1 3D Upper Mantle Structure Beneath Intraplate Atlas & Intraplate Rif Mountains of Morocco (Seber 1996)

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B2, PAGES 3125-3138, FEBRUARY 10, 1996

Three-dimensional upper mantle structure beneath the intraplate

Atlas and interplate Rif mountains of Morocco

Dogan SeberandMuawia Barazangi

Institutefor the Studyof the ContinentsandDepartmentof GeologicalSciences,CornellUniversity,Ithaca,New York

Ben Aissa Tadili,• MohamedRamdani,• Aomar Ibenbrahim,and Driss Ben Sari2

CentreNational de Coordinationet de P!anificationde !a RechercheScientifiqueet Technique,Rabat,Morocco

Abstract. We integrateobservations basedon teleseismicP wavetraveltimesandavailable

geologicdatato infer thatthe lithospherebeneaththe intraplateAtlas mountainsis thin and/orit
is characterizedby lowerP wave velocities,while beneaththe interplateRif mountainsandthe
adjacentAlboranSeaa previouslythickenedlithosphere hasbeendelaminatedintothe upper
mantle. Using surfacegeologyandgeochronology data,previousstudieshaveproposedthat
lithosphericdelaminationtook placein this region. In this studywe showthroughanalysisof
teleseismicP wave residualsthe existenceof a high-velocity(> 3%) uppermantlebody,which is
interpretedto be the delaminated,rigid lithosphere.This high-velocitylayer is overlainby a very
low velocityuppermost
of about7.6-7.7km s-1)interpreted
to be
asthenospheric materialreplacingthe delaminatedlithosphere.TeleseismicP wavesrecordedby a
recentlyinstalleddigital seismicnetworkand an olderanalognetworkin Moroccoprovidethe
residualsdatabase.A totalof 734 P waveresidualsfrom 92 selectedteleseismic earthquakesare
usedto documentthe spatialpatternof uppermantlevelocitystructure beneathnorthernMorocco
andthe AlboranSea. Subsequent useof theseresidualsin a tomographic inversionscheme
produceda three-dimensional velocityimageof the uppermantle. We infer from the P residuals
that stronguppermantlevelocityanomaliesexistbeneathboththe Rif andAtlas regions. The
Rif stationsshownegativeresiduals(- 1-1.5 s) for ray pathsfrom the eastandnortheastand show
positiveresiduals(- 1-1.5 s) for ray pathsfrom the northwestand southwest.Tomographic
resultsindicatethe existenceof a high-velocitybody(- 3% highervelocities)in the uppermantle
beneaththe easternRif andAlboranSea,extendingapproximatelyfrom subcrustal depthsdownto
a depthof at least350 km. In the westernRif, however,1-2% lower velocitymaterialis imaged
in the uppermantle. The residualsof the Atlas stationsalsoshowazimuthalvariations.In
general,mostof the P wavesthat travelbeneaththe High andMiddle Atlas haveabout0.5-1.0 s
delays.In contrast,the raysthattravelbeneaththe northwestern marginof the Atlasmountains
andthe adjacentMoroccanMesetaareashownegativeresiduals(• 1 s), suggesting thathigher
velocitymaterialexistsbeneaththe platformareaadjacentto the Atlasmountains.Tomographic
resultsindicatethatbeneathmostof the Atlas systemthe uppermostmantlehasabout1% lower
velocities.Beneaththe AlboranSearegion,however,reportedlow uppermostmantlePn
velocitiescontraststronglywith highervelocityuppermantlevelocitiesobtainedby our analysis.
Low-velocityuppermostmantlebeneaththeAlboranSeaunderlainby a high-velocityupper
mantlematerialis usedto supportearlierinterpretations of lithosphericdelaminationbeneaththe
Rif andAlboran Searegions. The enigmaticoccurrenceof subcrustalearthquakes in theseregions
is also consistent with this active delamination mechanism.

Introduction and Geologic Framework African Atlas system that stretchesfor a distance of about
2000 km from the Atlantic coast of Morocco in the west to
The intraplateAtlas mountainsof Morocco, consistingof
the Mediterraneancoastof Tunisia in the east(Figure 1). The
the E-W oriented High Atlas mountains and the NE-SW
High Atlas mountainsconstitutethe highest elevated region
orientedMiddle Atlas mountains,are an integral part of the in this mountain chain with a maximum elevation of about

1Nowat Departement
Universite 4100 m. The Rif mountains in the north, however, are
Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco. interplate mountains and show very different structural
2Nowat Faculte
V, Rabat, stylescomparedto the Atlas mountains[Pique et al., 1987].
Morocco. Two major geological events that took place in the
Mesozoic and Cenozoic affected the geologic history and
Copyright 1996 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. present-day tectonics of Morocco: Opening of the North
Atlantic and the Western Tethys in the early Mesozoic, and
Papernumber95JB03112. the Africa-Europe continent-continent collision in early
0148-0227/96/95JB-03112 $05.00 Cenozoictime [e.g., Schaer, 1987; Jacobshagenet al., 1988].


