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Courthouse Square

510 King Street, Suite 340

Alexandria, Virginia 22314
P 703.566.3041

Wednesday, October 6, 2021 (703) 566-3041


GLA Supported Cuban Lawyers in Cuba Who Spearheaded the Effort

Alexandria, Virginia - On Sunday, October 3, the Organization of American States’

(OAS) Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) granted precautionary
measures to protect Cuban activist Manuel de Jesús Rodríguez García.

Mr. Rodríguez García has been detained since 2016, in Pinar del Río, Cuba. He has
served over half of his 8-year sentence for alleged crimes of attack, contempt, and
defamation after shouting anti-government and anti-Castro statements in a public park.

The Global Liberty Alliance applied for Precautionary Measures for Mr. Rodríguez
García in June 2021 after learning of the inhumane treatment and abuse he had suffered in
Cuban prisons. In March 2021, he was placed in a punishment cell in Pinar del Río’s Kilo 5
Prison for speaking out about the lack of COVID-19 preventative measures taken by the
Cuban prison system. In April, he was taken to a hospital after suffering from severe
breathing problems, and was unable to communicate with his family directly for several

“Manuel de Jesús is a good man who does not deserve the way he has been treated
by the Communist Party. His case is a reminder that the Communist Party’s great purge of
civil society – exacerbated to crisis levels after July 11 – has been underway for some time
and it will not stop unless responsible nations hold the Communist Party of Cuba to
account,” said Jason Poblete, President of the Global Liberty Alliance.

In a press release issued by the IACHR, they noted, “after analyzing the allegations of
fact and law provided by the requesting party, it is considered that the information
presented shows prima facie that Manuel de Jesús Rodríguez García is in a serious and
urgent situation, since his rights to life, personal integrity and health are at risk of
irreparable damage.”

A part of The Global Rule of Law & Liberty Legal Defense Fund

As a result of the measures granted, the Commission has requested that Cuba:

a) Adopt the necessary measures to protect the rights to life, personal integrity, and
health of Mr. Manuel de Jesús Rodríguez García;
b) Ensure that the conditions of detention of Mr. Manuel de Jesús Rodríguez García
are compatible with the applicable international standards on the matter;
c) Consult and agree upon the measures to be adopted with the beneficiary and his
representatives; and
d) Report on the actions undertaken to investigate the alleged events that led to the
adoption of this precautionary measure, so as to prevent them from reoccurring.

After hearing of the Commission’s decision, Manuel’s mother, Nilda García Fleitas,
commented, “I was also very happy [with the news], because the boy [Manuel], the whole
world, everyone is seeing what is happening, that it’s an abuse, what they have done to my
child, that has been the greatest abuse possible in life.”

Ms. García also reiterated that her son did not commit the crimes he was charged
with, and that he never mistreated anyone, instead only exercised his free speech.

GLA legal experts familiar with the case were also pleased with the Commission’s
decision, stating it’s “a great victory.” They went on to add, “the violations of human rights
were present from the first day that Manuel de Jesus went to prison, but in the prison his
life is in more danger with every day that passes. Furthermore, the life he leads in prison
will have consequences for him that don’t guarantee his physical and mental integrity in
the future.”

The Global Liberty Alliance defends fundamental rights, free enterprise, and the rule
of law, including the fundamental right to freedom of speech. You can find more
information about GLA’s work on the GLA news page, Facebook page, Twitter account, or


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