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Factors for glaucoma progression and the effect of treatment - The Early
Manifest Glaucoma Trial

Article  in  Archives of Ophthalmology · February 2003

Source: PubMed

1,203 695

6 authors, including:

Anders Heijl Mohamed Mubasher (Hussein)

Lund University Morehouse School of Medicine


Leslie Hyman Eugene Komaroff

Stony Brook University Keiser University


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Factors for Glaucoma Progression

and the Effect of Treatment
The Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial
M. Cristina Leske, MD, MPH; Anders Heijl, MD, PhD; Mohamed Hussein, PhD; Bo Bengtsson, MD, PhD;
Leslie Hyman, PhD; Eugene Komaroff, PhD; for the Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial Group

Objective: To assess factors for progression in the Early 10% with each millimeter of mercury of IOP reduction
Manifest Glaucoma Trial (EMGT), including the effect from baseline to the first follow-up visit (HR=0.90 per
of EMGT treatment. millimeter of mercury decrease; 95% CI, 0.86-0.94). The
first IOP at that visit (3 months’ follow-up) was also re-
Setting/Participants: Two hundred fifty-five open- lated to progression (HR = 1.11 per millimeter of mer-
angle glaucoma patients randomized to argon laser tra- cury higher; 95% CI, 1.06-1.17), as was the mean IOP at
beculoplasty plus topical betaxolol or no immediate treat- follow-up (HR=1.13 per millimeter of mercury higher;
ment (129 treated; 126 controls) and followed up every 95% CI, 1.07-1.19). The percent of patient follow-up vis-
3 months. its with disc hemorrhages was also related to progres-
sion (HR=1.02 per percent higher; 95% CI, 1.01-1.03).
Methods: Progression was determined by perimetric and No other factors were identified.
photographic optic disc criteria. Patient-based risk of pro-
gression was evaluated using Cox proportional hazard Conclusions: Patients treated in the EMGT had half of
regression models and was expressed as hazard ratios (HR) the progression risk of control patients. The magnitude
with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). of initial IOP reduction was a major factor influencing out-
come. Progression was also increased with higher base-
Results: After 6 years, 53% of patients progressed. In line IOP, exfoliation, bilateral disease, worse mean devia-
multivariate analyses, progression risk was halved by treat- tion, and older age, as well as frequent disc hemorrhages
ment (HR = 0.50; 95% CI, 0.35-0.71). Predictive base- during follow-up. Each higher (or lower) millimeter of mer-
line factors were higher intraocular pressure (IOP) (ie, cury of IOP on follow-up was associated with an approxi-
the higher the baseline IOP, the higher the risk), exfo- mate 10% increased (or decreased) risk of progression.
liation, and having both eyes eligible (each of the latter
2 factors doubled the risk), as well as worse mean de-
viation and older age. Progression risk decreased by about Arch Ophthalmol. 2003;121:48-56

HE FACTORS related to the ing only on “high pressure” or “normal
progression of open-angle pressure” in patients with glaucoma, and
glaucoma (OAG) have been in others, including a continuum of IOP.
evaluated in many studies, It is not surprising, therefore, to find that
with variable findings studies have reached different conclu-
reported.1-11 This variability may be ex- sions regarding the relative importance of
plained by differences in study design, factors influencing outcome.
methods of data collection, specific The role of IOP-lowering treatment
factors evaluated, or approaches used for on progression was recently assessed in
From the Department of statistical analyses. Some studies have been the Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial
Preventive Medicine, Stony based on retrospective analyses of pa- (EMGT).12,13 The EMGT is a randomized
Brook University School of tient data, which are subject to various clinical trial designed to evaluate the effect
Medicine, Stony Brook, NY limitations, while others have provided of immediate treatment on glaucoma pro-
(Drs Leske, Hussein, Hyman, stronger evidence by evaluating risk fac- gression, as compared with no initial treat-
and Komaroff); and the tors prospectively. In addition, the num- ment or later treatment. All EMGT pa-
Department of Ophthalmology,
ber and type of patient characteristics stud- tients had early and previously undetected
Malmö University Hospital,
Malmö, Sweden (Drs Heijl ied have ranged widely—from a broad glaucoma with visual field defects, and
and Bengtsson). spectrum of variables to only a few data most were identified through a large
A list of the members of the items. At times, the level of intraocular (N=44243) population-based screening in
Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial pressure (IOP) has been used to select pa- Malmö and Helsingborg, Sweden. Study
Group appears on page 55. tients for study, with some reports focus- participants were randomized to argon la-



