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for electrical instrumentation -

digital measuring instruments


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Revision of
ANSI C39.6-1969

American National Standard

for Electrical Instrumentation -
Digital Measuring Instruments

Scientific Apparatus Makers Association

Approved November 11, 1982

American National Standards I nsfitute, Inc


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A N S I C37.6 83 e 0724350 0004588 3 W

Published by

American National Standards Institute

1430 Broadway, New York, New York 10018

Copyright O 1983 by American National Standards Institute, Inc

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form,

in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without
the prior written permission of the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America



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A N S I C37-6 83 0724350 0004587 5

Foreword (This Foreword is not a part of American National Standard C39.6-1983.)

In 196 1 work was begun by a number of concerned parties representing suppliers, users, and
members of the general public to develop a standard covering digital measuring instruments:
After nine years of committee meetings, drafts, and a number of ballots, American National
Standard Requirements for Automatic Digital Voltmeters and Ratio Meters, ANSI C39.6-1969,
was approved and published by ANSI in 1970.
As time passed, the need to revamp the standard to be certain that it remained technically cor-
rect and state-of-the-art became apparent. In the summer of 1978, Joseph Fink (Public Service
Electric and Gas Company Research Corporation) asked the Scientific Apparatus Makers Asso-
ciation to begin the process of activating a committee similar in composition to the original.
With E. Paul Lange (currently with the Institute of Electrical and ElectrÖnics Engineers)
acting as the secretary, that committee began its work by reviewing the standard, developing a
new draft, seeking public comment, and then balloting and reballoting the committee until a
consensus was reached in 1982. The document was submitted to ANSI late that year and was
made ready for official publication in 1983.
American National Standard for Electrical Instrumentation - Digital Measuring Instruments,
ANSI C39.6-1983, should be of value to all electronic engineers who deal with products that
measure voltage, or current, or resistance (commonly known as multimeters), or a combination
thereof, that provide technicians with a decimal digital readout. The document is intended for
both users and suppliers,
Suggestions for improvement of this standard will be welcome. They should be sent to the
Scientific Apparatus Makers Association, 1101 16th Street, NW,Washington, D.C. 20036.
This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by American National Stan-
dards Committee on Electrical Measuring Instruments, C39. Committee approval does not
necessarily imply that all committee members voted for its approval. At the time it approved
this standard, the C39 Committee had the following members:

W. H. Shirk, Jr, Chairman

D. W. Braudaway, Vice-Chaiman
William J. Montwieler, Secretary

Organization Represented Name of Representative

American Council of Independent Laboratories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J, E. French
American Electronics Association. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Richard Nute
Canadian Standards Association (Liaison) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. F. Dunn
Electric Light and Power Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P. O. Maier
General Services Administration, Federal Supply Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Herbert Harback
Health Industry Manufacturers Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. H. Arbeiter
R. G . Flaherty
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. Abramowitz
W.E. Rich (Alt)
Instrument Society of America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R. M. Shaw
National Bureau of Standards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .N. B. Belecki
H. K. Schoenwetter (Alt)
National Conference of Standards Laboratories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H.D. Barnhatt
National Electrical Manufacturers Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bernie P. Gropp
W.R. Howard
Glenn Lytle (Alt)
Fred E. Nicholson
M. M. Triplett
Scientific Apparatus Makers Association. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bruce J. Feikie
Charles G. Gorss

Carl Scharle
J. P. Yeager

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A N S I C 3 9 - b 83 I0 7 2 4 3 5 0 O004590 3 I'

Organization Represented Name of Representative

Telephone Group ....................................... .Harold A. Saxe
U.S.Department of the AU Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. C. Santo
U.S. Department of the Navy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E. A. Andersen
W. J. Riegger (Alt)
E. C. Magison
R. S . Turgel

Individual Members
D. W.Braudaway
A. W. Jacobson
Loebe Julie
A. R. Kanode
K. J. Koep

Subcommittee C39.6 on Digital Measuring Instruments, which developed this standard, had the
following members:

Joseph W. Fink,Jr, Chairman Walter C. Cerveny

WiUiam J. Montwieler, Secretary T. Bing Gardner
Albert B. Gookin, Jr
Bob Higbee
John Kong
James Kroeger
Don McQuire
Dennis V. Mosbeck
J. P. Reedholm
James Ressmeyer
H. K. Schoenwetter
W.H. Shirk, JI


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A N S I C 3 9 . b 83 U 0724350 0004591 3 U

Contents SECTION
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2 . Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3 Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4 Expressions of Performance for Instrument Manuals and Data Sheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.2 Detailed Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.3 Interface for Remote Operation .................................. 19
4.4 Visual Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.5 Power Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.6 Accessories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.7 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5. Reference and Rated Test Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.1 Reference Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.2 Rated Conditions (Minimum) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6 TestProcedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6.2 Initial Test Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6.3 Tests for Reference Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6.4 Tests for Rated Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
6.5 Tests for Extended Operating Conditions ............................ 22
6.6 Warm-up Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
6.7 Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
6.8 Stabiiity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
6.9 dc Voltage Input Bias Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
6.10 Input Impedance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
6.1 1 Tests for Resistance Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
6.12 Input Terminal Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
6.1 3 Maximum Nondestructive Input Signal ............................. 26
6.14 Maximum Nondestructive Voltage to Interface Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
6.15 Tests for Step Response Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
6.1 6 Common-Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
6.17 Normal-Mode Interference Rejection Ratio Tests....................... 27
Fig . 1 Test Circuit for Accuracy Measurement of dc Voltage and dc Current . . . . . . . 28
Fig . 2 Test Circuit for Accuracy Measurement of ac Voltage and ac Current . . . . . . . . 28
Fig . 3 Test Circuit for ac Accuracy due to Crest Factor Influence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Fig . 4 Test Circuit for Two-Terminal Resistance Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Fig .5 Test Circuit for Three-Terminal Resistance Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Fig . 6 Test Circuit for Four-Terminal Resistance Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Fig.7 Test Circuit for Ratio Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Fig .8 Test Circuit for Input Bias Current Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Fig . 9 Test Circuit for Input Resistance Measurement, dc Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Fig . 10 Test Circuit for Input Resistance and rnput Capacitance Measurements,
acvoltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Fig . 11 Test Circuit for Voltage BurdenMeasurement, dc Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Fig . 12 Test Circuit for Voltage BurdenMeasurement, ac Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Fig . 13 Test Circuit for Measuring Maximum Current through Unknown Resistor . . . . . 32
Fig . 14 Test Circuit for Measuring Open-circuit Compliance Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Fig . 15 Test Circuit for Measuring Common-ModeRejection Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Fig . 16 Normal-Mode Interference Rejection Ratio Test Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

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ANSI c 3 7 . b 83 m O ~ J Z ~ L S0009572
O 5 m

Appendix Procedure for Computation and Comparisonof Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Al Computation of Measured Error ...................................
A2 Computation of Rated Error ......................................
A3 . Comparison and Results .........................................
A4 . Example ................................................... 35
A4.1 Input Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

A4.2 Calculation of Measured Error in Counts 35
A4.3 Calculation of Rated Error in Counts ............................. 35
A4.4 Comparisonof Errors........................................ 35

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ANSI C 3 7 - b 83 I0724350 0004573 7 I

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Standard from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, Ör using products, processes, or procedures not
conforming to the standard. American National Standards are subject to periodic review and
users are cautioned to obtain the latest editions,
The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no circum-
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CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any
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- --
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A N S I C39.6 83 E
U 0 7 2 4 2 5 0 0004594 9 m

American National Standard

for Electrical Instrumentation -
Digital Measuring Instruments

1. Introduction 3. Defiiitions

An explanation of the content and general arrangement 3.1 Absolute Value Amplifier. An amplifier that con-
of this standard may be helpful to the user, Section 2, verts an input signal of either polarity to an output
Scope, defines in general terms the types of instru- signal of only one polarity.
ments to which the standard applies. Section 3, Defuii-
tions, includes previously developed defuiitions that 3.2 Accuracy at Reference Conditions. The limit, ex-
are particularly applicable to digital measuring instru- pressed as a percentage of input plus a number of
ments along with definitions of a specialized nature counts, that errors will not exceed during a specified
unique to digital equipment. Section 4, Expressions of period of 24 hours of continuous operation with any
Performance for Instrument Manuals and Data Sheets, combination of reference conditions. No adjustments
provides a detailed list of the properties of digital mea- are permitted during the 24 hours.
suring instruments using terms developed in Section 3.

