Neuromuscular Compartments in The Human Biceps Brachii Muscle

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NSL 08674

Neuromuscular compartments in the human biceps brachii muscle

R i c h a r d L. Segal
Division q[Ph.vsical Therapy, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine. and Department o]Anatomy and Cell Biology, Emor~ University School q['
Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30322 ( USA )
(Received 15 January 1992; Revised version received 10 March t992; Accepted 11 March 1992)

Key wordsv Biceps brachii; Human; Neuromuscular; Compartment; Architecture; lnnervation; Anatomy

Electrophysiological evidence suggests that the human biceps brachii muscle is organized into functional neuromuscular compartments. The
purpose of this study was to determine whether there was an anatomical basis for these compartments. Dissection of the biceps revealed both
architectural and nerve branching pattern compartmentalization within the muscle. Although the biceps brachii is grossly subdivided into long and
short heads, these heads are further subdivided into roughly parallel architectural compartments. Moreover, these architectural compartments
usually receive a private nerve branch, thus supporting the notion that the human biceps brachii has neuromuscular compartments.

The identification of the peripheral elements con- on electromyographic (EMG) recordings and have pro-
trolled by the central nervous system (CNS) to generate vided no anatomical basis for their choice of recording
movement is controversial. Questions exist regarding the sites. Electrophysiological studies by ter Haar Romeny
smallest functional elements (e.g. motor units, neu- et al. [7, 8] and van Zuyten et al. [15] have demonstrated
romuscular compartments) controlled by the CNS. Re- a topographical organization of the long head of the
suits from studies by Letbetter and English [6, 9] demon- human biceps brachii that is related to the critical motor
strated that the cat lateral gastrocnemius muscle is or- unit firing levels for different tasks. Thus, within the long
ganized into neuromuscular compartments. Moreover, head of the biceps brachii, motor units recorded from
these compartments can behave differently according to lateral locations were recruited for elbow flexion, units
task requirements [5]. Thus, these neuromuscular com- recorded from medial sites were recruited for supination
partments may be the smallest component controlled by or linear combinations of flexion and supination; and
the CNS. For a global perspective of the issue of neu- more centrally located units were recruited for non-linear
romuscular compartments within muscles refer to the el- combinations of flexion and supination. There is no evi-
oquent review by Windhorst et al. [14]. In addition, the dence in the literature to suggest that the human biceps
terminology used to describe neuromuscular compart- brachii is anatomically organized in a manner that would
ments is confusing. This issue is addressed comprehen- provide a basis for the results of ter Haar Romeny et al.
sively by Chanaud et al, [4]. For the purposes of this [7, 8] and van Zuylen et al. [15].
paper, the term neuromuscular compartment will be Studies reporting the staining of the biceps brachii
used to describe muscle subunits delineated by architec- using either acetylcholinesterase histochemistry [1] or the
ture and nerve branching patterns. binding of [3H]~-bungarotoxin [2] have shown that end-
Recent investigations from this laboratory have exam- plates lie along a strip in the middle of the bellies from
ined anatomical and functional neuromuscular compart- medial to lateral, a region whose extent is 5--10 mm from
ments in three human muscles: lateral gastrocnemius proximal to distal. Surface EMG studies used to map
(LG), flexor carpi radialis (FCR), and extensor carpi ra- innervation zones also indicate that the motor end-plates
dialis longus (ECRL) [11--13]. Other laboratories study- lie in a row midway between the proximal and distal
ing compartments in human muscle have focused only bony attachments of the muscle [10]. These studies, how-
ever, did not investigate the branching patterns of muscle
C))rre,spondence." R.L. Segal, Room 209, Center tbr Rehabilitation nerves or the gross architecture of the muscle. Thus,
Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, 1441 Clifton Road, whether the end-plate organization reflects an organiza-
NE, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA. tion that supports the physiological data of ter Haar