©2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

ser trabeculoplasty plus betaxolol, or to no immediate by the National Eye Institute (Bethesda, Md) and the Swedish
treatment. Patients were examined every 3 months for Research Council (Stockholm).
at least 4 years, and glaucoma progression was deter- Briefly, men and women aged 50 to 80 years who had newly
mined through specific visual field and optic disc crite- diagnosed, previously untreated, early manifest OAG were eli-
ria, as described in detail elsewhere.12-14 The EMGT thus gible for inclusion. The OAG diagnosis (including chronic simple
glaucoma, normal-tension glaucoma, and exfoliative glaucoma)
allows a prospective evaluation of factors for progres- required repeatable glaucoma visual field defects in at least one
sion, following a standardized protocol, within the con- eye that were not explained by other causes, and that were as-
text of a randomized trial comparing treated and con- sessed by computerized perimetry.21-23 Patients with the follow-
trol arms. ing were excluded: (1) advanced visual field defects; (2) visual
The rationale and specific details of the EMGT de- acuity worse than 0.5; (3) mean IOP greater than 30 mm Hg, or
sign have been reported, as have the major results of the any IOP greater than 35 mm Hg in at least one eye; (4) lens opaci-
trial.12,13 The EMGT showed that treated patients had sig- ties24 or any condition precluding reliable visual field or disc pho-
nificantly lower rates of progression than controls, and that tography, or use of study treatments or 4-year follow-up. The
immediate IOP-lowering treatment significantly delayed the EMGT protocol includes 4 prerandomization visits (ie, 2 post-
progression of OAG.13 This article adds to these main re- screening visits and 2 baseline visits), as well as laser treatment
sults by presenting multivariate analyses that jointly evalu- visits for the treated patients. All patients have follow-up visits
every 3 months, with data being collected by trained and certi-
ate the effect of treatment and patient-related factors on pro-
fied EMGT examiners, following a standardized protocol.
gression. This matter has been difficult to assess
conclusively, since most glaucoma clinical trials have evalu- OUTCOME MEASURE AND UNIT OF ANALYSIS
ated the effect of different modes of treatment, rather than
of treatment itself.15-20 In the Collaborative Normal Ten- Progression, as defined by EMGT, is evaluated by standard-
sion Glaucoma Study (CNTGS), which was limited to pa- ized, independently determined criteria that are based on pe-
tients with a median IOP of 20 mm Hg or less, the intent- rimetry or optic disc assessment. Perimetric criteria were ob-
to-treat analyses yielded no differences between treated and jectively determined and defined as significant changes from
untreated patients, but a significant effect of treatment was baseline in at least 3 of the same progressing points in 3 con-
reported after censoring for cataract outcomes.19 The role secutive visual fields, as assessed by pattern deviation–based
of other characteristics affecting glaucoma progression has Glaucoma Change Probability Maps.25 As was necessary for the
design of the trial, these criteria were designed to be highly sen-
been reported for patients in the untreated arm of that sitive to detect visual field changes—an aim that was achieved.14
study,10 but not for treated patients. Optic disc progression was evaluated at a masked reading cen-
The first aim of this article is to estimate and evalu- ter and was based on photographic criteria designed to have high
ate the magnitude of the treatment effect in EMGT, while specificity. These criteria required clear change on an optic disc
controlling for other factors. This aim was achieved by follow-up photograph, as detected by flicker chronoscopy and
comparing progression rates in both study groups dur- confirmed by side-by-side gradings in 2 consecutive visits. Pro-
ing at least 4 years of follow-up, while adjusting for other gression as EMGT defines it, is patient-specific, occuring when
variables possibly related to progression. In addition to at least one eye meets progression criteria. For patients with
providing a quantitative measure of the IOP-lowering one eligible eye at baseline, only that eye was considered in the
effect of EMGT treatment, further analyses explored pos- analyses. For patients with 2 eligible eyes at baseline, time of
progression for the first progressing eye was used in life-table
sible interactions with treatment. and multivariate analyses.
The second aim is to identify clinically relevant fac- For univariate analyses, the unit of analysis was based on
tors that are independently related to glaucoma progres- the patient for person-based covariates (eg, age and sex), and
sion in EMGT. This aim was achieved by evaluating the based on the eye for eye-based covariates (eg, exfoliation sta-
role of demographic, systemic, familial, and ocular fac- tus and IOP). The multivariate analyses strictly used the per-
tors on EMGT progression. The intent was to provide pre- son as a unit of analysis; for patients with 2 eligible eyes, the
dictive information on the risk of progression according following selection criteria were used. If one eye progressed first,
to specific patient characteristics at baseline. The pos- then that eye was considered for the analyses. If neither eye pro-
sible role of longitudinal changes in clinical findings at fol- gressed (or if both progressed at the same time), then the worse
low-up was also examined, as the results could contrib- of the 2 eye-based covariate measurements at baseline was con-
sidered (eg, IOP, mean deviation [MD], disc hemorrhages, and
ute to our understanding of the factors influencing exfoliation). To evaluate the potential effects of the “worse-
glaucoma progression. eye” selection criteria on the results, an additional approach
was to randomly select one eye of patients with 2 eligible non-
progressing eyes (or 2 eyes progressing at the same time), rather
METHODS than the eye with the worse measurement. This selection scheme
yielded results indistinguishable from those using our initial
OVERVIEW selection criteria. The results of patient-based analyses were also
compared with those obtained by eye-based analyses, account-
Details on the study design have been described elsewhere.12 ing for intereye correlation.26 Again, the results were essen-
The trial setting included a clinical center (Malmö University tially the same as those from the patient-based analyses, with
Hospital, Malmö), a satellite clinical center (Helsingborg Hos- similar hazard ratio (HR) magnitudes.
pital, Helsingborg), a data center (School of Medicine at Stony
Brook, Stony Brook, NY), and a disc photography reading cen- STATISTICAL METHODS
ter (Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden). The study is regu-
larly monitored by a Data and Safety Monitoring Committee, Univariate analyses were based on summarizing percent pro-
which oversees all aspects of the trial. Funding was provided gression according to a specific variable (eg, IOP at baseline)



