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Ambo University

The College of Social Sciences and Humanities

The Department of English Language and Literature

Thematic Analysis of The short story “God Sees the Truth, but Waits” by Leo

A Research Paper Submitted to the Department of English Language and

Literature in Partial Fulfillment of Bachelor Degree in English Language and

Prepared by: EmebetYazie

Advisor:Hailu Sheleme (Ph.D)

August, 2021

Ambo, Ethiopia

Approval sheet
Board of approval

Student’s Name Signature Date

__________________________ ______________ _________

Name of Adviser Signature Date
__________________________ ______________ _________
Examiner Signature Date
__________________________ ______________ _________
Ambo, Oromia, Ethiopia

First of all, I would like to extend my thanks to “God” for his absolute love and protections
throughout my collage stay that help me exist and be able to attend my studies to end. Second I
would like to express my sincerely appreciation and gratitude to my advisor Dr. HailuSheleme
(PhD), for her constructive comment that helped me to produce this work within a short period
of time. Lastly, my sincerely appreciation to my all families specially for my sister and her
husband who brought me up with delight, strong moral and other support relates with finance
through my academic life.
Table of Content

Approval sheet..............................................................................................................................................i
Table of Content..........................................................................................................................................iii
Chapter One: Introduction...........................................................................................................................1
1. Background of the study..................................................................................................................1
1.1. Statement of the problem................................................................................................................2
1.2. Research Questions..........................................................................................................................3
1.3. Objective of the Study......................................................................................................................3
1.3.1. General objective of the Study......................................................................................................3
1.3.2. Specific Objectives of the study.....................................................................................................3
1.4. Significance of the Study...................................................................................................................4
1.5 Scope of the Study.............................................................................................................................4
1.6. Limitations of the Study....................................................................................................................4
1.7. Organization of the study..................................................................................................................4
Chapter Two: A Review of Related Literature..............................................................................................5
2.1 Types of Literature.............................................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Oral Literature.................................................................................................................................5
2.1.2 Written literature............................................................................................................................5
2.2 Definition of Theme...........................................................................................................................6
2.3 Theme in Literature...........................................................................................................................7
2.4 The Concept of Theme.......................................................................................................................7
2.5. Identifying the Theme.......................................................................................................................8
2.7. Purpose of Theme in any Fiction.......................................................................................................9
2.8 The Relationship between Theme and Other Elements.....................................................................9
2.8.1 Setting.........................................................................................................................................9
2.8.2 Plot...........................................................................................................................................10
2.8.3 Character..................................................................................................................................10
2.8.4 Style and Language...................................................................................................................10
Chapter Three: Research Methodology and Design...........................................................................11
3.1 Methodologies.................................................................................................................................11
3.2 The Subject of the Study..................................................................................................................11
3.3Procedures of Data Collection.........................................................................................................11
3.4 Data Collection Tools.......................................................................................................................12
3.4 Data Analysis and Interpretation..................................................................................................12
Chapter Four:Data Analysisand Interpretation..........................................................................................13
4.1 Synopsis of “God Sees the Truth but Waits”....................................................................................13
4.2 Major and Minor Theme Analysis of the Selected Short Story........................................................14
4.2.1 Major Themes...............................................................................................................................14
4.2.2 True Forgiveness...........................................................................................................................14
4.2.3 Injustice........................................................................................................................................14
4.2.4 Wrong accusation.........................................................................................................................15
4.2.5 Faith..............................................................................................................................................15
4.3 Minor Theme...................................................................................................................................15
This study is conducted on thematic analysis of the Short Story “God Sees the Truth, but Waits ”
which is written by Leo Tolstoy in 1872. This research has five chapters. The main objective of
the study is to analyze the theme by using document analysis method. The subject of the study is
focused only on the short story “God Sees The Truth, But Waits ”. This study also aimed at
directing and informing the readers to identify the technique of a theme and to distinguish
different types of themes on a short story. To achieve this study, the researcher used text analysis
as a method of data gathering. In this study, the researcher has analyzed major themes such as
wrong accusation of a major character, true forgiveness and faith. And a minor theme likes
wisdom. The main idea of this short story is to teach that the truth comes out, but only after a
long time.
Chapter One:

• Background of the study

Literature is an imaginary fictional work that deals with one’s life, culture, language, personality
and religious issues. Literature also refers to composition that tells stories, dramatize situations,
express emotions and analyze and advocate ideas.

