4.tech Cert Workbook 1

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The Development Fund LTD

Knowledge for a Professional bus and Coach driver

Level 2

Unit 1 Evidence Logbook

Candidate Name:………………………………………………
Assessor: ……………………………………………….

Reference: F/601/7393
The Development Fund LTD
The Development Fund LTD

Information for Learners

This workbook is designed to enable you to demonstrate your knowledge and

understanding of the learning outcomes listed above, which is part of the Technical

A Technical certificate is a key element of an apprenticeship framework and provides

evidence of your knowledge and understanding of you work.

You should think about what you do, or have done in your job role on a regular
basis, using real life examples.

You should also think about your organisations policies and procedures and how you
implement these whilst at work.

If you are unsure about how to answer any question, your assessor will be able to
support you.

The work you complete in this workbook will, where possible be used to show
competence in other elements of your apprenticeship framework, such as Functional
Skills (reading & writing) and elements of the NVQ. Try to use full sentences and
the correct grammar and punctuation as much as you can

To Complete this Workbook

You should read each question and think carefully about your answer, then write
your answer as fully as possible, giving as much information as you can. If you do
not have enough space to write you can continue on a separate sheet.

At the back of this workbook there is guidance for each question which you can use
as a reference. It will help to read the guidance for each question before you
answer, or to check the answers that you have given.

The Development Fund LTD
The Development Fund LTD

Unit 1
Customer Services for bus or coach

Unit Aim
The aim of this unit is to develop your knowledge and understanding of
how the principles of customer service apply to the provision of bus and
coach services. You will develop knowledge of how to provide an
inclusive bus or coach service.

Learning Outcome 1
Understand the aims of customer service of bus or coach services.

Learning Outcome 2
Understand the principles of communication for bus or coach customer

Learning Outcome 3
Know how to provide an inclusive bus or coach service.

Learning Outcome 4
Know how to provide bus or coach services for priority users.

The Development Fund LTD
The Development Fund LTD

Question 1 (LO 1.1)

Explain the benefits of good customer service for a bus or coach service.

Question 2 (LO 1.2)

Explain how a bus or coach service can meet the expectations of


The Development Fund LTD
The Development Fund LTD

Question 3 (LO1.3)

Explain ways a bus or coach service can meet the needs of customers?

Question 4 (LO 2.1)

Explain why communication is important when considering customer

service in the bus or coach industry.

The Development Fund LTD
The Development Fund LTD

Question 5 (LO2.2)

Describe ways to communicate to meet the customers’ needs and


Question 6 (LO 2.3)

Compare ways to communicate accurate information to customers. Think

of at least three examples. Find evidence in your place of work for your

The Development Fund LTD
The Development Fund LTD

Question 7 (LO 3.1)

Describe the barriers to using bus or coach services that an individual may

Question 8 (LO 3.2; 3.3)

Describe attitudes and behaviours which support the delivery of an

inclusive bus or coach service. Identify ways that support can be provided
to enable customers to access bus or coach services.

The Development Fund LTD
The Development Fund LTD

Question 9 (LO4.1 – 4.4)

Complete the table below with your answers.

Describe who are the priority users are in bus or coach Describe when to operate equipment for priority users
services. (LO 4.1) (LO 4.3)

Identify procedures that enable wheelchair users to What would you do if the wheelchair ramp fails in
access bus or coach services. (LO 4.2) service? (LO 4.4)

The Development Fund LTD
The Development Fund LTD

Learner Guide

Think about how good customer service helps the organisation, other passengers
and you as a driver. Why bother with it?

What would be the implications of giving everyone bad service? What would happen
if customers were not given good service?

Hint: Extra/increased revenue. Reputation Bus company of choice


Think about what customers expect from your bus company. For example: Buses on
time, clean buses, polite & friendly staff. To arrive at their destination safely.

Hint: After you have identified what the customers’ expectations are, Explain what
your company does to meet those expectations. For example: X Service for peak
periods. Keeping to timetables


Think about customers that have additional needs, what would you do to help them.
Give more three examples of this.

Hint: helping passengers who can’t pull their ticket out of the machine, passengers
with pushchairs / wheelchairs. Think of any other examples and write these down.


Think about what would happen, or could happen if your company gave everyone
really poor service. This will help you to explain why good customer service is

Hint: Customer complaints kept to a minimum (these are time consuming and
costly to deal with). Reputation of the company, so customers will choose your
service above others.

The Development Fund LTD
The Development Fund LTD

Think about how customers are given and receive information. Travel Centres or
Hubs. Think about other ways that customers’ expectations and needs are met by
communication .Give clear details of what’s required in writing

Hint: Think about the modern ways that your company communicates with
customers. Noticeboards, on-board advertisements, Twitter, Facebook, the bus time

Think about the different ways of communicating you wrote about in the last
question. Think about how one method of communication satisfies one group of
people but not another group. Adverts and publicity, choose the right place and the
right time so it is targeted to the right people.

Hint: Which is most likely to use Twitter or Facebook? Who is most likely to use the
bus time App, and how do you communicate the bus times to another group.
Visually impaired or deaf passengers. Is one way better than another?

Think about what barriers some customers experience when using bus or coach
services. These could be physical (the customer could be visually impaired or have a
disability) that can be seen. Other physical impairments could be less visible (they
could be deaf for example or partially sighted).

Customers with lots of shopping, or children, (pushchairs), customers with shopping

trolleys or walking aids. Wheelchairs, or mobility scooters.

Hint: Think about how the barriers you have identified could affect a customer.

Think about how your attitude as a driver would support the delivery of an inclusive
bus or coach service. What makes a bus service inclusive? How can the attitude of
an organisation and its staff support their customers who need extra help.

Hint: Describe the ways that you support customers with additional needs. For
example: Dropping the ramp for customers in wheelchairs, speaking slowly and
facing customers with hearing problems. Describe how additional support can help
customers to access the bus.

The Development Fund LTD
The Development Fund LTD


Describe priority users

Hint: Who is the bus designed for? Disabled, those with limited mobility, elderly,
vulnerable, children. Everyone is important!

Wheelchair access procedures

Hint: kerbside, lower platform, operate ramp, ask user if they need help, locate and
secure in bay, inform of bell, check they are ok, ask where alighting, patience.

When to operate equipment

Hint: low floor, special seats – not necessarily wheelchair access.

Ramp failure

Hint: Contact engineers, find high kerb if wheelchair user is happy to use, keep px
informed. Seek advice/help from inspector/supervisor.

The Development Fund LTD

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