Article and Memorandum of Association

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1. Name of the Society shall be : SILIGURI SUBHASPALLY


2. The Registered Office of the : ORCHID APARTMENT

P.O. SILIGURI - 734001

3. The object for which the :

Society is established

a) To awaken a new consciousness which will foster people’s participation and

corporate responsibility within the structures of Society.
b) To identify the weaker section of society and serve them by participation in their
struggle for development.
c) To provide direct services which will enable people to live a full and dignified life.
d) To prepare programmes and schemes for the comprehensive and integrated
improvement of the economic, social and living conditions of the people and in
pursuance of the above aims and objects the work of the Society may cover the
following fields and activity:

i) To encourage in the organisation and development of small scale industries.

ii) To collect, collate and disseminate information of the scientific and technical
process and devices appropriate to the needs of our national economy.
iii) Facilities for primary and technical education, adult literacy and non-formal
education without any profit making motive.
iv) Facilities for public health and hospital care, family planning, maternity and child
welfare nutrition, preventive and curative measures for endemic and epidemic
diseases, health and family welfare education with the help of qualified
personnel and without any profit making motive.
v) Scheme for improvement of water supply, drainage, sanitation, pathways, street
lighting and other measures to improve the physical environment without any
profit making motive.
vi) Schemes for clearance of rural, self-help, housing etc. Provided any Govt.
Empowered/will empower the Society to undertake such activities.
vii) Schemes for parks, playgrounds and other recreational facilities for the people.
viii) Schemes for providing opportunities for community participation, leadership
and development of human resources amongst the people.
ix) To arrange educational programmes to make the people critically conscious of
their surroundings and to help them overcome the limitations and constraints
under which they live
x) To arrange surveys and studies and other investigations directly or through
competent agencies in the field.
xi) To raise resource and receive funds from any source as consistent with the
principles and objectives of the Society and in conformity with the national
interest in preparing and implementing the Society’s schemes and
xii) To organize training course either in collaboration with competent agencies
directly and provide such training facilities as are necessary for the staff
members, participants or other concerned with work of the Society or any
organisation concerned or connected with the programmes.
xiii) To promote or assist the establishment or formation of similar associations
elsewhere in the State of West Bengal or elsewhere
xiv) To co-operate with other agencies both Governmental and Non-Governmental
in preparation, Organisation and administration of schemes and programmes
for the benefit of the people.
xv) To co-operate with national and international organisations having similar
objectives and depute or receive representatives to and from such
xvi) To purchase, take on loans or in exchange, hire or otherwise, acquire property,
movable and any rights or privileges which may be deemed necessary or
convenient for the purpose of the Society and to improve, develop, manage,
self-lease, mortgage, dispose of or otherwise deal with all or any part of the
property of the Society.
xvii) To accept any gift or legacy in favour of the Society, whether subject or not to
any special trusts or conditions for the furtherance or any of the objects of the
xviii) To borrow or raise money for the purpose of the Society in such manner as
may from time to time be decided by the Society.
xix) To be affiliated to or amalgamated or incorporated with any other institutions,
societies or associations having objects similar to any of those of the society
and to co-operate with any person or persons in pursuance of such objects.
xx) To publish or cause to be published useful Literatures, Papers, Magazines, Books,
Periodicals etc.
xxi) To arrange and organize Small Savings Activities.
xxii) To open charitable dispensaries, maternity home, children’s clinics, orphanage
and family planning centres, old aged home etc. with the help of qualified
personnel, and without any profit making motive.

The income and properties of the Society whatsoever derived or obtained shall be applied
solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Society and no portion thereof shall be
paid to or divided amongst any of its members by way of profits.

