History and The Interpretation of Texts: Terence Ball

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History and the Interpretation of Texts


Hermeneutics - the art of interpretatjon - takes its necessity for the meaning-seeking creatures that we
name from Hermes. In Greek mythology Hermes are. Next I shall sketch briefly the chief tenets of
was the winged-foot messenger of the gods and various 'schools' of (or, less formally, approaches
sometrung of a trickster to boot. Like the Sphinx to) interpretation Marxian, ' totaliLUrian·. Freudian,
and the Orac le at Delphi, he relayed messages from feminist, Straussian. new historical. and postmod-
the gods in an encoded and allusive way. typica lly ernist and the interpretive controversies between
in the form of riddles, leaving it to his human hearers and among them. Along the way 1shall supply sev-
to interpret the meaning and significance of any eral cautionary talcs about how not to interpret par-
message (Palmer. 1969: 13 ). Somenmes they got it ticular passages from important thinkers. And
right, and sometimes not - oflen with disastrous finally I conclude by presenting and defending my
resu Its. 0\\11 'pluni listic' and ·problem-driven' approach lo
Students of political theory do not attempt 10 the interpretation of texts in political theory. I want
decode and interpret the meaning of messages of thmughout Lo emphasi,e two points in purticulur
divine origin But we do, of necc~sity, attempt to that nut all in1erprc1a1ium, arc equa lly valid or valu-
understand messages sent to us by long-dead and able; and thc1t interpretations arc rationally critici;,-
all-too-human thinkers whose wo1ks we read and able and corrigible.
ponder and mine for meaning. Thus political theory
is in imponnnt ways a backward-looking enterprise.
A very considerable purt of its subject-muller is its
own history, which consists of classic works from
Plato onward. In this respect poliucal theory is quite
unlike (say) physics. One can be a very line physi-
cist without ever having studied the history of lntcrpretation comes with the territory or being
physics or having read Aristotle's Physics or the human. It is an acuvity from which humans cannot
Ionian nature philosophers or. for that matter, the escape. Our prehistoric ancestors interpreted the
works of Gah leo and Newton. The same cannot be meaning of animal entrails, omens and other signs
said of political theory. A student or political theory that might make their world more intelligible and
must have read. reread and renectcd upon the works perhaps portend their future . They, like modem
of Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, meteorologists, attempted to foreca!.t the weather
Rousseau, Marx, Mill and many others if she is to by looking at clouds and observing the behaviour of
be competent in her chosen vocation. birds and other creatures. With the coming of liter-
But there is more than one way to read, interpret, acy came the primacy of the written over the spoken
and understand the works that comprise the canon - word. Religious people, then as now, interpret the
changing and contested as it is - ofpoliLical theory. meaning of sacred scripture. Judges, lawyers ond
My aim in this chapter is 10 say something about the ordinary clli.:cns read and interpret constitutions
v:inety and diversity of approaches to the interpre- and other texts. And students of political theory
tation of texts in political theory. I shall begin by read and adjudicate among nval interpretations of
noting that interpretation is not an opl1011 but a texts in poli11ca l theory.
History and the Interpretation of Texts 19

How one interpreLS Lhc meaning of any Lext has classic or otherwise. A II interpretation implies, and
implications for what one docs with it. Hermeneutics originates in, some vantage point or standpoint.
can be. and often is. a deadly serious and some- Every mterpretation. io shof4 implies an interest
umes simply deauly business (Ball, 1987). If you iliat provides the ground for ond possibility of an
doubt iL, you need only think of how Torquemada interpretation - a standpoint from which inquiry
and the Spanish Inquisition interpreted lhc Bible, or can begin and 1111crprctation proceed. These inter-
Lenin and Stalin (not 10 mention Mao and Pol Pol) ests arc, moreover, multiple and varied. One's
the works of Marx, or Hiller and the Nazi::, the writ- interests can be contemporary: what (for example)
ing~ ofNiet,sche, or Osama bin Laden and Islamic can Mill still teach u:. about liberty? Or they may be
fundamentalists the Koran, to see what carnage can more historical: why did Mill's arguments in 011
result from interpretations of tex ts tnkcn to be foun- Liberty take ilie form they <liJ? Who were Mill's
dational for mass movements. IL is therefore impor- main targets and his intended audience'? Or one's
tant for students of political theory Lo treat the texts interests may be more narrowly linguistic or liter-
they study not a::, sacred scripture. but as the handi- ary: what metaphors did Mill employ, and with
work of human beings who, although follible, have what effect? Or one's intercsLS may be logical or
much 10 leach their critical readers. philosophical: is Mill's argument in 011 Libcny log-
The vocation of political theory is in large pan ically consistent? /\re there gaps or lacunae in the
defined by its perennial fascination witJ1 and atten- argument? Is ilie argument convincing? None of
tion to ·ctassic' works. Each generation reads iliem these intcrc!ilS necessarily excludes the others But
anew aod from their own vantage point. These they do dictate what will count as a problem, what
authors ond their works comprise an important constitutes an interesting or important question, and
aspect ofour politica l tradition. which we renew and what method might be most appropriate and fruitful
enrich by reading, reflecting upon and critici1.ing for answering such questions One would not, for
the::,e works And yet to read and allempt 10 under- example, a-.scss the logical adequacy ofMill's argu-
stand a work wriuen a long time ago, perhaps in a ment b} examining the mctuphors he uses. Nor
difTcrenl language, by an author whose n,e11talitl! woulu one be able lo answer questions posed from
differs remarkably from our own, is a duunting ta~k. a historical perspective by looking only at the logi-
The reader finds herself in a po!>ition akin 10 tJ1at or cal structure of bis argument.
an anthropologist studying un alien culture (Rony, What one's guiding interests might be - and how
Schncewin<l and Skinner, 1984: 6- 7). As readers of one goes about answering 10 them is as likely as
works by Plato and other long-dead authors, we find not lo depend on the interpretive ·scbool' 10 which
ourselves in on alien age or culture with whose con- one belongs.
cepts, categories, cuMoms. und practices wc arc
largely unfamiliar. In such situations we are often at
o loss to know w/mr is being said, much less why it 'SCHOOLS' OF INTERPRETATION
is being said or what its meaning may be. We there-
fore need a 'lran..,lation' not only of the words of
There are today a number of in0ucntinl schools of,
the text but of ils meaning. I\ good translation or
or approaches 10. interpretation. Each takes a di!.-
interpretation is one that diminishes the strangeness
LincLivc npprooch 10 lhe history of political thought
of the text, making ii murc fomiliarand accessible 10
and each is highly critical of the others. Disputes
an otherwise pualed or perplexed observer. The
between and among these schools are heated and
artifilcts or texts producc<.I in political cultures pre-
often protracted I want now 10 ofTer bricrthumbnnil
ceding and differing from our own do not readily
rcvcul ilicir meanings even lo the mo:.t careful sketches of several approaches 10 inlcrprctalion.
reader. To read a tex 1 'over and over again', as some
(e.g. Plamcnatt, 1963 : I, x) advise, is no doubt nec- Marxian Interpretation
essary. But it is hurdly sufficient to enable us 10
orrivc ot anything like an adequate undcrstunding of I begin by considering the Marxian approach 10
what (soy) Plato meant by advocating the use of textual interpretation. Marx furnously remarked
'noble lies' or what Machiavel li meant by compar- that · the ideas or the ruling class arc in every epoch
ing •fortune' Uort1111a) lo a woman who must be the ru ling ideas' (Marx and Engels, 1947: 39). That
beaten and bullied. To try to make sense of such is. the Jominant or mainstream ideas of any era arc
puzzling tem1s and speech acts requires that we those that serve the interests or the dominant class,
interpret their meaning. There is no undcn,tand1ng largely by legitimating their pre-eminent position
without 1n1crprc1ation, and no intcrprctuti~)n without in s1>cicty. So it come::. Ill> no l>Urprisc, Marxists say,
the p{lSSibility of multiple (mis)underslandings. that tn slave-owning societies slavery is ponrayed
Nori~ there a neutral Mandpoint or Archimcdcan and widely regarded as normal and natural·
point from which to interpret and appraise any text. Aristotle said so in fourth-century 1-1c. Greece, a::,
20 Handbook of Political Theory

