Upstream Units

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Unit 6
Going places
Compound Nouns:
Charter flight Trips are usually cheaper than scheduled ones.
Eco-tourism project Providing organized holidays to natural places as
that the tourists damage the environment as little
as possible.
Travel brochures A small magazine or book contains pictures and
information about sth.
Travelling companion A friend who you like to accompany most while
Departure lounge A hall used for relaxing or waiting at the airport
Seaside resort A type of beach holiday you spend by the sea
Remote area A faraway area
Tourist attractions Places of interest
Traveller's cheques money that is carried with you while travelling

Word Definition
Marine life Living things in the sea
Local authorities Regional government
Shoestring budget Limited amount of money to spend
Turn away To refuse entry
remote Faraway
Local inhabitants People who live in the same local area / residents
launch To start, set up
Downturn in the Failure or a worsening in the country’s finances or
national economy the national income.
Trek To hike , take long walks in the mountains
artificial Not natural
Put off Discourage sb to do sth / delay sth
warship A ship used in wars

Sunken(adj) Has fallen to the bottom of the sea.
Snub To insult or ignore
pristine Untouched, clean
Able-bodied Physically healthy , fit and strong in contrast to
someone who is weak or disabled
Welfare projects Services provided to help the living conditions and
financial problems
appealing Attractive or interesting
scheme A plan
redundant Not needed or useful
carefree Having no worries or responsibility
Up market Having a lot of money # shoestring
opponent A person who you are playing against in a game.
encounter Experience
Take part in Participate in
healer A person who cures people of illnesses using natural
powers rather than medicine
breathtaking Spectacular, impressive, exciting
enthusiast A person who is interested in doing sth

Words & opposites

Sink (a ship) Raise
attract Repel
protect Threaten
Low-budget Up-market
preserve Destroy
sensible Foolish
retired Working

1. Choose the correct answer:
1. People over sixty are often………………………….
(resigned - retired - fired - unemployed)
2. Tourists come to the Red Sea for diving and watching the coral……………
(beaches - branches - reefs - habitats)
3. The tree over there isn't natural. It's………………………
(artificial - normal - fake - industrial)
4. Fish, whales and sharks are the most known……………………………creatures.
(remote - marine - artificial - disabled)
5. The new club has many…………………………..for the disabled.
(faculties - means - tools - facilities)
6. Some countries have artificial reefs for………………………..ships.
(responsive - shoestring - enthusiast - redundant)
7. ………………………. authorities are responsible for organizing the process of
rubbish campaign.
(Global - Local - international - redundant)
8. People on shoestring……………………..cannot buy many things.
(balance - budgets - sheets - safes)
9. Microorganisms are not………………….with naked eyes.
(remote - sensible - retired - visible)
10. How could people reach that……………………..island?
(remote - visible - regional - marine)
11. When has this project been………………………………..?
(symbolized - launched - exploded - downloaded)
12. We……………………………the train in Alexandria at nine O'clock.
(uploaded - downloaded - boarded - charged)
13. Travellers will no longer have to……………………for days on the mountains.
(trick - trek - tread - stumble)
14. The view of the mountains was……………………..
(breathtaking - brochure - travel – broad)
15. He knocked out his…………………………in the third round.
(companion - colleague - opponent - parent)

16. These are the two……………….copies of the magazines. They haven't
been changed.
(pristine - visible - launched - stated)
17. Most African countries suffer from a/an………in their national income.
(return - upturn - downturn - outrun)
18. She always……………………….in school competitions.
(takes place - takes part - takes after - takes care)
globetrotter A person who frequently travels to different places around
the world.
pilgrim A person who travels to a holy, religious place
backpacker A person who travels around an area on foot or public
rambler A person who walks in the countryside for pleasure
sightseer A person who goes sightseeing around a city.
explorer A person who travels to unknown places to find out more
about them

excursion A shot journey made for pleasure, organized for as
group of people.
stopover A short stay somewhere between two parts of a journey.
cruise A journey by sea, visiting different places.
Flying visit A very short visit
Extended stay a journey or a stay that lasts longer than expected or
Getting around
beginning During End
see you off hold up - Go via reach – get off
get going en route -Pass through
board - Set off head for

2. Complete using the words from the list:
(sightseers - globetrotter - cruise - pilgrims - flying visit -
explorer - extended stay – motorway – stopover)
1. John seems to have visited every country on Earth. He's a


2. I would like to have an…………………………… France to really explore the


3. The local castle attracts a lot of……………………………..

4. We couldn't stay long because we both had jobs to get back to. It

was just a…………………………..

5. I've never had the desire to be a/an…………………………, I prefer to travel

around to discover more about places.

6. We couldn't get a direct flight back home. We had a…………………

Rome and changed planes.

7. ………………………..make journeys to holy places for religious reasons.

8. I would like to take a………………………on The River Nile.

3. Complete using a suitable preposition:

1. I will get………………………at the next station.

2. I don't like seeing people………………………..

3. Tourists like to concentrate …………………… -tourism sights.

4. You can go…………………….the ring road to Maadi.

5. Sorry for being late as I was held…………………in a traffic jam.

6. After leaving here, where did you head……………………….?

7. While we were travelling in France, we passed…………………some unspoiled


8. They set……………………their journey very early.

Phrasal verbs
Check in To arrive at a hotel and collect your key.
Set off To start a journey
Take off To leave the ground, rise into the sky
Break down To stop working
Pick up Collect
Slow down To drive more slowly
Idioms & phrases
- I lost my heart in Russia. It’s the most beautiful country I’ve ever
visited. (to fall in love / feel joyful)
- I think travel broadens the mind. (enlarge your knowledge)
- Come on, we’ll be late if we don’t hit the road now. (hurry/ leave)
- We made our way through the old part of town, up to the castle.
(to move in a particular direction)

By bus , car , plane - Off the beaten track
On the move - On / off/ at / by the coast
On foot - in , at the heart of
On / off the road - arrive in , at
Head for somewhere - in a rush

Words often confused

1) Ruins / wrecks / remnants
Ruins: a building or town that has been badly damaged.
Ex: On the second day of the trip, we went to see the ruins of the
ancient city.
Wrecks: a ship that has sunk or badly damaged at sea.
Ex: Divers searched for the wreck of the ship.
Remnants: a piece of something that remains after the rest has gone.
Ex: I saw the remnants of the food they had eaten.