5W 0 5 10E





Tell Atlas


Saharan Platform


Thrust • Faults
• Quaternary

Figure 1. Generalizedtectonicmap of the westernMediterranean

region,andthe locationof the studyarea.
The Atlas systemstretchesfrom the Atlanticcoastof Moroccoto Tunisiatotalingabout2000 km in length
(modified from Dewey et aL [ 1989]).

These two eventsresultedin four major mountainrangesin however, are locatedbetweenthe High Atlas and the Saharan
NW Africa: The Rif, High Atlas, Middle Atlas, and Anti Atlas eraton. Uplift history of the Anti Atlas goes back to the
ranges (Figures 1 and 2). The Rif mountains,which are an Hercynianorogeny(300-340 Ma) [Pique et al., 1987]; but the
integral part of the "Gibraltar arc" surroundingthe Alboran most recent phase of uplift is from Pliocene to present
Sea,are characterized by numerous,well-mapped,asymmetric, [Jacobshagen, 1992].
Alpine-type, complexnappestructures[e.g., Morley, 1987; Being intracontinentalin nature, the Atlas mountainsare
Doublas and Oyarzun, 1989;Ait Brahim, 1991]. The High fundamentally different from the typical orogens located
Atlas mountains,however,are locatedat an intraplatesetting along convergent/collisional plate boundaries, like the
and exhibit a structuralsymmetry. They were formedoverthe Himalayas, Andes, or the Alps. The Atlas mountains(both
site of a Mesozoic rift [Dresney, 1975]. Although much of Middle and High Atlas) lack many of the observeddiagnostic
the inversionwas accomplishedduring Neogenetime, some geologicalfeaturesof interplatemountains. Flyschs,nappes,
authors suggestedthat the initiation of uplift in the High regional metamorphism,ophiolites, granitoid intrusionsand
Atlas was as early as Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceoustime large-scaleasymmetricdeformationare missing in the Atlas
[Sichler et al., 1980; (W. Beauchampet al., Intracontinental mountains.Very little is known about the crustal and upper
rifting and inversion: The Missour basin and Atlas mantle structuresbeneaththe Atlas, making the comparison
mountains of Morocco, submitted to American Association of the deeper structuresof the Atlas and interplate-type
of Petroleum GeologistsBulletin, 1995)]. The geological mountainsinfeasible. The occurrenceof earthquakesin and
evolution of the Middle Atlas mountains is similar to that of around Morocco is among the signaturesof active tectonics
the High Atlas. Rifting in early Mesozoictime was followed in this region. A seismicitymap by Ramdani et al. [1992]
by intense compression, mostly transpressive, in the shows the active deformation (seismogenic) belts in
Cenozoic [Dresney, 1988]. The Anti Atlas mountains, Morocco, which include the Rif, the Middle Atlas, and central

Moroccan National Seismic Network

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•, ..... ,., .• .... .- ,/..- . .-•..e•

36o N :-•'••j•

TSY •"""
ß......... :.?'.•:.•..¾ .4•

34ø Rabat


1 Digital Stations Analog Stations

Figure 2. Map showingboth digital and analog seismicstationsin Morocco. Backgroundimage is a
topographicshaded-reliefmap generatedusing a high-resolutiondigital elevation model showing the
extent and dimensions of the Atlas and Rif mountains. Names of the stations that are referred in the text and
in the following figuresare also shown.

High Atlas mountains. Furthermore,the existing information southconvergengesincethe Cretaceous[Deweyet al., 1973].
on the focal mechanism solutionsof shallow earthquakesin The Atlas and the Rif regionsare the only placesknown to us
the High and Middle Atlas indicatesstrike-slipand/or thrust where intermediate-depthseismicityis observedwithout any
deformation [Medina and Cherkaoui, 1991]. In the Rif apparentNeogene and/or Quaternarysubduction. Mapping
region mainly strike-slip focal mechanisms dominate the upper mantle structure beneath the Atlas would
[Medina and Cherkaoui, 1992]. Of special interest is the significantly improve our understandingof the mechanism
reported occurrence of intermediate-depth earthquakes that is responsiblefor the intermediate-depthseismicity.
beneaththe central High Atlas and Middle Atlas [Hatzfeld In addition to earthquake data collected in the past two
and Frogneux,1981;Tadili and Ramdani,1983;Cherkaoui, decades,the available geophysicaldata in Morocco include
1991]. All of the intermediate-depthevents are small in size seismic refraction profiles and gravity data. Numerous
(M < 4.5) with a maximum depth of about 160 km. Hatzfeld reversedand unreversed
refractionprofilestransectthe Rif,
and Frogneux [ 1981] statethat there is a seismicgap between Middle Atlas, and western segment of the High Atlas
depths of about 30 and 55 km. This intermediate-depth [Hatzfeld and Ben Sari, 1977; Makris et al., 1985; Schwarz
seismicityis not related to any subductionzone in the Atlas, and Wigger, 1988; Wigger et al., 1992; Ramdani, 1993].
as indicatedby surfacegeology. Neither is a well-developed Analysis of refraction profiles suggeststhat the uppermost
Wadati-Benioff zone observed. Kinematic models, although mantle velocity, Pn, rangesfrom 7.8 to 8.0 km/s beneaththe
limited in resolution in the western Mediterranean region, Atlas mountains. However, the data range where Pn is the
show transcurrentplate motions followed by limited north- first arrival is limited and very emergentin character. Both