did George FiLLhugh and other apologists for 27. Though thi.: Earlh. and nit inferior Cren1ures be
American slavery before the Civil War. ln capitalist common to nll men, yet every Man hn• a Pmpe11y 1n hi•
societies tJ1c free market is portrayed in tllc main- own Person. Tlus no Body has nny R1gh110 bu1 h1mse1r:
stream media books, mass-circulation magazines The labo11rofh1& Body, and the 1Vorkofh1s hands, we
and newspapers. television, movies - as the most may sny. are properly ltis. Whatsoever I.hen he removes
oonnal, natural and efficient way to organize and run out of the State that Nntun: hath provided. and Jen LI in.
an economy. Other alternatives. such as socialism, he hath mixed his Labour with, and joyoed to 11 some-
arc always portrayed negative!), as abnormal. unnat- thing that is h1 ~ own. and thereby make~ 11 his Propertv.
ural and inefficient Ideas including tJ10sc to be
found in works of political theory - combine 10 fom1 Even so, Locke adds, there remain restrictions on
a more or less consistent set or system or ideas that how much one might justifiably remove from the
Marx calls an 'ideology'. The point and purpose of common store namely, one may not take more
any ideology is to lend legitimacy to tJ1e rule of the than one can 'use' without iis ·spoiling·. You might
domim:1111 class. Thus it.leologies serve as smuke- make apples from a commonly owned tree your
!\creen~. hiding tawdry reality from a credulous own property by expending your labour - by climb-
public, and presenting a rosy - albeit false - picture ing tllc tree, picking Lhc apple~. sorting and washing
of o society that treats all its members fairly, tJ1at them. etc. - but you arc entitled to take no more
rewards the deserving and punishes the undeserving, apples than you can use without their spoiling.
and distributes valued goods in a just and equitable These 'use' and ·spoilage' limitations arc over-
manner. come, however, with the introduction of mo11ev.
For a Marxist. then, the task oftcxtual interpreta-
tion is 10 get behind appearances. to uncover the 47. And lhlll, came in t11e use of Money. some to~ting
reality Lhcy obscure, and to expose what Marx calls thing 1Jrn1 Men rnighl keep without spo1hng, and that by
'lhe illusion oft/wt epoch' ( 1947: 30). This general mu1unl consen1 Men would take in exchange for the
approach. which is now sometimes called 'the her- Lruly useful. bu1 penshnble Supports or L1 Ii!.
meneutics of suspicion', takes no sta tement at face 48. And a~ dif1crcn1 degrees of Industry were apt to
value but view~ it as a stratagem or move in a game give Men Possei.sion!t in dilTerent Proponiom , so thi~
whose point is to obscure reality and legitimize l11,•c1111011 ofM011cy gnw them the opportunity 10 con-
existing power relations. An adequate or good imer- tinue to enlarge them.
prctation is one that performs the funcLion of
'ideology critique· - that h., penetrates the veil of Macpherson mukes much of these passages, wh.ich
illusion and brings us clo!.cr to unveiling and expos- he takes 10 represent a key juncture in Locke's jus-
ing a heretofore hidden socio-economic reality. An 11ficn1ion of capitalist accumulation uod ever-
example may serve to illustrate what this might greater inequalities of wealth ( 1962: 2()3 11.
mean in actua l interpretive prncticc. 233 5). Macpherson's critics contend lhat it is any-
One particularly important Marxian imerprctation thing but: thut Locke was a devout Christian who
of key works in political theory is C. B. Macpherson's had deep misgivings about money (the love of
n,c Politict1/ 11,eo,y of Possessive J,,divitl1wlis111 which is said in tllc Seri ptures to be · tlle root of a 11
( 1962). By ·possessive individuali~m' Macpherson evil'): that the word Locke uses in parngruph 48 is
means the political theory that serves to support and not 'property' - 1h01 which is properly and by right
legitimize those muinst.uys of modern capitalism - your own - but ·possc:,sion' (which is mere fact
economic self-interest and tllc im,titution of private without moral or legal import: a thief may posi,ess
property. I le finds llobbcs and Locke. in particular, your wallet but it is not properly his. i.e. his prop-
to be ideologists and apologi!il:. for capitalism <11'a11t erty); hence the most we may conclude is that
la /eure. Thus Locke, for example, ceases to be lhe money, and therefore presumably cupital itse lf, is 'a
good, grey, tolerant, proto-democratic thinker we human institution about whose moral status Locke
thought we kne,,, and becomci. in!.lead an extraor- felt deeply ambivalent' (Dunn, 1984: 40).
dinarily clever propagandist for the then-emerging A Marxian approach to textual interpretation
capitalist order. Mucpherson makes much, for encounters II number of di fliculties, among them
example, of Locke's discussion of private property the following. We have seen already that Marxists
in Lhe Second Trcalisc of Go1·cm111c111 (I 690). assume that the ruling ideas of an epoch arc those
Locke's problem was to justify the instituuon of that serve Lhc interests of tllc ruling class; and since
private property. particularly since the Scriptures most political thinkers have belonged to an edu-
say that God hnd given the earth lo nil mankind. cated and li1cratc elite. their ideas serve the ruling
I low then could any individual make any portion of class. Blll then Marx und Engels {and Lenin,
that common property his own'! Locke fomously Trotsky. Bukhann, Lukac!i, and many other promi-
answers thaL one scparntes one's own part from the nent Murxists) have not belonged to the class of
common by mixing one's labour with it: oppressed labourers but to a learned und literate
History and the Interpretation of Texts 21