4. The names, address and descriptions of the members of the Executive Committee

SL Name Address Occupation

01. Dr Prasanta Paul, President ‘Duo Villa” Rabindra Nagar
P.O. Siliguri – 734 006
Dist. Darjeeling.
02. Sri Sumit Sen, Vice-President Milan Mandir Road
Subhas Pally
P.O. Siliguri – 734 001
Dist. Darjeeling.
03. Sri Balaram Sarkar, Secretary ‘Jeevan Jyoti Apartment”
Subhas Pally
P.O. Siliguri – 734 001
Dist. Darjeeling.
04. Sri Prosenjit Ghosh, Treasurer Nandan Sarani
East Rabindra Nagar
P.O. Siliguri – 734 006
Dist. Jalpaiguri.
05. Sri Gopinath Saha, Assistant Treasurer 85, Milan Mandir Road,
Subhas Pally
P.O. Siliguri – 734 001
Dist. Darjeeling.
06. Sri Biplab Das, Member Siliguri College of Commerce,
College Para
P.O. Siliguri – 734 001
Dist. Darjeeling.
07. Sri Rajat Chatterjee, Member College Para
Near: Baghajatin Park
P.O. Siliguri 734 001
Dist. Darjeeling
08. Sri Gobinda Saha, Member 37, Sukumar Roy Road
Subhas Pally
P.O. Siliguri – 734 001
Dist. Darjeeling
09. Smt. Rina Raha, Member “Sanghati Apartment”
7/4 Milan Mandir Road
Subhaspally, Business
P.O. Siliguri – 734 001
Dist. Darjeeling
10. Smt. Mithu Das, Member C/o Sri Biplab Das
Siliguri College of Commerce,
College Para House wife
P.O. Siliguri – 734 001
Dist. Darjeeling.
11. Smt. Benu Paul, Member 3 No. Ramkrishna Sarani
Sarada pally
House Wife
P.O. Siliguri – 734 006
Dist. Jalpaiguri

In any resemblance in the name of the Society with another registered Organisation is
discovered we shall be bound to change the name forthwith.

5. We, the several persons whose names, addresses and occupations are here-in-to
subscribed are desirous of being formed into an association in pursuance of this
memorandum of association.

Sl Name Sig Address Occupation

1. Dr Prasanta Paul Sd/- ‘Duo-Villa’,
Rabindra Nagar
P.O. Rabindra Sarani
PIN - 734006
Dist. Darjeeling
2. Sri Bhola Hazra Sd/- Subhaspally Bazar
P.O. Siliguri-734001 Business
Dist. Darjeeling
3. Sumit Sen Sd/- Subhaspally Bazar
P.O. Siliguri – 734001 Service
Dist. Darjeeling
4. Sri Sitesh Sarkar Sd/- Subhaspally Bazar
P.O. Siliguri – 734001 Service
Dist. Darjeeling
5. Sri Nirmal Paul Sd/- Sarada Pally
P.O. Rabindra Sarani
PIN – 734006
Dist. Jalpaiguri
6. Sri Biplab Das Sd/- 31, Sukumar Roy Road
P.O. Siliguri – 734001
Dist. Darjeeling
7. Prosenjit Ghosh Sd/- Rabindra Nagar
P.O. Rabindra Sarani Service
PIN – 734006
Dist. Darjeeling

Witness of above signatures :

Signature : Sd/- Sampa Roy Address : ‘Pratichi’ Apartment,

Occupation : Doctor P.O. Siliguri – 734001
Date : 12.10.01 Dist. Darjeeling

MEMBERSHIP : Admission :

1. a) The signatories to the Memorandum of Association of the Society shall be first

members of the Society.

b) The Executive Committee may admit to membership any person of any Caste, Creed
or sex who has attained the age of eighteen years and agrees in writing to be bound by the
Memorandum of Association and regulations of the Society and who in the opinion of the
Executive Committee will be interested in advancement of the objects of the Society.

Be it noted here that the power to admit members is the sole and absolute power of the
Executive Committee and the Executive Committee may refuse to admit any person as a
member without assigning any reason there for.

2. There will be three types of members :

a) Life Member:
Any person, qualified to be a life Member by the Executive Committee, on paying
requisite amount and/or any movable or immovable property, may be a Life Member.
b) Honorary Member:
Any person, whose connection with the Society is deemed to be useful, may with
consent of such person be elected as Honorary Member of the Society. Such member
shall not however, be eligible to be member of the Executive Committee nor shall be
entitled to vote in any meeting.
c) Ordinary Members :
Any person, qualified to be a member and paying prescribed ordinary membership
fee may be admitted as ordinary member of the Society.

3. Cessation of Membership :

Any member shall cease to be a member –

a) On his/her resignation from membership by a letter addressed to the Secretary;
b) On his/her becoming insane or insolvent;
c) On his/her conviction of any offence in connection with the formation promotion,
management or conduct of affairs of society or a body corporate or of any offence
involving moral turpitude.