Fig. 1. Photographs of biceps brachii specimens. A: a deep or posterior view of a biceps specimen. The coracobrachialis is attaching proximally with
the short head {labeled by number 1). The neuromuscular compartments are clearly visible from this view. In this specimen the nerve branches Io the
long (labeled by number 2) and short heads come off directly from the musculocutaneous nerve. Also, notice the crus of the tendon of insertion ~ hich
is labeled as number 3. In this photograph left is distal and the top is medial. B: the superficial or anterior view of the same spccimen as in A. Notice
th~tt neuromuscular compartments are Hol visible from this view. The superficial view shows how the long head (labeled as number 2) inserts more
proximally ~mto the tcndon of insertion (labeled as number I ) than does the short head. In lhis photograph left is distal, the top is latcral and the short
head is labeled by number 3. (7: a superficial or anterior vicw of the distal end of another specimen with the samc orientation as B. This photograph
shows the more proximal attachment of the long head (labeled by number 3) onto tendon of insertion (labeled as number I). The photograph also
shows the short hcnd (labclcd by number 4) attaching more intimately to the bicipital aponeurosis {labeled by number 2) than the long h e a d Both the
long and short heads attach to the tendon proper (labeled by number 1}.

Romeny and coworkers [7, 8] remains unknown. The ments within the human biceps brachii, particularly its
nerve branching patterns, muscle architecture, and their long head.
relationship may provide an anatomical basis for the Samples of biceps brachii ( n = 6 : 3 right: 3 left) were
physiological findings [7, 8] of functional neuromuscular obtained from perfused human cadavers donated to the
compartments in human biceps brachii. Thus, the pres- Medical School's Department of Anatomy and Cell Biol-
ent work was undertaken to examine whether there is ogy. The average age at death was 72 years. Blunt dissec-
morphological evidence for neuromuscular compart- tion was conducted with the aid of a visor-mounted mag-

nifier (5x) or a dissecting microscope (10-40x) on mus- fibers take origin from the deep suri;ace of these broad
cles both in situ and after removal from the cadavers. tendons (Fig. IA). The muscle fibers in both heads arc
The courses taken by branches of the musculocutaneous arranged in parallel along the longitudinal axis of lhc
nerve to each muscle and their branches to each head muscle (Figs. 1 and 2). However, there are fl'om two to
were defined and compared between cadavers to evalu- four natural groupings of the fibers in each head when
ate their consistency. The major branches of each of the viewed from the deep surface (Figs. I A and 2A). These
nerves were followed as they divided within the muscle groupings will be referred to as the architectural portion
until they could no longer be followed at 10-40x. The of the neuromuscular compartment. The fiber groupmgs
orientation of the tendons of origin and insertion, and are n o t clearly visible from the anterior or superficial
the direction of muscle fibers were also noted while per- view (Figs. IB and 2B). Thus, because most observers
forming the dissection. The muscle fiber direction and only view the superficial portion of the biceps, the pres-
points of attachment along with nerve branch relation- ence of the neuromuscular compartments has not previ-
ships were then documented with sketches, photographs ously been documented.
and written descriptions. The angles of pennation were The two heads of the biceps 'fuse' just proximal(Figs.
not measured in the present study. Muscle fibers were 1B and 2B) to the elbow joint, attaching distally to the
carefully removed as necessary to view the full extent of radial tuberosity of the forearm via the biceps tendon
their tendinous attachments. The drawings in the text and to the ulna via the bicipital aponeurosis (Figs. lC
reflect typical patterns of architecture and innervation of and 2B: laceratus fibrosis). The lateral compartment of
these muscles. the long head and the medial compartment of the short
The biceps brachii has long (lateral) and short (medial) head attach more distally onto the deep surface of the
heads, The tendons of origin for both heads become tendon of insertion (Fig. 2A). The medial compartment
broad as they course from proximal to distal and do not of the long head and the lateral compartment of the short
end until about the juncture of the proximal one-third head attach more proximally and superficially onto the
and middle one-third of each head, respectively. Muscle tendon of insertion (Fig. 2A). In addition, these muscle

