Mes Advisory Water Electricity Tariff

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Tele: 23019694 E2 Works (PPC) Sub Dte

Dte of Works, E-in-C's Branch
Integrated HQ of MoD (Army)
Kashmir House, Rajaji Marg,
New Delhi — 110011.

A/37696/12-117/Pol/E2W (PPC) a Aug 2020

List 'A' and 'B'
(Through MES Website)



1. The MES is responsible for technical management of water & electricity supply in
all Military Stations/ Cantonments as per Para 831 of RMES and rules for the supply of
Water & Electricity are contained in Appendices N and 0 therein. Each station comprises
of paying consumers and non-paying consumers. Paying consumers are those who are
supposed to be charged based on water/ electricity consumed. These include primarily
occupants of Married Accommodation, Officers staying in Single Officers'
Accommodation, Officers' Messes, Regimental Shops and profit earning ventures. Non-
paying consumers include individuals staying/ using other than married accommodation
viz Barracks, Offices, Garages, Cook Houses/ Dining Halls etc.


2. This advisory aims to highlight the Management of Power/ Water Billing of Tariff
and measures recommended for efficient management of water/ electricity in a station to
be highlighted to users.


3. The Advisory is laid out in following parts:-

(a) Part- I Management of Power/ Water in a Station.

(b) Part II Billing of Tariff to Paying Consumers.

(c) Part III Measures Recommended for Efficient Use and Tariff


Purchase of Power/ Electricity

4. Agreements Slabs.& At almost all the Military Stations, there is an

Agreernent/ MoU between MES Authorities and DISCOMS (Distribution Companies). As

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per the agreement when power is purchased from DISCOMS, MES is considered as a
bulk consumer and placed in corresponding slab for tariff. Generally following tariff slabs
are prevalent with minor variation in different states, since power is State Subject and
State Electricity Regulating Commission decides tariff slabs:-

(a) Low Tension (LT) Supply.

(i) Domestic Service.

(ii) Non Domestic Service.

(iii) Public Utilities Services.

(iv) Agricultural Services.

(v) Industrial Services (Small/ Medium)

(vi) Bulk Supply for Mixed Load.

(b) High Tension (HT) Supply.

(I) Domestic Services.

(ii) Non Domestic Service.

(iii) Industrial Services (Medium/ Large)

(iv) Bulk Supply for Mixed Load.

(v) Public Utilities Services.

Note. In case of Military Stations, the complete management of power after

Main Receiving Station (MRS), wherein step down from HT to LT takes
place, including provisioning/ maintenance of LT cables, distribution,
transformers, metering and billing is carried out by MES.

5. Tariff Levied. Based on Contracted Max Demand (CMD) for a Military

Station, two part tariff structure is worked out by DISCOMS. While the first part consists
of fixed cost (independent of consumption and includes interest on capital cost,
depreciation, wages of staff, insurance, additional expenses etc), the second part consists
of variable charges based on energy consumed and is attributed to operational expenses.
These two parts give total payable/ chargeable cost of electricity.

Purchase of Water

6. Agreement. Water is purchased from State PHE Department/ Jal Board based
on the agreement by the MES. Similar arrangements for quantity and tariff are worked
out as highlighted above for electricity.

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E2W (Ppc) 4C-


7. Individual Consumers. All Officers, JC0s/ OR, Defence Civilians occupying

accommodation on charge of MES except single JC0s/ OR staying in Mess/ Barracks in
a Military Station are considered individual consumers who are to be charged for
electricity/ water based on actual consumption as per meter reading. Recovery applicable
post 7th CPC is given in the table below: -

Type of Recovery Applicable

Type of Consumer License Feel
No Electricity # Water
Furniture Charge
(a) Service Officers Yes Yes Yes*
(b) Service Officers Yes Yes Yes*
(c) JC0s/ OR (Married) No Yes Yes*

(d) JC0s/ OR (Single) No No No

(e) Defence Civilians (All Yes Yes


Free 100 units no longer applicable.

To be recovered at half of prevailing rates of recovery by local/ State Jal


8. Other Consumers. This category includes Regimental Shops, Contractors, Profit

earning ventures etc being managed under Station HQ in a Military Station. These
consumers are charged for electricity/ water based on actual consumption.