eli1e. By Marxiun lights their ideas should serve Lhe which is 'ulways. right' and ·cannot err' . The second
interests of the ruling capitnlis1 class. not those of is Rousseau's chilling assertion that would-be dissi-
the labouring proletariat. How can the ideas of 1hesc dents must be · forced to be free·. The Lhi rd is the
Marxists serve tJ1e interests of a class 1,0 which they ominous figure of tJtc omniscient and god-like
do not belong? All attempts (by Marx and others) to Legislator. The founh and most frightening feature
answer this question - that there are some who of Rousseau's ideal republic is tJtc civil religion that
1hro111gh will or intellec1 rransccnd their 'objective' supplies a religious rationale for its Jraconian law!>
class basis. that the workers cannot theorize for and institutions. Tukcn together, these four feature!>
themselves because they arc afllicted with 'false constitute a bill o f indictment of Rousseau's 10111li-
consciousness' whilst midc.llc-class intc !lcctuals are tarian intentions (Talmon. 1952: Burker, 195 1;
not, etc. - arc merely ad hoc rationali,ations and arc Crocker, 1968).' Other later thinker:. - particularly
clearly unsatisfactory. Moreover, how Marxists can Hegel and Marx - have been subjected to simila r
interpret all political theories, past and present, ai. criticii.ms.
ideological masks concealing and justi fying the Among the most prominent representatives oflhe
domination of one claM, by another - and yet exempt '101aliwrian' approach to tex tual interpretation was
their own theorizing as an exception to this rule - is the late Sir KarE Popper, whose The Open Society
not explained (or even explainable) in any satisfac- and Its Enemies ( 1963 [ 1945]) is the most sustained
tory way. And, not least. Marxian interpretations and systematic attempt to trace the roots or modem
have n formulaic, cookie-culler quality: the inter- totahtariunism to ideas advanced by ·enemies' of
preter has preset ideas about what she will find "the open society' from Plato through to Marx. An
namely ideological trickery or obfuscation in the Austrian Jew who fled from tJtc Nazis and emi -
service of the ruling class and, presto. she finds grated to New Zealand in the 1930s, Popper
it lurking in even the most innocent-sounding regarded his research for and wriung of Tl,c Open
passages. Society as his 'war cffort" ( 1976: 11 5 ). It may be
instructive to revisit PQpper's Open Society to show
how si ncere ly held present-day concerns can
'Totalitarian ' Interpretations inform - or mi sinform our interpretation of
·classic' works in political theory Let us choose from
The twentieth century saw the rise tu power and the preceding rogues' ga llery a i.ingle example for
prominence of various totalitarian regimes and closer examination: Hege l's remark in Pl,i/osoplry
ideologies, among which fascism and communism of Right tJtat ·whut i:, rational is actual and \\ hot ~s
were particularly prominent. One important and actual is rutionar ( 1952: I0).
innucntial approach 10 textual interprcuuion , iews Popper <.jUotes Hegel's rema1 kin English Lrnnsla-
thc:,e ideologies as rooted in the thinking of earlier tion and then glosses it as follows: ' liege! muin-
poli1i1ca l theorists going as far back as Plato. These toinrsl that everything that is reasonable must be
earlier theories. when put into modern political real, and everythi ng that is real must be reasonable .'
practice, alleged ly produced llit lcr and the Thus I legcl holds that 'everything tJ1at 1s now real
I lolocnust and Stalin and tJ1e Gulag. It was there- or actual exists by necessity. and must be reason-
fore deemed important 10 detect and expose the able as well oc; good. (Particularly good is ... the
philoi;ophica l 'origins' or 'rooti.' of mo<lem 101ali- existing Prussian state)' (Popper, 1963: II , 41 ). The
turiu111i:.m by rereading and reinterpreting earlier Prussian state or· Hegel 's lime woi. un authoritanun
thinkers in light or the !utter-day · fruits' of their police state thot practi~etl censorship, arbitrary
1heori1.ing. arrest and imprisonment without due process of
Once one begini. to look for proto-totu litarian law. That :.talc was real; therefore, in Hegel's view,
themes and tendencies in earlier theorist:., they that state wa:. rational or reasonable and thus good.
seem to be everywhere. Whal is Plato 'i. perfect In this w.iy, Popper claims, flegcl gave his philo-
republic, ruled by u philosopher-king who employs sophical blessing to the Prussian prototype of the
censon,hip and ' noble hes'. if not a blueprint for a modem totalitarian state, and so must himself be
Nu.ti regime ru led by an all-knowing Fiihrer, accounted a ·totalitarian· thinker and apologist.
backed by propaganda and tbe Big Lie, or for a Hegel is, in shon, an ·enemy' of the 'open society'.
Soviet-style communist utopia ruled by a Lenin or But is Hegel guilty as charged? The i.hort onJ>wcr
a Sta lin'? Much the same might be said about is no. Let us sec: why. Herc i::; Hegel's own stole-
Machiavelli 's ruthlci.s pn nce or Hobbes's all- mcnt in the original German: ' Was vemunl11 g 1st.
powcrtul Sovereign or Rou!!Senu's all-wii.c Legislator. dos ist wirkhch; und was wirklich ist, das isl vcr-
Indeed, Rousseau's Social Contmct has come in for nunl11g.' The closest English equivalent is: ' What is
special censure. Rousseau's critics have \lewed rational is actual. and what is actuu l is rational •
him as a precursor or lotalirnriani!.m for four main NOlc that wirklid1 as translated not ns ' real ' but os
reasons. The li1st is hi11 notion of the Gcncrul Will. ·actual'. In everyday German, as in English, there i!I
22 Handbook of Political Theory

ordinarily no sharp distinction between 'real' and pretty Lransparenl. But, alas, rm not a baseball
'actual'. Poppcr(whose first language was German) player. I'm merely a 50-somet.hing male academic.
fails 10 note I.hat Hegel was writing not in ordinary An analyst might interpret tbis dream as a fear of
non-technical German but in a technical-philosophical losing sexual potency, particularly when there arc
idiom. He draws and maintains a sharp distinction high expectations and lots of pressure 10 ·perform'.
between wirkfic/1 (actual) and reef/ (rea l). In In I.his case, lhc baseball game is not a game aad lhc
Hegel's philosophical nomenclature an acorn (for Ltmp bat is not a bat but a symbol standing for some-
example) is real; but it is not actual until its poten- thing else ... Well. you get the idea.J
tial is fully actuali.i:ed. that is, when it becomes a One can supply psychoanalytic interpretations
full-grown oak. In other words, Hegel uses wirklic/1 not only of dreams bul of all sorts of Lex ts - including
to mean 'fully actuali,-ed'; he contrnsts ·actual', those in political theory. This has been done in the
not wi1h unreal. but with ·potential". Thus llcgel's case of Machia,clli (Pitkin, 1984), Edmund Burke
(in)famous statement means something like. ·What (Kramnick, 1977), Martin Luther (Eri kson, 1958)
is rational is that which fully actuali.tcs its potential; and Mahatma Gandhi {Eri kson. 1969), among
and that which fully actualizes its potemiul is rutio- others. I want to look, more particularly, at Bruce
nal. · This is far from being the sinister statement Mazlish's ( 1975) psychoanulytic interpretation of
that Popper makes it out 10 be and which he takes to themes in the work of John Stuart Mill. Mill is most
be evidence of Hegel 's ·totalitarian' tendcncics. 2 famous as the author of On liberty ( 1859) in which
There is a larger hcrmcneutical lesson 10 be he argues in favour of a very wide sphere of per-
learned from Popper's (and many others') misread- sonal freedom to li ve one·s life as oae wishes. with-
ing of Hegel (and Plato, Rousseau, and other theo- out undue interference from others, no mailer how
rists). First. it is important to place statements in well-meaning those others may be. Now as Mill
I.heir proper context conceptual-phi losophical or tells us in his Autobiography, his stern Scots father
otherwise. In this instance that means taking note of James Mill did not permit his first -born son 10 live
how I legcl uses an apparently ordinary term in a and net as he wished. Young John was 1101 allowed
non-ordinary or technical way. Second, one should 10 associate with other children, lo play games, or to
bewi1rc of any interpreter who, like Popper, has a do anything except to read and be exactingly exum-
preset thesis that he lhcn ·proves' by selectively incd on books assigned by his father. The elder
quoting und stitching togeLhcr statements taken out Mill's strict educational regimen was constnicted
of their textual and linguistic context - a penchant and carried out with the best of intentions. This
Popper shares, ironically, with the Marxists he so tightly regimented upbringing produced impressh c
detests. results, but also took its toll. At age 20 John su f-
fered o mental breakdown from which he recovered
only slowly and in part through the rcuding of
Psychoanalytlc Interpretation romantic poetry (chicny Wordsworth and
Coleridge) of which his father heunily disapproved.
In Tl,e /11terpreratio11 of Dreams, The Psycl,o- From that point on Mill ceased 10 be his fa1J1er's
parl,o/ogy of Eve,yday life, and other works. intellectual clone; he became a tl1inkcr wit.h a mind
Sigmund Freud famously argued that our aclions of his own. and an author more prolific and more
arc oficn motivated by wishes, desires, or fears of famous than his father.
which we arc not consciously aware. Psycho- Mazlish interprets On liberty less as a work of
una lytic interpretations, like Marxinn ones, full liberal political theory than as u cri de coeur and a
under the heading of 'the hermeneutics of suspi- declaration of pcrsonul independence that is more
cion'. My apparently accidental slips of the tongue autobiographical Lhun analytical (perhaps that's
(or pen). for example, may reveal to a trained psy- what Niew,che meant when he soid that all theory
choanalyst aspects of my ' unconscious' that are not is autobiography). This is 1101what Mill consciously
evident to me. So loo with my dreams. Suppose T intended; but he was led by unconscious desires lo
dreum that I am al bat in a baseball game, bottom of dech1rc himself independent of his father and, some
the ninth inning, w11h my team losing, all bases 23 years after his fatJ1cr's death, to justify his own
loaded. one ball and two strikes. Herc comes the independence and aut011omy (Ma.dish, 1975:
pitch. As I begin to swing, my bat suddenly turns ch 15). As Freud theorized, soas subconsciously
rubbery and noppy, like one that a circus clown wish 10 kill their fa thers anJ possess their mothers.
might swing. The ball whizzes past my ineffectual this he called the 'Oedipus complex'. Mill was
but and I strike out, losing the game for my team. locked in an Oedipal struggle with his father. whom
and bringing embarrassment and disgrace upon he defeated in argumcm. What 1hen of his relations
myself. I low to interpret what I've dreamed'! Well, with his mother'! I!er nume was Harriet. Signiticuntly,
if! were a baseball player who's afraid of cracking as Ma1lish notes, Mill had an illicit affair with a
under pressure, the meaning of my dream would be married woman und mother named {you guessed it)
History and the Interpretation of Texts 23