A. Posterior or Deep Surface B. Anterior or Superficial Surface


-- Short head

Long head

Branch to long



Crus Tendon

Tendon of insertion aponeurosis

Distal Distal
Fig. 2. Drawings of biceps brachii muscle. A: a view of the deep or posterior surface of the biceps. The asterisks demarcate neuromuscular
compartments of the long and short heads. The main nerves to the long and short heads do n o t come directly from the musculocutaneous nerve in
two-thirds of the specimens, but from the bifurcation of a branch of the musculocutaneous nerve (compare to Fig. IA). Notice that there are usually
private nerve branches to the compartment. B: a superficial or anterior view of biceps. The neuromuscular compartments are n o t visible from this
view. Notice that the long head inserts more proximally than the short head. The short head is more closely associated with the bicipital aponeurosis
which attaches to the ulna.

fibers attach along a crus of the tendon of insertion (Figs. In addition, the present findings of apparent in-parallel
1A and 2A). The fibers from the short head are more neuromuscular compartments is true not only for the
intimately linked to the bicipital aponeurosis than fibers long head, but also for the short head.
from the long head (Fig. 1C). However, the long head The medial to lateral organization of the neuromuscu-
does link to the aponeurosis (Fig. 1C). Finally the fibers lar compartments is also consistent with results of previ-
from the long head attach more proximally to the ante- ous studies [1,2, 10] that examined the innervation zones
rior surface of the tendon of insertion than those from of the biceps. In these studies [1, 2, 101 the innervation
the short head (Figs. 1B,C and 2B). zones were in a strip running medial to lateral midway
A single branch from the musculocutaneous nerve between the origin and insertion of the biceps. The pres-
may bifurcate to supply the long and short heads (two- ent study also demonstrates that, except for occasionally
thirds of specimens; Fig. 2A) or the nerves for each head seen recurrent and distal branches, most muscle nerves
may arise as two nerves directly from the musculocutane- end approximately midway between origin and insertion
otis nerve (one-third of specimens: Fig. 1A). These nerves of the biceps. Future studies will have to determine
then each divide into branches which supply each of the whether these recurrent and distal branches are motor
compartments (Figs. 1A and 2A). Higher order branches nerves to muscle or are, for example~ afferents from
to fascicles within each compartment are also found, sug- Golgi tendon organs or muscle spindles.
gesting that a c o m p a r t m e n t could contain smaller sub- Future studies will also have to address whether the
units (Figs. 1A and 2A). In other words, the compart- anatomical compartments (this study) and functional
ment may not be the smallest functional unit (although compartments (ter H a a r Romeny et al. [7, 8]) serve a
the data of ter H a a r Romeny [7, 8] suggest they are the mechanical purpose. This issue can be addressed by cor-
smallest unit). Such higher order branching is more com- relating E M G activity from the compartments with me-
mon in the short head (Fig. IA). The branches do n o t chanical measurements. The differences between the at-
always end at the mid-point of the muscle belly. Often tachments of the compartments suggest the possibility of
there arc branches directed towards the proximal or dis- mechanical differences between compartments. Moreo-
tal (less often) portion of the long and short heads (Fig. ver, the fact that the short-head appears to contribute
1A). These variations are more c o m m o n in the long head more to the bicipital aponeurosis also supports the no-
(Fig. 1A). tion of mechanical differences between the long and
The biceps brachii is clearly a muscle that has anatom- short heads, and possibly their neuromuscular compart-
ical neuromuscular compartments. The long and short ments. Indeed, evidence from Buchanan et al. [3] sug-
heads receive separate nerve branches from the musculo- gests that the long head is capable of generating force in
cutaneous nerve, each has separate origins from the more directions than the short head.
scapula, and each attaches differently to the tendon of
insertion. There are, however, smaller compartments The author thanks the American Paralysis Association
than those defined as the long and short heads. These for partial funding of the study: Lance Cherry for work
compartments within the long and short heads are de- during the early phases of the study: Lisa Walker for
lined by muscle architecture and the nerve branching assistance in the preparation of early drafts of the manu-
pattern. Both heads have architectural compartments script, Dr. Arthur English and Patsy Bryan for assistance
that are innervated by private branches from the main with the figures, and also thanks to Dr. English and Dr.
muscle nerves and which have distinct attachments to the Steven Wolf for comments on the manuscript.
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