©2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

and did not include simultaneous adjustment for other covari- both groups were balanced at baseline with regard to ma-
ates. The Pearson ␹2 test was used to test for a significant differ- jor variables.13 Retention was excellent, with 227 of 255
ence in percent progression for categorical variables, and the t test patients (89%) completing follow-up through Septem-
was used for differences in progression on continuous variables. ber 2001. At that time, the median length of follow-up
Based on the constancy of the HR throughout follow-up time,
multivariate analyses used Cox proportional hazard models,27 with
was 6 years and was similar in both groups. Death was
Breslow adjustment for ties in time to progression,28 to (1) model the major reason for losses to follow-up (n=22); only 6
the hazard (follow-up specific conditional probability of progres- patients (2%) were lost to follow-up for other reasons.
sion) of the treated group as a constant multiple of the hazard in Of the EMGT-designated visits, 99% were fully com-
the control group, while (2) simultaneously adjusting for other pleted, and the missed-visit rate was very low at only 5%
study covariates. Criteria for model selection were guided by: (289/5744 patients).
(1) the findings of the univariate analysis (eg, Pⱕ.20); (2) simul- Overall, 53% (136/255) of the patients progressed,
taneous adjustment for important covariates; and (3) identifica- and 47% (119/255) did not progress during the fol-
tion of the most parsimonious, clinically interpretable, and sta- low-up period. Table 1 presents univariate compari-
tistically fitting model, which involved using backward, forward,
sons of percent progression according to several patient
and stepwise variable selection algorithms in SAS.29 The model
selection also included testing for interaction between the study characteristics; the study groups were balanced at base-
groups and the different levels of each covariate. line in all the factors presented. Progression was signifi-
As a first step, the main effects (independent) models were cantly lower in the treated group than the control group
pursued to define the baseline factors that were significantly (45% vs 62%; HR=0.60). Patients above the median age
associated with progression of glaucoma. All 3 model- had a higher percentage of progression, as did patients
selection criteria identified the same variables for inclusion in with higher median IOP, worse median MD, exfolia-
the final model. As a second step, longitudinal changes in IOP, tion, and both eyes eligible for the trial. Analyses based
and clinically assessed disc hemorrhages at follow-up visits were on continuous variables and evaluated as such, gave simi-
also evaluated while adjusting for significant baseline factors. lar results as analyses based on median values. No sig-
As a third step, 2-factor interaction models were fit using those
nificant associations (P ⬍.05) were found with the other
factors identified as significantly associated with glaucoma pro-
gression. Results are expressed as HRs with 95% confidence in- factors evaluated.
tervals (CIs). Analyses conducted separately in each study group Table 2 presents results of multivariate analyses
yielded the same conclusions. evaluating associations of EMGT progression with the
baseline factors presented in Table 1. Study group (treated
COVARIATES FOR MULTIVARIATE ANALYSES vs control) was significantly associated with progres-
sion (P⬍.001). In analyses based on the hazard func-
Study covariates were selected based on their potential clini- tion, which adjusts for censoring and other covariates,
cal importance and statistical association with glaucoma pro- the treated group had half the risk of progression
gression. In addition to study group (treated or control), other (HR=0.50) as compared with controls.
baseline factors were evaluated. Demographic variables were
An IOP at or above the median at baseline in-
age, sex, and clinical center.
Ocular variables were number of eligible eyes, IOP (aver- creased the risk of progression (HR=1.70), as well as the
age of 2 baseline Goldmann measurements), perimetric MD (av- presence of exfoliation (HR=2.31) and having 2 eligible
erage of 2 baseline fields), exfoliation (dilated examination), eyes at baseline (HR=1.93). Increased progression risks
and refractive error (automated refractor); clinically observed were also found in patients with worse median baseline
disc hemorrhages (dilated examination); and central corneal MD (HR = 1.55) and patients above the median age
thickness (ultrasonic pachymeter; measured after baseline13). (HR=1.43). Similar estimated treatment effects were found
Medical and family history variables were casual systolic when we repeated these analyses using continuous val-
and diastolic blood pressure measurements; hypertension (sys- ues of IOP, MD, and age, rather than median values. In
tolic ⬎160 mm Hg or diastolic ⬎95 mm Hg, or use of antihy- these analyses, the risk of progression increased by 5%
pertensive medications) self-reported history of cardiovascu-
with each millimeter of mercury of higher baseline IOP
lar disease, use of hypertension medications, low blood pressure,
migraine, Raynaud disease, smoking, and family history of glau- (HR=1.05; 95% CI, 1.01-1.10). Results were also con-
coma (in either parent or any sibling). sistent with the higher progression of patients with worse
The follow-up covariates evaluated were: (1) initial IOP MD and older age (MD: HR=1.03 per 1 dB [decibel] of
change from baseline to the first follow-up visit (IOP at base- worse MD; [95% CI, 0.98-1.09]); age: HR=1.01 per 1 year
line minus IOP at 3 months’ follow-up); (2) IOP at the first fol- of age; [95% CI, 0.98-1.05]). No significant relation-
low-up visit (IOP at 3 months’ follow-up); (3) later IOP change ships were found with other factors in Table 1. In addi-
beyond the first follow-up visit (IOP at 3 months’ follow-up tion, no statistically significant interactions were found
minus IOP at progression [for those who progressed] or at the with treatment.
end of follow-up [for those who did not progress]); (4) mean Patients randomized to treatment had a substantial
follow-up IOP (average IOP at all follow-up visits until pro-
lowering of IOP. At the first follow-up visit after ran-
gression or until the end of follow-up); and (5) percent of all
patient visits with clinically assessed disc hemorrhages until domization (3 months’ follow-up), there was an average
progression or until the end of follow-up. reduction of 5.1 mm Hg, or 25% from baseline in the
treated group, with no changes in the control group.13
After this visit, the difference in IOP between groups was
RESULTS generally maintained over time. Both in treated and con-
trol patients, average differences of less than 1 mm Hg
The 255 patients enrolled in EMGT had a median age of were observed between the IOP at the first follow-up visit
68 years, and 66% were female. As reported previously, and the IOP at the time of progression (for those who