3.3 Accuracy Rated. The limit, expressed as percentage

The section indicates those properties that shall be
of input plus a number of counts, that errors will not
stated in the manufacturer's printed material as well as
exceed when the instrument is used under specified
those that are optional in nature. Section 5, Reference
rated conditions.
and Rated Conditions, relates to reference and operat-
ing conditions. Section 6 , Test Procedures, outlines test 3.4 Analog. A term pertaining to data in the form of
procedures with connection diagrams. continuously variable physical quantities.

3.5 Analog Output. An output signal from an instru-

ment that is proportional to the magnitude of the in-
put signal.
2. Scope
3.6 Attentuator, Input. An input divider used to re-
This standard applies primarily to instruments (com- duce the input signal to a magnitude within the range
monly known asmul€imeters)intended to measure volt- of the measuring circuit.
age, or current, or resistance, or a combination thereof,
and provide a decimal digital indication as part of 3.7 Auto-Polarify. The capability of automatically
measuring and displaying an input quantity of either
the instrument. Such instruments may also provide
polarity, along with the indication of such polarity
for electric signals that interface with external devices.
(without reversing the input leads).
This standard does not provide requirements for
watt-hour meters or digital panel instruments. For op- 3.8 Auto-Ranging. The capability of a multimeter that
erator or performance safety, see American National automatically switches to a range to keep the input
Standard Safety Requirementgfor Electrical and Elec- signal being measured within predetermined limits. The
tronic Measuring and Controlling Instrumentation, ranges are customarily specified in decade steps.
ANSI C39.5-1974.
This standard may be applied to instruments mea- 3.9 Auto-Ranging Response Time. The time interval
suring derived quantities such as temperature, stress, between the application of a step input signal and the
or pH, for those functions specifically characterized indication of its magnitude within the rated accuracy
in the standard. Addenda to the standard to extend including the time interval for determining and Chang
the application to derived quantities are being de- ing to the correct range, for instruments with auto-
veloped and will be included as required. matic range changing.

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- the Document Policy Group at 1-800-451-1584.
ANSI C37.6 83 = 0724350 OOOL1595 O


3.10 Auto-Zeroing. A technique in which an automatic 3.20 Compliance Voltage. The maximum output
correction is added to the analog-to-digital (A-D) con- voltage of a constant-current source.
version to minimize the effects of offset voltages and
3.21 Conversion - A-D, D-A. A process in which
drifts due to temperature or aging of componenfs.
the signal is changed from an analog representation
3.11 Average-Responding. A measurement in which to a digital representation, or vice versa.
the displayed value is proportional to the average of 3.22 Conversion Time. The time required to com-
the absolute values of all input waveforms within the plete the conversion process starting from a reset or
specific frequency range. The scale factor is set so that zeroed condition. It does not include the delay time
the reading on a sine-wave input is equal to the root- between conversions.
mean-square (rms) value of a sine wave.
3.23 Crest Factor. The ratio of the peak value to the
3.12 Binary-Coded-Decimal (BCD). A binary repre- root-mean-square (ms) value of a periodic wave-
sentation of the decimal digits O through 9, using 4 bits. form.
Unless otherwise specified, BCD implies an 8-4-2-1
coding representation. 3.24 Current Source Driven. A technique used in re-
sistance measurement in which a known constant-
3.13 Bipolar Measuring Instrument. An instrument current is supplied through the unknown resistance.
having auto-polarity capability. The resultant voltage drop is proportional to the un-
3.14 Bit-Serial BCD. That BCD data made available known resistance.
bit by bit, sequentially.
3.25 dc Input Active Filter. An input network, in-
3.1 5 Buffered. A term applied to a signal that is elec- cluding one or more active elements such as ampli-
trically conditioned to avoid reaction of a driven cir- fiers, transistors, etc, whose characteristic is to pass
cuit upon the corresponding driving circuit. the dc component and attenuate certain ac com-
ponents of the input signal.
3.16 Charge-Balance Conversion. An analog-todigital
(A-D) conversion technique in which the converter 3.26 dc Input Passive Filter. An input network con-
repetitively balances the charge supplied by a current sisting of only resistive, capacitive, or inductive ele-
proportional to the input signal, with a reference cur- ments whose characteristic is to pass the dc com-
rent of the opposite polarity over a fured measuring ponent and attenuate certain ac components of the
interval. During this interval, an accumulation of quan- input signal.
tized charges in counts is stored in a counter as a digital
representation of the analog input signal. 3.27 Dead Band. The maximum change in input signal
that does not cause a change in the output indication.
3.17 Common-Mode Rejection Ratio. The ratio in
decibels (dB) of the direct-current (dc) or peak 3.28 Differential Instrument. A three-input terminal

alternating-current (ac) (sine-wave) common-mode instrument capable of measuring the algebraic differ-
voltage to the equivalent input voltage indicated as an ence between two input voltages or currents, each
error by the instrument. referenced to the third input common terminal.
3.18 Common-Mode Short-circuit Current. The short- 3.29 Digital. A term pertaining to data in the form
circuit current that flows between the shorted input of discrete states.
measuring terminals and the power-line common, the
earth ground, the external power-supply common, or 3.30 Digital Outputs. The BCD or other coded output
the output-circuit common, as specified, in the ab- signals from an instrument that represents a magnitude
sence of an externally applied common-mode voltage. proportional to the level of the input signal.

3.19 Common-Mode Voltage. The voltage common 3.31 Digital Multimeter. An electronic instrument that
to both input measuring terminals and a specified measures any combination of voltage, current, re-
reference point such as the power-line common, the sistance, or other electrical parameters by conversion
earth ground, the external power-supply common, of the analog input signal to a digital representation in
or the output circuit common to which the instru- decimal digits.
ment is not intended to respond but which may pro-
duce an error in output indication. Unless otherwise 3.32 Digitizing Time. The time interval required to
stated, common-mode voltage rating shall be with re- perform sampling, quantization, and encoding in an
spect to the power-line common. A-D or D-A conversion process.

