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a – from, of, after

acita – nice, pleasant, nicely, pleasantly, to be nice, to be pleasant

adad – less, to have less, lessening
adir – more, to have more, increasing
Ahnleh – Fate, Eternity, Illusion, Destiny, the eight deity/concepts in the pantheon
combined with the concept of Choice and the ability of Choice to change EVERYTHING
Ahnmik – Power, Power of Will, eternity, illusion, bondage, peace, strong and
emotionless thought
ahoke – remain, to remain, what remains
a’le – a form of informal improvisatory dance, putting a twist on an old form (example:
sakkri’a’le , harja’a’le), literally “according to your will”
ale – will, intent, that which is intended to happen
aleya – wish, to desire, to want
Anhamirak – Freedom, Free Will, eternity, illusion, passion, war, strong and thoughtless
aona – heir to empress / emperor, lord / lady, ruler of second highest status, literally
“future ruler” or “after the current ruler” (a = from /after, ona = current ruler)
ase – good, well, to be good
ashe – informal generic good-bye or farewell, to say good-bye, a separation
asta – because, caused by ___
awebre – song, to sing, melodic, musical, music
ayan – end, to close, closed, closing
azne – fear, to fear, frightening, afraid
ban – ability, to be able (to), able
banzi – great, greatly, one who is great
battou – enough, to have enough, sufficient
bitte – taste, flavour, to taste
brokan – eternal, timeless, forever, eternally, always
Brysh – Death (both the concept and the entity responsible for it, so always capitalized
btaleh – naïve, naively, one who is naive
carnan – gift, to receive, given
cia’Brysh – end, the end, to end, an ending, ending place, final
ciacin – hello (generic formal)
cin – hello (generic informal), to say hello, a greeting or a meeting
cia’Namid – beginning, to begin, a beginning place
cinca – day, the day, a day, daily
cincanon – night, the night, a night, nightly
cincara – Good morning! , a morning hello, morning, young, new, foolish
cincarre – Good afternoon / evening! , an afternoon or evening hello, afternoon, evening,
old, wise
cjarsa – silver (the substance AND the colour)
cocoon – to fade, faded
dasandi - discovery, to find, found, finder
devan – to stand, resolved, adamant
Diente – King or Queen of a diverse group, less powerful but less isolated than Ona and
dinga – to follow, to pursue, follower, pursuer, one who follows, a following, a hunter,
one who hunts, hunting
divi – stars, star, starry, like a star
Ecl – Uncreation, Nonexistence, Void, all that does not/cannot exist, illusion, eternity, the
future, insanity, delusion, delirium
efelna - green
einir – to change, in the sense of becoming something else, not in the sense of replacing
elar – a dash or hyphen used to separate lines of writing or individual thoughts (-)
elavie – a shapeshifter
enae – death, dead, to die
epule – to rely on, trusted, reliable
fal – hand, reach, reaching, the ability or power to reach, all that is within your
falianam –bereft, to bereave, to take away, literally “empty handed” or “unable to reach /
obtain / have”
falmay – to help, to assist, assistance, literally “to give a hand” or “to lend a hand” or “to
give what-is-within-your-power”
falnas – hand, to touch, to reach out for something, literally “reach-feel” or “ability to
fant – anger, to become angry, angry
fente - wing
ferat – skin, to feel (something)
fide – faith, faithful, to have faith (in)
frel – to make, to build, maker, builder
gah – sight, to see, visible, gift
gah’Ahnmik – darkness, dark
gah’Anhamirak – beauty, beautiful, light, bright, glory (as of brightness)
gase – beauty, to be beautiful, beautiful
gen – you (informal), your
geniam – liar, to pretend, false, actor, to act, lying, deceit
girian – gold, golden, gilt
ha – speech, language, to speak, speaker
habre – rose (the flower), rosy
haile – savior, hero, to rescue, saved
halaur – disturbance, to be out of place, interloper
hanlah – easy, effortless, without difficulty, not hard to do
hanlah’melos – the first dance a dancer learns, one dancer with one scarf, literally “easy
hara – echo, to echo, echoing, literally “speech-child”
harja – attraction, to attract, seduction, to seduce, a form of dance with 6 variations, all
using either a drum or no accompaniment at all in the background
hatia – lose, to lose, lost, loser, losing
he – sound, to hear, audible, audibly
heah – thought, to think/know/believe, believed, thoughtful, thinker
heah’ne – crazy, literally “little thought”
he’Anhamirak – noise, noisy
heasha – memory, to remember, remembered
hehj – do, did, does, will, am, are? The Generic Question Word (what? when used in
conjunction with another question-word)
hehja / ke – if/then