refraction and gravity studies suggest that the Moroccan LOCATIONS OF TELESEISMIC EVENTS
crust is relatively thin ( -• 30 km) beneath the Rif, Middle
Atlas and Anti Atlas and reaches its maximum thickness
(about 40 km) beneaththe High Atlas [Demnati, 1972; Van
Den Bosch, 1981; Tadili et al., 1986; Ben Sari, 1987; Wigget
et al., 1992].
At least three different geodynamicevolutionmodels have
been proposedfor the Atlas mountains,and three others for
the Betic-Rif mountains. The geodynamicmodels proposed
for the Atlas evolution include (1) crustal scale block uplift
of the Mesozoic Atlas Gulf [Stets and Wurster, 1982]; (2)
transpressive forces reactivating preexisting structures
[Froitzheim et al., 1988]; and (3) inversionof a midcrustal,
subhorizontal detachment system which was developed in
the early Mesozoic rifting stage [Giese and Jacobshagen,
1992]. A common ground in these proposedmodels is that
they all acceptthe reactivationof older structuresas the main
mechanismof uplift. The geodynamicmodels proposedfor
the evolution of the Betic-Rif system and the extension in
the Alboran Sea include (1) emplacementof a mantle diapir
beneath the Alboran Sea uplifting the lithosphere and
forming the Gibraltar Arc and nappe structuresin the Betic-
Rif system [Loomis, 1975; Weijermars, 1985]; (2)
reactivationof the normal faults of the passivemarginsof the
Alboran block into complex thrust sheetsalong the Gibraltar
arc [Duran-Delga and Oliver, 1988]; and (3) convective
removal of a thickened lithosphericroot (delamination) and
subsequentuplift resulting in the Gibraltar arc and nappe
structuresin the Betic-Rif system[Platt and kissers, 1989].
A recently installed, 30-station, short-period seismic
network in Morocco [Ben Sari, 1991] provides reasonably
dense teleseismic ray coverage beneath the Moroccan Atlas
and Rif mountains. Data collectedby these stationsallow us
to bring additional constraints to the structure and
geodynamic evolution of the intracontinental Atlas
mountainsand to comparethe upper mantle structuresof an
intraplateand interplatemountainsystems. In this studywe
analyze teleseismic P wave residuals to map the three-
dimensionalupper mantle velocity structurebeneaththe Rif
and Atlas mountains. Figure 3. Azimuthal distribution of teleseismic events and
their distances from the Moroccan network. Concentric
circles are drawn at 10 ø distance intervals. The total number
Data and Results
of teleseismicevents used in this study is 92.
The new seismicnetworkin Moroccoprovidesmost of the
seismic data used in this study. Additional data were
provided by analog recordingsof nine other seismicstations, station distribution and provide additional data coverage
which have been operationalfor about the past three decades beneath the Atlas and Rif mountains, it was necessaryto
in Morocco [Tadill and Ramdani, 1983; Ben Sari, 1987; utilize additional analog data. The analog data preventedthe
Cherkaoui, 1991]. Figure 2 showsthe locationsof both the use of the waveform correlation technique to pick relative
digital and analog stations. The natural frequency of all arrival times [Evans and Achauer, 1993]. Each seismicrecord
receiversis 1 Hz. Data from the digital network are recorded had the same British Broadcasting Company radio time
on a trigger basiswith 100 samplesper secondsamplingrate, signalsthat formed a uniform time basefor all records. All of
the residuals were corrected for the station elevations and
and also on analog drums continuously. Arrival times of P
and PKP waves generatedby teleseismicearthquakes(Figure then for each teleseismic event a network average was
3) are used to obtain the teleseismic residuals for each calculated, and this average residual was subtractedfrom the
individual residuals in order to eliminate errors in locations
station. The residuals were obtained by subtracting the
calculated travel times of the International Association of and origin times. This averaging may bias the residuals,
Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior (IASPEI-91) since the number of the readings used for each teleseismic
earth model of Kennett and Engdahl [1991] from the event varies. This would reduce the magnitude of the
observed travel times. A total of 734 first arrival times from residuals,but locations of the anomalieswould not change.
92 teleseisms at distancesbetween 20 and 90 degrees and
150 and 180 degrees were read from the seismogramsand Residual Analysis
used in this study. We took considerablecare in selecting
these 92 teleseisms. More than 250 teleseismic events were Some of the teleseismic P wave travel time residuals are
analyzed initially. We eliminatedthe majority of these data shownas compositeplots in Figure 4. For the Rif stationswe
becauseeither first arrivals were emergentin characteror the have compiledall the readingsfrom stationsCPS, BIT, BMD,
number of recording stationswas not adequate. Most of the NKM, DKH, and TSY in one plot (Figure 4a), since these
selectedevents show impulsive first arrivals; for these events stationsare only a few tens of kilometers away from each
we read the arrival times. In order to take advantage of other. Similarly, we compiledreadingsof stationsTAZ, KSB,