System of Billing

9. Billing.

(a) Meter reading for electricity and water consumed is carried out by MES
(BSO) generally on a quarterly basis. Based on the readings, consumption report
is given to AAO BSO (representative of PCDA with GE office). Preparation of bills
based on consumption is undertaken by AAO BSO and bills generated are then
forwarded to concerned PCDA (0)/ PAO. Recovery of charges is done by PCDA
(0)/ PAO for Officers & JC0s/ OR respectively.

(b) In case of non-metered supply, flat rates to be charged to Officers (Married/

Single) and JC0s/ OR are finalised based on Station BOO, and conveyed to MES
(BSO) who in turn prepares the consumption report accordingly.

(c) In case of private consumers/ commercial establishments, consumption

• ": report for electricity/ water is generated by MES (BSO), based on meter reading/

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41 1
E2W (PPC) 4C,

flat rate (fixed by Station BOO). Preparation of bills is done by AAO BSO and bills
are forwarded to respective units. The payment is made directly by private user
into Government Treasury through MRO and intimated to AAO BSO.

10. Tariff. Bills are generated by AAO BSO as per Gol Notification No
9(2)/2002/D (Works) dated 01 Oct 2003 and Gol Notification No 9(4)/97/D (Works) dated
07 Dec 1998. These notifications specify following: -

(a) Water Charges. To be charged at prevailing rates of recovery by Local/

State/ Jal Boards/ Water Supply Agencies ie rates at which general public living in
adjoining colonies is being charged by State Jal Boards/ Water Supply Agencies.
Service Personnel will be charged 50% rate (50% rebate applicable to only water
component part of bills) as per Gol Notification dated 01 Oct 2003 referred above.

(b) Electricity Charges. To be charged at the prevailing rates of recovery

by Local State Electricity Boards/ Electricity Supply Agencies ie rate at which
general public in adjoining colonies are being charged by State Electricity Board/
Electricity Supply Agencies.

(c) There is an apprehension amongst users that since bills are being
generated on a quarterly basis, the benefit of monthly slabs as applicable to civil
consumers is not being extended to the user. MES executives need to educate the
users that though consumption reports are being generated by MES BSO on a
quarterly basis due to shortage of meter readers, benefits of slabs as applicable to
consumers in civil for monthly consumption are being extended to Service
Personnel too on similar lines.

Recovery Methodology

11. Payment by GE. GE makes payment to DISCOMS as per agreement on a

monthly/ quarterly basis as per bill raised for energy consumed. Payment is made in full
w/o any consideration of paying users or otherwise.

12. Recovery of Tariff. Based on the consumption report prepared by MES

BSO, bills are raised by AAO BSO and PCDA (0)/ PAO makes recovery of water/
electricity charges from Officers/ JCOs & OR and the same is credited in form of Receipts
under Major Head 0076 Minor Head 104 Code Head 373/04 & 373/05.



Long Term

13. Raksha Awaas. This is an online portal for generation & recovery of rent &
allied charges including electricity/ water/ furniture charges which has been developed
and hosted by CGDA. This software and procedure aims to bring all stake holders on a
common platform for generation of recoveries in r/o service personnel, defence civilians
and private parties. A pilot project involving five GEs is already under progress since
01 Jan 2020.

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14. Creation of Special Slabs for Armed Forces. Since bulk of the
population in Military Stations is troops staying single in barracks/ billets and balance in
married accommodation, the power load is mostly domestic. Whereas, generally the slab
in which Armed Forces are being charged based on Agreement/ MoU are higher than the
individual/ bulk domestic slabs. Ideally, special slabs need to be created by SERCs for
Armed Forces. A case has been taken up with MoD for approaching Chief Secretaries of
State/ UT through a DO letter from JS (Works), DMA. The point may also be projected to
OL Branch of respective Command HQ for raising the issue at State level in Civil Military
Liaison Conference (CMLC) at respective Command/ Corps/ Area level.

15. Automatic Meter Reading/ Pre-paid Meters. Retrofitting of existing energy

meters with suitable low cost mechanism to facilitate capturing and transmission of meter
reading to the BSO electronically is one such method which may be planned by Stations
based on advice from MES executives. Similarly, Pre paid meters for consumers can be
planned for smooth management of electricity billing. These works may be planned at
Station level to be implemented in a phased manner. Service HQ may be approached by
respective Command HQ to issue policy directions on the issue. Thereafter suitable
AMWP may be recommended by MES executives for planning accordingly.