hehj’ban - can ___? may ___ ? literally “what way” or “what ability”
hehj’heah – how ___? literally “what thought”
hehj’hena – what ___? literally “what is”
hehj’sheni – when ___? literally “what time”
hehj’lo – where ____? literally “what place”
hehj’rsh – who / whom ___? literally “what people”
hemet – to realize, realization
hena – to be, having existence, is, am, are
heur – brilliance, to shine, bright
ihelo – to become, becoming
ikku – belief, to believe, reasonable/plausible/believable
im – creation, to become, new
intre – silence, silent, silently
irmalo – brother, fraternal
itil – dancer, to dance, dancing
jacon – need, to need, necessary
jas - love, understanding, compassion, charity
jaes – jewel, art, magic, that-which-is-valuable-or-useful, skill, talent, purpose, use,
value, treasure, that-which-is-precious
jaes’falnas – a dance that uses props, either fire, blades, or crystals (the “jaes” or jewel),
literally means “jeweled hand”
jaud – moonlight, to shine, to glow, the colour of moonlight
jeira – blue, royal blue
jkair – flight, to fly, able to fly, ability to fly
jol – war, to war, of war, warlike
ka – no, negative, the opposite of ___
kaen – correction, to fix, incorrect
Kain – Thunder, music, air and water, living in the now
Kain’he – air (thunder-sound, literally)
Kain’he’nese – breath, to breathe (literally “air-life”)
kajaes – without magic, without skill, useless, without a purpose, worthless, having no
kala – worship, to worship, a worshipper
ka’rre – pain, to harm, painful, torture, to torment, literally “no relief” or “opposite of
healing / rest”
Kaya – Lightning, dance, fire and earth, living in the now
Kaya’gah – light, bright, literally “lightning-sight”
Kaya’he – fire, to burn with flame, literally “lightning-sound”
Kaya’he’tasa – heat, to burn with heat, hot, literally “fire’s greed”
ke – yes, affirmative
ke’ke – and, also
keiel – hatred, loathing, to hate
keyi – hope, hopeful, to hope
kin – effect, result, what happens because of a person’s actions
kisu – to kill, killing, killer
kontiel – avalanche, tumbling, to tumble
ksmarjan – fantasy, imagined reality
kyrai – informal ‘she’
kyrait – informal ‘he’
kyrsh – informal they, them, their
la – I, me, mine, my, to be called, named
lakin – fault, responsibility, to be at fault, to be responsible, credit
lalina – humanity, human
lalintoth – friend, friendly
la’pt – us, we, our, ours
lar – to strive, to struggle, the superlative form: ____est
larmaen – center, crucial
las – every, everything, all
le – will, to want, desire or will, chosen, to choose, to make a choice, ability to choose
le’Namid – birth, literally “will of Namid”
Leona – kingdom, literally “will to command”
Leonisa – divine realm, literally “kingdom of gods”
Leon’Namid – beginning realm, before creation or birth
leoser – sleep, to sleep, sleepy, sleeper
live – wake, to wake, wakeful
litae – blaze, large fire, blazing, ardent, zealous
lo – place, location, placement, habitation, state-of-being (both physical and spiritual
place); sometimes used as ‘of’, but not in the usual way
locina - yesterday
lockli – forest, to grow, sheltered
mael – elite, the colour silver (but NOT the substance)
maen – within, inside, contained by ___
maenka – beyond, not within, outside
mak – true, correct, accurate, precise, pure, right, real, reality
mana – lord or lady, keeper, person of power, person of responsibility, Master or Mistress
mareksa – foreboding, to forebode
marl - white
may – to give, to lend, loan, aide, gift-of-the-temporary-sort, gift-of-the-moment, an act
of kindness or charity
Mehay – Creation, Existence, all that exists, all that is created, soul, past, the universe,
illusion, Reality, eternity
mehn – creation, to create
melos – scarf or sash, a form of dance involving the use of scarves, having 13 variations,
including hanlah’melos, pan’melos, and melos’girian
melos’efelna – a dance involving two dancers (lovers, in this case) with three scarves,
literally “green scarf-dance”
melos’girian – a dance that serves as wedding vows for the dancers involved, literally
“golden scarves”
mijrasi – edge, outside, external
mir - maybe
mirshna – to sense (non-tactile), intuition
nanon – to avoid, unpleasant
naral – blade, sharp, to cut
nas – touch, to touch, to feel, tactile, gift
nasa - command, order, imperative verb tense
nelar – breath, to breathe, literally “to strive for life”
nepon – flower, to blossom
nese – life, alive, to live
Nesera – dance, dancer, to dance as a religion, literally “life-child” or “little dream”
nesma – distress, upset, to upset
nie – an apostrophe used to separate concepts and phrases in writing (‘)
nikir – pair, to wed, twinned
nira – loneliness, single, one, alone
noreil – secret, a secret
norvio - black
o – to, unto, for