According to Edgar and Henry (2006:1) literature can helps to grow both personally and
intellectually. Literature provides an objective base for knowledge and understanding. Literature
also enables us recognize human dreams and struggle in different places, times that we would
never know.

According to Stevens (2004:155) explained, literature is particular kind of study distinct from
other use of language. Because literature is a form of universal truth, articulated through
powerful personal expression. Literature also provides the comparative basic form which we can
see the worth in the aims of all people and it helps us to see the beauty of the world around us.
Literature can be categorized into four types: 1) Prose fiction, 2) poetry, 3) drama and 4)
nonfiction. From the forms of prose fiction in completing his study, the researcher has chosen the
short story to be analyzed. Prose fiction is narration, linking of a sequence of event of action.
Work of fiction usually depends on a few major characters who deal with problems whereas
fiction is an imaginative literature that may express true historical details. It is no real history. To
study any literary work, one can bring up with meaning. After reading any literary fiction,
coming up with meaning in most cases involves thematic analysis. According to (Edgar. and
Henry (2004:53) theme is the central idea of serious fictional works like novels, plays, poems
and short stories. The concern of this study is only one genre of literature i.e. the short story.

Short story is a brief prose narrative that usually can be read in one setting. It is a story with a
fully developed theme but significantly shorter and less elaborate than a novel. Short story also
an imaginary work of literature usually written in narrative prose .short story is a piece of fiction
containing elements such as setting, characters, point of view, theme and plot. As Edgar
(2004:65) explaining short story is emerged in the form of earlier oral story telling traditions in
seventh century. The short story has grown to include a body of work as diverse as to defy easy

As it is most prototypical, the short story feature small cast of named characters and focuses on a
safe contain incident with intent evoking a single effect or mood. In doing so, short stories make
use of plot, resonance, and other dynamic components to a far greater than a novel. While a short
is distinct from a novel, authors of both generally draw from a common pool of literary
technique. Short story has no set length. In terms of word, count there is no official demarcation
between an anecdote a short story and a novel. Rather, the form`s parameters are given by
rhetorical and practical context within which a given story is produced and considered. So that
what constitutes a short story may differ between genres, countries, eras and commentators. Like
the novels, the short`s predominant shape reflect the demands of the available markets
publication and evolution of the form seems closely tied to evaluation of publishing industry and
submission guide lines its constituent houses. According to Edgar and Henry 2006:65) short
story has been considered both apprenticeship form preceding more length works and as a
crafted form in its own right as collected together books of similar length, price, and distribution
as a novel. Short story writers may define their works as part of the artistic and personal
expression of the form. In contemporary usage, the term short story most often refers to work of
fiction no shorter than one thousand words no longer than twenty thousand words.

1.1. Statement of the problem

By using literature human beings can express their feelings towards their environment. It is one
of the forms of literature that human beings use to express their own emotion, love and
admiration to their surroundings or the world. In this research the researcher focuses on the
thematic analysis of “God Sees the Truth but Waits” which is written by Leo Tolstoy in 1872. So
the researcher has conducted this research for the following reasons: The first reason is to select
this title was that the researcher had taken the course of short story in the previous year.
However, the researcher could not analyze the theme when assignments were given by
instructors for the researcher. Therefore, the researcher selected this short story to fill gaps
regarding with theme analysis. The second reason is the researcher wants to investigate the
contribution of theme to development of plot, character, setting and conflict in this short story
was not stated by other researcher. Finally, to make clear for some students who have limited
knowledge in which part focus on to come up with appropriate meaning of the theme of short
story. Fourth, the researcher wanted to address how the writer can write the short story about

God Sees the Truth but Waits.''

1.2. Research Questions

In carrying out the research, the researcher tried to answer the following questions in the study:

• What are the major themes of the short story “God Sees the Truth but Waits”?

• What are the minor themes of the short story “God Tees the Truth but Waits”?