2) delay / postponement
Delay: to make somebody / something slow or late.
Ex: There was a two hour delay to our flight.
Postponement: arranging that something will happen at a later time.
Ex: The wedding was postponed until August because the bride's mother
was ill.
3) View / sight
View: what you can see from a particular place
Ex: the view from this hotel window was fantastic.
Sight: something that you see
Ex: Egypt is full of several wonderful tourist sights.
4) companion / colleague
Companion: a person with whom you spend a lot of time.
Ex: My travelling companion and I thoroughly enjoyed the journey to the
Colleague: a person that you work with in a job.
Ex: My colleagues and I asked for more wages.
5) brochure / leaflet
Brochure: a small book with picture and information about something.
Ex: would you like to see the travel brochures I brought home with me?
Leaflet: a small printed piece of paper that advertises or gives
information about something.
Ex: I picked up a leaflet about bus services to Cairo.
4. Choose the correct answer:
1. Do you often see travel…………………………………….?
(leaflets - pamphlets - brochures - booklets)
2. Tourists like Machu Picchu to see the………………..of the ancient city.
(remnants - ruins - rest - wrecks)
3. What are your plans for a two – day…………………… London?
(trip - journey - expedition - cruise)
4. My travel………………………..helped me a lot with my luggage.
(colleague - companion - friend - partner)

5. How did you…………………… way through the crowds?

(do - make - hit - lose)

6. She said she had lost her……………….in Luxor. It's a very exciting city.

(arm - brain - nerve - heart)

7. The…………………..of the Pyramids from our flat is very fascinating.

(sight - outlook - view - landscape)

8. They say travel………………………..the mind.

(expands - enlarges - widens – broadens)

9. As the train pulled into the…………………., the passengers got ready to

board it.

(platform - pavement - deck - front)

10. Due to the…………………….. of the manager, the meeting was cancelled.

(postponement - delay - interruption - wrecks)

11. At the weekend , we decided to take a four-hour…………………to the

nearest island.

(journey - trip - flight - cruise)

12. It's dangerous to drive on this road. You have to……………….

(set off - slow down - check in - pick up)

13. We called the hotel to…………………..tomorrow morning.

(slow down - check in - take off - break down)

14. My mother will ……………me……………..from the school.

(pick………up - break…….down - set…off - check…

15. When does my father's flight…………………..?

(take off - check in - put off - break down)

5) Complete using a suitable phrasal verb:

1. Can you …………………………….?You're exceeding the speed limit.

2. The plane…………………………… 3 p.m and landed in Mexico at 9:30 a.m

3. Call the hotel and tell them we will………………………tomorrow before noon.

4. They…………………………..for the airport early in the morning.

5. While I was driving home, the car engine suddenly………………………

6. John will…………………… ……………from the station.

6) Write the definition:

1. Local inhabitants:……………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. shoestring budget:………………………………………………………………………………………………….

3. pristine:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

4. excursion:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

5. sightseer:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

6. pilgrim:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

7. flying visit:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

8. globetrotter:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

9. Charter flight:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………

10. artificial:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Unit 7
Campaign (v) To take part in / lead a campaign
Compose To combine / collect together / write music
Conquer Invade or attack a country
Rule / reign To control and have power over a country
Assassinate To murder an important , famous person for political
Elect To vote for
Version One cop of form of sth
Independence (of Having its own government not being ruled by another
a country) one.
Approved Formally agreed to
Brutal Cruel, violent
Grant To give somebody something
Draft An early version of a document
Treaty A written agreement between two countries
Accurate Precise, exact
Presumably Very likely, possible
Actual Real
Objective Based on facts or reasonable opinions.
Subjective Based on personal opinions or feelings rather than
Biased One sided person , partial # impartial
Era A period of history
The chances are Very likely
The thing is In fact
Was not willing to Not wanting to do something
Come to mind Occur to you
Give him any Acknowledge his contribution
credit at all
Cut and dried Straightforward

A grain of truth Some truth
Take it with a Have a critical attitude
pinch of salt
Different uses of "Control"
Under control
Get out of control
In control
Lose control of
Take control of
Out of control
Have less control over

1. Choose the correct answer:

1. Nasser and Sadat were two important Egyptian……………………

(Leaders - conquerors - winners - competitors)

2. Did the parliament sign the……………………………of the new law?

(copy - issue - draft - edition)

3. Swiss watches are more……………………………than Chinese ones.

(subjective - objective - actual - accurate)

4. History is the…………………….of past events.

(edition - volume - issue - version)

5. The local people didn't like the……………………treatment of the colonists.

(brutal – approved - decided - conquered)

6. Zewail was……………………the Noble Prize for Chemistry.

(taken - granted - presented - approved)

7. ………………………………….23rd December is the start of the winter season.