Harriet, who afler her husband died, became Harriet the theorists' contempt, and therefore ouisidc the
Taylor Mill. From a psychoanalytic perspective, purview of historians of political tJiought, most of
this is strong stuff~ and Mazlish makes the most of whom happen to be male. The neglect of women in
it (1975: 283- 93). tJ1e history of Western (and indeed non-Western)
Al1bough often suggesti ve and sometimes political thought is a silence that. to modem cars, is
insightful, psychoanalytic interpretations face stiff deafening. Feminist rercadings and reappraisals of
cvidcnliury clrnllcngcs. They arc open to criticisms the ·canon· of·classic' works ha,·c made, oncl con-
that tJ1ey arc specu lative. impressionistic and non- tinue to make. startling and often unsuspected con-
falsifiablc. and mistake coincidences for causes. To nections between phenomena as apparently
the claim that Mill symbolically defeated his father disparate as a thinker's view of the family and hi:,
and married his mother. for example, a sceptic (yes. his) view of liberty, authority, power, equal-
might answer that ·Harriet' was a very common ity. obligation. and other concepts in political
woman'l> name in nineteenth-century Britain theory.
(indeed Mill had a younger :.bter named Harriet} A feminist or gender-centred approach to the
and that Mill's affair with and marriage to Harriet history of political thought began in the 1960s when
Taylor was a coincidence of no importance, sym- women were looking for u 'usable past', a history
bolic or otherwise. As for Mill's motivation in writ- that connected present struggles with previous one:.
ing 011 Liberty. one can note that motivations are largely neglected by historians, most of whom were
typically multiple and varied and while Mazlish male. Feminist historians of poli11cal thought
may have correctly pinpointed one source, that is sought heroines - and heroes who had champi-
largely beside the point if one wishes to understand oned the cause of women's rights and related
the aim and arg11me11t of 011 liherrv. Psycho- causes. One early anthology (Schneir. 1972) included
anulytic interpretations direct our attention away not only selections from Mary Wollstonecraft,
from the 1cx1 and toward iL-; author: which is fine, if Emma Goldmun. and others, but also a section on
what we wish 10 unucrstllnd is the latter instead of ·Men as Feminists', which placed Friedrich Engels.
the former. But textual interpretation 1s not the John Stuart Mill. and other men in the feminist pan-
"ame thing as limning authorial motivation. Mill theon. Tlus transgcndcr 'popular front' sought suppon
begins 011 liberry by snying 1ha1 'The subject of from all available quaners.
this assay is .. , the mature ond limits of the power Several specialized srndics of particular thinkers
which can be legilimately exercised by society over appeared during this brief period. Theorists who
the individual.' He does not say 'by fathers over might roughly be labelled as 'liberal' were !:>inglcd
sons' . To assert, a:. Mnzli!>h does, that the latter ii. out for !:>peciul allention and homage. Melissa
the 'rea l', ulbcit hidden, meaning is merely 10 :.pec- Butler(l991) found the 'liberal roots' of feminism
ulate about Mill's motives, not 10 understand tJie in Locke's 'attack on patriarchalism •. Jeremy
argument of 011 liberty. It is perhaps because of Bentham \.\•as honoured as 'the father of feminism'
these evident shortcomings thal psychoanolytic (Bornlevi, 1984: ch. 2) and John Stuart Mill as its
interpretations have by and large fallen out of 'patron sai nl' (Willi lord. 1975). This popu lar front
favour among students ofpolilical theory. 4 was short-lived, however, for the father was
exposed a~ n patriarch and something of a misogy-
nist and the patron saint as a closet sinner with feet
Femin ist Interpretation of clay (Okin, 1979: ch. 9; Pateman, 1988; 1989).
The differences between outrighl misogynists such
Feminism has had a profound and lasting impact on us Aristotle and Rous$cau and their more enlight-
the way we study and interpret works in the history ened liberal brother:, were merely matters of
of political thought. A feminist perspective puts degree, not of kind. M11le theorists marginalii'e
issue:, concerning gentler ut the forefront, und from women by placing them outside the public or civic
that vantage point one views political theory anew sphere in which men move and act politically
und makes interesting and Sl)ll'lelimcs appalling (Elshtain, 1981). In the name of protecting the
Jiscoverics [sec further Chapter 21] Such a sensi- weuk, men have by and large lumped women with
bility injects a strong strain of :.ccpticism into U,c children and idiots and have therefore accordcJ
study of 'clu<;sic' works. For, us Susan Okin observes, them decidedly less Lhan the rights and obligation:.
'the great trndition of political philosophy consists. of full-fledged citizens. And nowhere arc these
genera lly speaking, of writings by men, for men, nefarious moves more evident than in the so-called
and about men· ( 1979: 5). To study lhis tradition classics of political thought.
from a feminist perspective is to be struck by the In this angrier and arguably more accurate
extent to which the civic and legal status of women second phase, feminist scholars set out 10 expose
was long com,idcrcJ lo be a subject unworthy of and criticiLe the misogyny lurking in the works of
theoretical treatment or perhaps merely beneath Plato, Ari:.tullc, Machiavelli, llobbes. Locke.
24 Handbook of Political Theory

