER: The Tejeros Covention was not fully realized because all of the members
took their oath except for Bonifacio who is in anger because he lost his position as the
Supremo ng Katipunan.
2. How did the two-rival faction of Katipunan Magdalo and Magdiwang come

ANSWER: The two faction which is Magdalo and Magdiwang are considered rival
because Magdalo are in favor of Aguinaldo to become the leader of revolution wherein
Magdiwang are favor of Bonifacio.

3. Is it true that during the Tejeros Convention Aguinaldo is not the location?

ANSWER: Yes, it is true that Aguinaldo is not in the Tejero’s Convention in a reason
that at that moment he is away fighting in Pasong Santol.

4. And because of this event the truce between Aguinaldo at Bonifacio fired up?

ANSWER: Precisely yes, due to the Tejero’s Convention the conflict between
Aguinaldo and Bonifacio arise starting from the position that has transferred from
Bonifacio to Aguinaldo.

5. Why is it that Bonifacio walked out on the said election?

ANSWER: The reason why Bonifacio walked out on the said election in a matter that
that Bonifacio cannot accept the fact that his position as the Supremo of Katipunan
has been transferred to Aguinaldo but instead he was elected as the Director of Interior
but it was questioned by Daniel Tirona which lead Bonifacio to be insulted the reason
why he left that time.

Question and Answer #3

1. Why Emilio Aguinaldo did kill Bonifacio?

ANSWER: Emilio Aguinaldo did kill Bonifacio because of the reason that Bonifacio
build another alliance or group that fight or contradict in the ethics and rules of
Katipunan that’s why Aguinaldo summoned his allies to hunt Bonifacio for the severe

2. How was Bonifacio executed?

ANSWER: Bonifacio was executed through firing squad.

3. Who betrayed Bonifacio?

ANSWER: The person who betrayed Bonifacio is Emilio Aguinaldo.

4. What is the main reason why the Bonifacio brothers executed?

ANSWER: The main reason why Bonifacio brother executed because they established
a rival government against Aguinaldo, and for committing sedition and treason.

Question and Answer #4

1. Why did the Pact of Biak na Bato fail?

ANSWER: The Pact of Biak na Bato failed because of Spanish colonizers did not
follow and comply all the agreement including the money that was being promised as
a condition of surrender.

2. Why did Emilio Aguinaldo choose Biak na Bato as the place for his retreat?

ANSWER: Aguinaldo choose Baik na Bato as the place for his retreat because this
place was a very ideal hide out for Emilio and his troops because the area has cause
network and river systems that is located in Butuan.

3. According to Aguinaldo he made a big contribution in our country, and it is

because of the Pact of Biak na Bato? Explain your answer.

ANSWER: Aguinaldo must be right because of Pact of Biak na Bato he really made a
big contribution. A means that because of Pact of Biak na Bato that the Filipino
revolutionary renewed their commitment for complete Independence causing the
Spanish to end its regime here in the Philippines.

Question and Answer #5

1. Why did Emilio Aguinaldo decide to go to Hongkong?

ANSWER: Emilio Aguinaldo decided to go to Hongkong together with the 18 top

officials of the revolution due to the Pact of Biak na Bato that was signed on December
14 to 15 1897 with conditions consisting of the exile of the evolutionary leadership.

2. Why did Emilio Aguinaldo decide to side with the Americans in their war against

ANSWER: The reason why Emilio Aguinaldo decided to side with Americans in their
war against Spain in a reason that Spanish Government did not fully comply all the
agreement that was stated in the Pact of Biak na Bato.
3. What is Treaty of Paris? Explain your answer.

ANSWER: The Treaty of Paris was an agreement signed between Spain and the
United States of America regarding the ownership of the Philippine Islands and mother
Spanish colonies in South America. The agreement ended the short-lived Spanish-
American War. The Treaty was signed on December 10 1898, six months after the
revolutionary government declared the Philippine Independence. The Philippines was
sold to the United States at $20 million and effectively undermined the sovereignty of
the Filipino after their revolutionary victory. The Americans occupied the Philippines
immediately which resulted in the Philippines-American War that lasted until the
earliest years of the twentieth century.

4. There are rumors that Aguinaldo accept monetary from Spanish government as
a payment for the surrender of the Filipino revolutionaries. What will be your

ANSWER: My standpoint with issue is that I don’t believe that Aguinaldo accept
monetary from Spanish government as a payment for the surrender of the Filipino
revolutionaries, a means that if we going to look back to our history Aguinaldo
sacrifices many things in his reign as a Supremo of Katipunan that cause of the death
of Bonifacio. With this if we are going to analyze it deeply, the patriotism and
nationalism truly circulate in his persona and that is the spirit of the truest Filipino who
seek for the freedom who is willing to give up something for something good and
something better.

Question and Answer #6

1. What were the main reasons behind the declaration of Independence in


ANSWER: Aguinaldo wanted to establish an autocratic regime from the advice of

Ambrosio Rianzares the reason why he wants to declare the Philippine Independence.
2. According to some historians it’s not Emilio Aguinaldo who wave the Philippine

ANSWER: In my opinion, I must say that Aguinaldo was one who wave the flag in a
means that it was prove by many primary sources since when I was in elementary and
there are a lot of books published that claiming that Emilio Aguinaldo wave the flag
first. Aside from that, it was also attested in one of the most famous sites of history in
Philippines that it was first flown and waved the flag by Emilio Aguinaldo in Kawit,
Cavite on June 12, 1898, during the Independence Day celebration.

3. Who authored the Declaration of Philippine Independence?

ANSWER: Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista authored the Declaration of Philippine


4. When was Philippine Independence declared?

ANSWER: The Philippine Independence was declared on June 12, 1898.

Learning Task 2
Answer the following, you may another sheet of paper for your answers.

1. Give the message behind Kartilya ng Katipunan

ANSWER: The message behind the Kartilya ng Katipunan is that it fosters the
understanding the values, ideals, aspirations and even the ideology of the organization
as well as reveal the more thorough understanding of the Katipunan and the significant
role that is played in the revolution and in the unfolding of the Philippine history.
2. Name the significant persons behind KKK and their functions.


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