(subjectively - objectively - independently - presumably)

8. Their…………………….on the ocean was a long one.

(trip - journey - travel - voyage)

9. Where and when was the peace……………………held?

(treaty - assembly - draft - grant)

10. Some parents are often…………………when they talk about their children

(explored - approved - biased - presumable)

11. Napoleon was the…………………..of the north of the African countries.

(conquered - conqueror - winner - independent)

12. You should bear in mind that history is always……………………….

(objective - subjective - biased - historian)

13. There were riots in our streets, but now everything is…………………….

(out of control - under control - beyond control – taking control)

14. By the time the fire fighters arrived, the raging forest was…………..

(out of control - taking control - has no control - beyond control)

15. Napoeon was forced to……………………from Moscow in 1812.

(surrender - retreat - defeat - invade)

16. Israel was………………………… the Egyptian army in 1973.

(gained - won - arrested - defeated)

17. How long did the………………….between Egypt and colonists continue?

(independence - struggle - reliance - loyalty)

18. Hamaki writes music. He is a talented………………………

(musician - composer - author - poet)
19. King Abbas ……………………….Egypt for a long time.
(invented - composed - discovered - ruled)
20. The police have finally found out a ………of truth the about the crime.
(root - bark - grain - seed)

2. Complete using the words form the list:
(brutal - biased - approved - lost control -grant - treaty –
discovered - invaded – objective)
1. It was terrible! He suddenly ……………………………………of the car. He later

discovered that the steering had gone.

2. Tom was offered to take a……………………….for free to study at Oxford.

3. Horses always face…………………………punishments like whipping.

4. She is too…………………… write about the case objectively.

5. The previous president of Egypt Sadat signed a peace………………………

Israeli to end War.

6. We need someone outside the company to give us an………………….analysis.

7. The manager has……………………… give me an early leave.

8. Napoleon ………………………….several European countries.

War & Peace

Enemy # ally

Military Actions:

attack / invade / surrender/ defend/ retreat/ defeat/ conquer

Armed Forces:

Army / Navy / Air force


Private / soldier / major / captain / admiral / colonel / general

Anti- War:

Nuclear disarmament / pacifist / truce / peace treaty

Word Definition

Ally One in helpful association with another # enemy

invade Attack / conquer

surrender To stop resisting to an enemy or opponent

retreat To move back or withdraw from enemy forces

defeat Win a victory over someone in a fight, battle….

navy Military and armed forces at sea

Air force Military and armed forces in the air

private The lowest rank in the army

solider A person who serves in an army

Nuclear The process of reducing in number or completely

disarmament eliminating a country's nuclear weapons.

pacifist A person who believes that war and violence are wrong

and unjust

truce An agreement between two enemies or opponents to stop

fighting or arguing for a certain time.

Peace treaty An agreement between two or more hostile parties usually

countries or governments which formally ends a state of

war between the parties.

3. Complete using the words from the list:

(disarmament - attacked – allies - pacifist - surrender – treaty –

admiral - invade )

1. After long months of negotiations, the two sides finally signed a


2. Nuclear………………………is the most important step towards world peace.

3. The…………………….came on board and inspected all the sailors on the ship

4. Strong countries can easily………………………weak ones.

5. The police …………………….the protesters and brought them to the police


6. The soldiers were exhausted and couldn't move back any further, so

they had no choice but to…………………………..

7. A person who believes that war is wrong, called a………………………….

8. America and Britain were …………………………….in World War II.

4. Write the definition:

1. Peace treaty:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………


2. independence of a country:………………………………………………………………………………….

3. biased :……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

4. conqueror:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

5. pacifist:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

6. ally:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

7. Nuclear disarmament:……………………………………………………………………………………………


8. Navy:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

9. Compose:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

10. Voyage:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Words often confused

Classical : relates to ancient civilization

Ex: He's an expert in ancient classical mythology.
Classic: typical / well-known
Ex: I enjoyed reading classic novels by Charles Dickens.

Historic: important and famous in history.

Ex: 23rd July Revolution is a historic event in Egypt.
Historical: related to history subject
Ex: I like watching historical films.

Attack: hurt, damage sb or sth using physical force

Ex: A thief attacked him yesterday, so he was hurt.
Invade: to enter a country by force with an army (conquer)
Ex: Napoleon invaded many countries.

(be in) power: in charge of a country's affairs.

Ex: She is from a wealthy family with a lot of social power.
Strength: physical energy
Ex: He had been playing for about 5 hours, so he lost his strength.
5. Complete using the correct form of the words in brackets:

1. Napopeon Bonaparte was the…………………………of several European

countries. (conquer)

2. The ……………………………of America over Iraq caused terrible damage.


3. Christopher Columbus is the ……………………………of America. (discover)

4. King Farouk was once the………………………..of Egypt. (rule)

5. Someone who believes that war and violence are wrong. (pacific)

6. He writes history. He's a gifted…………………………………. (history)

8. Tom is always………………………………. He relies on nobody. (depend)


1) Trace sb history : follow sb history

2) steep in history: is mentioned / remembered in history
3) make history: cause a great change
4) change the course of history: change completely
5) throughout history : through history


1. She belongs to a very ancient family; she can trace her history back

to the Norman Conquest.

2. A large number of historical events have taken place in the Tower of

London over the centuries; It's steeped in history.

3. Neil Armstrong made history on 20th July, 1969 when he became the

first man to walk on the moon.

4. When Enrico Fermi split the atom in 1934(without realizing it). He

changed the course of history.

5. Throughout history it seems that the reasons for war are essentially

the same; history repeats itself.

Phrasal verbs

Blow up Destroy by an explosion

Beat up Hit and kick many times

Go off Explode

Carry out to act in accordance with

Back out Decide not to do sth

Bring about Cause to happen

Take over To be in charge of something / gain control of


involved in / to fight against / to believe in sth / to die of a disease /

by luck / chance / accident

6. Complete using a suitable preposition:

1. Most people fight ……………………..their cause in life.

2. I don't believe …………………………..ghosts.

3. How did the bomb go……………………………?

4. The criminal was beaten…………………… the police officers

5. The new factory was blown…………………… our enemies.

6. He found his lost bag ……………………..accident.

7. Her aunt died……………………..a heart disease.

8. When will this project carried……………………?

9. After the death of the old man, his son took………………….his company.

10. It's not always easy for a soldier to carry…………………..orders.

11. People hoped that their revolution would bring……………..some

significant changes.

12. The government backed……………….when they realized how expensive

the project would be.

13. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do about the situation: it's

…………………….my control.

