CR-10S Pro Inductive Sensor Setup

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CR-10S Pro

My setup for an inductive sensor with Wham Bam magnetic bed.

The following assumes you have wired in the new inductive sensor already.

Install new sensor and adjust so it is approximately 4mm from the bed with the nozzle 0.2 off
the bed. Raise the gantry 100mm and Press the home button, check the sensor is working by
placing something metallic under it as it starts to lower.

Press home again and make sure the nozzle doesn’t contact the bed.

Start a dummy print and Zero out the Z offset in the print adjust screen. No need to wait for
the print to start, the screen is accessible from the print screen

(This is the way I reset the Z offset. If you don’t do this, the current offset could stick and
might not reset in the homing screen.)

Stop print.

Go to leveling screen.

Check the distance between the nozzle and the bed.

Adjust sensor up to get the nozzle closer to the bed or down to move it away, do this until
you get just over 0.2 gap from nozzle to bed in the homed position.

This may take a couple of goes, try not to move more than 0.5mm at a time. Having the
nozzle a little high is better than low. Re home and use the Z offset to bring nozzle down to
0.2 shim.

Do aux leveling.

Run auto leveling.

On First print after auto levelling adjust Z offset to get good first layer.

After that the only time you should have to adjust your Z offset is for tuning first layers for
different filament.

Hope this makes sense to you and helps.

Patrick Cruse.

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