©2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Table 1. Treatment Assignment and Baseline Factors Evaluated Among 255 EMGT Patients by Progression Status*

No. of Patients Univariate Hazard Ratio

Variable (Percent Progressed) (95% CI) P Value†
Progressed 136 (53) ... ...
Treatment assignment
Treatment 129 (45)
0.60 (0.42-0.84) .003
Control 126 (62)
Demographic factors
Age, y
ⱖ68 135 (57)
1.42 (1.01-1.98) .05
⬍68 120 (49)
Female 169 (54)
0.97 (0.68-1.39) .87
Male 86 (52)
Ocular factors
Intraocular pressure, mm Hg
ⱖ21 123 (63)
1.67 (1.19-2.35) .003
⬍21 132 (45)
Mean deviation, dB
ⱕ−4.0 128 (59)
1.46 (1.04-2.05) .03
⬎−4.0 127 (47)
Central corneal thickness, µm
⬍548.4 108 (62)
1.25 (0.89-1.78) .20
ⱖ548.4 112 (55)
Yes 23 (83)
3.15 (1.93-5.15) ⬍.001
No 232 (50)
Both eyes eligible
Yes 61 (72)
1.92 (1.34-2.75) ⬍.001
No 194 (47)
Disc hemorrhages
Yes 35 (57)
1.32 (0.82-2.12) .26
No 220 (53)
Refractive error, D
ⱕ−1 31 (55)
0.97 (0.58-1.61) .99
⬎−1 224 (53)
Medical and family history
Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg
⬎160 42 (43)
0.69 (0.42-1.14) .15
ⱕ160 213 (55)
Diastolic blood pressure, mm Hg
⬎95 34 (47)
0.79 (0.47-1.34) .39
ⱕ95 221 (54)
Yes 98 (51)
0.89 (0.63-1.27) .53
No 157 (55)
Cardiovascular disease history
Yes 30 (53)
1.07 (0.63-1.80) .81
No 225 (53)
Hypertension medication
Yes 62 (53)
1.06 (0.71-1.56) .78
No 193 (53)
Low blood pressure history
Yes 8 (38)
0.78 (0.25-2.45) .67
No 247 (54)
Raynaud disease history
Yes 22 (68)
1.49 (0.87-2.55) .15
No 233 (52)
Migraine history
Yes 25 (68)
1.37 (0.82-2.28) .23
No 230 (52)
Current smoker
Yes 24 (50)
0.75 (0.41-1.36) .34
No 201 (59)
Prior smoker
Yes 99 (62)
1.13 (0.80-1.60) .47
No 126 (55)
Glaucoma family history
Yes 50 (52)
0.98 (0.64-1.50) .91
No 205 (54)

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; D, diopters; dB, decibels; EMGT, Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial.
*For all variables, the second listed variable is the reference group.
†Wald ␹2 statistic.
‡Thickness was measured after baseline.
§Indicates hypertension is systolic (⬎160 mm Hg) or diastolic (⬎95 mm Hg), or a history of antihypertensive treatment.