and KHF into one plot (Figure 4b) to presenta generaltrend strongheterogeneities.The Atlas regionshowsuppermantle
of the residual anomalies in the Atlas ranges. First-order heterogeneities
as well. Most of the raysthat travel beneath
observationsfrom theseplots are that (1) beneaththe eastern the Middle Atlas range (i.e., 30ø-60øN azimuth) show late
Rif thereis a stronghigh-velocityanomaly,(2) to the westof arrivals. However, the rays traveling beneaththe platform
the Rif there is a low velocity, and (3) beneaththe Atlas area to the northwest of the Atlas ranges (the Moroccan
ranges,especiallybeneaththe Middle Atlas, thereis a lower Meseta) have negative residualsup to 1 s (Figure 4b),
velocity. In the MoroccanMesetaarea a relativelyhigher suggestingthat higher velocity uppermantlematerialexists
velocitymaterialexistsin the uppermostmantle. Negative beneath this region.
residualsof up to 1.0-1.5 s are obtainedfor some of the To show the lateral extent of the upper mantle
stationsin the Rif region from the easterlyazimuths(Figure heterogeneitiesresponsible for theseresiduals,we projected
4a). A relatively sharp changeto positive residualsis the teleseismicray pathsto the surfacefrom a depthof 350
observedwhen the rays arrive from the westerly azimuths km (Figures5 and 6), which is estimatedto be the baseof
(Figure4a). This low-velocityanomalyextendstowardthe major velocity variationsand/or depth limit in our database
Azores-Gibraltarplate boundaryand is probablya reflection as will be discussedbelow. Only those rays with residuals
of this complexplate boundaryprocesses [McKenzie, 1972]. greaterthan 0.5 s (slow rays) and lessthan -0.5 s (fast rays)
These significant differencesin the teleseismicresiduals are projectedto the surfaceand shownin Figure 6. The
indicate that the upper mantle beneaththe Rif region has easternRif is clearly markedby fasterrays (Figure6a). The

Rif Stations


-I- residuals
1.5 1.0 0.5 s


Figure 4. Teleseismic
P waveresiduals
of someselected stationsin Moroccoplottedwith respectto their
incidentanglesand azimuths.Concentric
incidentanglesare drawnat 10ø increments,
azimuth lines drawn at 30ø increments.Positiveresidualsare markedwith plusesand negativeresidualsare
markedas opencircles.The sizeof the anomalyis proportional to symbolsize. (a) Composite residuals
six Rif stations.(b) Composite
residualplotsof threeAtlasstations.SeeFigure2 for locationandcodesof
stations shown.

• 35

•- 150•


Figure 5. Three-dimensional view of the block geometryusedin tomographicinversionin Figure 7. For the
tomographic inversion the region was divided into three layers each consistingof 100 blocks. The
boundariesof the Rif and Atlas rangesare markedin the figure.

limit of this highervelocityuppermantle Morocco. Upper mantle velocitieschangeconsiderably,even
material is beyond our resolution limit. This anomaly, at short distances (- 50 km), beneath the Rif and Atlas
however, probably extends well into southern Spain as regions. However, residuals alone only give a qualitative
shownby the studiesof Plomerovaet al. [1993] and Blanco picture of the velocity anomalies. To obtain quantitative
and Spakman [1993]. The western Rif upper mantle low- images of these velocity anomalieswe applied a tomographic
velocity anomaly is also evident in Figure 6b as slow rays inversion technique [Aki et al., 1977] to the existing
dominate the western part of the Rif. Also evident from residuals.This inversion techniquehas been successfully
Figure 6b is that the Middle Atlas is mostly dominatedby appliedto many regions[e.g•,Aki et al., 1977; Oncescuet al.,
slow rays. 1984; Plomerova et al., 1993; Amato et al., 1993] and details
of the technique will not be repeated here. The technique
requiresthe region of interestbe divided into layers and the
TeleseismicTomography layers into blocks, each block having a uniform initial
velocity. The velocity perturbationwithin each block that
TeleseismicP wave residualsclearly indicatethat them are explains the observed residuals are then calculated in a
strong velocity variations in the upper mantle beneath dampedleast squaresscheme. The techniquedoes not yield



