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Is ayurvedic healthcare effective?

Ayurveda emanated from the unblemished land of India 5000 years ago and is considered
to be the oldest healthcare system across the globe. It is an innovative, natural and
integral system of medicines for various ailments. The best part about undergoing
ayurvedic treatment is that it addresses the root cause of the disease and doesn't give
superficial solutions to the disease and its symptoms. The initial details about Ayurveda
were found in the Indian Vedas like the Rigveda and the Atharvaveda. The term
Ayurveda is derived from the two Sanskrit words Ayur meaning longevity and Veda
meaning knowledge.
Ayurveda is an old mending framework that requires supreme devotion to accomplish the
right balance. It requires routine habits of daily consumption of medicines and also
controlled diet and practising yoga to establish well being and achieving personal
satisfaction in amiability with nature. An ayurvedic expert would assist the patient in
understanding the root cause of the disease and aid in planning a therapeutic program
using regular healing therapies and treatment of Ayurveda. The treatment options include
yoga, acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage therapy and dietary changes.
Ayurveda treats the body as a whole and is holistic. The traditional system believes in
creating harmony between mind and body and only this can prevent acute illness and
contribute to a hale and hearty life.
Ayurveda is not only a healing system that gives instant relief from the symptoms. The
ayurvedic system helps to restore the normal body functioning by understanding the root
cause of the problem and attacks the root cause of the problem by detoxifying, cleansing,
strengthening the body tissues and balancing the body doshas ensuring complete cure of
the disease. The three doshas are Vata, pitta and Kapha. Ayurveda utilises the method of
‘astavidha rogi pariksha’ or eight methods of understanding the problem of the
individual’s, diagnosis of the disease and permanent cure.
Ayurveda is very effective in treating the underlying cause of the problem rather than the
organ or body that is affected and thus is highly effective in the treatment of chronic
disease and helps in maintaining the equilibrium of the body. Ayurvedic treatment not
only includes herbs but also other substances such as honey, milk, ghee, butter, oils etc.
Ayurvedic treatment is also considered a cost-effective and safest treatment since it has
no side effects. Some of the ayurvedic medicines can also be prepared from home itself.
The medicines from Ayurveda are also free from any side effects. These medicines are
also free from chemicals and are based on natural supplements and primitive herbs from
Some of the interesting facts about Ayurveda that one should know before undergoing
Ayurveda specialities include-
● Shalya chikitsa also known as surgery
● Kaayachiktsa also known as internal medicine
● Bhuta Vidya also known as psychiatry
● Shalakya or disses under the shoulder
● Rasayan or rejuvenation
● Agadtantra or toxicology
● Kaumarabhrutyam or pediatric

Ayurvedic treatments are also a great source of stress buster. Yoga and Ayurveda are also
interlinked with each other. Meditation helps in reducing stress by decreasing the stress
Ayurveda can also help in getting rid of excess body weight. It regulates blood
circulation and reduces cholesterol.
Ayurveda also helps in reducing inflammation. Physical inflammation is caused by a lack
of sleep and a proper diet. There are certain herbal remedies in Ayurveda that help in
reducing inflammation. The herbs used in reducing inflammation are ashwagandha,
turmeric, ginger and Boswellia.
Boswellia is helpful in the treatment of osteoarthritis, back pain and bowel diseases.
Turmeric is also a great antioxidant helpful in reducing inflammation. Ashwagandha also
helps in the process of rejuvenation of mind and body.

Panchakarma, ayurvedic treatment is also used to get rid of the toxins from the body.

Every coin has two sides and this follows with Ayurveda as well. One of the
disadvantages of Ayurveda is that there are a lot of fake medicines already available in
the market. Only genuine ayurvedic medicines give positive results. People lose faith in
Ayurveda using fake medicines that do not live up to their expectations. Ayurveda is a
time-consuming process so the medicines take time to show results.


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