o’hena – you’re welcome, of course, literally “because it is (so)”
ona – empress / emperor, lord / lady, ruler of highest status, Current Ruler
ontiel – to radiate outward
o’saerre – a hawk shapeshifter, literally “unto the serpent(s)”
oun – balance, balanced, balancing, to balance
pala – earth, dirt, soil, to plant, to bury
pan’melos – the most complex of the 13 melos forms of dance, a single dancer working
with 10 scarves, but never touching more than one at a time
pata – change, to change, changing, as to trade something for another thing or replace it,
not as to become
pallion – to deepen, deep, true
peraine – older (thing, person), to age, old
plena – dumb, stupid, idiot, ignorant, fool, foolish
ptenal – surround, enclose
quean – fire, to burn, hot, to die in a fire
quemak – mongrel, impure, false, half-breed, mixed-blood, untrue
ra – child, offspring, creation or idea
rael – rage, to anger, enraged
rahvis – (no known definition yet)
rai – formal ‘she’
rait – formal ‘he’
rakuvra - cobra
ravi – to give or to make something, or to make something happen
raviban – permission, literally “give/make (a) way”
raviheah – teacher, to teach, literally “give/make knowledge/thought”
regre – to show, reveal, visible, displayed
rrasatoth – beloved, lover, to love romantically
rre – rest, relief, healing, restoring, to rest or be healed or sleep, restful, relieving, a healer
rrobhi – to bathe, clean, pure, purified, cleansed
rsh – formal they, them, their, one (hypothetical person, not number), one’s, people, a
person, a person’s
rspar – ash, to crumble, crumbling, ashen, like unto ash
saerre – a serpent shapeshifter
sakkri – spirit, essence, spirits-as-in-ghosts-or-faeries-or-angels, a form of dance
unaccompanied by music and which uses no props (scarves, knives, fire, etc.)
san’Anhamirak – pliancy, to bend, pliant, freedom, abandon, literally “essence of
san’asi – a sakkri involving 3 dancers, literally “raising the gods” or “invoking the
essence(s) of ___”
sanice – consent, blessing, to bless, to give consent
savirnak – sacrifice, to sacrifice, to give up for another
seatratil – year, yearly, this year
sendra – wet, water, fluid
ser- to approach or come, to linger, to stay; to observe, to watch for the purpose of
knowing something; to be like a shadow, shadow, shadowing
sera – dream, literally “future-shadow” or “future-watching”
serdinga – lurker, to lurk, spy, to spy, literally “shadow-following” or “watch-following”
sheeva – cold, to shiver, to be cold
she – now, this moment
she’da – story-dances, the only form of dances accompanied by vocalization, and it is
spoken instead of sung
Sheni – time, timely, a time or era, Time (as an entity)
Shre – choice, to choose, chosen, Choice (as an entity)
sine – to leave, gone, to be dismissed
sneska – to shed, to discard, discarded
solilei – fall, to fall, fallen
sotre – to flap (wings)
stankhu – reason, to have a reason
suni – malevolence, evil
tacarre – evening, night, good-night, a night-time Good-bye
tara – heat, hot, to be hot
tasa – greed, too much
tasashe – always, formal generic Good-bye, in a ‘see you later’, non-permanent sense,
literally “too much time (until we meet again)”
teska – thanks, to ask/request, please, thank-you
thayd – caution, to be cautious
thu’queh – to question, to ask questioningly
ti – to move, mobile
tih – stop, to stop
tipa – to shift, to move
tirna – butterfly, like a butterfly
tisa – too little, not enough, deprivation
toth – love, lovely, loving, loved, beloved
tshin – piece, to shatter, broken
tu - two
tuon – together, to move toward ___
valnis – mountain, high place
varl – to give, gift
varl’Nesera – blessing, literally “give dance”
vehl – teardrop, sad, to cry
vehlar – heart, living, alive
vem – blood, to bleed, alive
vem’Ahnleh – a very nasty curse, literally “bleeding Fate”
vemka – bloodless, cowardly, coward, ignoble (not of noble blood), mongrel, half-breed,
polluted, impure, weak, weakling
veritas – eye, seeing, to view
vesake – sorry, apology, to apologize, to be sorry, to be or feel guilty
vesara – presence, to have presence, to be present
vino – ocean, sea
vis – taste, possessing flavour, tasty, to taste
warum – part, piece, individual, drop, unit
wihfar – birth, to be born
wim – ownership, to own, owner, to control
wimashe – to exist, to go about one’s life, generic formal PERMANENT good-bye,
literally “may the future be yours”
wimvi – food, to eat, literally “to own the taste”
yao – lucidity, clarity, clear, to be clear
yarroh – spark, to spark
yelok – to reduce, to lessen
yenna – tower, towers, high place(s), perch, mews (a place where you keep trained
falcons for falconry), nest, aerie / eyrie (the nest of a wild bird-of-prey), a noble’s home,
fortress, guarded place
zil – fear, to flee, one who flees
zinan – destruction, to destroy