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= 0724350

A N S I C 3 7 - 6 83 0004576 2


3.33 Display. A visual presentation of the measure- electrodes shaped or segmented to represent the
ment. decimal digits,
3.34 Display, Numeric. A display that uses the decimal 3.44 Grounded Input. An input circuit in which one
number system. of the input terminais is connected to the power-supply
3.35 Drift. A gradual change of reading with no common or output-circuit common.
change in input signal or operating conditions. 3.45 Guarded Input, An input circuit providing a
3.36 Dual Slope Conversion. An analog-to-digital guard electrode surrounding the measuring circuit for
(A-D) conversion process in which: (a) the input signal the purpose of reducing common-mode interfering
is integrated for an interval of time equal to a fured currents or to provide electrostatic shielding. The
number of clock pulses (first slope), foilowed by (b) in- guard may be connected to the appropriate point of
tegration of a reference signal in the opposite direction the complete measuring circuit, either internally or
until the integrator output returns to its initial level externally to the instrument.
(second slope), at which instant (c) the number of 3.46 Hold, Auto-Ranging. A condition of an auto-
clock pulses in the counter, which was reset at the start ranging multimeter in which the instrument remains
of the second slope, is now the digital representation in a selected and fixed range for aU measurements.
of the analog input signal.
3.47 Hold, Display, A condition in which the last dis-
3.37 Effective Range. The portion of the range in played value is maintained upon command of a signal
which measurements can be made to within rated ac- or control.
curacy. Maximum or minimum effective range signi-
fies the corresponding upper and lower limit of the 3.48 Hold, Conversion. A condition in which the
effective range. conversion process is halted upon command of a
signal or control.
3.38 Extended Operating Conditions. The limits of
specified variables or conditions within which the 3.49 Hold, Peak. A condition in which the maximum
instrument may be operated. Under these conditions, value of the input signal is maintained upon command
influence or performance effects shall be specified. of a signal or control.

3.39 Floating Asymmetrical Instrument. A floating 3.50 Input Bias Current, The current that must be sup-
instrument whose input measuring terminals have plied to the high input measuring terminal with zero
significantly unequal impedances to a specified refer- input signal and offset voltage to reduce the output in-
ence point such as the power-line common, the earth dication to zero,
ground, the external power-supply common, or the
output-circuit common. 3.51 Input Impedance. The shunt resistance and capaci-
tance (or inductance) as measured at the input terminals,
3.40 Floating Instrument, An instrument having not including effects of input bias or offset currents.
both input terminals electrically separated from
power-line common or other circuit common. 3.52 Input Measuring Terminals. The terminals to
which the input signal is applied.
3.41 Floating Symmetrical Instrument. A floating
NOTE: Some instruments might have the input measuring
instrument whose input measuring terminals have terminals designated “high” and ‘‘low.” The terminal marked
substantially equal impedances to the specified refer- low is usually connected to the common terminai of the signal
ence point such as power-line common, earth ground, source circuit. Where the signal to be measured is “floating,”
external power-supply common, or output-circuit common is usually defiied as that portion of the circuit with
the lower impedance to ground.
3.53 Input Offset Current. The difference between the
3.42 Four-Terminal Resistance Measurement. A mea- two currents that must be supplied to the input mea-
surement in which two wires are used to deliver cur- suring terminals of a differential instrument to reduce
rent to the unknown and two different wires are used the output indication to zero, with zero input voltage
to sense the voltage drop across the resistor. and zero offset voltage.
NOTE: Through the use of this technique, errors due to the
resistance of the test leads are minimized. 3.54 Input Offset Voltage. The voltage that must be
applied directly between the input measuring terminals,
3.43 Gas-Discharge Display. A display in which the with bias current supplied by a zero resistance path,
characters are formed by a gas-discharge glow around to reduce the output indication to zero,



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A N S I C 3 7 - 6 83 m 0724350 0004577 4 m ~


3.55 Input Signal (Measured Quantity). The electrical 3.66 Maximum Nondestructive Current. The maxi-
parameter to be measured, applied to the input mea- mum dc plus peak ac current that may be applied di-
suring terminals. rectly to the input measuring terminals without
permanent impairment of the instrument.
3.56 Integrating Conversion. An analog-todigital con-
version process in which the output results in a digital 3.67 Maximum Nondestructive Voltage. The maxi-
representation of the integral of the input signal over mum dc plus peak ac voltage that may be applied
a specified time interval, directly between the high and low input measuring
terminals without permanent impairment of the in-
3.57 Isolated Outputs. Those output signals whose strument.
common reference is not connnected to either input
measuring terminal. Normal operation is possible with 3.68 Minimum Resolvable Quantity. The smallest
a common-mode voltage between the input measuring value of input signal other than zero, at the minimum
terminals and output common. effective range, that can be measured and displayed.

3.58 Latched Outputs. The output data are held from 3.69 Most Significant Digit (MSD). The leftmost
the end of one conversion to the beginning of the sub- digit of the display and its associated BCD output.
sequent conversion. 3.70 Multiplexed BCD. The time sharing of parallel
BCD output data, in the form of bit by bit or digit

3.59 Leading Zero Blanking. The automaticblanking by digit.

of zeros to the left of the most significant nonzero
digit located left of the decimal point. 3.71 MultipIexed Display. A display where time
sharing is used to display sequentially all or part of
3.60 Least Significant Digit (UD). The rightmost each character.
digit of the display and its associated BCD output.
3.72 Negative True Logic. A binary logic representa-
3.61 Light Emitting Diode (LED) Display. A planar tion for which a logic ?1? (true state) is assigned a
display in which the characters are made up of an ar- more negative potential than a logic ?O? (false state).
ray of light emitting diodes, This is the inverse of positive true logic.
3.62 Linear Conversion. A conversion process having 3.73 Nonlinear Conversion. A conversion process in
a constant ratio for each change in the output value to which the output does not. vary in direct proportion
the corresponding change in the input value. to the change in the input value. Logarithmic conver-
sion is a typical nonlinear conversion.
3.63 Linearity. The ability of an instrument to follow
the input signal in a proportional manner over the en- 3.74 Normal- (Series) Mode Interference Rejection
tire input range. Linearity shall be expressed as the Ratio. The ratio in decibels of the peak normal-mode
maximum deviation in number of counts from a interference voltage to the equivalent pass-band volt-
straight line connecting the ends of the range, age that corresponds to the output error indication.
3.64 Liquid Crystal Display. A planar display in which 3.75 Normal- (Series) Mode Interference Voltage. An
the characters are formed with a thin layer of liquid undesired ac voltage present as a component of the
crystal material between two electrodes. These displays signal across the input measuring terminals that might
occur in reflective and transmissive forms which are produce an error in output indication. This voltage is
front lighted and back lighted, respectively. outside the bandwidth to which the instrument is in-
tended to respond.
3.65 Long-Term Stability. The limit expressed as a
percent of input plus a number of counts that errors 3.76 Nuil Balance. The condition that exists when
will not exceed during a 90-day or other longer speci- two opposing quantities are compared and the differ-
fied period. This does not preclude zeroing or similar ence falls outside the level of detectability.
adjustments that are a part of normal operating proce- 3.77 Overcurrent Protection. A circuit that protects
dure and that are made from the front panel without the instrument against overcurrent at the input
use of external standards or equipment. The error is terminals.
determined by checking change in output indication
after warm-up under the same test conditions within 3.78 Overload. A condition in which the input signal
the rated operating h i t s . The time period includes exceeds the maximum value of a particular range that
both operating and nonoperating time. can be measured at rated accuracy.


