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Revision on units ( 7 , 8 , 9 )

1-Complete the following dialogue:

Ahmed asks Amr about his favourite type of music

Ahmed: What ------------ of music do you like?

Amr : I like -------------- music.
Ahmed: ------------- do you like pop music?
Amr : ------------------- it is exciting.
Ahmed: Thanks -------------- answering my questions.

?Mary: What were the -------------- Egyptian famous for

-------------- Nada: They were famous for
?Mary: ---------- did they build the pyramids
------------- Nada: They built the pyramids in
?..…………… Mary: What else did they
Nada: They built the lighthouse in Alexandria.

Ahmed : Are you going to ----------------- diving tomorrow?

Amr : Yes of course. The weather is going to ------------- sunny,
Ahmed : Can I come ---------------- you?
Amr : Sure, we can meet ----------------- 9.00 am.
Ahmed: I am going to put ------------- my new swimsuit.
2- Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d

1-I saw a lot of fish at the ----------------------

a) museum b) temple c) aquarium d) sports center

2- Did you go to the -------------------- to watch the match?

a) Stadium b) temple c) aquarium d) sports center

3-Yesterdy I rode ------------------ a big wheel?

a) in b) on c) under d) at

4- I saw an ------------------- about dolphins?

a) exit b) exhausted c) exhort d) exhibition

5- Let's ------------------ bowling.

a) play b) go c) do d) make

6- We enjoy watching the ----------------------- in the sky at night.

a) stars b) sun c) son d) earth

7- You can go to the Egyptian ---------------- to see many statues.

a) Museum b) Stadium c) Aquarium d) Sports center

8- There are a lot of sports you can do at --------------------

a) museum b) temple c) aquarium d) sports center.

9-Children like to go to the ----------------- to ride on the wheel

a) museum b) temple c) funfair d) sports center.

11-At night, the colors on the tower (change – charge – changes –


12-From the tower, you can see the entire city (above – over – ahead

The Tahya Masr bridge is about 540 meters (long – high – tall – -13


.My father is 40 years (long – old – high – tall)-14

.I am proud that Egypt is my (countryside – country – city – town) -15

The criminal hid in a (town – city – cave – mount) just under the -16


How can the tailor (weigh – measure – lift – carry) the cloth? He -17

.uses his meter

?Which is wider (lake – river – sea – lake) Baikal or lake Nasser -18

?Can you dig a (deep – tall – old – high) hole under the ground-19

To reach Giza, you can cross the (dam – bridge – castle – tower) -20

.over the Nile

?How (old – many – long – much) do you know about the pyramids -21

The (Great – Good – Old – Long) Pyramid of Giza is 146 meters -22


I always go to school on foot because it isn't far (of – from – in –-23

.on) my house

I can't concentrate because of these (noise – quiet – quite – -24

.noisy) children

.We have a lot of (visitors – visit – tour – towers) at school today-25

.I am clever at (making – giving – doing) getting quizzes -26

Cairo has many wonderful, ancient (build – builds – builders - -27


?Is Brasilia the (capital – town – village – hotel) of Brazil -28

We will be late because the (people – pollution – traffic – -29

.terrific) is very slow

The (corner – center – central – cents) of Cairo is very difficult -30

.for drivers

31-we are going to arrive (at – on – in – of) Luxor on 4th January.

32-I am going to travel (throw – cross – through – thorough) the


33-Can you help me (carry – carrying – to carries – carried) this


34-Which activity are you going to (go – make – buy – do) tomorrow?

35-We're really enjoying (himself – yourselves – ourselves –

themselves) on holiday in Paris.

36- If you look in the mirror, you will see (yourself – himself –

myself – itself)

37-If Ahmed and Amr go to the cinema, they will enjoy (himself –

herself – themselves – us).

38- After the rain, the road becomes (wet – dry – windy – sunny)

39- The rocks were wet and Tamer fell over and (hard – hurt – dirt –

enjoyed) himself.

40-Tomorrow, the weather is going to be (better – bitter – best –

the best)

41- Last week, we went on a (train – trip – tribe – tent) to the


42- I put (in – off – on – of) my clothes.

43- I looked at (myself – himself – herself – ourselves) in the


44- I put on my hat and sunglasses to protect me from the (son – sun

– moon – star)

45-We sat by the fire to keep ourselves (worm – cold – cool – warm)

46-Which type of transport (did – does – do – will) people use in


47-In 1872, there was a (railway – airport – station – harbor) line

across India.

48- Phileas Fogg takes a (change – challenge – charge – charm) to

travel around the world.

49-In 1872, there were no cars (and – nor – or – so) planes.

50-Phileas Fogg went (round – a round – around – on) the world in 80


51-I can't see the road well because of the (fog – water – wind –

sun) in the early morning.

52- The top of the mountain is covered with (sun – moon – snow –

wind) – it is all white.

53- I'd rather (play – to play – playing – played) football.

54-I love (listen – listens – listened –listening) to music.

55-We look forward to (visiting – visit – to visit – visited) the

3-Correct the mistake in the following sentences :

1-I am going to gone to Cairo

2- Are you looking forward to see us?
3-Don't take a lot of mistakes.
4- Ahmed and I enjoyed themselves.
5- It is cloud. It is going to rain.

6-While shaving, I cut himself.

7-The sky is clear .it won't rain
8-I am going to put off my new jacket.
9-Let's do swimming.
10- We look forward to fly to Rome.
11-The tiger looked at herself in the mirror.
12- There are less students in our class than last year.
13- Walk cross this bridge to reach your destination
14- Our father is the more intelligent member.
15- Alexandria is far than Tanta for us.
16- I went to see our doctors last week although I was very ill.
17- What do the ancient Egyptians invent?
18- .Can you climb a peanut palm tree?
19- If you want to see the planets and the stars, you can go to the
20- I don't like this meals, it sounds trouble.

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