14. He's involved …………….a number of research projects.

15. The peaceful demonstration suddenly got …………….of control.

16. They used to go there …………………..time…………………..time.

7) Choose the correct answer:

1. They like watching …………………………films.

(historical - historic - history - historian)

2. …………………………history, you can read about wars between neighbouring


(Via - During - Throughout – route)

3. For Egyptians, the 1973 victory over Israel changed the…………………of


(course - path - route - way)

4. The Louvre Museum in Paris …………………… history: It used to be the

palace of the French kings.

(recorded - steeped - full - loaded)

5. Amelia Earhart…………………….history in 1928 when she became the first

woman to fly across the Atlantic.

(fixed - did - made - prepared)

6. You really should buy a DVD player! You have to move with the……………

(times - time - timing - timer)

7. I like reading……………………

(classical - classics – classic - classicism)

8. The Pyramids in Egypt are ……………………………buildings.

(historic - historical - history - historian)

9. The national party had been in…………………for over thirty years.

(power - strength - energy - force)

10. I think he's the greatest musician of all…………………….

(times - time - timing - timer)

8) Replace the underlined words with a suitable phrasal verb:

1. The war memorial was destroyed by an explosion.


2. During the military coup, the army gained control of the parliament



3. The prisoners was hit and kicked many times by the enemy soldiers.


4. The soldiers claimed that they were acting in accordance with orders.


5. The bomb was exploded in the town centre.


6. The revolution didn't cause any major political changes.


7. The government had agreed to help the refugees, but when they

realized how expensive it would be, they decided not to.


Unit 8

Learning lessons

Word Definition

University lecturer A person who gives lectures at a university

Personal trainer A person who trains people

Driving instructor A person who teaches people how to drive

Private tutor A private teacher

strictness Being firm and strict

patience Being patient

Sense of humour Having the ability to make people laugh

Sense of fairness Judging people fairly

enthusiasm Doing things excitedly

positioning The way something is placed

puzzled Confused, worried

curriculum A course of study taught in a school

Factors Elements of effect

company Having people with you

supervise Oversee / control a task

access Reach / obtain sth

measure Discover /Judge the extent of sth

recongisable Identifiable

Types of schools

Boarding school A school where you have a place to sleep in

during the study

Single sex school A school for boys or girls only

State school a governmental school

Private school A school that you have to pay fees to join.

Exams & Qualifications

GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education

NVQ National Vocational Qualification

"A" Level Advanced level

HND Higher National Diploma

BA / BSc Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Science

MA / M.Sc Master of Arts / Master of Science

PhD Doctorate of Philosophy

sit an exam To take or have an exam / take a test

pass an exam Succeed in an exam # fail the exam

resit the exam To take an exam again because you fail to get

enough marks in the exam.


1. (run / offer/ do/ take/ enroll on/ pass/fail) course

2. (attend/ go to/ take/miss/hold/dismiss) class

3. (achieve/ get/ receive) grade

1. Choose the correct answer:

1. In each country, there is a certain…………………for each student to study

(positioning - curriculum – destination – possession)

2. Too many subjects to study on the same day can………………any student

(relieve - access - puzzle - explore)

3. We should encourage students to……………….and collect information.

(puzzle - explore - supervise - measure)

4. Both parents and teachers……………………pupils during the school year.

(explore - access - watch - supervise)

5. There are some effective……………………that contribute to the success of

any business.

(factors - reasons - effects - results)

6. How can you…………………………your level of progress?

(measure - explore - link - relieve)

7. In the future, classrooms will be replaced by pupils all

working……………………………..from their homes.

(instantly - remotely - presumably - nearly)

8. Will you………………………..on the computer course?

(take - offer - enroll - pass)

9. I hope you will…………………….your grade soon.

(attend - offer - get - miss)

10. When are you going to……………………your exams?

(fail - invent - sit - make)

11. He………………………….his exams because he didn't study at all.

(passed - sat - took - failed)

12. I recommend that you get a private…………………to help you with Maths.

(trainer - lecturer - tutor - instructor)

13. Do you enjoy………………………… your school?

(a company - companion - company - companies)

14. Tom has a sense of………………………. He always makes people laugh.

(strictness - fairness - humour - patience)

15. He isn't…………………………….in his new look.

(understood - reliable - realizable - recongisable)

16. He hired a driving………………………… help him pass his driving test.

(tutor - lecturer - trainer - instructor)

2) Write the definition:

1. Supervise:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

2. company:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

3. GCSE:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

4. Positioning:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

5. resit an exam:………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

6. University lecturer:…………………………………………………………………………………………………

7. boarding school:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………

8. measure:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

9. recongisable:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

10. strictness:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Words often confused
Develop To increase or improve something
Ex: The course is designed to develop special study skills.
Promote To give somebody a higher position.
Ex: He got promoted to the Head Department position.

Hold To organize an event

Ex: The institute only holds evening classes.
keep To support somebody financially
Ex: You can't keep a family on the money I earn.

Accept To take something willingly that somebody offers you.

Ex: She has been accepted at York university
admit To agree , without wanting to
Ex: You should admit your mistake.

Career Your working life

Ex: He retired at the end of a thirty-year teaching career.
Post A job
Ex: He is qualified for the post in the bank.

Grant Money that is given for a particular purpose

Ex: Apply for a grant if you want to go to university.
fee The money you pay for services
Ex: We can't afford private school fees.