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ANSI C37.h 83 072q350 OOOi1578 b W


3.79 Overload Recovery Time. The time required for 3.92 Quantization. A process in which the continuous
the instrument to achieve rated accuracy for an input range of values of an input signal is divided into non-
signal within the effective range upon removal of an overlapping subranges; to each subrange, a discrete
overload condition. value of the output is uniquely assigned.
3.80 Overvoltage Protection. A circuit that protects 3.93 Range. A continuous band of input signal values
the instrument against overvoltages at the input that can be measured. For example, O to f 100,20 to
terminals. 80, -20 to 60. In bipolar instruments, range includes
negative as well as positive values.
3.81 Parailel BCD Outputs. Those BCD output data
made available simultaneously with a separate line pro- 3.94 Range-Changing Hysteresis. The difference be-
vided for each data bit. tween the input values at which range-changing takes
3.82 Peak-Responding. A measurement in which the place, for auto-ranginginstruments, when the input
displayed value is equal to the peak value of the input value is first increased and then decreased.
signal, for aii repetitive input waveforms having 3.95 Rated Circuit-to-Ground Voltage. The specified
harmonic components within its frequency range. voltage with respect to ground that may be safely and
continuously applied to the circuits of an instrument
3.83 Planar Display. A display in which all digits or
and ground.
characters appear in a single viewing plane, as opposed
to a nonplanar display in which the depth of the view- 3.96 Rated Conditions. A set of conditions for which
ing plane varies depending on the digit or character the requirements of rated accuracy are applicable.
being displayed.
3.97 Ratio Measurement. The measurement of a
3.84 Polarity. One of two states, positive or negative. signal input with relation to an external reference in-
put, The output indication is the properly scaled ratio
3.85 Polarity Indication. A display feature used to in- of the signal input magnitude to a reference input mag
dicate polarity of the input signal. nitude.
3.86 Polarity Response T h e . The response time re- 3.98 Reading. The displayed number proportional to
sulting from a step change of specified magnitude of the measured magnitude of the input signal,
the input signal that causes a change in the indicated 3.99 Reading Rate. The rate at which the displayed
polarity. number is being updated.
3.87 Positive True Logic. A binary logic representation 3.100 Reference Conditions. A set of narrow-range
for which a logic “1” (true state) is assigned a more conditions specified for making comparison and cali-
positive potential than a logic “O” (false state). This is bration tests.
the inverse of negative true logic.
3.101 Reset Time. The time interval necessary to set
3.88 Preconditioning T h e . The time allowed to the conversion circuitry to starting conditions.
bring the instrume.nt to specified conditions prior to
the application of power. 3.102 Resistance Insertion. A technique used in cur-
rent measurement in which a known resistor is con-
3.89 Print Command. A signal generated by an instru- nected in series with the circuit to be measured. The
ment, usuaiiy at the completion of a conversion peri- voltage drop across the resistor is proportional to the
od, to indicate the availability of data for printing. unknown current.
3.90 Programming Input. An input that receives con- 3.103 Resolution. The ratio of the smallest incre-
trol signals. The control information may be an analog mental change in input signal value, throughout its
or digital voltage or current that, when applied to the range, that can be discerned and displayed by an in- .
programming input, controls some operating charac- strument to the highest value of the range.
teristic of the instrument.
3.104 Response Time. The time interval between the
3.91 Qualification Tests. A set of tests performed to application of a step input signal and the indication
verify conformance to specifications of an instrument of its magnitude within rated accuracy.
or group of instruments. The nature of the tests and
the number of instruments to be tested are determined 3.105 rms - Responding. A measurement in which
jointly by the user and the manufacturer. the displayed value is equal to the root-mean-square



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ANSI C 3 7 - 6 83 = 0724150 OOOY577 8

--``,`,````,,``,```,,,,,,,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- (rms) of the input signal, for all input waveforms hav- 3.118 Stored Outputs. Those output data held from
ing components within the specified frequency range the end of one conversion to theend of the subsequent
and crest factor limit. conversion.
3.106 Sampling Rate. The frequency that the input 3.1 19 Successive Approximation. An analog-todigital
signal is sampled. This rate may or may not be the (A-D) conversion process in which a feedback voltage
same as the reading rate. generator provides a set of regulated voltages, the
3.107 Sampling Time. The time interval during which values of which correspond to binary or decimal digits.
the input is sensed by the A-D conversion circuitry Comparison of these voltages with the scaled input
of an instrument. voltage is made in a prescribed sequence by steps of
decreasing magnitude.
3.108 Scan Rate. The number of times per unit of
time that digital output data or display is mutliplexed. 3.120 Temperature Coefficient. The change in indica-
tion with a change in temperature, expressed as a per-
3.109 Sensitivity. See Minimum Resolvable Quantity centage of input, plus a number of counts per degree
(3.68). change in temperature.
3.110 Serial BCD. That BCD data made available se-
3.121 Three-Terminai Resistance Measurement. A
quentially either bit by bit (bit serial BCD) or digit
measurement in which two wires are used to deliver
by digit (character serial BCD).
current to the unknown and one wire is used to com-
3.11 1 Seven-Segment Display. A display in which pensate lead resistance of the other two wires.
characters are formed by selectively energizing seg- 3.122 Two-Terminai Resistance Measurement. A
ments of an array. The array of seven segments exists measurement in which the same current flows through
in the form of a “boxed” figure eight. the unknown and the test leads.
3.112 Short-Term Stability. The limit expressed as a NOTE:Through the use of this technique, the lead resistance
percent of input plus a number of counts that errors is measured along with the unknown.
will not exceed during a 24-hour period of continuous
operation under reference conditions foilowing warm- 3.123 Unipolar. A term that signifies single polarity
up. No zeroing or adjustments of any kind are per- capability.
3.124 Virtual Ground Sensing. A technique used in
3.1 13 Single-Ended. A two-input terminal instrument current measurement that uses the feedback current
with the low input terminal connected to a specified of an operational amplifier to achieve a near-zero volt-
reference point such as power-line common, earth age drop in the measuring circuit.
ground, external power-supply common, or output-
circuit common. 3,125 Voltage Burden, The voltage drop across the
resistor, used for the resistance insertion technique of
3.1 14 Single Slope (Ramp). An analog-todigital con- current measurement.
version process in which the input signai is compared
with an integrated reference signal for a time mea- 3.126 Voltage to Frequency Conversion. An A- D
sured by counting clock pulses starting usually with conversion process in which the instrument generates
a count of zero, The instant the integrator output volt- a frequency directly proportional to the value of the
age equals the input signal, the number of clock pulses input quantity. A count of the number of cycles oc-
in the counter is the digital representation of the curring in a fured time interval gives the measure of
analog input signal. the average value of the input quantity during this
3.115 Source Impedance. The combination of re-
sistance and reactance that a source of energy presents 3.127 Warm-up Time. The time required after power
to the input terminals of an instrument. is applied to a preconditioned instrument in order to
achieve rated accuracy at referenced conditions.
3,116 Stability. See Short-Term Stability (3.1 12) and
Long-Tenn Stability (3.65). 3.128 Zero Offset. The resultant reading, desired or
undesired, that occurs when the input terminals of
3.117 Step-Response Time. See Response Time (3.104). the instrument are shorted.


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the Document Policy Group at 1-800-451-1584.
ANSI C39-6 83 0 7 2 4 3 5 0 0004600 O


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'F the Document Policy Group at 1-800-451-1584.

A N S I C37.b 8 3 m 072LIL50 O O O L I b O L 2 m


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12/30/2003 08:09:17 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call
the Document Policy Group at 1-800-451-1584.
ANSI C 3 ï - 6 83 m 0724150 O O O L l b O 2 4 m


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ANSI C 3 7 - b 83 m 072'4350 0 0 0 4 6 0 3 b m


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A N S I C37.b 83 E 0724150 0004b04 B


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A N S I C3î.b 8 3 I0724350 0 0 0 4 6 0 b 3 I




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ANSI C37.b 83 0 7 2 4 3 5 0 000Lib07 3 a I

5. Reference and Rated Test Conditions

The following test conditions shall be used for the test procedures given in Section 6 .

