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Medical Diagnosis: hydrocephalus, status post- shunt insertion


Indication/ Mechanism of Action Side Effects/ Adverse Nursing Considerations

Contraindication Effects
INDICATIONS: Increases electrical • GI disturbances • Monitor vital
Generic Name: Local or regional stimulation threshold of • Bradycardia signs and notify the
lidocaine anesthetic. Management ventricle and His- • Hypotension physician of
of acute ventricular Purkinje system by • Convulsion abnormalities.
Brand Name: arrhythmias during direct action on tissues, • Numbness of • Assess patient’s
cardiac manipulation. resulting to decrease tongue condition before
Control of status depolarization, therapy and reassess
• Muscle twitching
Classification: epilepticus refractory to automaticity and regularly thereafter to
Cardiovascular Drug other treatments. excitability in ventricles • Restlessness
monitor drug’s
during diastolic phase. • Nervousness
Dosage: CONTRADICTIONS: • Dizziness
• Monitor for
0.5 ml Heart block or other • Blurred vision possible adverse drug
conduction disturbances. • Lightheadedness reactions.
Frequency: Hypovolemia and • Drowsiness • Assess for renal
NOW hypersensitivity to • Euphoria and urinary status.
amide local anesthetics. • Vomiting • Monitor CNS
Route: Infection or function.
Intraosseous inflammation in the area
• Monitor blood
of injection.
levels and report
abnormal results.

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