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Power consumption per day on simply single life

Fluorscent light LED lihght Panasonic-19V-TV Sony-DVD-Player

Power consumption Power consumption Power consumption Power consumption

20 W 5W 31 W 6W

Compact size fridge ASUS X202X

Input power Maximum power consumption

Rated voltage 39 W
12 V *Drive time at battery power supply
Current consumption 5.5 hours
2.8 A *Battery charge time
Driving time / day 3.5 hours
6 hours/day

*Voltage of battery bank is 12 [V]

○ To calculate all power consumption on below driving hours.

Operating Power Quantity Electrial Current Capacity
Time [W] energy [A] [Ah]
[h] [Wh] at 12[V] at 12[V]
Fluorscent light 6.00 20.00 3 360.00 5.00 30.00
LED light 6.00 5.00 2 60.00 0.83 5.00
19inch TV 5.00 31.00 1 155.00 2.58 12.92
DVD player 2.00 6.00 1 12.00 0.50 1.00
Compact fidge 6.00 33.60 1 201.60 2.80 16.80
ASUS PC 4.00 39.00 1 156.00 3.25 13.00
Maximum current 14.97
[A] at 12[V]
Total Battery Capacity 78.72
[Ah] at 12[V]
Formula :
P[W] = V[V] * I[A]

E[Wh] = P[W] * t[h]

C[Ah] = I[A] * t[h]

Generator specification
Zephyr Corporation (Air Dolphin)
Model Z-1000
Number of blade 3
Rotor Diameter 1.8 m
Rated power 1000 W
Rated wind speed 12.5 m/s
Cut - in wind speed 2.5 m/s
with "Power assist"
Design limits wind speed 60 m/s
Over speed control Stall and short circuit brake

○ To read the power curve above and to calculate the power coefficient at each wind speed.
Air density[kg/m3]= 1.225 (at 0m, 15[℃])
Test site data → → → → → → → Marsabit site
V (m/s) Power[W] Cp Marsabit condition V [m/s] Power[W]
1 0 Atmospheric = 93.3 1 0
2 0 0.000 pressure [kPa] 2 0
3 0 0.000 Temperature[℃]= 20.4 3 0
4 40 0.401 Temperature[K]= 293.4 4 36

5 70 0.359 Air density[kg/m3]= 1.1079997 5 63

6 130 0.386 *chech the next page 6 118
7 220 0.412 7 199
8 320 0.401 8 289
9 440 0.387 9 398
10 580 0.372 10 525
11 710 0.342 11 642
12 900 0.334 12 814
13 1,100 0.321 13 995
14 1,300 0.304 14 1,176
15 1,500 0.285 15 1,357
16 1,700 0.266 16 1,538
17 1,900 0.248 17 1,719
18 2,100 0.231 18 1,899
19 2,220 0.208 19 2,008
20 2,300 0.184 20 2,080
21 400 0.028 21 362
22 380 0.023 22 344
23 400 0.021 23 362
24 410 0.019 24 371
25 420 0.017 25 380

RETScreen plus data base


○ To calcutate the rayleigh distribution and the electricity production in Marsabit

Annual wind speed in Marsabit = 9.4 [m/s]
Rayleigh disribution
V Probability Probable Power Electricity
hours (Marsabit) produciton
[m/s] [h/year] [W] [Wh/year]
1 0.018 154 0 0
2 0.035 306 0 0
3 0.052 455 0 0
4 0.069 601 36 21,750
5 0.085 745 63 47,156
6 0.101 886 118 104,161
7 0.117 1,024 199 203,831
8 0.132 1,160 289 335,838
9 0.148 1,294 398 514,902
10 0.163 1,425 525 747,476
11 0.177 1,553 642 997,608
12 0.192 1,680 814 1,367,327
13 0.206 1,804 995 1,794,421 Probable houre [h]
Electricity production[Wh]

14 0.220 1,925 1,176 2,263,598

Probable hpurs [h]

15 0.233 2,044 1,357 2,773,641
16 0.247 2,161 1,538 3,323,352
17 0.260 2,276 1,719 3,911,557
18 0.273 2,389 1,899 4,537,103
19 0.285 2,499 2,008 5,018,029
20 0.298 2,607 2,080 5,424,055
21 0.310 2,713 362 981,715
22 0.322 2,818 344 968,394
23 0.333 2,920 362 1,056,266
24 0.345 3,019 371 1,119,748 Electricity
25 0.356 3,117 380 1,184,279 production per day
38,696,205 [Wh/year] 8,835 [Ah/day]
38,696 [kWh/year]
○ To compare the demand and electricity production

Wind Inverter Load

turbine (C) (D) (B) η=90% (A)

Total demand per day (A) = 945 [Wh/day] 79 [Ah/day]

Inverter efficiency (B) = 0.90
Necessary total capacity 1,050 [Wh/day] 87 [Ah/day]
(include inverter efficiency)

Total electricity produciton (C)= 106,017 [Wh/day] 8,835 [Ah/day]

Battery charge efficiency = 0.80

Available total capacity (D) = 84,814 [Wh/day] 7,068 [Ah/day]

(include Battery efficiency)

○ To calculculate the battery size

The size of the batteries represented as amp-hours [Ah] can be calculated from
the following equation (10-1)
C =capacity of battery [Ah]
Ec = Daily energy consumption in watt hour [Wh]
N = Number of days for system to be available without wind power charging the battery [day]
(the 'autonomy' typically three to five days)
D = Maximum allowable depth of discharge (DOD) represented as a decimal
U = Voltage of battery (in this case is 12[V])

Ec = 1,050 [Wh/day]
N= 3 [day]
D= 0.5 [DOD]
U= 12 [V]

C= 525 [Ah]

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