Figure 6. Surfaceprojectionsof thoseray pathshavingresiduals(a) lessthan -0.5 s and (b) largerthan 0.5 s.
Rays were projectedto the surfacefrom a depth of 350 km (see Figure 5). These figures show the lateral
extentof eachray path in the uppermantle. Fasterrays dominatein the Rif and Meseta areas,while slower
rays dominateto the west of the Rif and in the Atlas ranges.

absolutevelocities; only variationsfrom an initial model can teleseismic tomography images high-velocity uppermost
be calculated. mantle material in most of the Rif region. Velocity
The Moroccan seismic network covers an area of perturbationsin this regionreach> 2%. Velocitiesup to 2%
600 x 500 km2 (seeFigure2). We chosean lower are obtained in the northwesternpart of the Rif, again
area of 1000 x 1000 km2 around the seismic network and confirming our residual analysis interpretation. A Meseta
divided the area into 10 x 10 blocks, each block having 100 block (see Figures 5 and 7) shows about 2% higher
x 100 km dimensions(Figure 5). A three-layer model to a uppermost mantle velocities, and the Atlas ranges show
depth of 350 km was constructed. To a first-order about 0.5 -1% slower velocities. In the third layer, which is
approximation, the first layer in the model representsthe assumedto representthe asthenosphere(150 - 350 km), the
crust (0-35 km) with a velocity of 6.5 km/s. The underlying easternRif high-velocity anomaly becomesquite strong (•- 2
layer representsthe mantle lithosphere(35-150 km) with 8.1 - 3%), suggestingthat no widespreadasthenospheric material
km/s velocity, and a final layer (150-350 km) with 8.5 km/s is present at this depth. The high-velocity material covers
average velocity. Our initial tests and resolution analyses the eastern half of the Rif and the Alboran Sea. The western
showed that below 350 km, significant velocity Rif low-velocity anomaly is still present at this depth with
perturbationscannotbe resolved. Hence the maximum depth 1.5 - 2.0% slower velocity anomalies. Along the Atlas ranges
of the blocks was kept at 350 km. The coverageof ray paths no significant velocity perturbations are imaged at this
is not uniform beneaththe region of interest(Figures 6 and depth. These results suggestthat there are no lithospheric
7d). Since there are not many stations in the Moroccan roots to the Atlas mountains.
Meseta and High Atlas, the sampling at shallow depths is Contourmapsof the resolutionmatrix shownin Figure 7b
especially poor beneath these regions. A more uniform ray indicate that the poorestresolutionin our inversion is in the
path coverageis obtainedbelow the crust. crustal layer, a common problem in teleseismic inversion.
One of the critical questionsin constructinga model for However, solutions for the other two layers are reasonably
teleseismic inversion is the size of the blocks to be used and well constrained. Standard deviations of velocity
their positions. The block size is limited by the station perturbations obtained by sliding block locations and
distribution [Aki et al., 1977] and was fixed to be 100 x 100 averaging over the results obtained give an idea about
km in the inversion. This limits the horizontal resolution in possibleerrors due to the ambiguity of placing the blocks in
our inversion results. Also, the positionsof the blocks are the space domain. Figure 7c shows that positions of the
arbitrary. Since the size of the blocksare fixed, care must be blocks affect mostly the crustal layer's solution, since the
taken when positioning these blocks. If a block enclosesa higheststandarddeviation is observedthere ( + 0.5%). In the
region where there are strong velocity variations, velocity next two layers, however, standarddeviationsvary between
perturbationsobtained after the inversion are some average 0.1 and 0.2 %. A velocity perturbationanomalyof about2%,
over the region: henceresultswill not reflect the real velocity then, would actually be in the range of 2.0 + 0.2%. The new
structures, even at the scale of the block size. To minimize three-dimensionalvelocity model obtained from tomography
the effects of this phenomenonand to estimatethe degree of provides a variance improvement over 50% to the residuals
smoothing,a general procedureis to changethe center of the (Figure 9). There are still significant variations left in the
blocks slightly (•- 10-20 km) and then average the solutions. data which cannot be improved further due to a number of
If no majorvelocity'
is crossed
by a singleblock, limitations such as limited number of stations, azimuthal
velocity perturbations obtained by this change in block distribution of teleseismic earthquakes, and large block
locationsshould be very similar to that of the original block sizes.
location, and the variance of these velocities averagedover
many such offsets shouldbe small. The variance,then, can be
used as a check on the parameterization artifacts. We Teleseismic Inversion Resolution Tests
calculated 81 different solutions from the same residuals data
set. The central points of theseblockswere varied by 10 km A concern in all inversion studies is the resolution,
in each step up to 40 km in all directions. The maximum accuracy, and uniquenessof the imaged anomalies. One has
shift of a block, then, was little less than one-half the size of to show either statistically or through modeling that the
each block. An average over these 81 solutionsgives the obtainedanomaliesare not artifactsof the techniqueand/or
final velocity image shown in Figure 7a, and contoursof the noise in the data. All of the velocity perturbationsthat we
diagonal elements of the resolution matrix are shown in calculatedusing the teleseismicinversion are consistentwith
Figure 7b. Standard deviations,in percentage,due to block the anomalies seen in the residual plots. The teleseismic
shifting and averaging is shown in Figure 7c, and ray hit inversion, then, helps in constrainingthe depth distribution
countsfor each block is shown in Figure 7d. of these anomalies and provides quantitative information
In orderto selectan accuratedampingvalue we performed about the magnitudeof the anomalies.
a series of inversionsusing a number of damping values and We performedtwo different resolutiontestsusing synthetic
decided to use a damping value of 300 throughout the data. In the first test we generated a model with a
inversion procedure (Figure 8). This damping value checkerboardpatternvelocity anomalies(+2 % and -2 % both
provided a reasonable constraint in the resultant velocity in the horizontal and vertical directions). A synthetic
anomalieswhile constrainingthe effects of the noise in the residualsdata set was calculatedusingthe sameevent-station
data. Although smaller damping values provided better rms pairs as are observed. This noise-free data set was then
errors, the velocities obtained from these values were inverted using the same parameters that we used in our
tinrealistically high or low. inversion calculations. The results obtained from this test
The velocity anomaliesin the crustal layer (0-35 km) is are shown in Figure 10a. Anomalies in the middle and third
not well resolved due to the relatively small thicknessof the layers are reasonablywell resolved. Velocity perturbations
crust and the relatively nonuniform ray path coverage from show a similar checkerboardpattern as in the input model,
teleseismic events. For this reason a geological althoughthe magnitudesof the imaged velocity anomalies(---
interpretation will not be given for the crustal layer. The 1-1.5 %) are slightly less than thoseof the input values. The
second layer (35-150 km), generally representing the crustal layer, as expected, does not show any significant
lithosphere, shows quite significant lateral velocity anomalies except in northern Morocco where the station
variations (Figure 7a). Similar to our residual analysis, distribution is the densest.
a) Percent velocity perturbations b) Resolution matrix