Rousseau, Bentham, Mill, and Marx. amongst many 'Straussian' Interpretation

others. The public/private dichotomy and the con-
cept of consent in liberal theory arc a sham, the Straussians followers of the late Leo Strauss
social contract is a ·fraternal' construct, and the ( 1899 1973) claim that a canon of works by Plato
modem welfare state is a covertly patriarchal insti- and a handful of other authors contains the Whole
tution (Patcman. 1989). Not only arc misogyny and Truth about politics. a truth which is eternal.
patriarchy present in the history of political thought. unchanging. and accessible only to the fortunate
they can be found in histories of politicul thought few (sec further Chapter 3). Gaining access to this
written by males whose interpretations of (say) truth requires a special way of reading and of inter-
Locke reproduce the lattcr'l> scxbm by failing to preting what one read'>.
detect or critici.te its presence ( 1989: ch. 5). Slrouss was a Jewish refugee from NaLi Germany
A third phase followed in which the ostensibly who emigrated 10 the United States and subse-
civic virtues of men were turned mto vices - the quently attracted an attentive and loyal band of
hunger for power, domination. or simply ~howing students and followers. He brought with him the
off - that women supposedly lacked. Men arc dom- memory of the short-lived Weimar Republic and
ineering. women nurturing; men competitive, the rise to power of Hitler ttnd his Nal'i thugs. He
women co-opcruuve; men think and judge in detested modern liberalism and distrusted liberal
abstnict and universal categories, women in con- democracy. in no small part because Hitler had
crete and purticular instances; and so on. A new come to power in n liberal-dcmocrotic regime by
phrase - 'maternal thinking' - was coined to cover legal und democratic means. It was therefore unsur-
this gently militant momism (Ruddick, 1989). On prising that Strauss saw the history of modem
this view, men are absent fathers and domineering Western liberal political thought as a story ofdegene-
patriarchs: women arc caring and concerned mothers ration and enfeeblement. I le and his followers con-
speaking •in a different voice' (Gilligan, 1982). trasted the , igour of classical Greek and Roman
This represents something of a return to the politica l thought with the resigned e1111ui of slack-
'biology-is-destiny' esscntialism and •functional- minded modem libero! thinkers. Modern liberalism
ism' criticized ,o vigorously by Okin and others. It is a philoS1.1phy without foundatio ns. llaving
also accepts 1hc public/private distinction criticized eschewed any grounding tn nature or nutunrl law,
by Puteman and others, upending and rei fying thal modem liberalism. from !Iobbes to the present, is
dichotomy so th11t the 'pri vate' realm of the family reduced to a spineless relati,ism anti is therefore
is taken 10 be superior 10 the 'public' areu of poli- without the nonnative foundations and philosophi-
tics, power, aggression, and war (El:-hrni n, 1987). cal resources 10 resist the winds of twentieth-
Thus was Aristotle turned on his head, anti Antigone century fanaticism blowing from both right and left.
reread as a heroic defence of the family against an The ·crisis of the West', as diagnosed by Oswald
aggressive and unti-fumilia l political realm Spengler and Carl Schmitt, amongst others, has
(Elshtnin, 1981 ; 1982). tlcep philosophical roots. 'The crisis of our lime,'
The oew 'maternal thinking' and the new matcr- Strauss unnounccd. •is a consequence of the crisis
nalists' approach 10 the history of political thought, of political philosophy' ( 1972: 41 ). l-lis ant.I his dis-
in particular did not want for critics. Against the ciples· historical inquiries and textua l interpreta-
matemalists' va lon.i:ation or the private realm and tions attempted to trace the origins and diagnose if
the celebration of mothering, Mary Dict.t. ( 1985) and nut l:urc the multiple maludics of lib1.:rnlism. rela-
other feminist critics held out the prospect of an tivism, historicism ant.I scicntism that together con-
active and engaged civic feminism. or 'ciuzenship tribute 10 ·1hc crisis of our time' . The pre!.ent being
with a fcmi nist face' . Thi:. prospect is precluded, or bankrupt, student-; of political philosophy must look
at least dimmed considerably, by inadequate intcr- LO the past for guitlance; they mu!,t be historians but
prcta1ions of Ari:-totlc and 01her seminal rtgures not ' historicists'. llis1oricism is the relativist tloc-
from whom feminists might yet learn something or trinc that dilTcrcnt ages have different, if not intlced
value about politic:. nntl citi:,enship. A 'more gener- incommensurable, me111a/ites and outlooks; accord-
ous reading' of Aristotle, Sophocles, and others ingly. we mlldcrns can hurdly hope to understand,
yields political insightS and civic lessons that a cartoon- much less leum from, Pluto and other earlier
Ii ke inversion cannot hope 10 match ( 1985: 29). lf thinkers. The history of pl)litical thought. on this
feminists arc 10 learn and apply these lessons, they historicist view, becomes a vast burial ground
must engage in more nuanced textual analysis and instead of whut it can and shou ld be a source
historical interpretation. The Western political tradi- of genui ne knowledge and a reliable guide for the
tion is not reducible 10 an abauoir or a sinkhole of perplexed (Strauss, 1959).
misogyny and other vices; it con. despite its various Knowledge and guidance of the son we require
vices and when properly understood, be a wellspring arc not easy to come by, however. They require that
of politica l wistlom, we rcud these 'old books' aright - that we tlcciphcr
History and the Interpretation of Texts 25