Phrasal verbs
Catch up Reach the same level as others
Fall behind Fail to keep up with others
Go over Review / look through again/ examine details
Keep up Follow / to stay at the same level as others
Look up Find / research
Put off Delay / postpone
Tell off Scold / to speak to somebody angrily
Work out Find a solution / try to understand

Idioms & Fixed phrases
Learn by heart Memorise
Make the grade Pass
Teach sb a lesson Punish sb
In a class of (his) own Much better than everyone else
Get(her) nose in a book Deeply busy reading
The teacher's pet The teacher's favourite student

Prepare for an exam
Revise for an exam
Study for an exam
To be top of the class
To specialize in sth

Word Synonym
Unfortunate Unlucky
Promote Advance
Mischievous naughty
Reckless Irresponsible
Rapidly Quickly
Preceding previous
Ceased Stopped

3. Complete using a suitable preposition:

1. I need to revise …………………………….tomorrow's exam.

2. My uncle has specialized……………………….chemistry.

3. I hate learning things…………………………heart.

4. My sister is very studious. She's got her nose…………………..a book.

5. Can you look……………………..this word in the dictionary?

6. She was told………………….severely when she lost her gold bracelet.

7. As he was absent, he may fall………..........with his work.

8. They had to put………………………..the meeting due to the bad weather.

9. You have to go………………………..these sheets before the test.

10. Well done Sarah! You are top……………………….the class.

4) Complete using the words from the list:

(grade - pet - catch up - develop - accepted - fees – reckless- class

of his own - state- holds - grant – work out - fall behind - career)

1. Make a study timetable, that way you won't……………………with your H.W

2. Students call Ali the teacher's………………….because he always gets full


3. If you want to make the………………………., you have to study hard.

4. I couldn't…………………………….a solution to the problem.

5. You have to work hard in order to ………………..with other students in

your class.

6. You can apply for a………………………..when you want to join university.

7. He passed his exams, so he was……………………………at university.

8. How can I ……………………………….my writing skills?

9. That…………………………….boy always drives at top speed.

10. Alex wanted to know how much he would have to pay for his


11. There is a school near our house which……………………evening courses.

12. Every child has the right to free education in a………………………

13. Jane is in a……………………………….., his work is always excellent.

14. Now that I've got my degree I will apply for a teaching…………………..

5) Complete the following sentences:

1. He liked the poem so much and decided to learn it by……………………

2. Our language school will………………….intensive courses soon.

3. This time tomorrow I will be………………………… exam.

4. Education is free in……………………………….schools.

5. My cousin is in a…………………of his own he always gets the best marks.

6. I hope that this mistake will…………………… a lesson.

7. She loves reading and always gets her…………………….in a book.

8. If you don't pay attention, how do you expect to……………………….with the


9. We had to …………………..our biology trip because of the bad weather.

10. The manager decided to………………………him to Head Department.

11. I need to enroll on an English course to………………………….my skills.

12. My little brother is………………………………...He always takes my things

13. In the future, Egypt's economy will grow up……………………………

14. He had to…………………his exam because he didn't get enough marks.

15. I got a private……………………… help me with the math homework.

Modal verbs
1) Ability:
present Example
can Mary can play the guitar.
= am / is / are able to + inf Mary is able to play the guitar.
past Example
Could I could walk when I was 3 years old.
= was/ were able t+ inf He was able to walk when he was 3
years old.

Necessity and lack of necessity


 I must do my homework.
 We must study hard. We have an exam.
 I must go to university, so I must study hard.

)Must) is used while taking about the speaker's point of view.

It's necessary for you to arrive on time tomorrow. ( must)
You must arrive on time tomorrow.

The teacher tells his students that they have to do homework.

You have to wear a helmet when you ride a bike.
It's necessary to wear a uniform. ( have to)
You have to wear a uniform.

Lack of necessity
 You don't need a passport to go to Aswan.
 He doesn't have to buy bread. He already has a
lot of bread.
 Employees don't have to work overtime.
 It is not necessary to buy bread.
 You needn't buy bread.
It's not necessary to give me the money until Friday. ( have to)
You don't have to give me the money until Friday.

 Employees mustn't be in the restaurant without
wearing their uniform.
 You mustn't cross the road when the light is red.
 You are not allowed to smoke in hospitals.
Don't talk when you are in the library. (mustn't)
You mustn't talk when you are in the library

It would be a good idea to ……

It is advisable to ….

It is desirable to ……………

If I were you, I'd ……

You had better …………

You would rather …………


1. It would be a good idea for her to go to the doctor's. ( should)

She should go to the doctor's.
2. It is not advisable to stay up late.
You shouldn't stay up late.
It was necessary to do something but you didn't
should have + p.p. / needn't have+ p.p

He should have got up earlier. He missed the train. (He got up late)

It wasn't necessary to do something but you did.

shouldn't have + p.p.

Sherif shouldn't have left his mobile phone on the floor.

(He left it on the floor)

In the past

- It's nearly certain ……

- I'm nearly certain …… = must have + p.p.
- I think …….
- I guess ………

1) I am nearly certain that my father went out.

= My father must have gone.
2) I think my mother finished cooking.
= My mother must have finished cooking.
3) It's nearly certain that our team lost the match.
= Our team must have lost the match.
4) I saw Noha in hospital. I guess she was ill.
= Noha must have been ill.

Possibility in the past

- I don't think …
- I think … not … = might have + p.p.
- Perhaps ………
- Possible……….
- Probable……….

1) I don't think he traveled abroad. I saw him yesterday.

= He might have traveled abroad.
2) I think she was not at home. = She might have been at home.
3) Perhaps she baked the cake. = She might have baked the cake.

-When you are sure that something didn't happen:

- I'm sure … not….

- It's very certain …. = can't have + p.p.
- Certainly \ definitely…

1) I'm sure Adel wasn't ill. = Adel can't have been ill.
2) He certainly didn't buy a car. = He can't have bought a car.

It was possible for something to happen, but it eventually didn't

could have + p.p.

- Be careful! You could have crashed into a tree.

Deduction in the present

When you are about:

must be + n. \ adj. \ adv.

1) She hasn't slept for 2 days. She must be tired.

2) He teaches pupils very well. He must be a good teacher.

can't be + n. \ adj. \ adv.

1) He has got an expensive car. He can't be poor. = He must be rich.

2) They're blond and they're speaking Russian so they can't be Syrian.

When you are not sure about something:

might be + n. \ adj. \ adv.

may be + n. / adj./ adv.
could be + n. / adj./ adv.

I'm not sure. He might be at home.