• How are the major themes of the short story identified from the minors?

1.3. Objective of the Study

1.3.1. General objective of the Study
The main general objective of this study is to analyze the theme of the shot story entitled ”God
Sees the Truth, but Waits” which is written by Leo Tolstoy in 1872.

1.3.2. Specific Objectives of the study

The specific objectives of the study are:

• To identify the major themes of the short story” God Sees the Truth, but Waits”.

• To highlight the technique of using a theme in the short story “God Sees the Truth, but

• To identify how the short story transmitted the central messages.

1.4. Significance of the Study

The significance of the study is:

• To help both language and literature students to broaden their understanding of any
• To make clear to the public that the major theme of the short story “God Sees the Truth
but Waits”.

• To give hint and the way on how to analysis the theme of any literary fiction for those
who want to analyze the theme of another literary work.

• To help English students, in order to develop their languages and comprehensions their
concept of theme in any fictional work.

1.5 Scope of the Study

Short story has many elements such as character, point of view, setting, plot and conflict.
Because it is difficult to study all these elements at the same time in one research, the
researcher focuses only on the thematic analysis of the short story ”God Sees the Truth but
Waits” which is written by Russian author Leo Tolstoy in 1872.

1.6. Limitations of the Study

In conducting the study, the researcher has faced with some problems such as: lack of
experience, lack of many to fit some materials which are important to the study, shortage of time
in order to cover the study properly and absence of generally accepted definition of literature
which would help to understand the short story particularly to find related literature from
different sources.

1.7. Organization of the study

The study is categorized into five chapters. The first chapter, which is the introduction, includes
background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the
study, scope of the study, limitation of the study and organization of the study. Chapter two
contains literature review. Research methodology is categorized under chapter three. Thematic
analysis of the text is found under chapter four, and chapter five is dedicated to conclusion and

Chapter Two:

A Review of Related Literature

2.1 Types of Literature
Literature can be categorized in to two types. These are: oral literature and written literature.
2.1.1 Oral Literature
Oral literature is the repository of the critical knowledge, philosophy, and wisdom for non-
literate societies. According to Edgar and Henry (2006:50) Oral literature portrays how one is to
live a moral life and explains the nature of one’s relationships to divinity. It thus retains the
society’s knowledge to be passed on to succeeding generations; it contains the history of the
society and its experiences. In various forms this oral literature portrays the society’s belief
systems that make sense of life. It gives evidence to human behavior and how to live one’s life.

2.1.2 Written literature

Written literature refers to the body of imaginative work written or presented in the form of
printed words. Hence, thematic distinction between oral literature and written literature is that in
the form the artist conveys his/her ideas verbally in the earlier and in written form in the later.
There is a close link between literature and the history of writing. Written literature exists in
three major forms. These are: fiction, poetry and drama. The written literature is used in this
book to underline the view that we should not teach literature but create the opportunities for
students to read, analyze and interpret writing is a system of human communication by means of
symbols or signs.

Written literature can be categorized in to two types. These are: fiction and nonfiction.

Nonfiction: Nonfiction is a prose writing that is informative or factual rather than fictional. It
consists of news reports, feature articles, essays, editorials, text books, historical and
biographical works, and the like all of which describe or interpreted facts and present judgments
and opinions.

According Edgar (2000:2) the goal of nonfiction prose is to present truth and conclusions about
the factual world. Imaginative literature also grounds on the facts but it is less concerned with the
revelation of truths about life and human nature.

Fiction: Fiction is a prose literature, especially short story describing imaginary events and
people. It is a thing that is invented or untrue. Fiction is a not true belief or statement, but
accepted as true.