Figure 7. Map showingresultsof tomographic inversion.(a) velocityperturbations in percentageare

contoured with 0.5% increments.High (negativeresiduals) andlow (positiveresiduals) velocityanomalies
in the easternandwesternsidesof the Rif, respectively,
extenddccpintothe uppermantle.The Atlas ranges
showslowervelocityanomalies in the second layer.The uppermantlebeneath the Rif andAlboranSeais
characterizedby high-velocityanomalies,whereas to thewestof theRif theuppermantleis characterized by
low velocities.(b) Contourrepresentations of the resolutionmatrixdiagonalclements. (c) Standard
deviations of velocityperturbationsin eachblockdetermined by shiftingthe blockcentersandaveraging
the resultsof 81 differentinversions.Large standarddeviations(~ 0.5%) arc obtainedfor the first layer
indicatingthat velocityperturbations obtainedfor this layerstronglydependuponpararnctcrization of
blocks.The remaining two layersshowreasonably low standard deviations.Contourintervalis 0.05%.(d)
Hit counts for each block. Contour interval is 10.

c) Standard Deviations
due to block shift d) Hit counts

Figure 7. (continued)

225 (Figure 10b) that the anomaly is resolved, and there is no

significant smearing of velocity anomalies into adjacent
blocks in both vertical and horizontal directions. The
magnitude of the original anomaly is slightly
200 underestimateddue to both the damping value used in the
inversionand the lack of sufficientray coverage.