My dad has taken an umbrella so it could be raining.

1. Choose the correct answer:

1- He ………………………………...British. He is good at speaking English.
(must be – can't be - might be - won't be)
2- I can't find my keys. I…………………………… left them at home.
(must be - must have – can't be – won't be)
3- He ………………………………………….eaten the food; I'm not sure.
(must have – will have – might have – will have)
4- She …………………………………………….travelled abroad; I don’t think so.
(must have-don't have–might have – will have)

6- It is possible; he …………………………………………got the prize.
(must have – may have – doesn't have – will have)
7- He …………………………………………………drunk the tea. The cup is empty.
(must have – may have – can't have – will have)
8- He ……………………….. stolen the money, the safe was locked.
(must have – can’t have – might have – may have)
9- He……………………………………. drunk the tea. The cup is full.
(must have – may have – might have – can’t have)
10- It is probable; he…………………………….. taken the medicine.
(must have – will have – might have – can’t have)
11- Excuse me! You ……………… to smoke here. It says no smoking.
( must – mustn't – don't have to – should)
12- I think you ……………….. speak to your teacher. She will help you.
( have to – must – should – mustn't)
13- We ………………… work on Saturday. The boss only wants two people.
( ought not to – needn't – have to – must)
14- You ………….. have a driving licence to drive a car.
( should – must – mustn't – shouldn't)
15- I really …………. to stay in and paint my flat this weekend.
( need – needn't- must – mustn't)
16- If you don't feel well, you ………………… go to bed.
( have to – needn't – mustn't – don't have to)
17- Ali didn't phone us. His plane ………… arrived late.
a. might have b. must c. can't d. may
18- The mobile was ringing in the bedroom. Ali ………… left it at hon.
a. will b. might c. must have d. can't have
19- . He ………… have phoned me because it was late yesterday.
a. should b. must c. shouldn't d. didn't
20- She didn't answer the phone. She ………… have heard it.
a. can't b. must c. should d. shouldn't
21- I .......... have seen the film, but I didn't.
a. must b. should c. shouldn't d. might
22- Amal.......... have gone to the market. I'm not sure.
a. might b. must c. may d. shouldn't

23- Maha ………… swept the floor, but she didn't.
a. may have b. shouldn't have c. should have d. must
24- He ………… have eaten more sweets. They cause teeth to decay.
a. shouldn't b. must c. can d. should
25- Samira should have ………… up the dishes. They smell bad.
a. washes b. wash c. washing d. washed
26- Mona .......... have bought a new skirt as she had many new
a. shouldn't b. might c. should d. must
28. People (should – must – can – mustn’t) use mobile phones while driving.
29. Ali is getting fat. He (shouldn’t – must – can – don’t) eat too much
30. We (should – shouldn’t – haven’t – mustn’t) visit our sick friends.
31. Drivers (should – must – can – mustn’t) stop their cars when the traffic
light is red.
32. To drive a car, one (shouldn’t – must – can – mustn’t) get a license
33. Every Egyptian (shouldn’t – must – might – don’t) be careful about the
security of Egypt.
34. You (shouldn’t – ought – should – mustn’t) wash your hands before
having your meals.
35. You (shouldn’t – can’t – should – mustn’t) help your neighbours.
36. Visitors of a library (shouldn’t – can – should – mustn’t) make noise.
37. If you are in Egypt, you (shouldn’t – can’t – should – must) attend my
38. You (shouldn’t – must – should – mustn’t) be careful when you cross a
39. We are going to China next month but first we (have to – ought to –
needn't- must) get a visa from the embassy to enter the country.
40. I (shouldn’t – can – should – must) get fit if I want to run in next
year's marathon.
41. Cars can't turn right here. You (should – shouldn’t – haven’t – must) go
straight on.

2- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets :
1- He didn’t answer the telephone. He was asleep. I’m sure. (must have)
2- He didn’t come to the party. He forgot, I’m not sure. (may have)
3- He isn’t at home. I’m sure he is in his office. (must)
4. He was late for school. It was necessary to come early.
(shouldn't have)
5. She didn't do her homework, It was necessary to do that.
(should have}
6. It was possible that Huda came on time. (might have)
7. I'm sure Ahmed won the race. (must have)
8. She failed the monthly tests. She was advised to study hard.
(should have)
9. It was possible that Nora visited Italy, (might have)
10. You really should see a doctor. (advice)
11. It not necessary to return the money now. Give it to me when you
can. (don't have to)
12. It is necessary to pass a driving test if you want to drive a car.
(have to)
13. It is not necessary for them to come to the talk this evening, but it
will be interesting. (needn't)

14. I'm sure Olga is Russian. (must)
15. I think Sara is from Liverpool. (could)
16. I'm sure Anne isn't on the course. ( can't)
17. I'm sure Hany left school. Classes finished an hour ago. (must)
18. I think Anne stayed at home. She didn't feel well yesterday.
(may have)
19. I'm sure she didn't see the film. She didn't know what happens at
the end. (can't have)
20. It was necessary for him to take a taxi as he was late. (He)
21 Is it necessary for him to attend the party ? (Does he)
22. You mustn’t park here. There is a “No parking” sign. ( allowed )
23. It’s necessary for us to take a taxi to get there on time. ( must )
24.You mustn’t smoke here. ( smoking )
25. Samira bought some eggs. At home she found plenty of eggs.
( needn’t )
26. It is not necessary to do your homework tonight. ( needn’t )
27.I advise you to work hard to succeed. ( should )

28. It wasn’t necessary for him to accept her invitation to dinner.
( needn’t )
29. Turn off the lights before going to bed. ( should )
30 Why did you come late? ( should have )
31. You shouldn’t waste your time. ( advise )
32. Why did you smoke here? ( shouldn’t have )
33. I didn’t know the time of the meeting and you didn’t tell me.
( should have )
34.Why did you leave your bike here? ( shouldn’t have)
35. It is advisable to read a lot in your spare time. ( should )
36. Why didn’t you tell me the fact? ( should have )
37. It is inadvisable to waste your time in doing silly things. (shouldn’t )
38. It’s very cold. He was walking along road without a coat.
( shouldn’t have )
39. It is not necessary that parcel yourself. The shop will send it.
(you don't )
40. It is not necessary to write the report today. ( have to )
41. He took a taxi. It wasn't necessary to do so. (should)