©2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

progressed) or the end of follow-up (for those who did The third row of Table 3 further confirms that the
not progress). For that reason, we separately evaluated mean follow-up IOP achieved after baseline is related to
associations with each of the follow-up IOP variables de- progression, with an estimated 13% higher risk per each
fined in the “Methods” section (ie, the initial IOP change millimeter of mercury higher IOP.
[baseline minus 3 months’ follow-up]; the 3 months’ fol- In all these analyses, baseline IOP was not signifi-
low-up IOP itself, representing the posttreatment base- cantly associated with progression. When study group
line IOP; the later IOP change [beyond the IOP at 3 was added to the model, results were essentially the same,
months]; and the mean IOP at follow-up). Table 3 pre- although study group was no longer retained as a sig-
sents the results of each of these multivariate analyses, nificant factor.
evaluating the association between EMGT progression The final row of Table 3 presents results that exam-
and those measures of longitudinal changes in IOP after ine associations with disc hemorrhages observed during
baseline, while controlling for IOP, exfoliation, number follow-up, while controlling for the mean IOP during the
of eligible eyes, MD, and age. follow-up period and the significant variables. The per-
The first row of Table 3 substantiates that progres- cent of patient visits with disc hemorrhages was strongly
sion is related to the magnitude of initial IOP change from related to progression, with a 2% increase in risk for ev-
baseline to the first follow-up visit. This initial change ery percentage point.
in IOP was strongly and inversely associated with pro-
gression. Thus, an IOP reduction of 1 mm Hg from base- COMMENT
line decreased the risk of progression by about 10% in
these analyses. SYNOPSIS
The second row of Table 3 similarly indicates that
progression was strongly associated with the initial IOP Several baseline factors were independently related to
reached after treatment or with no treatment (IOP at 3 EMGT-defined progression (Table 2). Treated patients
months’ follow-up). This IOP, which reflected the ef- had half the risk of progressing of control patients, in-
fects of study group assignment and of baseline IOP, was dicating the efficacy of EMGT treatment. Other factors
a significant predictor of progression, with an estimated included a higher IOP at baseline, the presence of exfo-
11% higher risk for every millimeter of mercury higher liation, having 2 eyes eligible for the trial, worse median
IOP—a result consistent with the estimate presented in MD, and older median age. No other baseline factors
the first row of Table 3. The later IOP change was not a evaluated were related to progression in these analyses.
significant factor when accounting for the 3 months’ IOP. Progression was closely linked to the magnitude of the
The latter result would be expected, given the small initial IOP reduction with treatment. The initial change in
changes in IOP after the initial follow-up visit. IOP (from baseline to the initial follow-up visit) was strongly
associated with progression, with about a 10% lowering of
the risk with each mm Hg of IOP reduction (Table 3). Con-
Table 2. Baseline Factors Associated With Progression
sistent with and related to this finding, the IOP level achieved
in the Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial* after this initial change (ie, the 3-months IOP) was also a
strong predictor of progression (Table 3), as was the mean
Hazard Ratio P IOP at follow-up (Table 3), with about a 10% higher risk
Variables Reference (95% CI) Value with each mm Hg of higher IOP. In analyses that included
Study group Control 0.50 (0.35-0.71) ⬍.001 the posttreatment IOP, neither baseline IOP nor later change
Intraocular pressure, mm Hg ⬍21 1.70 (1.18-2.43) .004 in IOP were significantly related to progression. While in-
Exfoliation None 2.22 (1.31-3.74) .003 terpretation of these nonsignificant findings must con-
No. of eligible eyes 1 1.96 (1.36-2.82) ⬍.001 sider the high degree of dependence among all these fac-
Mean deviation, dB ⬎−4 1.58 (1.10-2.28) .01 tors, the results support the major prognostic importance
Age, y ⬍68 1.47 (1.04-2.09) .03
of the IOP achieved after the initial reduction, represent-
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; dB, decibels.
ing the posttreatment baseline (Table 3, row 2). Frequent
*Progression analysis used Cox proportional hazard model. P values based disc hemorrhages at follow-up were also an independent
on Wald ␹2 statistic. factor for progression (Table 3).

Table 3. Intraocular Pressure and Disc Hemorrhages After Baseline as Factors for Progression in the Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial*

Variables Reference Hazard Ratio (95% CI) P Value

Intraocular pressure, mm Hg
Initial change in IOP (baseline IOP–3-mo IOP) Continuous (per mm Hg decrease) 0.90 (0.86-0.94) ⬍.001
IOP at first follow-up visit (3-mo IOP) Continuous (per mm Hg increase) 1.11 (1.06-1.17) ⬍.001
Mean IOP at follow-up (mean IOP at all follow-up visits) Continuous (per mm Hg increase) 1.13 (1.07-1.19) ⬍.001
Disc hemorrhages
Percent of visits with disc hemorrhages Continuous (per % increase) 1.02 (1.01-1.03) .001

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; IOP, intraocular pressure.

*Progression analysis used Cox proportional hazard models, with results obtained from 4 separate models adjusting for baseline IOP, exfoliation number of
eligible eyes, mean deviation, and age. Intraocular pressure at first follow-up also adjusts for later changes in IOP, and percent of visits with disc hemorrhages
adjusts for mean follow-up IOP. P values based on Wald ␹2 statistic.