175 Discussion

ß Existence of a weak and probably thinned lithosphere

beneath the intraplate Atlas mountains is inferred from the
analysis of teleseismic P wave residuals and available

/ J J I I
geologic data. Slightly lower velocities beneaththe Atlas, at
a depth range of 35-150 km, most likely indicate a weak
lithosphere. We argue that there are no lithosphericroots
beneaththe Atlas mountains,since no high-velocitymaterial
10000 1000 100 10 I is imaged beneath the Atlas ranges. Both the Middle and
2 High Atlas are recognizedas sites of early Mesozoic rifting
Damping factor 0 [Dresney, 1975]. Although no oceanwas formed at that time,
Figure 8. Plot showing total rms values versus different the rifting must have been significant as evidencedby the
damping values used in teleseismic inversion. A value of widespreadand thick Triassicbasaltsin theseareas[Saadi et
300 was chosenfor the analysis. al., 1985]. The rifting processesundoubtedlyaffected the
lithosphereand probably weakenedit. It is unlikely that a
low velocity layer would remain intact since the Triassic;
The secondinversiontest involveda spikeanomalyin the however, the zones of weakness in the mantle lid due to
model. We constructeda model in which only one block had rifting may have been reactivatedby the Cenozoic collision
a 3% higher velocity anomaly and examinedthe effects of of Africa and Europe. The occurrenceof intermediatedepth
smearingof velocity anomaliesin the resultantimages. The earthquakes beneath the Atlas ranges [Hatzfeld and
anomalywas placedin the secondlayer in the Rif areawherea Frogneux, 1981; Tadill and Rarndani, 1983] could be
high-velocity anomaly is observed. The test results show attributed to reactivation of lithospheric structures. A

- 'IASPEI-91model' ' ' -

5 ' _

- , , , , I • , , , I , , , , i .... -
0 50 100 150 200



0 50 100 150 200

Distance (degrees)
Figure 9. Plots showingteleseismicP wave residuals. (Top) Teleseismicresidualscalculatedfrom IASPEI-
91 model; (bottom) same datasetresidualscalculatedusing the new three-dimensionalmodel obtained from
tomography. Variance improvementis over 50%.

a) Checkerboard test b) Spike test

I ] I • I ] I • I

I [ I • I [ I [ I
[ ' I

I [ I • I [ I

Figure10. Mapsshowing
of thesynthetic
(a) Successive
horizontaland vertical directionwere assigned+3% and -3% velocity perturbations,
forming a
usingthesamenumber andlocations
asin thecaseof theobserved
to obtain
is in thecrustallayer. Contours
aredrawnat 0.5 %
(b) Resolution
testfora spikemodel.A blockwith3%highervelocity
isplacedin thesecond
where weimage a high-velocity
fromtheobserved dataset.Synthetic
andtheseimages wereobtained

maximum of 20% shorteningis reported for the High Atlas that crustal and lithospherethinning occurred in this region.
[e.g., Giese and Jacobshagen,1992], which correspondsto a A thickened continental lithosphere, now present in the
little over 20 km of shorteningin the centralHigh Atlas, and upper mantle but detachedfrom the overlying crust, is the
less elsewhere. This is consistent with our teleseismic most likely candidate for the higher velocity body imaged
tomography results suggestingthat the lithospheredid not basedon teleseismicresiduals(Figure 11). As a result of this
thicken. It seemsunlikely that - 20 km of shorteningwould hypothesized delamination episode, low-density
form a mountainrange as extensiveas the High Atlas, a few asthenosphericmaterial would have replaced the cold and
hundred kilometers long with high peaks reaching close to denser lithosphere at shallower depths. Although our
4000 m at some localities. The lower velocity (higher velocity models do not have the necessary resolution to
temperature)material in the upper mantle beneaththe Atlas decipherthe relatively thin low-velocity layer overlying the
rangessuggeststhat there may be a positive buoyancyforce high-velocity detachedlithosphere,seismicrefraction data in
contributionto the uplift of the Atlas mountains(Figure 11). the Alboran Sea show extremely low (7.5-7.9 km/s) Pn
In a similar study, using teleseismicand local earthquakes, velocities [e.g., Banda, 1988].
Roecker et al. [1993] showed that beneath the intra- The high-velocity upper mantle body that we interpretto
continental Tien Shan mountain belt of central Asia there is be the delaminated lithosphere beneath the Rif was also
also a low-velocity zone in the upper mantle reaching a mapped to extend in a northeasterlydirection beneaththe
maximum depth of about 300 km. The low-velocity upper Alboran Sea and southernSpain. Analysisof teleseismicdata
mantle material may be a commonfeaturefor intracontinental recordedby the Spanishseismicnetworksuggestsup to a 6%
mountain belts. That is, weaknesszones in the lithosphere velocity increase in the upper mantle beneath southeastern
and below may be a major factor in the formation of Spain [Plomerovaet al., 1993]. Blanco and Spakrnan[1993]
intracontinental deformation and mountain building also showedthe presenceof a similar high-velocityanomaly
processes. in the upper mantle beneaththe Alboran Sea and Southern
Beneath the Rif region and to the northeastbeneaththe Spain. They used both local and teleseismicP wave arrival
Alboran Sea, however, high-velocity material extends to at times, as reported by the International SeismologicalCentre
least to 350 km depth in the uppermantle. This strongupper bulletins, and interpreted this high-velocity anomaly in the
mantle high-velocity anomaly contrasts with the western upper mantle as detachedsubductinglithosphere. Inferring
Rif/Azores-Gibraltar low-velocity upper mantle anomaly. A from the deep seismicity beneath southern Spain, earlier
sharpvertical transitionboundarynear the strait of Gibraltar researchersalso speculatedon the presenceof a lithospheric
separates these anomalies. Platt and Vissers [1989] body locateddeep in the mantle beneaththis region [Udias et
suggested that extentional collapse of a thickened al., 1976; Buforn et al., 1991]. Our results show that this
continental lithosphere beneath the Alboran Sea is high-velocity lithosphericbody extendsinto the Rif area as
responsiblefor the present-dayextensionin the Alboran Sea well. Although it is difficult to differentiate between the
and thrusting along the Gibraltar arc. Watts et al. [1993] geophysical signatures of a subducted lithosphere and a
using seismicreflection data in the Alboran Sea concluded previously thickened and then delaminated lithosphere,