The passive can be formed in two ways:
1. Impersonal passive sentence:
It + passive form of the verb+ that + clause
Or to + base form
Subject + passive form of the verb+
to + have been + P.p
Active : People believe that he is very rich.
Passive : It is believed that he is very rich Or He is believed to be very rich.
This form gets in touch with verbs such as ( say / believe / report / think /
expect/ know…)
Active : They say that the locals built this bridge last year.
Passive : It is said that this bridge was built by the locals last year.
Or this bridge is said to have been built by the locals last year.
Because the verb in the passive form , so we used" have + been+ P.p"
Active : People think that The police have caught the thief.
Passive : It is thought that the police have caught the thief
Or the police is thought to have caught the thief.

2. The causative form:

 It is used when we do not do something ourselves as we need
somebody else to do it for us.

Subject + have / get+ Object + P.p

Verbs forms Causative form
Present simple I have my car fixed.
Present progressive I'm having my car fixed.
Past progressive I was having my car fixed.
Future will I will have my car fixed.
Future going to I'm going to have my car fixed.
Present perfect simple I've had my car fixed.
Past perfect simple I had had my car fixed.
Past simple I had my car fixed.
Modal verb I must have my car fixed.
Present infinitive I managed to have my car fixed.
-ing form I remember having my car fixed.

Notes :
1)Verbs of perception ( see / notice / hear / watch / smell / feel) are
followed by bare infinitive or –ing form in Active, but in Passive , they are
followed by infinitive with to or –ing form.
Examples :
Active : We saw Dina enter the bank. (bare infinitive)
Passive : Dina was seen to enter the bank. (full infinitive)
Active : They heard a boy calling for help.
Passive : A boy was heard calling for help.
2) The verbs ( make / hear / help / see) are followed by bare infinitive in
Active , but a full infinitive in Passive.
Active : John made me leave.
Passive : I was made to leave.( by john)
2) The –ing form:
Examples :
Active : I hate people cheating me.

Passive : I hate being cheated.
3) The verb " let + object + bare infinitive" in Active changes into
"allowed + full infinitive" in Passive.
Examples :
Active : He let him go to the cinema.
Passive : I was allowed to go the cinema.
Active : He didn't let him go to the cinema.
Passive : I wasn't allowed to go to the cinema.
4) Some verbs such as ( offer / give / send) take two objects .
There are two ways of forming the Passive voice.
Examples :
Active : They gave me a present.
Passive : I was given a present Or A present was given to me.
5) Notice the following changes:
not + any = no
not+ any of = none of
not + anyone/ anybody = no one / nobody
not + anything = nothing
Examples :
Active : He didn't change anything.
Passive : Nothing was changed.
Active : They didn't see anybody.
Passive : Nobody was seen.

Imperative passive form:

Open the door. (Let + object + be + P.p)
Let the door be opened.
Don't open the door. (Don't let + object + be + P.p)
Don't let the door be opened.

1. Rewrite using the words in brackets:
1. People know that archaeologists have found a tomb near El- Minia.
2. They expect that the weather will be rainy tomorrow. ( The weather …..)
3. Scientists say t that there is no air on the moon. ( It is………)
4. Someone will clean the flat for us. (We)
5. I took my car to the garage and the mechanic repaired it. (had)
6. It's said that he was injured in a car accident. ( He is)
7. They didn't change anything. (was)
8. They are employing builders to build a garage. (having)
9. I pay a window cleaner to clean my windows every month. (get)
10. A robot does his work for him. ( He..)
11. You must shut the doors. ( be)
12. An artist is painting my portrait. (I'm....)
13. He hates people laughing at him. ( being)

14. He didn't let me go to the theatre. (allowed)
15. The construction of the dam will make the inhabitants leave their homes
16. It's said that he was injured in a car accident. (He is…..)
17. A teacher is mending David's computer tomorrow. (having)
18. The hairdresser will cut her hair. (She…..)
19. People think that the earth is not exactly round. (It's)
20. The dentist fixed my bad tooth. (I had….)
21. I hate people laughing at me. (being)
22. My dad didn't let me go out with my friends. (allowed)
23. My teacher let him answer the question. (allowed)
24. The mechanic has repaired Sara's car. (Sara……)
25. Someone is going to install a new phone for us tomorrow. (We're…….)
26. Don't open the window. (opened)

2. Choose the correct answer:
1. The kitchen .........................while they were away.
( is fixed - was being fixed - was fixing – will be fixed)
2. Her car last week's crash.
( is destroyed – destroyed – was destroyed – has been destroyed)
3. A lot of money ........................on advertising the new product.
( is being spent – is spending – will spend – spends)
4. No one .......................her with the housework last week.
( helped – has helped – had been helped – helps)
5. It is reported that the thief ...................................
( has caught – has been caught – will catch – would catch)
6. Someone has cleaned our flat. We ..............................for 50 pounds.
( cleaned it – have cleaned it – have it cleaned – have had it cleaned)
7. It was said that the professor...........................a heart attack.
(had suffered - has been suffered – was suffered – had been suffered)
8. It .....................................that the earth is not exactly round.
( has been proved – has proved – had proved – is proving)
9. Next year some new our area.
( has been built – was built – will build – will be built)
10. Their house ......................................two days ago.
( robbed – had it robbed – was robbed – will be robbed)
11. Farmers in Egypt..............................cotton.
( grow – are grown – was grown – grown)
12. It ....................................that he is intelligent.
( can't deny – can't be denied – denied – not denied)
13. I was made .............................the house by my elder brother.
( left – to leave – leaves – leave)