Short Term Measures

16. Self-Certification by Officers. There is a huge shortage of meter readers in

MES. As a result, meter reading is resorted to quarterly and thus results in delayed
recoveries. Stations may constitute a system wherein officers themselves take the meter
reading on a monthly basis and send it to BSO either through electronic/ social media or
in letter form duly certified. Any variations may be adjusted at the time of quarterly reading
by meter reader or at the time of final vacation of the accommodation by the officer. The
system may be recommended by MES executives for trying out by Stations.

17. Certificate by QM for Unit Pool Accommodation. Most of the stations have
Unit Pool Accommodation for JC0s/ OR. Unit QM may include meter reading also as one
of the reports to be sent on a monthly basis to BSO for recovery of electricity/ water
charges from JC0s/ OR by PAO. Final adjustment for variations, if any, may be made in
occupation/ vacation reports being generated by Unit QM, already in vogue. The MES
executives need to liaise with Station authorities to find a suitable methodology for the

18. Station BOO for Fixing Flat Rates. Station HQ Staff should be advised by
MES executives to undertake exercise of fixing flat rates for non-metered supply on a
triennial basis as per Para 146 of SAO 10/S/86. Calculations may be based on number
of light points in Officers/ JC0s/ OR/ Civilian accommodation and usage of appliances in
a day of 24 hours during summer as well as winter season and the average consumption
pattern in Station to arrive at realistic fixed charges. Endeavour should be made to ensure
that flat rates are charged for a minimum possible time and meters are fixed/ rectified at
the earliest. A Sample Calculation Sheet for a Major's accommodation, JCO's
accommodation and OR accommodation is enclosed as Appendix for reference.

19. Feedback to Station Commanders. GEs will give a monthly feedback to

Station Commanders on the recoveries made/ documents processed towards Rent &
Allied charges. This will ensure regular and timely updation of records by the AAO.

20. Installation of Bulk Meters. Installation of Bulk Meters for non-paying

consumers may help sensitise the troops/ units towards energy conservation and in turn
save funds for the exchequer. MES executives must advise Station/ Formation staff for
projection of suitable works for this purpose.


21. Electricity and water are premium resources and need to be conserved at all costs
collectively. MES is responsible for provision and maintenance of electricity/ water to
Armed Forces. Measures suggested in this Advisory will strengthen the hands of MES in
timely meter reading and recovery of electricity/ water charges from individual consumers
and thus result in maintaining high morale of the Armed Forces personnel.

(Mohit Nautiyal)
DDGW (PPC & Est)
For E-in-C

Enclosure: As above.
Copy to: -
QMG's Branch/ DG LW&E - For information with respect to your
office Note 3 & 4 dated 24 Jul 2020
recorded on PC No N37696/12-
117/Pol/E2W (PPC).
IHQ of MoD (Navy) / Dte of Works
Air HQ / Dte of AF Works
- For information please.-
HQ IDS / Works Dte
Coast Guard HQ
E2W (Army)
E2W (Navy & DP)
E2W (AF & RI)
E4 (Utility)
Automation Cell - For uploading on MES website with
restricted access.

' 2V (PPC)

(Refer Para 18 of E-in-C's branch letter No
A/37696/12-117/Pol/E2W (PPC) dated 06 Aug 2020)


Category Name of the point Working Details Units Remarks

I worked
Points , Hours Watt Days

Major's 1. Light Points 22 (44) 08 18 30 95.00 Only 50%

Accommodation pts taken

Summer 2. Power Points (5A) 07 (14) 02 150 30 63.00 -do-

3. Geyser 02 - - - -
4. Refrigerator 01 24 150 30 108.00

5. Microwave Oven 01 01 1500 30 45.00

6. Mixer Grinder 01 1/2 I 400 30 6.00

7. Washing Machine 01 01 700 30 21.00

01 % 750 30 11.00
8. Electric Iron
9. TV 02 06 150 30 54.00

10. Computer 01 04 150 30 18.00

11. Ceiling Fan 03 (07) 10 60 30 54.00 Only 50%

pts taken

12. Ventilation Fan 03 02 150 30 27.00

13. Inverter Point 01 1/2 500 30 7.50

sill 77.