5.1 Reference Conditions

5.1.1 Ambient temperature 23°C f 1°C
5.1.2 Ambient relative humidity 30%to 60%
5.1.3 Ambient barometric pressure 575 mm to 800 mm Hg
5.1.4 Operating power Voltage Rated f 1% Frequency Rated f 1% Supply distortion < 5% total harmonic distortion
5.1.5 Position (inclination to normal)..- As specified by manufacturer
5.1.6 Shock and vibration Zero
5.1.7 Warm-uptime As specified b y manufacturer
5.2 Rated Conditions (Minimum)
5.2.1 Ambient temperature 23°C f 5°C
5.2.2 Ambient relative humidity 20% to 80%(excluding condensation)
5.2.3 Ambient barometric pressure 575 mm to 800 mm Hg
5.2.4 Operating power Voltage Rated voltage f 10% Frequency Rated frequency f 5% Supply distortion < 10%total harmonic distortion
5.2.5 Position (inclination to normal) As specified by manufacturer
5.2.6 Shock and vibration As specified by manufacturer
5.2.7 Warm-up time As specified by manufacturer

6. Test Procedures formed by qualified persons trained to recognize elec-

tric shock hazards and to employ protective measures
6.1 General. The following tests are performed to veri- to avoid them.
fy compliance with the specifications or technical data 6.2 InitiaiTest Conditions. The tests described in this
supplied by the manufacturer of the instrument. The section shall be made under the following conditions
test procedures of this section are intended to outline unless otherwise specified:
the method of test and the method of computing the
6.2.1 Reference Conditions. All tests shall be made
error or influence, Refer to the Appendix for a de- under reference conditions as specified in Section 5,
tailed procedure for computation and comparison unless otherwise specified.
of error. Ailowable errors or h i t s for a particular in- 6.2.2 Interference. Grounding and shielding tech-
strument shall be as stated in these standards or shall niques shall be used to minimize interference from
be as specified, magnetic and electrostatic fields.
All calibration equipment or reference standards 6.2.3 Preconditioning Time. The instrument under
used shall have certification traceable to the National test shall be given at least two hours to reach thermal
Bureau of Standards and shall have an accuracy ratio stability at ambient temperature prior to the applica-
of at least five times better than the accuracy rating tion of power.
of the instrument under test or as dictated b y the 6.2.4 Warm-up Time, Instruments that require
state-of-the-art. All tests shall be performed by skiíled warm-up time shall be energized as specified by the
personnel under the test conditions specified in Sec- manufacturer before any tests are performed, except
tion 5 . for the test for warm-up time.
Some of the tests prescribed herein involve the use 6.2.5 Measurements. All measurements shall be per-
of hazardous voltages. Such tests must only be per- formed only after all test conditions have been met.


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A N S I C37.b 83 8 0 7 2 4 3 5 0 0 0 0 4 6 0 8 5


6.3 Tests for Reference Conditions. This standard is (3) Repeat the above procedure for each range of
concerned oniy with tests for the performance of com- a multirange instrument and repeat for both positive
pleted instruments and is not concerned with tests or and negative polarity of a bipolar instrument.
evaluation of individual components. The minimum Computation. The measured error is
test shall consist of accuracy checks at reference con- computed as follows:
ditions in accordance with 6.7. In order to avoid pos-
sible errors or discrepancies in the test procedure, the Measured Error = Nr - Ni
manufacturer shall specify any special provisions or where
limitations that must be observed in the test circuit. Ni= value of applied input signal
6.4 Tests for Rated Conditions. These tests shall con- Nr = corresponding reading of the instrument
sist of determining whether the instrument meets its Results. The measured error shall not
published performance specifications under rated con- exceed the specified accuracy rating at reference
ditions as specified in Section 5. Data from tests for conditions,
rated conditions may be combined with data from 6.7.2 ac Voltage and ac Current
tests at reference conditions. Influences shall be eval- Initiai Condition
uated in terms of changes in performance from that (1) Connect the test circuit shown in Fig. 2.
achieved at reference conditions, (These tests are in- (2) Observe and follow any special limitations be-
tended primarily as qualification tests.) tween maximum input voltage, frequency, and wave
6.5 Tests for Extended Operating Conditions. These shape distortion as specified by the manufacturer. If
tests shall consist of determining whether the instru- the instrument has true rms measuring capability, refer
ment meets its published performance specifications to 6.7.3 on crest factor influence.
under extended operating conditions as specified by Procedure
the manufacturer. Data from tests for extended op- (1) Apply input signai values at the minimum effec-
erating conditions may be combined with data from tive range and at 1,10,50, and 90 percent of the speci-
tests at reference conditions. Influences shali be eval- fied maximum effective range.
uated in terms of changes in performance from that (2) Apply each group of input signal values at the
achieved at reference conditions. (These tests are in- lowest and highest frequency for each frequency bank
tended primarily as qualification tests.) specified by the manufacturer. For a test point that
falls within two frequency bands, the bank containing
6.6 Warm-up Time the better accuracy rating shall apply.
6.6.1 Procedure (3) Repeat the above procedure for each range of a
(i) After preconditioning, apply power to the multirange instrument,
instrument under test. Computation. The measured error is
(2) Immediately apply an input signal that is equal computed as follows:
to 90 percent of any specified effective range.
(3) Record the time from application of power
Measured Error = N y Ni -
until the instrument reading is within and remains where
within specified accuracy limits. Ni = value of applied input signal
6.6.2 Results. The measured time shall not ex- N y = corresponding reading of the instrument
ceed the specified maximum warm-up time to achieve Results. The measured error shali not
rated accuracy at reference conditions. exceed the specified accuracy rating at reference condi-
6.7 Accuracy. Refer to the Appendix for a detailed tions.
pro.cedure for computation and comparison of error. 6.7.3 Crest Factor Influence
6.7.1 dc Voltage and dc Current Initiai Conditions initiai Conditions (1) Connect the test circuit shown in Fig. 3.
(1) Connect the test circuit shown in Fig. 1. (2) The measurement of ac accuracy due to crest
(2) Observe and follow any special procedures or factor influence is based upon the generation of a test
h i t a t i o n s specified by the manufacturer. signai constructed with the maximum allowed crest Procedures factor as specified by the manufacturer.
(1) Apply input signal values in steps of O, 1, 10, (3) The input coupling (dc or ac coupled) of the
50, and 90 percent of the specified effective range. reference measurement instrument shall be the same as
(2) Observe and record reading N y of each step as that of the instrument under test. For minimum error
indicated on the instrument under test. due to difference in frequency response, the band-


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A N S I C 3 7 - b 83 U 072LtL50 OOOL1609 7



widths of the two instruments shall be approximately Computation. The measured error is
equal. computed as follows:
(4)The test signals shall be referenced from a zero Measured Error = Wz - N1 I
voltage or current base line and the rms value shall be
determined by the reference measurement instrument. Results. The measured error shall not
(5) The waveform of the first test signal is a sym- exceed the specified accuracy rating at reference con-
metric rectangular waveform whose period is about ditons.
4 milliseconds. 6.7.4 Resistance
(6) The waveform of the second test signal is an Initial Conditions
asymmetric rectangular wave whose pulse is equal to (1) Connect the test circuit for 2-, 3-, or 4-terminal
one-half of the period of the first test signal, and whose resistance measurements as shown in Fig. 4,5, and 6,
period is determined by the maximum allowed crest respectively.
factor as follows: (2) In a two-terminai resistance measurement con-
(a) For dc-coupled or dc- + ac-type instruments, figuration, the resistance of the test leads is in series
with the reference standard and could become a