©2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

IOP AND TREATMENT EFFECTS tained an IOP lower than 18 mm Hg throughout fol-
ON PROGRESSION low-up (associative analyses). In AGIS, the IOP achieved
in the early follow-up period was positively correlated
The multivariate analyses have quantified the magnitude with subsequent IOP levels. The results of these analy-
of the IOP-lowering effect of treatment, which halved the ses are very similar to our findings of a strong associa-
risk of EMGT progression after adjusting for baseline IOP tion between progression and initial changes in IOP af-
and other variables (Table 2). These analyses thus contrib- ter baseline (Table 3), as well as the IOP level reached at
ute to the main results of the trial13 and provide new quan- the first follow-up visit (Table 3), and the mean IOP af-
titative information on the effect of IOP-lowering treat- ter baseline (Table 3). We evaluated these factors sepa-
ment to reduce progression in early OAG, while accounting rately, as they are very closely linked. Since the baseline
for other relevant factors. As such, it addresses the main IOP, the reduction in IOP, and IOP at 3 months’ fol-
study question regarding the effect of IOP reduction on pro- low-up are all interdependent, they will compete for sta-
gression. Such knowledge can be obtained only from rig- tistical significance if entered jointly into a model; hence,
orous randomized trials with an untreated control arm that careful interpretation is needed for lack of associations
were designed to evaluate this issue.30,31 To our knowl- in the various models. Still, the IOP achieved after the
edge, the EMGT provides the first estimate that meets these initial reduction emerged as a major predictor of future
criteria. The previous estimates of treatment efficacy in glau- progression, indicating the importance of the initial
coma have been based on nonrandomized studies with vari- changes following EMGT treatment.
ous limitations32 or on randomized trials comparing vari- The AGIS results are also consistent with our ob-
ous treatments,15,16,19 which addressed a different research servation that IOP was relatively stable after the first fol-
question. low-up visit. For this reason, later changes in IOP were
Of the 2 previous randomized glaucoma trials that not related to progression after accounting for the IOP
measured treatment effects directly by including an un- level reached at the first follow-up visit (Table 3). Fur-
treated control arm, the first had a small sample size and ther follow-up of EMGT patients is needed to evaluate
yielded negative results.33 The second trial was the this issue, particularly since later visits in AGIS were not
CNTGS, which randomized 145 patients (average IOP as highly correlated with the initial posttreatment IOP
⬍20 mm Hg at baseline) to “treatment” or “no treat- as were earlier visits (eg, r=0.63 at 24 months vs r=0.35
ment.” The intent-to-treat analyses, which are most com- at 96 months). Additional data on IOP will be provided
parable to the main EMGT analyses,13 did not directly in a future EMGT report.
show an effect of treatment.18 Visual field progression de- Further support for the magnitude of the estimated
veloped at similar rates in the pressure-lowered and un- EMGT treatment effect comes from the Ocular Hyper-
treated arms (22/66 [33%] vs 31/79 [39%], respectively). tension Treatment Study (OHTS).35 This trial random-
Significant differences favoring treatment were detected ized ocular hypertensives to IOP-lowering treatment or
only after additional analyses censoring for cataract (8/66 to no treatment, and compared the development of OAG
[12%] vs 21/79 [26%]). The CNTGS results, therefore, in both study groups. After 5 years, the cumulative prob-
did not yield a measure of treatment effects that is com- ability of developing glaucoma was 4.4% in the treat-
parable to the EMGT results. ment group vs 9.5% in the untreated group, for an HR
In the Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment of 0.40, which is similar to the HR of 0.50 that was found
Study (CIGTS), the role of IOP lowering on progression in our EMGT analyses. While the OHTS is addressing a
was not clearly established, as medically treated pa- different research question among ocular hypertensives
tients had visual field outcomes similar to surgically treated and not glaucoma patients, and while it has a somewhat
patients, yet IOP was 3 mm Hg lower in the latter group.34 shorter follow-up period, its results are highly consis-
Other comparisons within clinical trials, although not tent with EMGT findings.
based on intent-to-treat analyses, have provided sugges-
tive evidence that IOP lowering induced by treatment de- EXFOLIATION
creases progression. In the other CNTGS report17 (not
based on intent-to-treat), the course of treated patients Most (83%) of the 23 patients with exfoliation at base-
was followed from the time they achieved a 30% reduc- line progressed (Table 1), and this condition was a ma-
tion in IOP (mean±SD=210±158 days after randomiza- jor factor predicting glaucoma progression (Table 2).
tion), to the course of control patients followed up since While known to have a wide geographic distribution,36
randomization. These results indicated that treated pa- the prevalence of exfoliation is reported to be particu-
tients reached progression less frequently than controls larly high in Scandinavia, accounting for more than half
(7/61 [12%] vs 28/79 [35%]), supporting a favorable treat- of the OAG cases in a population study in Sweden.37 In
ment effect. contrast, exfoliation was present in fewer than 10% of
The Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS) EMGT patients—a fact most likely related to the study’s
investigated the issue using nonrandomized compari- eligibility criteria for early glaucoma. Another impor-
sons of patients achieving different levels of IOP reduc- tant reason for the low frequency in EMGT is age, given
tion,31 finding a consistent association between lower IOP the late age of onset of exfoliation, with prevalences usu-
and decreased visual field progression. Few changes in ally reported in individuals older than 60 years,38 as it is
AGIS field scores were seen in patients who achieved re- seen rarely in persons younger than 50 years.38 Despite
ductions to IOP of less than 14 mm Hg early in the study this relatively low frequency, exfoliation emerged as an
(predictive analyses), as well as in patients who main- important and independent predictor of progression,