4. Register of Members :

The Society shall maintain a Register of Members containing the names, addresses and
their occupations date of admission and the date of cessation.
The Register will be kept open for inspection of the members of Society on requisition.
All entries required to be made therein shall be entered within a period of 15 days.

5. Right and obligations of Members :

a) Any member of the Society has the right to elect and to be elected in any election of
the Society;
b) To submit suggestion for discussion to the Executive Committee and Sub-Committee
on any matter;
c) To inspect the account and the proceedings of the meetings of the Society on
appointment with the Secretary;
d) To pay his subscription within the prescribed time;
e) Defaulting members shall not be allowed to take part or vote in a meeting;
f) Members shall have one vote each.

6. Expulsion of Members :

Frequent action of any member if found by the Executive Committee detrimental to the
interest and is in violation of the rules and regulations of the Society, he/she may be after
due enquiry conducted, suspended or expelled from the membership by the Executive
Committee. In that case the Executive Committees shall first serve the member
concerned with a show cause showing therein the charges framed and ask him to submit
his statement of defence within a month. On receipt of the explanation the Executive
Committee shall have the power to take a suitable action against the delinquent member
after allowing him to defend his case. If no reply to the show cause notice is received
within a month, the Executive Committee may take an expert’s decision.
For any act of expulsion or termination no such member shall be entitled to prefer nay
claim for compensation or damage even if proved on subsequent date that such act of
expulsion or termination was wrongful and or unlawful.

7. Composition and election :

There shall be Executive Committee consisting of not less than 7 (seven) members.
Elected Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Society. The
office bearers of the Executive Committee shall consist of President, Vice-President,
Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and other members, to be elected in the Annual
General Meeting of the Society. The office bearers shall be elected by the Executive
Committee amongst themselves.

8. Termination of Membership :

A member of the Executive Committee shall cease to be a member of the Executive

Committee if – (a) he/she resigns by letter addressed to be Secretary, (b) he/she absent
himself in three consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee without any leave or
without any reasonable ground, (c) he/she convicted of any offence in connection with
the formation, promotion, management or conduct of the affairs of a Society or of a body
corporate or any offence involving moral turpitude.

9. Meeting :

A meeting of Executive Committee shall be held at least once in a month at such place
and time as the President or the Secretary may determine. Any five members of the
Executive Committee and the Secretary shall summon the same within seven days and
failing which the President or the requisitionists may do so provided no business other
than specified in the notice shall be transacted at such meeting.

10. Notice and Quorum :

Seven days notice of the meeting specifying the place, time and the general nature of
work and business to be transacted shall be given to every member of the Executive
Committee. Emergency meeting may be called on 24 hours notice. One third members
personally present shall constitute a quorum for the Executive Committee meeting and if
a quorum is not present within 30 minutes of the time members present adjourn the
11. Procedure of the meeting :

The President or in his absence the Secretary shall preside over all meetings of the
Executive Committee and in their absence members present shall elect a Chairman of the
Executive Committee meeting. All questions before the meeting will be decided by a
majority of votes, each member having one vote. The President or the Chairman shall
have a second or casting vote in addition to his own vote in the case of equality of vote.

12. Power and duties of the Executive Committee :

The Executive Committee shall have general power of supervision and conduct over all
the affairs of the Society and in particular shall discharge the following duties:
i) To appoint Sub-Committee with such power and duties as may be considered
necessary or expedient;
ii) To accept donation, gift, subscription, movable or immovable property for the
objects of the Society;
iii) To sell, lease, mortgage or otherwise dispose of and deal with all or any part of
the property of the Society as deemed necessary or expedient for the purpose of
the Society
iv) To keep proper accounts of the Society and to open bank account in the name of
the Society in one or more banks;
v) To co-opt not more than two members to the Executive Committee;
vi) To appoint a person or persons on payment to assist the Secretary/Treasurer in the
maintenance of accounts etc.

13. Safe custody of Funds :

i) The Executive Committee of the trustee of the Society shall be responsible for the
safe custody of the funds and assets of Society.
ii) The funds of the Society shall be kept in some nationalized bank and be invested
in ay securities, specified under Section 20 of the Indian Trust Act, 1882.

14. Books of Accounts and Inspection of :

The books of account and other statutory books like Stock Register Inventory Register
etc. Shall be kept at the registered office and shall be open to inspection of the members
of the Executive Committee during usual office hours and the same shall be open to
inspection of the members at such time and place as the Executive Committee directs on
a written request made by the member.