Lhe real meaning of the messages encoded by Postmodernist Interpretation

authors fearfu l of persecution and wishing to com-
munica te with cog11osce111i through the ages The interpreti ve :.tandpoini or perspec ti ve o f
(Strauss, 1952). For philosophy is dangerous: to postmodernism arises out of 'the postmodern con-
espouse its truths in public - in that liberal oxy- dition• of fragmentation and the foi lure of system-
moron known as the ' marketplace of ideas' - is to atic philosophies or 'grand mctanarratives' such as
nsk ridicule and incomprehension, or even persecu- Hcgclianism and Marxism that emerged from the
tion., by /Joi pol/oi. To communicate with the great European Enlightenment (Lyotard, 1984).' Post-
thinlkers of antiquity is to appreciate how fur we modernism is not a single. unified perspective; nor.
have fallen. The rot began io the seventeenth century, still less, is it a sy!)tematic philosophy shared by all
with the advent of modern liberalism, and thnt of who call Lhemselvcs postmodemists. This diffuse
Hobbes and Locke c~peciully (Strauss, 1953). They group includes Mikhail Bakhtin. Paul de Mun,
disavowet.l the ancient wisdom and the older idea Roland Banhes, Jean-Fram;ois Lyotard and Jacques
of natura l law. favouring instead a view o f Derrida (literary critics and semioticians), Michel
politics fou ndet.l on security and self-interest. The Foucault (social historian and genealogist), Jacques
ancienl ' philosophical' quest for the good Ii fe was Lacan (psychoanalyst), Gaston Buchelur<l (historian
1ram,m111ed into the modern ·scientific' search for of science), Jean Buudrillard (cultural theorist and
safety, security, and the accommodation ofcompet- critic), Richard Rorty (philosopher), and William E.
ing interests. Connolly (political theorist), among many others.
The 'Sltaussian ' approach 10 the history of politi- All respond. in different ways, 10 Lhe postmodern
ciil thought requires the recovery of ancient, or at condition of fragmentati on. discontinuity, dis1Uu-
any rate prcmodcm and prclibcral, knowledge of sionmcm. nnd contingency. The world is not lb
'political things'. And this in tum requires that one coherent, continuous und comprehensible as earlier
read not only the classics Pinto and Aristotle. in (and especially Enlightenment) thinkers believed
particular but texts and authors who show us the Even our most basic beliefs arc historica lly contin-
way buck into the labyrinth, e.g. Xenophon, Alfarubi. gent (Rorty, 1989) Pace Hegel und Marx. history
Maimonides, und oLhers who arc rar,cly (1f ever) has no larger point or ·meaning• discernible via an
included in the non-Straussian curriculum (Strauc;s overarching philosophy of history or ·grand narra-
and Cropsey, 1972; Strauss, 1983). In this way one ti ve• (Lyotard. 1984) Nor is there progress 1n
b scnsiti1.ed to, and initiated into the secreL.., of. human uffai rs. Wl1a1 is called progress is more o ficn
political philosophy. Most philosophers have wriL- than not an advance in some dominant group'i,
ten two <loctrines - an 'cxoteric' one meant for con- power lo oppress another. Advances in technology -
sumption by the uninitiated. and a deeper 'esoteric' in communications technology, say increase the
doctrine to be decoded and understood by those ini- opportunity fo r surveillance and suppression
tiated into the mysteries. A 'Struussian' interpreta- (Foucault), and mass media promote one-dimensional
tion involves reading between Lhe Jines of the views of truth. beauty, normality, und morality
wriHcn teXL, so as 10 reveal its ' real ', albeit tha t perpetuate and legitimize the modem
hidden, meaning which is communicated, us it were, consumer socie ty and those who prolit from it
in u !ki nd of invisible ink. Strnussian i merpretution (Baudri llard).
owes much 10 the cabolisuc tradition inaugurated by The postmodern sensi bility is not a single. stable
medieval rabbis and scholars, who read religious thing. There arc. 10 si mplify somewhat, two muin
-;crip1ure Ob texts that hud been encoded by uuthon, versions ofpostmodem1st 1nterprctution. One derives
fearful of persecution and wishing 10 be understood largely from Nietzsche and Foucault; the othC'r,
only by readers who were clean, pure of heart, und from Derrida. I -;hall briefly consider the former
initiated into the inner cicle. before describing the lauer.
Struussian interprctntions have been criticized on A Foucaulc..lian approach to interpretation seeks
a number of grounc..ls. One is that they rely on the to expose and criticiLe the myriad ways in which
sort of ~up posed ' insider's knowledge· that ii. a\ ai I- human beings aire ' nonnalized' or made into 'sub-
able only Lo those who have been initiated into the jects', i.e. willing. panicipants in their own bUbjugation
mysteries of SLraussiun interpretation (and who in (Foucault, 1980). Thus a postmodernist perspective
tum conveniently dhmis!. criticisms by non-Straussian on the interpretation of tex t!) typically focuses on
outsiders as being hopelc1,sly ignorant and unin- the ways in which earlier Lhinkers - Rousseau or
fonncd) . Another is that they assume, withouL argu- Bentham. for example contnbuted ideas to the
ment or evidence, thaL the ·real' text docs not 111c111a/i1e that p.aved the way for the creation and
correspond, point for point. to the written and pub- legitimation or the mot.lern surveillance society.
licly nvailablc 'cxotcric' text; the rcol or ·esoteric' And converse ly postmodernist intcl'J'rc1ers look for
text remains hidden from public view, iL-; meaning earlier thinkers who challenged or questioned or
inaccessible to the uninitiated and unworthy. unc.lennincd these idea:.. This Foucauldian approach
26 Handbook of Political Theory

is well represented by William Connolly's Poli1ica/ In Derrida's version of postmodernism, the aim
Theory and Moder11ily ( 1988). Connolly begins of interpretation is 10 expose .ind cri1ici1,e the arbi-
with the genial suggestion that one ,·iew earlier 1rary or constructed character of claims to truth or
thinkers as collegial contemporaries residing down knowledge, particularly by exa mining various
the hall from one's office. To read their works is binary oppositions or dichotomies such as knower/
like dropping by for a friendly chat ( 1988: vii). known. 0bject/rcprcscotation, tex I/interpretation,
(This is perhaps the amiably unbulloned postmodern- true/false - a process that Derrida ( 1976) ca lls
egalitarian equivalent to Machiavelli 's ·entering 'deconstruction'. According 10 Derrida. all attempts
the ancient courts of ancient men', mi nus lhc 10 'represent' reality produce, not knowledge or
Florentine 's somewhat stringent dress code.) The truth, but only different 'representations', none of
reader's questions arc posed. and criticisms made. which can be proven 10 be better or truer thun ony
from the perspective of the presen1 - tba1 is, of other. All social phenomena and forms of human
'moderni ty' and 1hc conslilution of the modem experience wars, revolutions. relations between
·subject'. the sexes. and so on - exi-;t only through 1hcir rep-
Given this set of concerns Connolly proposes to resentations or ·1cxts'. And just as a literary text has
reread the history of political thoughl in a new and many pos-;iblc interprctations, so. says Derrida, do
presumably more fruitful way. That is, we can sec these other texts admit of multiple and contradic-
who has contributed Lo or dissented from the project tory ' readings' or interpretation!.. And all interpre-
of moJemity and the cons1ruc1ion of the modern talions of meaning arc in the final unalysis
surveillance society. A postmodernis1 rereading 'inde1ermina1e· and ·undecidable'. As Derrida
relocates and rea ligns curlier thinkers along alto- famously puts it, ' there is nothing outside the text'
gether different axes. A postmodernist reading of and even within the 1ext its consti tuti ve concept.~or
the history of political thought 1101 only exposes 'signifiers' have no stable meaning. Ambiguuies
heretofore unsuspected villains, it also revea ls within the text only increase with the passage of
heroes who have dared to resist the pressures and time und multiple and varied readings, until the
processes of ' normalization'. Amongst the former text 's significrs float freely and playfully apart. so
arc Hobbes and Rousseau. That the h1storieal that the reader - not the author - constructs what-
Rousseau was exceedingly critical of the historica l ever mearung the text may be said to have. Thus
Hobbes docs not mailer for a pm,tmodcmist rcaiJ- 'the death of the author' refers not 10 a physic11I fact
ing. For we can now sec them as birds of a feather, but to an artifact of postmodernist interpretation.
each havi ng extended ' the ga,e· ever more deeply Various criticisms can be levelled against a post-
into the inner recesses of the humun psyche, thereby modernist perspective on interpretation. One is that
aiding and 11bc1ting the subjugation of modem men we do sometimes ,, ish, and legitimately so, to know
unc.l women. Amongst the latter, the Marquis de whether something Marx or Mill said was 1r11e. We
Sade and Friedrich Nietzsche are particularly will not be helped by being told that true/false is a
prominent. ' We can. ' as Connolly contends, ' treat specious ' binary'. More perniciously, with its empha-
Sade as a dissident thinker whose posi tive formula- sis on diverse. divergent and conflicting 'readi ngs'
tions arc designed to crack the foundations upon or interpretations there arc allegedly no facts. only
which the theories of Hobbes and Rousseau rest' interpretation 'all the way down' postmodemism
( 1988: 73). Wbether this design was consciously is constitu1ionally unable to dbtinguish truth from
fo nnulated and put into play by the anstocrutic falsehood and propaganda from fact Thus to take
French pornographer is, at best, doub1ful ; but like a particularly dramatic example - the di fferenccs,
other postmodernist interpre1crs Connolly eschews between those who recognize the reality of the
any concern with such historica l niceties as amhorial Holocau<,t as reported by 'lurvivoN and chronicled
intention. by careful historians such as Raul I lilbcrg, and
Despite their emphasis on ' identity' and •differ- those (mainly nco-Natis) who deny it ever hap-
ence', postmodernists arc not at all concerned wi th pened, arc, by postmodernist lights, differences
whu1 John Dunn {1968) has termed the ' historical or interpretation and not or truth or fa lsity. But, as
identity· of works of political theory; nor are they critics of postmodernism note, some ' rcprcsen-
concerned with the differences thut curlier thinkers u11ioni. • arc misreprese ntations or, more bluntly,
saw amongst themse lves. Rousseau hardly saw lies - that serve to conceal and/or legi1imate abuses
himself ai. Hobbes's sou lmatc quite the contrary, of some human beings by others. A perspective that
on Rousseau's own telling - but this does not deter professes 10 be unable 10 tell fact from fi ction or
postmoc.lcrni sts from lumping these theorists true statements from lies is surely unsatisfactory not
togctbcr as fellow labourers on und conuibutors to only from an epistemologica l but from a moral
a common project. Whether, or to what extent. such poim of view. Finally, though not lensl, postmod-
second-guessing is good history or bad remains a ernists place themse lves in a logical bind. Derrida,
matter of considerable controversy. for one. has complained, oflen an<l loudly, that
History and the Interpretation of Texts 27