As Henry and Edgar (2000:57) expressed, fiction means anything that is made up, crafted or
reshaped. The essence of fiction is narration, the relating or recounting of a sequence of events or
actions. It is a fictional works that usually focus on one or a few major characters that change or
grow in their ability to make decisions on their awareness or insight; their attitude towards
others; their sensitivity and their moral capacity as well as the result of dealing with other
characters. In addition, it focuses on how they attempt to solve their problem. Fictional works
have different elements and one of the most important elements is theme,

2.2 Definition of Theme

Theme is the central idea of any fictional works. As Stephen (2004: 75) explains the main idea
that the author wishes to share with readers is called theme. In this expression one can
understand that theme is what drives the whole story of a text into a certain destination, and the
main point or central idea that the author wants to convey to the readers. Theme can refer to
many different kinds of ideas or feelings. Like the other elements of fiction, theme does not
function by itself nor is it a more important consideration than other elements. Theme works in a
cooperative relation with other elements of fiction, defining them and being defined by them.
Generally, theme is what the story means, what it is about. It is the story real life relevance and
its commentary on the human experiences.

2.3 Theme in Literature

Every work of literature contains a stated or implied general message about life and the world.
These true statements about how the world works or at least how the narrator has observed it to
function, are usually debatable, but they are not necessary revelations, As Edgar and Henry
(2004:35) pointed out theme in any fiction is the general message or statement about a subject
that all the elements of a story or a poem work together to develop. Without a unifying theme, a
story contains only arbitrary events and characters.

2.4 The Concept of Theme

Different literary scholars have given their own definitions about the concept of theme. Their
defections are almost the same idea except different the subject matter. For instance,
R.S.GWYNN (2004:40) defines theme as an abstract subject of work, it is the central which may
not be explicitly or obvious put a text may contain several themes or thematic issue. From this
definition one can understand that themes are the central and controlling idea of the story.

Moreover Robert (2004:29-59) explained that, theme is the central idea of a serious fictional
work such as novels, plays, and short stories. Theme is an author’s insight or general observation
about human nature or human condition that is convey through characters. It is the author’s
observation of the real world. According to the above definition, theme is the underlying
meaning of a story, which is conveyed by characters. It is also the author’s observation of the real
human life.

The theme of a work of literature is its central or dominant idea that seldom stated explicitly.
Rather, it is conveyed through the selection and arrangement of details actions of the characters.
In addition to this R.S GYNN (2000:62) states, theme can be stated explicitly. Most modern
writers however, present their theme implicitly, i.e., a text is largely open to different
interpretation and has the purpose of addressing some important issues beyond which we could
understand from its surface meaning.

As a result of its openness to different interpretations, implicitly stated theme needs interpreting
the text by considering the background of the writer, his/her political, social and economic view.
On the other hand, unlike implicitly stated themes, explicitly stated themes are simple to
understand from the surface meaning of the text and the author address issues with simple and
direct way.

2.5. Identifying the Theme

Unfortunately, there is no definite formula to locate the theme of a literary works, because theme
is an abstract subject that cannot be directly drawn from the literary works, rather it calls the
reader’s ability to differentiate the contents of a text by their relative importance. A reader must
distinguish the surface and the underlying meanings of the text. Many scholars put their views
towards identifying the theme of a given literary text. For instance, Robert Boone (2004:60-78)
explains that, because of the strong attachments of other elements of fiction within its central
idea and their contribution to the development of the central idea: this makes extracting the
predominant thematic aspects of literary text very difficult. Robert (2004:80-101) also indicates
some important points which are applied when extracting the central idea from literary works. To
this effect, he suggests the following points to be considered to extract theme: First, paying
attention to the title of the story; it often provides a lead to a major symbol, then look for details
in the story. That has potential for symbolic meanings careful consideration of names, place
objects minor characters and give special attention to elements that are difficult to understand.

In addition to the above point, Robert (2004:6-27) advice to write themes in a complete sentence
when you for gullet in your word, and be sure that your statements of the theme does not focus
on one part of the story. It must be a generalized statement and should express all parts of the

Moreover, GWYNN (2000:239-248/) gives his view as follows to discover the theme of a short
story or a novel one needs focus on the elements of each story as read, literary fiction. However,
it is usually much more subtle in revealing its theme, the overall meaning the reader derives from
the story.
The other important question to be raised could be what allusions are made throughout the story
and what are the details and particulars in the study. From this one can understand that
identifying the themes of the story need the reader. The reader must carefully understand those
elements and what they are addressed in the story. Generally speaking, the reader has to give
special attention to repeat patterns such as words, sentences, symbols and allusions.