Crest Factor = CF = /: significant soume of error. In determining accuracy,

subtract the resistance value of the test leads and any
residual reference standard resistance from the instru-
or ment reading.
(3) When using a three-terminai or four-terminal
r 1
Ratio of Pulse Duration - = - resistance measurement configuration, use test leads
T (Cq2 with low and equal resistances or as specified b y the
(b) For ac-coupled instruments only, manufacturer. Procedure

Crest Factor = CF = jF (1) Apply input reference resistance in steps O, 1,

10,50, and 90 percent of the specified effective range.
(2) Observe and record reading R, of each step as
indicated on the instrument under test.
(3) Repeat the above procedure for each range of
1 a multirange instrument.
Ratio of Pulse Duration =
T (Cq2 + 1 Computation. The measured error is
computed as follows:
7 = pulse width Measured Error = R, - Ri
T = period of waveform
Ri= value of input reference resistance Procedure R, = corresponding reading of the instrument
(1) Apply to both instruments the first test signal
[] whose rms value is equal to 95 peccent of For determining the final measured error, any resid-
the specified effective range, ual errors due to the test leads and test equipment
(2) Observe and record readings from the referenced shall be considered.
measurement instrument (MI) and the instrument Results. The measured error shall not
under test (N1), exceed the specified accuracy rating at reference condi-
(3) Apply to both instruments the second test signal
[] whose amplitude is adjusted to give a 6.7.5 Ratio Initiai Conditions
reading on the referenced instrument equal to N1.
(1) Connect the test circuit shown in Fig. 7.
(4) Observe and record reading N2from the instru- (2) Observe and follow any special procedures
ment under test. or limitations specified by the manufacturer.
( 5 ) Repeat preceding steps one through four with Procedure
the opposite polarity (from zero voltage or current (1) Apply a reference input standard value
baseline) asymmetric rectangle waveform. (Nz) or 90 percent of the specified effective range to
(6) Repeat the above procedure for each range and the reference input terminals of the instrument under
- 'e each applicable function of the instrument. test.


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ANSI C37.b 83 %. 0 7 2 4 3 5 0 0004630 3 W


(2) Apply input signal values (N1)at minimum up and preconditioning time) throughout the dura-
.effective range and in steps of O, 1, 10,50, and 100 tion of the test.
percent of the specified maximum effective range, (3) Record at least three readings at minimum
which are greater than the minimum effective range, to intervals of 12 hours. (No more than three readings
the signal input terminals of the instrument under test. are required per week.)
(3) Observe and record readingN, of each Results. Any variation in reading by the
step as indicated on the instrument under test. instrument shall be within the stability limits specified.
(4)Apply a signal input value (N1)of 90 per-
6.9 dc Voltage Input Bias Current
cent of the specified effective range to the normal in-
6.9.1 Initial Conditions
put terminals.
(i) Connect the test circuit shown in Fig. 8.
(5) Apply input reference standard values
(2) To prevent hum or noise pickup, keep the
(Nz) at minimum effective range and in steps of 1,10,
leads in the test circuit as short as possible and away
50, and 90 percent of the specified maximum effective
from any electrostatic or magnetic fields.
range, which are greater than the minimum effective
(3) The voltage source shall be a battery, A bat-
range, to the reference input terminals.
tery-operated voltage monitor Vb or a passive volt-
(6) Observe and record reading IVr of each
meter shall be used to prevent the introduction of any
step as indicated on the instrument under test.
common-mode voltage. The bias current generated by
(7) Repeat the above procedures for each
the voltmeter shall not affect the reading of the instru-
range of a multirange instrument and for both posi-
ment under test,
tive and negative polarity for bipolar instruments. Computation. The measured error is (4)A low-leakage polycarbonate or the equivalent
computed as follows: capacitor C, having a value of approximately 0.1
microfarad, shall be added to minimize noise pickup.
Measured Error = W,I- Wl/Nz I (5) The value of the potentiometer R, shall be
approximately l / l O O of that of the series resistor R,.
where (6) A value of R, in the range of 1 to 100 meg-
N 1 = value of input signal applied ohms shall be used, depending on the amount of bias
Nz = value of input reference applied current that is generated by the instrument under
N y = corresponding reading of the instrument test,
(7) For instruments with a differential input, the
This value may have a scaled factor. (See the manu-
low input shall be connected to the circuit common.
facturer’s data sheet.)
6.9.2 Procedure Results. The measured error shall not ex-
(1) Using the circuit shown in Fig. 8, set R, so
ceed the specified accuracy rating at reference condi-
that the input voltage Vb is zero. The value R , must be
large enough so that the bias current produces an indi-
cation that is equal to approximately 10 times the
6.8 Stability
minimum resolved quantity of the instrument.
6.8.1 Short-Term Stability
(2) Switch the polarity and readjust R, to pro- Procedure
duce zero indication on the instrument under test.
(1) Apply an input signal value equal to 90
(3) Observe and record V,.
percent of the Specified effective range over a contin-
6.9.3 Computation. The bias current shali be com-
uous period of 24 hours.
puted as follows:
(2) Record at least four readings at minimum
intervals of three hours, including readings at the start Bias Current, ib = V,/R,
and end of the 24-hour period.
6.9.4 Results. The measured bias current shall not Results. Any reading by the instrument exceed the specified rating at reference conditions.
shall be within the stability limits specified.
6.8.2 Long-Term Stability 6.10 Input Impedance Procedure 6.10.1 Input Resistance, dc Voltage
(1) Apply an input signal value equal to 90 6.1O. 1.1 Initial Conditions
percent of the specified effective range over a period (i) Connect the test circuits shown in Fig. 9.
of 90 days or other longer period, as specified by the (2) Calibrate the instrument under test care-
manufacturer. fully at O and 100 percent of effective range, using a
(2) The instrument may be powered contin- direct connection from a low-impedance voltage refer-
uously or intermittently (with allowance for warm- ence source Vi.



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ANSI C 3 7 - 6 83 .m 0724150 0004611 5 = I

(3) The value of the series resistor R, shall be (3) Increase the frequency of the ac Voltage
10 percent to 50 percent of the input resistance (need Reference Source until the reading of the instrument
not be greater than 10 megohms) of the instrument equals 0.707 times Vr2.Note and record this frequen-
under test. cy Cf3dB).
(4) The value of the capacitor C shall be ap-
proximately 0.1 microfarad. The type of capacitor CAUTION: Be sure (f3dB) is within frequency range specifi-
cations; otherwise, raise R , value by one decade and repeat.
used shall be low-leakage, a polycarbonate, or the
(5) The value of the potentiometer R, shall Computation. The parallel equivalent
be approximately l / l O O of that of R,. of the input resistance and input capacitance shall be
6.1O. 1.2 Procedure computed as follows:
(1) Switch to Position 1. Input Resistance,Ri, = R, Vr2/(Vri V,,)) { -
(2) Adjust R, and set the reversing switch to