some of his critics have mi.Head, misinterpreted, tcxlllal interpretation, other.. were not. J. G. A. P(X.'OCk
and misrepresented his view:... Bui how can that be, ( 1962), John Dunn ( 1968: I 969; 1996). and most
if meanings arc indeterminate and authorial inten- especially Quentin Skinner ( I969; 2002; Tully,
tions arc irrelevant in interpreting texts, including 1989) provided deflationary critiques of traditional
those wriucn by Derrida? ' tex tbook' approaches 10 the interpretation of works
of political theory. Most of what bas heretofore
passed as the history of political U1eory has been
Cambridge 'New History' insu fli ciently historical. i.e. concerned with the
context and situa tion in which Locke and others
The Cambridge ·new hi!!torians' have, since the found themselves and the problems with which they
1960s, advanced u distinctive programme of hi:..tor- dealt [sec also Chapter 30 I.
ical research and textu11I interpretation. lls originl. In hi s 11w Political Thought of Jo/,11 Locke
may be traced in part to R. G. Collingwood's ( I978 ( 1969) Dunn derides psychoanalytic. Marxian. and
[ 1939)) approach 10 the history of philosophy Straussian interpretations. His is, he says, a 'histor-
(Skinner. 200 I). That history, he said, was not ical ... account of what Locke was talking 11bout,
about an eternal but finite set of questions 10 which not a doctrine written (perhaps unconsciously) by
different philosophers have propo!>ed different him in u sort of invisible ink which becomes appar-
answers. It was, rather. about historica lly variable enl only when held up to the light (or heat) o f the
problems to which particular philosophers proposed twentieth-eentury mind'. Dunn rejects the quixo1ie
panicular answers: aucmpts by ·a succession of determined philo-
sophers mounting their scholal:itic Ro!>inantes and
If tl1en: wcr.: a pcnnancnt problem P, we could nsk
riding forth to do bat1lc with a set of disused wind-
'what did Kant, or Lc1bn11., or Ocrkch:y. tl1ink about PT ...
mill!>, or solemnly and expertly nailing thin air' .
Out what is thought to he a permanent problem P is
Dunn's inquiry aims instead.
rc:ally a number of transitory problems p 1 P! p, ...
whose: individual pi:cuh11n11es arc blum:d by Ilic: histori-
cal myopia of the pe~on who lump~ them 1oge1her 10 n:~torc the windmill it) 1b origi nal condi1ion. m ~how
how, crcakingly bu1 unmi,tnknhly. the sails USl!d to
under the one name P. ( 1978 [1939] : 69)
tum. Even at the level ofpreccrving anc1.ent monumenls
In contrast to those who claim that there ore ·peren- ii is perhaps a service to recondition the,e hnllo,wd tar-
nial' questions or problems in poliucal theory (c.g gets. There seems hule purpose in recording hits on n
Tinder, 1979), Collingwood argued tha t the quc:.- target thot has no e"<istence outside our own mind,.
tions themselves chunge in subtle but signi licant ways. ( 1969: x)
ff we are to undersrnnd lhe meaning of something
that a particu lar political theorist wrote, we must The Cambridge historians view works of political
first understand the problem he was addressing and theory as forms of political action, grasping the
attempting 10 solve. point or meaning of which requires that one recover
Thi:. Collingwoodian approach informs Peter the intentions of the actor/author and the linguistic
Laslctt 's lengthy and leurncd introduction to his resources and conventions availuble to him or her
edition of John Locke's 111'0 Treatises o/Govcmmclll (Skinner, 2002). A work of political theory is itself
( 1960 P6901), which restored Locke's political trea- a poliucal act or intervention consisting of a series
tise to il'- politicul and historical context in the of interconnected actions with words ·speech
Exclusion Crisis of the early 1680s. Fur from having acts' in J. L. Austin's sense that arc intended to
his head in the clouds of philosophical abstraction. produce certain effects in the reader: to warn, to
Locke was deeply involved in the radical politics of persuade, to crilicize, to frighten. to encourage,
the Shafle:..bury circle. By means of some brilliunt to console. cte. Political thcori~ts hove not, by and
hisLOrica l detective work, Laslett showed that large, been armchair philosopher!! engaged in
Locke's Two Treati\cs had been written nearly a nb:,tract thinking They huve been political actors
decade earlier than anyone had heretofore ~upposcd engaged in high-leve l propaganda and pcr~ua~ion
und that, far from offering a post hue justification of on behalf of this or that political cau!>e: the critique
the Glorious Revolution of 1688- 9, Locke was pre- (or defence) of democracy, the critique (01 defence)
scribi ng and lcgitimi£ingjus1 that sort of revolution- of royal absoluti,;m; likewise for religious tolera-
ary action before the foci. Laslctt':, scholurly tion. resh,tancc and regicide, the French (or other)
sleuthing puved the way for subsequent interpreta- revolutions, capitali'lm, the emancipation of slaves
tions of Locke (Dunn. 1969: Tully. 1980; 1993: nnd/or women, and so on, through :i rather long list
Ashcraft. 1986) in particular. and of other works of of political causes and campaigns. Textual interpre-
political theory more generally. tation is largely a muuer of restoring a text to the
If Laslctt was circumspect about articulating and historical context in which it was composed and the
defending his method of historica l investigation and question(s) 10 which it was offered us an answer.
28 Handbook of Political Theory