Theme as a Background

The element that organizes stories that attach characters, setting, plots, narrators and points of
view together is theme. It is a recurring or pervading idea in a work of art or literature.

According to Edgar and Henry (/2004:155) theme can reflect different kinds of idea or feelings.
It may consist of a political concept such as democracy, freedom or oppression. Theme also can
be about interpersonal issues such as friendship, betrayal, sacrifice or royalty. Theme might focus
on question about art, culture such as possibility of communication the passion of creativity, or
the importance of intangible qualities in a material society. Stories may have a single dominant
theme or several related themes.

2.7. Purpose of Theme in any Fiction

One of the most important functions of the theme in any written fiction is to give meanings to the
story. As expressed by Henry (2004:85) readers’ background knowledge and experience plays a
great significant role in extracting meaning from a text. Without the involvement of the theme,
the given story does not convey complete meaning. Generally, the purpose or significance of a
theme is to give impression and understanding of any fiction to the readers.

As Stephen, (2004:75) explains the main idea that the author wishes to share with the reader is
sometimes called theme. In this expression one can understand that theme is what drives the
whole story of a text into a certain destination, and the main point or central ideas that the
authors wants to convey to their readers, generally, theme is the what the story means, what it is
about. It is the story real-life relevance and its commentary on the human experience.

2.8 The Relationship between Theme and Other Elements

According to some scholars, theme is not separated from the basic elements of fiction; all
elements of fiction contribute to its development. In order to analysis and interpret the theme of a
text, it is important to understand other elements of fiction, such as plot, setting, characters,
conflict and point view, etc.
2.8.1 Setting
Setting is the context in which the action of a story occurs. The major elements of setting are
time, place and the social environment that frames the characters. It can be used to evoke a mood
or atmosphere that will prepare the reader for what is to come. Setting provides the historical and
cultural context of a work and other contexts of the story to help the reader to explore the central
idea of the text.

Grey (1992:102) states that the relationship between setting and theme as follows: in novels and
short stories the setting, the time and place in which the characters are created might be crucially
significant because writers may use it to convey information about the mood on temperament of
the characters themselves, either symbolically or by adopting the characters point of view
towards it.

2.8.2 Plot
The term plot is used to refer to the arrangement or sequence of incidents in a work of fiction.
Plot develops as a result of the action and interaction between characters; it is the organizational
principle that controls the order of events from the proper organization of events that readers can
identify the central idea of the works. In addition, the main purpose of plot is to grasp the
attention of readers and it leads readers from the very beginning towards the end.

The plot of a story is the series of events created by the author to tell the story. It may be can be
identifies as exposition, initial incident, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution.

2.8.3 Character
Character is an imagined person or thing in a dramatic or narrative works. It is not an actual
person but instead has been created by the author. It is obvious that characters in stories can play
the role to arrive at the central idea. The central idea can be conveyed through the characters. The
main characters usually illustrate the most important theme of the story, Robert (2009:69-95).

2.8.4 Style and Language

Style is one of the most difficult literary elements to define precisely. The medium of all
literature, i.e. fiction, poetry and drama are language, Robert (2009:70-72) Style is refers to
distinctive and unique manner, in which a writer arranges words to achieve a particular effect.
Style essentially combines the idea to be expressed with the individuality of the author and the
arrangements include individual word choices as well as matters such as the length of sentences.
These futures could play the role of revealing the theme of story.
Chapter Three:

Research Methodology and Design

This chapter describes the methodologies that the researcher has used during data collection. So,
the researcher has used the following procedures to collect data.

3.1 Methodologies
In carrying out the study, the researcher has conducted the study by using text analysis.
Therefore, the researcher used the selected short story for this study as a primary source. The
study also involved text analysis, interpretation and data generalization of the information from
the text.

3.2 The Subject of the Study

This study is focused on the thematic analysis of the short story “God Sees the Truth, But Waits”
which is written by the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy in 1872.