produce zero indication on the instrument under test. Input Capacitance, ci, = l/R, ( + l/Rin } / 2 n f , d B
(This nullfies the effects of the bias current.) Results. The measured values of input
(3) Switch to Position 2.
(4) Apply an input signal value Vi,equal to resistance and input capacitance shall be within the
90 percent of the effective range. specified h i t s of the instrument.
(5) Observe and record the reading V,, as 6.10.3 Voltage Burden, dc Current
indicated on the instrument under test. Initial Conditions Computation. The input resistance shall (1) Connect the test circuit shown in Fig. 11.
be computed as follows: (2) The input resistance of the dc voltmeter
shall be at least 1 megohm.
Input Resistance,&, = R, { V,/(Vi - V,)} Procedure Results. The measured value shall be (1) Apply an input reference current value
within the specified input resistance at reference condi- equal to 100 percent of the specified effective range.
tions. (2) Observe and record voltage V, as indicated
6.10.2 Input Resistance and Input Capacitance, ac on the dc voltmeter.
Voltage Results. The measured voltage burden Initial Conditions V, shall be within the specified value at reference con-
(1) Connect the test circuit shown in Fig. 10. ditions.
(2) To minimize the effect of stray capacitance 6.10.4 Voltage Burden, ac Current
and noise pickup, use shielded leads in the test circuit. Initial Conditions
Keep the leads as short as possible and away from any (1) Connect the test circuit shown in Fig. 12.
electrostatic or magnetic fields. To minimize measure- (2) To minimize the effect of stray capacitance
ment errors in determining low value input capacitance, and noise pickup, use shielded leads in the test circuit.
stray residual capacitance and frequency characteristics Keep the leads as short as possible and away from any
of all components used shall be considered in the final electrostatic or magnetic fields.
calculation, (3) The input resistance of the ac voltmeter
(3) The value of the noninductive futed resis- shall be at least 1 megohm.
tor R, shall be approximately 10 percent of the input Procedure
resistance (10 megohms maximum) of the instrument (1) Apply an input reference current equal to
under test. 100 percent of the effective range at 100 hertz (or at
(4) Close switch and calibrate the instru- a nominal frequency within the specified bandwidth).
ment with input signai values of O and 90 percent of (2) Observe and record voltage V, as indicated
effective range at 100 hertz, using the low-impedance on the ac voltmeter.
ac voltage reference source. Results. The measured voltage burden Procedure V, shall be within the specified value at reference con-
(1) With switch closed, apply to the instru- ditions.
ment an input signal equal to 90 percent of the ef- 6.1 1 Tests for Resistance Measurements
fective range at a frequency of 100 hertz. Record the 6.1 1.1 Maximum Lead Resistance
reading Vrion the instrument.

6.1 1.1.1 Initial Conditions
(2) Open switch and record the reading VY2 (1) Connect the test circuit as shown in Fig. 5
on the instrument. and 6 .


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A N S I C37.6 83 II 072L1L50 0004bL2 7


(2) Insert in each lead a fixed resistor equal 6.1 1.3 Test for Open-circuit Compliance Voltage
to the specified maximum for that lead. Observe and 6.1 1.3.1 Initial Conditions
foilow any specified restraints limiting the total re- (i) Connect test circuit shown in Fig. 14 with
sistance. switch closed. Procedure (2) The input resistance of the dc voltmeter
(i) Apply input reference resistances in steps shall be at least 50 times higher than the highest ohms
of O, 1,10,50, and 90 percent of the specified effec- range tested to minimize the loading error. For exam-
tive range, ple: If a voltmeter with an input resistance of lo9
(2) Observe and record reading R, of each ohms is used for testing the 20 megohm range, the
step as indicated on the instrument under test. loading error will be less than or equal to 2 percent.
(3) Repeat the above procedure for each range 6.1 1.3.2 Procedure
of a multirange instrument. Change the fixed resistors (1) Open switch and observe the open circuit
if the specified maximum lead resistance values vary compliance voltage on the dc voltmeter.
according to range. (2) Repeat the above procedure for each
(4)If the maximum resistance was limited by range of a multirange instrument,
specified restraints, change the fixed resistors and re- 6.1 1.3.3 Results. The observed open-circuit
peat the above procedure until all limiting conditions compliance voltage shall not exceed the specified
have been tested. maximum value at reference conditions. Computation. The measured error is
computed as follows: 6.12 Input Terminal Noise
6.12.1 Initial Conditions
Measured Error = R, - Ri
(i) Connect an oscilloscope equipped with a probe
where (10 megohms, < 10 pulse frequency) directly to the
Ri= value of input reference resistance input terminals of the instrument under test. The in-
R , = corresponding reading of the instrument strument?s low terminal and guard (if available) should
be connected to the oscilloscope?s ground terminal.
6.1 1.1.4 Results. Compare the measured errors
(2) The oscilloscope should have the necessary
obtained in the above procedure with those obtained
bandwidth and sensitivity specified for the instrument
in the test for resistance accuracy (see 6.7.4). Any vari- under test.
ation between the measured errors in the two tests
shall be within the specified limits for maximum lead 6.12.2 Procedure
resistance at reference conditions. (i) Measure peak-to-peak noise with the oscillo-
6.1 1.2 Maximum Current through Unknown Re- scope triggered to display the maximum deviation on
sistor all voltage and current measuring ranges, both ac and
6.1 1.2.1 Initial Conditions dc, with and without the internal filter or other speci-
(1) Connect the test circuit shown in Fig. 13. fied modes of the instrument under test.
(2) A virtual ground sensing current meter or (2) Repeat for all resistance ranges while measuring
equivalent shall be used to minimize the voltage burden a resistor of a value near 90 percent of effective range.
error, 6,12.3 Results. The measured noise shall not ex-
(3) If the current is not constant over a given ceed the specified maximum noise.
range, insert a variable resistor R, in series with the cur-
rent instrument to establish a reading for maximum 6.13 Maximum Nondestructive Input Signal
current. If the current is constant or is maximum with 6.13.1 Procedure
a short circuit, set R, equal to O. (i) Apply the maximum nondestructive input speci-
6.1 1.2.2 Procedure fied by the manufacturer to the instrument under test
(1) Vary the resistance R, to obtain a reading for all ranges of a given function for a period as speci-

of maximum current. fied by the manufacturer. For maximum continuous

(2) Record the measurement to current on the inputs, apply for at least five minutes.
current instrument.
(3) Repeat the above procedure for each range NOTE: If specification is a function of frequency, test at sev-
eral appropriate frequencies.
of a multirange instrument,
6.1 1.2.3 Results. The observed measurement (2) Repeat step one for all other functions included
current shall not exceed the specified value at refer- in the instrument under test.
ence conditions. 6.13.2 Result. Upon removal of all inputs, the in-


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A N S I C 3 7 - 6 83 9 072Ll350 0004bL3 7 i

* strument under test shall meet its rated accuracy at

reference conditions.
NOTE: If necessary,. . restore all user-sewiceable protection de-
vices for proper operation.

6.14 Maximum Nondestructive Voltage to Interface

6.16 Common-Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) Test
6.16.1 Initial Considerations
(1) When a common-mode voltage is applied to the
test leads of a measuring instrument, lead impedance
and the capacity or leakage resistance from the measur-
ing terminals to ground serve as voltage dividers that
Points convert some of the common-mode source voltage into
6.14.1 Procedure a normal-mode voltage at the instrument input
(1) Apply the maximum nondestructive voltage terminals.
specified by the manufacturer to the instrument under (2) Since this can be an important source of error,
test for a period as specified. For continuous voltages, the common-mode rejection test includes the effect
apply for at least five minutes. of a 1 kilohm resistance in series with either input
NOTE: If specification is a function of frequency, test at sev- terminal.
eral appropriate frequencies. 6.16.2 Procedure
(i) Two separate tests are made, using the circuits
(2) Repeat step one for all other interface points
shown in Fig. 15(a) and (b).
included in the instrument under test.
6.14.2 Result. Upon removal of all voltages, the in- (2) For (dc CMRR) tests, E,, should be a dc volt-
strument under test shall meet its rated accuracy a t age of about 1 percent of effective range (see
reference conditions. For (ac CMRR) tests, E,, should be an ac voltage of
about 1 percent of effective range (see
NOTE: If necessary, restore all user-serviceable protection de- (3) With E,, set to zero, record the initial indica-
vices for proper operation. tion Vi.
6.15 Tests for Step ResponseTime (4) Apply E,, over the specified frequency bands
6.15.1 Initial Considerations and at dc, with peak amplitude not to exceed the
(1) Step response time is difficult to measure with- maximum common-mode voltage rating of the instru-
out resorting to an elaborate test setup. Two limited ment under test.
simple methods are recommended: (5) Observe and record Vf,which is the maximum
deviation from Vi.
\Oi (a) A manually operated timer, synchronized
with the application of input signal. 6.16.3 Compufation. The common-mode rejec-
(b) With a known conversion rate, the number tion ratio is computed at follows:
of conversions are visually counted from the time CMRR (dB) = 20 log { E , , (peak)/ Vf (peak)}
the signal is applied until the reading is within rated
accuracy. For example, with a conversion rate of three Where E,, is the dc or peak test signal and V f is the
per second and a count of six conversions from zero to larger of the results from the two test circuits. (See
rated accuracy, the Response Time would be two Fig. 15(a) or (b).)
seconds. 6.16,4 Results. The common-mode rejection ratio
(2) The output impedance of the input signal source shall be equal to or greater than the value specified
shall be one-hundredth or less of the input impedance by the manufacturer.