Grammar: There are four standard sentence forms. Remember these abbreviations,
P – prepositional phrase
I – inflective phrase
S – subject phrase
V – verb phrase
O – object phrase
a- plural (“pt”) if necessary [you won’t always be USING a plural, after all]
A – adjective or adverb
N – noun in the prepositional phrase
“nasa” – imperative
Q – question, interrogative
v – truth value (ke, ka, or mir = yes, no, or maybe)
T – tense of the whole sentence
Got all that? Here we go.

P-I-S-V-O Example:


Example: pt’heah’heah-heah’heah-heah’heah
“Thoughtful thoughts think thoughtfully thoughtful thoughts.”

P’N’A-a’S’A-V’A-a’A’O Example:

I = nasa’v OR I = T’Q’v Example:


Hehj’hena? - What happened?

She’hehj-la-ha? - Am I speaking?

She’hehj’ban-la-ha? – Can I speak?

She’hehj’heah-la-ha? – How do I speak?

She’hehj’hena-la-ha? - What do I say?

She’hehj’lo-la-ha? – Where do I speak?

She’hehj’rsh-la-ha? – Who is speaking?

She’hehj’mak-la-ha? – Why do I speak?

Shen’hehj-a’la-gen-ha? – Are you speaking to me?

She’hehj’ban-maen’teska-gen-ha’intre? – Could you speak quietly, please?

She’hihj’heah-gen-heah-la’ha? – How do you know I’m speaking?

A’she’hehj’sheni-gen’heah-rai’ha? – When do you think she will speak?

O’she’hehj’lo-gen’he-la’ha? - Where did you hear me speak?

A’rai-a’she-hehj’rsh-ha? – Who will speak to her?

A’rsh’pt-she’hehj’mak-la-le’ha? – Why do I want to speak to these people?

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