3.3Procedures of Data Collection

Document analysis is applied by close reading the short story again and again. The close reading
in order to get more comprehension to the issue presented in the short story. The close reading
process is also used to highlight events that show the major theme development in the story.
Then after the researcher selected the document analysis, she passed through some steps;first, the
researcher was collected appropriate information reading some books by exploring, finding and
jotting down relevant notes .Second, the researcher read and read the short story in a way that
required for this study. Finally, the researcher organized, analyzed, interpreted and concluded the
gathered information and compiled the study. The data is presented in a form of table.

No. His Speech Looking His Qualities Symbols Symbols Meanig


1 “well ,well… handsom Faith hous and The material possion

must have dosen’t forgiveness shops which doesn’t favour
it” any one and remain

2 “Perhaps you Fair haired Has a Nightmare or The terrible dream of

heard who killed feerdom grey hair aksionov’s
the merchnt”
Wif (the terrible fate
of aksionov).

3 “how could I Curly oo fun He has The prison 1. The prison it self
helphearing” acceptance is a symbol of
mentally aksionov’s
srong suffering and
eventual spiritual

2. Prison is the place

where he finds
pains,tortures and

4 “God will for Very Book(the 1. Th

give you” founded of lives of e symbol of religious
singing saints) transformation within

2. Ak
sionov devots his life
towards God and keeps
faith till the end.

3.4 Data Collection Tools

Generally, there are many data collection tools to gather the important information. The one most
important is document analysis. , the researcher used document analysis as data collection tool
because it is the valuable tool in order to get the data.

3.4 Data Analysis and Interpretation

The data in this study analyzed and interpreted by using qualitative data analysis.
Chapter Four:

Data Analysis and Interpretation

In this chapter, the researcher discusses the theme of ‘’God Sees the Truth, But Waits ‘’ which is
written by Leo Tolstoy in 1872. Regarding this study, the researcher focuses on the major themes
of the short story’’ God Sees the Truth, But Waits ‘’particularly from the point of view of
thematic analysis.

4.1 Synopsis of “God Sees the Truth but Waits”

The short story entitled “God Sees the Truth but Waits”includes several points that focus on
murder of a merchant and the accusation of Aksenov, the major character.

Once there live a young merchant named Ivan DmitrichAksenov with his family in town of
Vladimir, Russia. He has two shops and a house of his own. One summer, he plans to go to
Nizhny fair but his wife warns him that she has seen a bad dream of her him; she dreams about
him returned from the town with gray hair. Aksenov laughs as if he does not care and goes to the
fair town, after he has traveled half way, he meets a merchant, whom he knows and he spends the
night drinking tea with and sharing an adjoining room in the inn. Because Aksenov is not used to
sleeping for a long hours he decides to weak up and continue his journey. Along the way of his
journey, two soldiers in a troika stop him, and begin asking questions about the merchant he has
met, who is found died. As all the evidences of the crime are pointing towards Aksenov, he is
considered guilt and imprisoned. Learning the sad fate of Aksenov, his wife remembers her
dream about Aksenov. The thought made Aksenov sadder. Twenty six years in prison makes
Aksenov a well-grounded and God fearing man.

In spite of the fact that his family has completely forgotten him, he still serves as a grandpa to the
other prisoners. Then he comes a new prisoner named Maker Semyomich. After months of
knowing each other, Aksenov discovers that Maker is the one who has killed the merchant whom
Aksenov is told he murdered. Aksenov becomes serious with what he has found out but does not
speak or utter a word about it. Until one night, Aksenov hears rolling earth boding under where
prisoners were sleeping.

Finally, Maker thanks Aksenov and felt sorry for what he has done to him a long time ago that
made Aksenov suffer for all this year, he sobbes and Aksenov says that the lord will forgive him.
Maker says that, he will confess to the governor, so that Aksenov would be sent free back to his
home. Aksenov says he does not want to go out of prison for he has neither his family nor home
to back to: rather he waits for his last hour to come. In spite of what they have talked about,
Maker Semyonich confesses his guilt. But, when the order for Aksenov’s release comes, he is
found dead.

4.2 Major and Minor Theme Analysis of the Selected Short Story
This section tries to present the major and minor thematic analysis of the short story “God Sees
the Truth, But Waits”. It contains major themes such as true forgiveness, wrong accusation, faith
and minor theme like wisdom.