15. Accounting Year :

The accounting year of the Society shall be April to March of every year.

16. General Meeting :

Annual General Meeting, Agenda Notice and Quorum.

The Secretary shall annually call the Annual General Meeting within a month from the
end of the last financial year by giving at least 14 days notice to all members and shall
hold the Annual election on the same date.

The business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting shall be :

a) To confirm the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting and of Special General
Meeting, if any.
b) To adopt with or without modification the report of working of the Society for the
previous year ended.
c) To pass audited accounts for the said year.
d) To appoint qualified Auditor or Auditors.
e) To transact such business as may be fixed by the Executive Committee and office
f) To transact such other business as may be brought forward by giving 14 days
previous notice from any member.
g) To conduct general election to be held and to elect Executive Committee and office
h) 1/4 (one fourth) of the total members shall from the quorum in the Annual General

17. Special General Meeting :

A Special General Meeting may be convened by the Executive Committee at any time in
view of urgency of the matter. At least 7 days notice shall be given for Special General
Members may request the Executive Committee for Special General Meeting by placing
a requisition signed by one third of total members. In the case the Executive Committee
shall convene a Special General Meeting within a month from the receipt of such notice.
In default by the Executive committee the requisitionists shall hold such meeting
provided no business other than those specified in the notice shall be transacted.

18. Extra-Ordinary General Meeting :

The Executive Committee may direct to convene an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting for
consideration of addition, alternation of amendment of the regulations of the Society. 7
days notice along with the proposed draft of change shall be sent to members before the
meeting. The resolution for change, amendment etc. of the Regulations be carried out if
accepted by the three-fourth of the members of the Society.

19. Duties of Office – Bearers :

President :
a) He / She shall preside over all meetings of the Society;
b) Take all disciplinary actions such as removal, dismissal etc. In consultation with the
Executive Committee;
c) Advice the Secretary in any matter requiring urgent attention;
d) Call emergent meetings.

Vice President :
In absence of President he/she will perform the duties of the President.

Secretary :
a) Convene all meetings of the Society;
b) Maintain minute books of all meeting;
c) Issue general circulars and notices;
d) Receive all applications for membership which shall be placed before the Executive
e) Sign on behalf of the Society all receipts for all sums received as subscription etc.
f) Sign and give pay order on all bills for payment;
g) Transact all other business subject to the direction of the Executive Committee;
h) Sign and execute all the papers and documents on behalf of the Society and in the
interest of the Society to file suit or defend any suit and/or any legal matter.
Treasurer :
a) He shall collect and receive all sorts of subscriptions, donations and deposit of money
and grant receipts thereof;
b) Maintain and keep Cash Book and such other accounts as per necessity;
c) Operate Bank Accounts jointly with the Secretary;
d) Prepare the budget in consultation with the Secretary for consideration of the
Executive Committee.

Assistant Treasurer :
He will assist the Treasurer in keeping, maintaining of accounts and other works,
entrusted to the Treasurer and absence of Treasurer will function as Treasurer.

20. Audit of accounts :

The Society shall have its account audited once in a year by a Chartered Account. Such
Auditors shall be appointed in the Annual General Meeting and his remuneration shall
also be fixed in that meeting.

21. Suit and Legal Proceedings :

All suits and legal proceedings by or against the Society shall be in the name of the
Secretary or by such person as shall be appointed by the Committee for the occasion.

22. Alteration of Rules and Regulations :

The Rules and Regulations may be altered, modified, rescinded or added to by special
resolutions passed by the Members in General Meeting called for the purpose by three-
fourth majority of the members of the Society.

23. Dissolution of Society :

Subject to the provisions of Sections 24 & 27 of the West Bengal Societies Registration
Act. 1961 or any statutory modifications thereof, the Society may be dissolved by a
resolution to that effect passed by three-fourth of the members of the Society. The said
meeting shall also decide the manner of disbursement of the funds and assets of the
Association, if any, after dissolution.

We, the undersigned members of the Executive Committee of the Society, do hereby
certify that the above is a true copy of the rules and Regulations of Society.
Signature of three members of the Executive Committee.

Signature of three members of the Executive Committee.

1. Sd/- P. Paul (DR. PRASANTA PAUL)

2. Sd/- N. Paul (NIRMAL PAUL)
3. Sd/- S. Sen (SUMIT SEN)

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