of the digital multimeter (DMM) but no greater than 6.17 Normal-Mode Interference Rejection Ratio Tests
10 kilohms unless otherwise specified by the manufac- 6.17.1 Initial Considerations
turer. (1) This test consists of superimposing an ac sine-
6.15.2 Procedure wave interference signal on a dc voltage and noting the
(1) Apply a 90 percent effective value of range step change in indicated reading in response to the inter-

input signal to the DMM. ference signal.
(2) Note and record the time required for the (2) The normal mode signal generator should
indication to be within rated accuracy of the instru- have no dc output component.
ment under test. 6.17.2 Procedure
(3) Repeat steps one and two as required to deter- (1) Connect test circuit as shown in Fig. 16.
mine that the longest time has been measured. (2) The dc signal Vi, shall be approximately 1
6.15.3 Results. The recorded time is equal to the percent of effective range.
step response time. (3) With En, set to zero the initial indication,
NOTE: Since theresponse fime is a function of several operat-
Viis noted and recorded.
ing conditions, if shall be measured with the same input filter- (4) Apply En, over the specified frequency
ing as specified for the normal-mode rejection ratio tests. bands, with a peak amplitude equal to twice the

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k I

A N S I C39.b 83 d 0724350 0004634 O M


maximum effective range, or of higher value if a

normal mode test voltage is specified. (This is not the
input protection voltage rating.)
(5) Observe and record V f ,which is the maxi-
mum deviation from Vi.
NMRR (dB) = 20 log {E,, (peak)/Vf (peak)}

E,, = peak test signal
6.17.3 Computation. The following formula shall 6.17.4 Results. The normal-mode rejection ratio
be used to compute the normal mode rejection ratio shall be equal to or greater than the value specified by
in decibels (dB). the manufacturer.


o It


l o
1 DC


Fig. 1
Test Circuit for Accuracy Measurement of
dc Voltage and dc Current

o- / y. /-,
I ì ' ;
I '

\ I ! I


Fig. 2
Test Circuit for Accuracy Measurement of
ac Voltage and ac Current

- __--

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A N S I C 3 7 - 6 83 E 0 7 2 4 3 5 0 OOOqb1i5 2


LOW F----------' TEST

o- --i I
I I. -! ! I I
_L \I L'
t GH LOw
¿ ¿

Fig. 3
Test Circuit for ac Accuracy due fo
Crest Factor Influence



Fig. 4

Test Circuit for Two-TerminalResistance Measurement



3 I

Fig. 5

Test Circuit for

Three-Terminal Resistance Measurement


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A N S I C37-6 83 0724350 0004636 4



0- O

Fig. 6
Test Circuit for
Four-TerminalResistance Measurement

, i


- II
lI o

Fig. 7
Test Circuit for Ratio Measurement



Fig. 8
Test Circuit for Input Bias Current Measurement

. 30

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A N S I C 3 7 - 6 83 I072q350 0 0 0 4 b l 7 b I


== C



Fig. 9
Test Circuit for Input Resistance Measurement,

dc Voltage




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ANSI C37.6 8 3 U 072Ll350 O004638 8 =






Fig. 11
Test Circuit for Voltage Burden Measurement,
dc Current

o-. i , . t\

AC I l
I l




Fig. 12
Test Circuit for Voltage Burden Measurement,
ac Current



Fig. 13
Test Circuit for Measuring Maximum Current
through Unknown Resistor


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A N S I C37.6 8 3 m 0724150 0004b17 T m

I I l o

I 1 I

Fig. 14
Test Circuit for Measuring
Open-circuit Compliance Voltage

1 kilohm

______---- - eGUARD


(a) One Kilohm Resistance to Low Terminal

2 kilohm




(b) One Kilohm Resistance to High Terminal

Fig. 15
Test Circuit for
Measuring Common-ModeRejection Ratio


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A N S I C 3 ï - b 83 m 072LlL50 0004b20 b




0.1 microfarad O HIGH

E" rn

Fig. 16
Normal-ModeInterference Rejection
Ratio Test Circuit



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A N S I C37-b 83 = 072Li350 0004623 8

(This Appendix is not a part of American National Standard C39.6-1983, but is included for informational
Appendix purposes only.)

Procedure for Computation and Comparison of Error

A l . Computation of Measured Error Example

Record and compute the measured error in terms of An example of a dc voltage measurement using the
counts by the expression, previous procedure is illustrated in the following:
Measured Error (in counts) = N , -Ni
A4.1 Input Data
Ni = value of applied input signal in counts Maximum effective range = 1.999 volts dc (Vdc) or
N y = corresponding reading of the instrument in 1999 counts
Applied input voltage = 1 .O00 Vdc or 1000 counts

Corresponding reading of instrument = 1.O02 Vdc or
1002 counts
A2. Computation of Rated Error Rated accuracy of instrument = f (0.2% of input t
1 count)
From a typical rated accuracy statement of tr (X per-
cent of input t number of counts), compute the maxi- A4.2 Calculation of Measured Error in Counts
mum allowable rated error by the expression, -
Measured Error = N y Ni = 1002 counts - 1000 counts
Rated Error (in counts) = Nm t N , = 2 counts

A4.3 Calculation of Rated Error in Counts
N,,, = error in counts relates to the magnitude of the
input signal and expressed as X percent of the Rated Error = N,,, -I-N , = 10.2%of input t 1 count1
NOTE: Use standard rounding techniques when frac- N , = 0.2% of input = 0.2% of 1000 counts = 2
tion occurs. counts
N , = error in fixed number of counts from rated N , = 1 count
accuracy statement Therefore, the rated error is equal to N,,, t N , or 2 t 1
= 3 counts, which represents the maximum allowable
A3. Comparison and Results
A4.4 Comparison of Errors, Since the measured error
The measured error in counts shall not exceed the
I of two counts is less than the rated error of three
rated error in counts as expressed by the following:
counts, the instrument is within its specified rating for
D',-Nil Wm +Ncl this function.


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A N S I C 3 9 - b 83 0724150 0004b22 T

American National Standards

The standard in this booklet is one of more than 10,000 standards approved
to date by the American National Standards Institute.
The Standards Institute provides the machinery for creating voluntary stan-
dards. It serves to eliminate duplication of standards activities and to weld
conflicting standards into single, nationally accepted standards under the

designation "American National Standards.''
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groups as to the best current practice with regard to some specific problem.
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