4.2.1 Major Themes

The main character Aksenov struggles to overcome the problems coming from different
directions. Seems the writer’s intention is to transfer as the central idea of the text in many ways,
Aksenov faces many problems such as wrong accusation, he is forced to part from his families
and his children, death of his wife, he could not provide the full affection to his child, and he
finally dies himself. The major themes that the researcher identified after a serious and critical
reading of the short story are classified as follows.

4.2.2 True Forgiveness

The theme from the short story the main character, Aksenov has to accept the reality that he
becomes a murderer of the merchant even though he is a victim himself. Because of Aksenov is
not the real murderer of the merchant. After twenty-six years porisoned the truth is revealed that
Aksenov is not a real murderer of the merchant and the real murderer of the merchant
MakarSemyonich come to Aksenov to confess his sin and asks him for forgives. Aksenov is
forgiven him without having any desire to avenge. So Aksenov is different. He just forgives the
real murderer and the real murderer of the merchant maker Semyonich is entering in to the same
prison with him. An important element of the story is that the truth comes out, but only after
waiting a long time.
4.2.3 Injustice
The story's most obvious theme is injustice. The case against Aksionov is neither particularly
flimsy nor particularly convincing, yet the government authorities seem eager to pin the crime on
him and assume his guilt, even without establishing motive or recovering the twenty thousand
rubles stolen from the merchant. Having determined Aksionov to be guilty from the start, the
police make little effort to investigate other suspects. And when his wife's appeal to the czar is
rejected, Aksionov accepts that the injustice to which he is subjected will be impossible to rectify. He
resigns himself to waiting for God to deliver the justice that man won’t or can’t give him.

4.2.4 Wrong accusation

The whole story “God Sees the Truth, But Waits” is explains that how Aksenove, the main
character is basically wrongly accused of murdering the merchant. Even though, he has to spend
more than twenty-six years in prison. The truth is always prevail in the end; the real murderer of
the merchant Maker Semyonich confess the Aksenov and Aksenov name is finally cleaned
because, Aksenov is not the real murderer of the merchant. Therefore, the writer Leo Tolstoy
wants to tell the readers that when we are facing the similar problem as Aksenov, the only things
we need to do are just trust in God.

4.2.5 Faith
In the short story “God Sees the Truth but Waits” the writer Leo Tolstoy wants to tell the readers
that faith something that is very important in life. In the short story “God Sees the Truth but
Waits” the main character Aksenov at some point faces with the problem that against him
because he accused of killing a merchant. He is imprisoned twenty-six years for what he does not
do. But, Aksenov does not fell that he has do imprison. In that state Aksenov just accept to what
he experiences. God Sees the truth that Aksenov is not the killer of the merchant but God waits
for Aksenov to make his own decision and the right move to the correct one. During Aksenov
only come to God confidently believing that someday God will prove the truth and that is indeed
the case person who killed the merchant enter into the same prison within Aksenov.

4.3 Minor Theme

Identifying minor theme is very important when studying theme of any literary work. Although
the main idea of a literary work is contained in the major themes, there are also some seemingly
insignificant themes but that contribute a lot for the better understanding of the work of

The minor theme identified in this short story is wisdom. In the short story “God Sees the Truth
but Waits” Aksenov the main character is wise person that he has a good attitude in dealing
toward a big problem and patience in having a hard time. Aksenov is also wise who does not tell
the truth to the people around them especially to the soldiers as soon as he hears confession from
the real murderer. In the end, Aksenove even forgives Maker from his all wrong doing.

Generally, the short story “God Sees the Truth, But Waits” which is written by Russian author’s
Leo Tolstoy in 1872 is a very sandiness story. Because Aksenove is already accused for many
years wrongly for what actions he is not doing, even he is prisoned for more than twenty-six
years. He is forced to part from his wife and his children and finally does himself. All problems
which faced with him are unjust or unfair punishment. Aksenove is tolerated different challenges
that come to him and after the real murderer of a merchant enter in to the same prison with him,
Aksenove is found dead.