14. AC 02 08 2000 30 960.00
/fce \ 1469.50
Total Power in units
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E2w (ppc. ?ITT
:, Note. The calculation will be based on the actual fittings (energy savings fixture/ LED etc) in the accommodation.
Category Name of the point Working Details Units Remarks
Points Hrs Watt Days

Major's 1. Light Points 22 (44) 08 18 30 95.00 Only 50%

Accommodation pts taken

Winter 2. Power Points (5A) 07 (14) 02 150 30 63.00 -do-

3. Geyser 02 02 1500 30 180.00

4. Refrigerator 01 24 150 30 108.00

5. Microwave Oven 01 01 1500 30 45.00

6. Mixer Grinder 01 1/2 400 30 6.00

7. Washing Machine 01 01 700 30 21.00

01 1/2 750 30 11.00
8. Electric Iron
9. TV 02 06 150 30 54.00

10. Computer 01 04 150 30 18.00

11. Ceiling Fan 03 (07) - - - -
12. Ventilation Fan 03 02 150 30 27.00

13. Inverter Point 01 1/2 500 30 7.50

14. AC 02 - - -
15. Heating Point 02 02 04 1000 16.00

Total Power in units 651.50

Note. The calculation will be based on the actual fittings (energy savings fixture/ LED etc) in the accommodation.


Name of the point Working Details Units Remarks
Points Hrs Watt Days

JCO's Married 1. Light Points 10 (21) 08 18 30 43.00 Only 50%

Accommodation pts taken

Summer 2. Power Points (5A) 04 (08) 02 150 30 36.00 -do-

3. Geyser 01
4. Refrigerator 01 24 150 30 108.00

6. Mixer Grinder 01 1/2 400 30 6.00

7. Washing Machine 01 01 700 30 21.00

01 1/2 750 30 11.00
8. Electric Iron
9. TV 01 06 150 30 27.00

11. Ceiling Fan 02 (04) 10 60 30 36.00 Only 50%

pts taken

12. Ventilation Fan 02 02 150 30 18.00

Total Power in units 306.00

Note. The calculation will be based on the actual fittings (energy savings fixture/ LED etc) in the accommodation.


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Category Name of the point Working Details Units Remarks

Points Hrs Watt Days

JCO's Married 1. Light Points 10 (21) 08 18 30 43.00 Only 50%

Accommodation pts taken

Winter 2. Power Points (5A) 04 (08) 02 150 30 36.00 -do-

3. Geyser 01 02 1500 30 90.00

4. Refrigerator 01 24 150 30 108.00

6. Mixer Grinder 01 1/2 400 30 6.00

7. Washing Machine 01 01 700 30 21.00

01 % 750 30 11.00
8. Electric Iron
9. TV 01 06 150 30 27.00
11. Ceiling Fan 02 (04) - - - -
12. Ventilation Fan 02 02 150 30 18.00
Total Power in units 360.00

Note. The calculation will be based on the actual fittings (energy savings fixture/ LED etc) in the accommodation.

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Category Name of the point Working Details Units Remarks

Points Hrs Watt Days

OR's Married 1. Light Points 09 (18) 08 18 30 39.00 Only 50%

Accommodation pts taken

Summer 2. Power Points (5A) 03 (06) 02 150 30 27.00 -do-

3. Geyser 01 - - - -
4. Refrigerator 01 24 150 30 108.00

6. Mixer Grinder 01 1/2 400 30 6.00

7. Washing Machine 01 01 700 30 21.00

01 % 750 30 11.00
8. Electric Iron
9. TV 01 06 150 30 27.00
11. Ceiling Fan 02 (03) 10 60 30 36.00
12. Ventilation Fan 02 02 150 30 18.00
Total Power in units 293.00

Note. The calculation will be based on the actual fittings (energy savings fixture/ LED etc) in the accommodation.

Category Name of the point Working Details Units Remarks

Points Hrs Watt Days

OR's Married 1. Light Points 09 (18) 08 18 30 39.00 Only 50%

Accommodation pts taken

Winter 2. Power Points (5A) 03 (06) 02 150 30 27.00 -do-

3. Geyser 01 02 1500 30 90.00

4. Refrigerator 01 24 150 30 108.00

6. Mixer Grinder 01 1/2 400 30 6.00

7. Washing Machine 01 01 700 30 21.00

8. Electric Iron 01 1/2 750 30 11.00

9. TV 01 06 150 30 27.00

11. Ceiling Fan 02 (03) - - - -

12. Ventilation Fan 02 02 150 30 18.00

Total Power in units 347.00

Note. The calculation will be based on the actual fittings (energy savings fixture/ LED etc) in the accommodation.


E2A/ (PPC)

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