Exircise 7

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1. ;Exircise7.8: Implement the semantic net of Problem 2.

1 as a deffacts statement using AKO

and IS-A Deftemplates

;Here is the 2.1 problem:

;Draw a semantic net for computers using AKO and IS-A links. Consider the classes of
microcomputer, minicomputer, mainframe, supercomputer, computing system, dedicated, general
purpose, board-level, computer-on-a-chip, single processor, and multi processor, Include specific

(deftemplate computer "Deftemplate for computers"

(multislot type))

(deffacts computers "Computer systems from 2.1"

(computer (type "microcomputer"))

(computer (type "minicomputer"))

(computer (type "mainframe"))

(computer (type "supercomputer"))

(computer (type "computing system"))

(computer (type "dedicated"))

(computer (type "general purpose"))

(computer (type "board-level"))

(computer (type "computer-on-a-chip"))

(computer (type "single processor"))

(computer (type "multi processor")))

2. https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/6057d7c591860a001d51757b/intelligent-agent

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