©2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

which more than doubled the risk. This increased risk hemorrhages. This method is subject to interobserver
was an expected finding, being consistent with the more variation and may lead to considerable underascertain-
severe clinical course of exfoliation glaucoma.39 Since per- ment, as compared with standardized photographic as-
sons with this type of glaucoma have higher IOP than sessment of disc hemorrhages, which will be the subject
others,40 their increased risk could be attributed, at least of a future EMGT report.
in part, to the elevated IOP. In fact, 20 of the 23 EMGT Because of the limitations of the method of assess-
patients with exfoliation had an IOP of 21 mm Hg or more. ment, it is difficult to interpret the lack of an association
It is important to emphasize, however, that the strong with the presence of disc hemorrhages at baseline, which
association with exfoliation was present while control- was recorded in 12% to 13% of the patients.13 To assess
ling for IOP. As such, exfoliation itself seems to confer a their role during follow-up, we attempted to quantify this
greatly increased risk.41 Vascular factors may be the pos- variable by evaluating the percentage of patient visits with
sible mechanisms contributing to this increased progres- disc hemorrhages. As the percentage of patient visits with
sion, given the reports of altered hemodynamics in pa- disc hemorrhages increased, the risk of progression cor-
tients with exfoliation glaucoma.42-44 respondingly increased so that each percentage point im-
plied a 2% higher progression risk. Frequent disc hem-
ELIGIBLE EYES orrhages at follow-up were confirmed as an important
sign and conferred a worse prognosis.
Having 2 eligible eyes in the study was also a strong pre-
dictor of glaucoma progression, increasing the risk just OTHER FACTORS
under 2-fold. Progression was observed in 72% of the pa-
tients with bilateral disease, as opposed to 47% of those Although many variables were evaluated, no additional
with one eye eligible (Table 1). Such patients had both factors, other than those reported here, were found in
eyes at risk for progression since the beginning of the our main patient-based analyses or our eye-based analy-
study, and thus, they had a higher probability of pro- ses. Of interest, with the exception of age, all the factors
gression than other patients. Patients with manifest bi- associated with progression were eye related (Table 1).
lateral visual field defects at enrollment might also have In an investigation of progression factors, which was re-
a more aggressive disease than patients with only one eye stricted to patients in the untreated arm of the CNTGS,
eligible. While EMGT patients with 2 eligible eyes had progression was related to female gender, migraine, and
similar age and IOP to those with one eligible eye, their Raynaud disease.10 None of those factors were signifi-
average MD was worse by 2.17 dB, suggesting more vi- cant in EMGT, a divergence that could be due to the dif-
sual field damage for these patients. ference in study populations. Migraine and Raynaud dis-
ease are both considered to be manifestations of
MEAN DEVIATION vasospasm, which has been related to glaucoma in pre-
vious studies. However, EMGT patients reporting any of
Patients in EMGT generally had mild visual field loss, these conditions did not overlap (more than expected by
with a median MD of −4 dB. Those with MD worse than chance). While they showed a nonsignificant trend to
this level were at increased risk of progression as com- higher progression in univariate analyses, neither mi-
pared with patients with better MD. However, MD has graine nor Raynaud disease were significant factors in the
not been always associated with subsequent progres- multivariate analyses.
sion.9 The EMGT results are consistent with those of pre- In the OHTS, factors related to the onset of OAG were
vious studies, which also found that the extent of initial older age, larger cup-disc ratios, higher IOP, greater pat-
visual field damage is related to subsequent damage.2,34 tern standard deviation, and thinner central corneal mea-
Possibly, a worse MD in newly identified patients in our surements.51 Of these variables, age, IOP, and visual field
population screening may indicate a less favorable dis- damage were also significantly related to glaucoma pro-
ease course. gression in EMGT, but not to central corneal thickness
(Table 1). The latter result could be explained by the many
AGE differences in study populations between OHTS and EMGT,
including IOP levels and age.
Older patients showed an increase in their risk of pro-
gression as compared with younger patients. Several stud- STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES
ies have reported similar results, such as CIGTS, which
found older age to be associated with increased visual field Randomized clinical trials provide the strongest evi-
scores at follow-up,9,34 while in other studies, such as dence to assess the effects of treatment. The EMGT was
CNTGS, age was not associated with progression.2,10,11 carefully designed to meet this goal and assess the ex-
tent to which IOP-lowering treatment affected the pro-
DISC HEMORRHAGES gression of newly diagnosed, early OAG. The visual field
and optic disc criteria to assess progression were pre-
Disc hemorrhages are a well-known sign of glaucoma defined and did not change during the study, as well as
damage,45-47 and their presence during follow-up is re- being independently determined and confirmed. The de-
lated to progression. 48-50 While EMGT results con- tection of the early stages of field progression, a neces-
firmed these observations, they are offered with the ca- sary safety feature, was achieved. The EMGT perimetric
veat that our report is based on clinical assessment of disc criterion has high sensitivity14 and detected visual field