Chapter: Five

Summery Conclusion and Recommandation

5.1 Summery

Literatuer is an imaginary fictional work that deals with one's life ,cultuer,language, personality and
religious issue.Literatuer can be categorized into four types: 1) prose fiction 2) poetry 3) drama and 4)
nonfiction. Prose fiction is narration, linking of seqeunce of evnt of action. The concern of this study is
only one gener of literature i.e. the short story and thematic analysis of this short story. Short story is brief
prose narrative that usually can be read in one setting.It is a story with a fully developed theme but
significantly shortor and less elaborat than a novel and also an imaginary work of litrature usually written
in narrative prose. Short story is is a piece of fiction contaning elements such as setting, character, point
of view, theme and plot.

By using literature human being can express their feeling towards their enviroment.In this research the
researcher focuses on the thematic analysis of "God Sees the Truth but Waits" which is written by Leo
Tolstoy in 1872. So the researcher has conducted this research for many reason.

This study has general and specific objectives, significance of the study, scope of the study, limitation of
the study, and organization of the study.This includes in chapter one. And also has review of related
literature in chapter two.There are two types of literature: oral and written literature, written literature can
be categorized in to two : nonfiction and fiction.

fictional works have different elements and one of the most important element is theme.theme in literature
is the centeral idea of any fictional work. As Stephen (2004: 75) explains the main idea that the
author wishes to share with readers is called theme. In this expression one can understand that
theme is what drives the whole story of a text into a certain destination, and the main point or
central idea that the author wants to convey to the readers. Theme can refer to many different
kinds of ideas or feelings

The purpose of the theme in any written fiction is to give meaning to the story or to give impression and
understanding of any fiction to the reader.

The relationship between theme and other elements theme is not separated from the basic elements of
fiction; all elements of fiction contribute to its development.

Research methodology and design that the researcher has used during data collection.This includes the
subject of the study, procedures of data collection, data collecyion tool and data analysis and

Data analysis and interpretation disscuses the theme of "God Sees the Truth but Waits"which is written by
Leo Tolstoy in 1872 .In this study has major and minor analysis of theme.The major theme includes true
forgiveness, injustice, wrong acussation, faith and the minor theme is wisdom.

5.2 Conclusion

This study is about the identification and analysis of the major and minor themes on the short
story ‘’God Sees the Truth, but Waits’’ which is written by Leo Tolstoy in 1872.The researcher
used document analysis to find out what messages are included in the short story interpretations
observed when analyzing the short story.
The main objective of the study mainly illuminates identifying and analyzing the themes of the
story. As above the introduction tried to state the general facts about the short story. And the
author has been discussed believing they would provide background information for further
evaluation of the short story. In the statement of the problem it is said that the main reason of the
study is to make a study that justified and that is the the short story. The study confines itself
only to analyzing the theme of the short story. The researcher believes that the findings of the
study will contribute to other forth coming studies on the short story and in understanding the
theme of fictional works. Lack of experience, lack of time, lack of money, and absence of
generally accepted definition of literature which would help to precisely understand the short
story particularly to related literature from different sources have been the major challenges the
researcher faced in the development of the study.

In the fourth chapter of the study, the researcher identified some major and minor themes.
Themes such as truth forgiveness wrong accusation, and faith. And also minor theme like
wisdom. The writer Leo Tolstoy seems to tell the readers about what the real meaning of truth
forgiveness, because there is something wrong with the accusation of Aksenov the main
character in the story. In fact, Aksenov the main character, obliged to have accept the accusation
of the murderer of the merchant even though he is a victim himself. After twenty -six years the
truth is revealed that Aksenov is not the murderer of merchant. The real murderer comes to
Aksenov to confess his sin and asks him for his forgiveness. Aksenov forgives him without any
desire to avenge. Therefore, Aksenov is different. He just forgives the real murderer. Aksenov
faces so many challenges he is imprisoned for more than twenty-six years, hi is forced to part
from his family, he could not provide the full affection to his child and he finally dies. Generally
speaking, the whole story of Aksenov is extremely saddening.

5.2 Recommendation

The researcher recommended that other researchers should do further investigation about the
short story regarding it is narrative techniques and in relation to the other elements.

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