CONCLUSION: PLURALISTIC AND lo Locke or Rousseau not because we want to know

PROBLEM-DRIVEN INTERPRETATION 'a ll about' them or their texts or their Limes, but
because we ore puule<l about something. Was
l come, finally and by way or conclusion, to my Thomas More being serious or satirical in describ-
own view or these matters. V cry bric lly: I do not ing his fictional Utopia as 'the best :.late of the com-
believe that ony single method will !)Uflice to monwealth'? Did Locke really meaa to defend the
answer all the questions we wish lo ask of any work property rights ofa rising bourgeoisie? How arc we
of political theory. This nudges me in the direction to understand the role of the 'civi l religion' in
of eclectici5m or. better perhaps, of pluralism. A Rousseau's Social Comract? What arc Lhe probable
plurality of approaches and methods i:. preferable to sources of John Stuart Mill's feminist sympathies?
a more confining mono-methodology that restricts What was the nature of Marx's debt to I lcgcl und
the range of questions we can ask and atldress. For how did it shape his view of history and human
example, I agree with the Cambridge historians progress'?
about the importance, indeed the indispensability, Such problem~ cun come from any source and be
of the contexts intellectual, political and ltnguistic of almost any sort. One might be interested in Mill
in which political theorists write ond their texts because one is sympathetic lo or highly critical of
appear and Jo their work. But of course these con- the liberal trad11ion, or becau~e one believes that
texts arc varied and multiple, encompassing not libeny is under threat and that Mill might shed
only Lhc context tn which II text was writ1cn. but some light on our modem prcd1camcnt. Or one
also the successive contexts in which it was might wish to assess the (i n)adcquacy of the
received, rcnc.l, interpreted. cri ticiLed. reread, and Western and liberal conception of tolerance in light
reinterpreted and perhaps put to uses very different of some contemporary question or issue and find it
from those the author intended. As A Inn Ryan both necessary and desirable to reread and reap-
ob~crvcs: praise Locke on toleration and Mill on liberty. In
short, the problem-dri\lcn 'context of' discovery' rs
Once the cssoy or book in which we an: intcn:~tcd has wide open. even as the ·context of jusuficatioo' is
been put befol\: the J>Ublic. it tnkcs nn n li fe of i1s ow n. rather more restricted.' The problems can come
Whotever thr.: copyright lows. an 11u1hur has only a from anywhere and be addressed via a variety of
limited control over has own writing~. What h.: write~ strategies; but the (in)adcquacy of the resulting
will have implications which he did not sec implica- interpretive solutions must be assessed according to
tions in the narrow sense of more or le~s logical infor- more Mringent scholarly criteria.
cnccs from what he soys to the consequences of what he The historical study of political theory is, in sum,
soys ... Works outlive their authors. and toke on laves a problem-solving activity. It tokes other interpreta-
them writers might he perturbed to :.ee. ( 1984: 3 4) tions us altcmauve solution~ 10 some puule or
problem, and tJ1cn goes on to U!.SeS!) their adequncy
Thus authorial intentions, although important, arc vis-ti-,•i.\ each other and in relation to one's own
not in every insrnnce all-imponant. For certain pur- proposed so lution. Interpretation is, so to speak. a
poses one may wish 10 discover, recover, and kind of triangulation between the text and two (or
rc!)latc an author'!) intentions so as 10 show what he more) interpretations of it. Hence we cannot but
was Lrying 10 do in using a certain word or phrase, rnkc others' interpretations into account, reapprais-
or constructing a particular argument in a particular ing their adequacy and value. The activity o f reread-
way, or even composing an entire trco11sc. But ing, reintcrprclauon. and reappraisal is not incidental
someti mes we arc less interested in Locke, say. thon to the practice of political theory but is instead an
in what subsequent author-actors Thomas indispensable indeed a defining feature of our
Jefferson. for example. or some modem lcm111ists craft. Polil1col theory, perhaps more than uny 0U1cr
mudc of Locke's text, and quite possibly in ways vocation. tokes 11s own past to be an essential part
that Locke would not or even could not have of its present. It~ past includes not only a history or
intended. did not foresee. and almost certainly theori;,ing, of great (and not-so-great) book:,, but u
would not have appro,cd of Because political history of commentary and interpretation. It i!)
actions - including the act of writing - often pro- through the loller that the former arc recon-.ic.lcrcd,
duce unintended consequences. a focus on authorial criticized, and re-evaluated - in short, reappraised,
intention is not always appropriate or helpful. The seminal works of political theory arc kept alive
A second feature ofmy view is that our interpre- and vivid - keep their 'classic' i.tatus, so to speak -
tive inquiries are problem-driven: that i'>, we ore not by being worshipped at acac.lemic shrines but,
likely to be less imercstcd in authors, texts, and/or on the contrary, by being carefully reint~rpretctl and
contexts per se than in particular problems that nrisc critically reappraised from a variety of interpretive
us we nuempt to understand them. As a rule we come standpoints.
History and the Interpretation of Texts 29

NOTES Dietz, Mary G. ( 198S) 'Ci1tzen~h1p \\;Lh n femmist focc:

1h1: problem with mn1..:rnal Lhinking·. Political n,eory.
13: 19 37.
I For a cri1iquc nnd 11111:mptcd refu1ation of Lhis 1111cr- Dunn, John ( 1968) ·The iden1i1y of lhc hi11mry of ideas' .
pre1:11inn ofRousscau·s inh:ntions, porlit.-ularty as regards Pltilosop/,_1 (April): 85- 104.
his religion rM/e, ~cc Ball ( 1995: ch. 5). Dunn, John ( 1969) nte Polillral Tlto11ght of10h11 lorke.
2 For further cnticisms of Popper's (mi ~)intcrprc1111ion Cumbridge: Cambridge Uni versity Press.
of llcgel, sec Kaufmann ( 1972). Dunn, John ( 198-t) Locke. Oxford· Oxford Universuy
3 llappily, 1hi~ example is dmwn 1101 from pe13onal Press.
experience hu1 frum Hall ( 1966). Sadly, he adds. Dunn, John ( 1996) The History of Poli11cal Theory.
'Unpleasant dreams are more numerous than ph:asanl Cambndgc: Cambridge Universily Press.
om:s, and as one gets older the proportion of unplc11san1 Elsh1.nin, Jenn Bethke ( 198 1) P11blir Man, Private Woman.
dreams increases· ( 1966: 40). PnncelOn, NJ: Princeton Umvcrsity Press.
-t This Judgement may prove prcm:11ure, as some pos1- Elshtain. Jean Bc11tke, ed. ( 1982) The Family in Pof11ica/
modemis1s practise n form of psychoon11Jy1ic 1111erpreta- n 1011g/11. Amherst, MA: Uni versity of Massachuselts
uon borrowed Ii-om Jacques Lacon. Sec e.g. Zcnlh ( 1994). Press.
5 For a wider-ranging (and more sympathetic) d1scus- Ehhlain, Jenn Be1hke ( 1987) IT0111e11 (IJU/ n~r. New York:
s1on or postmodemism, see Jane Benneu III this \!Olumc Pmcgcr.
[Chapter 4]. Sec further Dew~ (2003). Enkson, Erik ( 1958) Yo1111g Ma11 l111l,er. New York:
6 I borrow this dis1tnc1ion from Reichenbach ( 1962: Norton.
6- 7). Erikson, Erik ( 1969) Gandhi 's Truth. 'Jew York: Nonon.
Foucnuh, Michel ( 1980) Poll'erlK11011'/edgr, ed. Colin
Gordon. New York: Pan1heon.
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