©2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial Group monitoring committee met regularly to provide inde-
pendent oversight of the trial. We also made efforts to
Clinical Center address potential methodologic issues in our statistical
Department of Ophthalmology, Malmö University Hospi- analyses, with similar results obtained from patient-
tal, Malmö, Sweden: Anders Heijl, MD, PhD (study di- based and eye-based approaches. For these reasons, we
rector); Bo Bengtsson, MD, PhD (screening director);
believe that EMGT provides firm evidence to answer its
Karin Wettrell, MD, PhD (ophthalmologist; 1992-
2000); Peter Åsman, MD, PhD, (ophthalmologist); Boel main study questions.
Bengtsson, PhD (investigator; since 2001); Margareta As in all trials, it is necessary to assess the general-
Wennberg, BA (clinic coordinator); Gertie Ranelycke izability of EMGT results. The study was based on pre-
(technician); Monica Wollmer, RN (technician); Gu- viously undetected patients with early glaucoma field de-
nilla Lundskog, RN (technician); Katarina Magnusson fects, who were mainly identified by a population-based
(secretary). screening. Since EMGT patients were newly diagnosed
and had early disease, results are not directly applicable
Data Center to patients with a more advanced stage of the disease, but
Department of Preventive Medicine, State University of New it is likely that our results also apply to patients with more
York at Stony Brook: M. Cristina Leske, MD, MPH (di-
advanced disease.13 The study was conducted in Swe-
rector); Leslie Hyman, PhD (deputy director); Mo-
hamed Hussein, PhD (senior biostatistician); Qimei He, den and predominantly involved white people, so that
PhD (biostatistician; since 2001); Eugene Komaroff, PhD appropriate caution is needed when extending EMGT re-
(biostatistician; since 2001); Ling-Yu Pai, MA (data man- sults to other populations. Interpretation of the results
ager); Lisa Armstrong (assistant data manager; since must also consider the specific protocols for treatment
1999). and follow-up in EMGT, which are not necessarily ap-
plicable to all clinical situations.
Satellite Clinical Center
Department of Ophthalmology, Helsingborg Hospital, Hel-
singborg, Sweden: Kerstin Sjöström, MD (director); Lena CONCLUSIONS
Brenner, MD (ophthalmologist); Göran Svensson, MD
(ophthalmologist); Ingrid Abrahamson, RN (head nurse);
Nils-Erik Ahlgren, RN (technician); Ulla Andersson, RN The EMGT provides conclusive evidence to confirm that
(technician); Annette Engkvist, RN (technician); Lilian reduction in IOP lowers the risk of progression in early
Hagert (secretary/clinic coordinator). OAG. Furthermore, the analyses reported here estimate
that the pressure reduction achieved in EMGT decreases
Disc Photography Reading Center the risk in half. The magnitude of the initial IOP reduc-
Department of Ophthalmology, Lund University Hospital, tion achieved after treatment emerged as a strong predic-
Lund, Sweden: Anders Bergström, MD (director; since
tor of progression. Since on average, no marked differ-
1997); Catharina Holmin, MD (director; 1993-1997);
Anna Glöck, RN (photograder); Catharina Dahling Wes- ences existed between the IOP achieved after the initial
terberg, RN (photograder); Inger Karlsson, RN (center reduction and subsequent IOP levels, the mean fol-
coordinator). low-up IOP was similarly related to progression.
Our analyses also identified clinical characteristics
National Eye Institute, Bethesda, Md other than IOP, which were important and independent
Carl Kupfer, MD (director; until 2000); Donald Ever- factors for progression. The trial also provides solid sci-
ett, MA (program director). entific evidence on the effectiveness of treatment to re-
duce glaucoma progression in a randomized clinical trial,
Steering Committee which is needed to support the value of early detection
Bo Bengtsson, MD, PhD; Donald Everett, MA; Anders
and subsequent treatment of persons with glau-
Heijl, MD, PhD; Leslie Hyman, PhD; M. Cristina Leske,
MD, MPH. coma.52-56 These data have not been available in the past
and have led to considerable uncertainties, not only in
Data Safety and Monitoring Committee the clinical domain, but also pertaining to the rationale
Curt Furberg, MD, PhD (chairman); Richard Brubaker, and merits of glaucoma screening,55-57 a topic that we plan
MD; Berit Calissendorff, MD, PhD; Paul Kaufman, MD; to address separately. The results of the EMGT, there-
Maureen Maguire, PhD; Helge Malmgren, MD, PhD. fore, have clinical and public health implications.

Submitted for publication July 3, 2002; final revision re-

changes in EMGT patients earlier than other measures ceived August 22, 2002; accepted September 26, 2002.
of progression.13 To facilitate interpretation, separate This study was supported by grants U10EY10260,
analyses have estimated the amount of visual field loss U10EY10261, and K2002-74X-10426-10A from the
associated with EMGT-defined progression.14 National Eye Institute (Bethesda, Md) and the Swedish
Thorough attention was given to the overall con- Research Council (Stockholm).
duct of the trial, as well as to ensuring high retention. Corresponding author and reprints: M. Cristina Leske,
Few patients were lost to follow-up, rigorous quality con- MD, MPH, Department of Preventive Medicine, Stony Brook
trol protocols were implemented, extensive monitoring University School of Medicine, Health Sciences Center,
of study activities was conducted, and data quality was L3 086, Stony Brook, NY 11794-8036 (e-mail: cleske
high throughout the study.13 An expert data safety and



©2003 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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