200 km
• NoV.E.

Figure 11. A schematicrepresentationof the interpretedcrosssectionacrossthe Atlas and Rif/Betic

regions. This interpretation is meant to show a gross upper mantle structure based on analysis of
teleseismicresiduals. Lithosphericthinning beneaththe Atlas is inferred from the positive residuals.
Beneath the Rif and Alboran Sea regions teleseismicP wave residualsand tomographicinversion results
show that high-velocitymaterial existsin the uppermantle. Very low Pn velocitiesin the uppermostmantle
are overlain by high-velocityupper mantle material. In a recent study Seber et al. [1996] discussedthe
occurrenceof intermediate-depthearthquakesbeneaththe Alboran Sea and surroundingregions and the
presenceof a seismicgap in the uppermostmantlebeneaththe Alboran Sea region.

several factors suggest that this anomaly is a result of geologic evidence that this high velocity body corresponds
delamination of a thickened continental lithosphere rather to a delaminated continental lithosphere beneath the Rif-
than simple subduction:the width of the anomaly(- 200 km) Betic mountain belts (Figure 11). We suggestthat the high-
and its oblique orientation to any plate boundaries,and also velocity upper mantle body is overlain by a low-velocity,
the fact that it extends beneath continental regions of both low-densityasthenosphere beneathboth the Alboran Sea and
Africa and Iberian plates. The Alboran Sea, where the the Rif region of Morocco. Present-day extension in the
proposeddelamination episodemost likely initiated, is now Alboran Sea, accompaniedby extensiveNeogene volcanism,
underlain by a thin continental crust and has subsided2-4 is probably a consequence of this inferred delamination
km since the Middle Miocene [Platt and Vissers, 1989]. episode. Thrustingalong the Gibraltar arc, which formed the
Extensive Neogene/Quaternary volcanism and normal Rif and Betic mountains, was contemporaneouswith the
faulting, probable consequencesof delamination processes, extension in the Alboran Sea. The thrusting may have
characterize the Alboran Sea at the present time. Radial developed as a response to the sudden thermal uplift
thrusting around the Alboran Sea (Betic and Rif thrusts) resulting from the lithospheric delamination episode in the
probably developedas a result of a thermal uplift between 22 Alboran Sea region, and radially propagatedaway from the
and 15.5 Ma as evidenced by very high cooling and uplift- center,as the centercollapsedand startedsubsiding.
exhumation rates obtained from radiometric and
paleontological dates [Zeck et al., 1992]. This type of
geometry, that is, subsidenceat the center and thrusting Acknowledgments. This work was supportedby the National
along the edges, has been shown by thermomechanical Science Foundationgrant number EAR-9205257 and by the Centre
National de Coordination et de Planification de la Recherche
modeling to be an expected consequenceof delamination
Scientifique et Technique in Morocco. We would like to thank
[Burgessand Nut, 1994]. engineersM. I. Dafali, M. Kasimi, A. W. Birrouk, and G. Hade who
Our results suggestthat amongthe proposedmodels for kept the seismicnetwork running and allowed us to collect valuable
the evolution of the Betic-Rif system, the delamination of a data. We alsowould like to thankR. Litak for his valuablesuggestions
previously thickened continental lithosphere is the most and ideas, and reviewers J. Evans, C. Jones, and G. Zandt for their
likely geodynamicmodel. Additional geophysicaldata are detailed and critical reviews. Institute for the Study of the Continents
also presentedin a most recentstudyby Seber et al., [1996]. contribution 204.

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