14. I went to the hairdresser's to……………………………
(cut my hair - have my hair cut - have cut my hair - had my hair cut)
15. I…………………… house painted. That is why there is all this mess.
(got - am having - had had - had got)
16. That dead tree is dangerous. I ………………… cut down tomorrow.
(have - will have - am having - have got)
17. In the next few years, we………………………. The painter will do it for us.
(will be painting our flat - had our flat painted - will paint our flat – will
have our flat painted)
18. Smoking…………………………………here.
(was not allowing - is not allowing - is not allowed - doesn't allow)
19. My brother went to the dentist to……………………………out.
(pull his teeth – have his teeth pulled - have pulled his teeth – pull)
20. They had a party last week, but we…………………………..
(didn't invite - hadn't invited - weren't invited - haven't invited)
21. He is thought…………………….the enemies without mercy.
(to attack - to have been attacked - to being attacked – he would attack)
22. A lot of money……………………on advertising the new product.
(is being spent - is spending - will spend – spends)
23. Honda is a company that…………………………cars.
(making - makes - was made - is made)
24. The Olympic games…………………every four years.
(are held - were held - are holding - have held)
25. Farmers in Egypt………………………….cotton.
(are grown - grown - grow - has grown )

Type Zero conditionals

are used to express a general truth or a scientific fact. In this type of

conditional we can use when instead of if

If / When + present simple present simple

If you touch fire, you burn yourself.

If we boil water, It turns into steam.

First Type 1

Type 1 conditionals are used to express a real or very probable

situation in the present or future

If + present simple Future simple, imperative, can, must

+bare infinitive

If he goes on holiday, he will relax.

If she studies hard, she will get high marks.


With type 1 conditionals we can use unless + affirmative verb

She will not forgive him unless he apologizes to her.

Second Type 2

Conditionals type 2 (unreal present) are used to express imaginary

situations which are contrary to facts in the present, and, therefore are
likely to happen the present or the future.

If +past simple / continuous would / could / might + bare

If I spoke their language, I would know what they were talking about.

If I were you, I would apologize for her. (Advice)

Third Type 3

It expresses (unreal past) and imaginary situations which are contrary

to facts in the past. They are also used to express regret or criticism.

If + past perfect would, could, might + have+ p.p

If I had taken a taxi, I would have been there in time.

If it hadn't been raining today, we would have gone on an excursion.

1. Rewrite using the words in brackets:

1. He isn't rich , so he can't buy a car. (If)


2. If I don't have enough money, I won't buy a mobile. (Unless)


3. She didn't come to work because she was tired. (If)


4. If he doesn't play well, he will lose the tennis match. (Unless)


5. He didn't play well, so he didn't score goals. (If)


6. He was fined because he exceeded the speed limit. (If)


7. Don't come late. The teacher will punish you. (if)


8. Study hard or you won't pass your exams. (if)


9. He can't help sick people because he is not a doctor. (If)


10. I will visit him if he invites me. (unless)


11. They didn't go out because of the bad weather. (If)


12. I am not a bird, so I can't fly. (If)


13. Metal expands when it is heated. (If)


14. Water evaporates when it is boiled. (If)


15. Unless he hurries up, he will miss the school bus. (if)


2. Choose the correct answer:

1. If she has enough money, she…………………………..a car.

(will buy - would buy - buys - would have bought)

2. Hurry up or you……………………………..the bus.

(catch - don't catch - won't catch - didn't catch)

3. She………………………really happy if you invited her.

(is - will be - would be - were)

4. If he……………………well, he wouldn't join the team.

(didn't play - had played - hasn't played - wasn't played)

5. If I ………………………to work so much, I would have gone to the party

(didn't have - haven't had - hadn't had - haven't)

6. Unless you……………………your room, you couldn't invite your guests there.

(have cleaned - cleaned - had cleaned - will clean)

7. I you had gone to the book fair, you……………………………………it.

(would enjoy - could enjoy - would have enjoyed - will enjoy)

8. If he……………………… the party, he would have a good time.

(has come - would come - had come - came)

9. If I ………………………….a car, I'll drive you to your work.

(have - had - will have - have had)

10. He will be happy if he………………………….his exams.

(passed - passes - will pass - would pass)

1. I wish / If only + past simple

for the present when we want to say that we would like something to be


Ex: I don't have a car. (I wish / If only)

I wish / If only I had a car.

2. I wish / If only + past perfect

To express regret that something happened or did not happen in the


Ex: I didn't do my homework. (I wish / If only)

I wish / If only I had done my homework.

3. I wish + could + inf

To express regret about something we cannot do at present.

Ex: I wish I could drive a car.

4. Had better / would rather + inf

"Had better" is used to give advice / warning / threat

Ex: You had better go to bed early.

Ex: You'd better not come late.

"Would rather" is used to talk about preferences.

Ex: I'd rather go to the cinema now. Or

"Would rather" + subject + past simple / pas perfect

Ex: I'd rather you didn't come late.

Ex: I'd rather you had done your homework.

Rewrite using the words in brackets:

1. I want you to help me with my work now. (would rather)


2. I regret not attending my friend's wedding party. (I wish)


3. I bought a second hand car and I regret it. (If only)


4. I didn't visit my aunt, and I regret it. (I wish)


5. I don't want you to argue with your sister again. (would rather)


6. I advise you not to play with matches. (had better)


7. She is short, so she can't play basketball. (She wishes)


8. I didn't bring my pencil case. (If only)


9. I would prefer to play tennis now. (would rather)


10. He comes late for school. (I'd rather)


11. I don't have a laptop. (I wish)


12. I am not a doctor. (I wish)


13. It is advisable for him to revise well for exams. (had better)


14. He doesn't study hard. (If only)


15. I didn't take my umbrella, so I got wet. (I wish)


16. She broke my camera, and that was wrong. (shouldn't)


17. I didn't buy the laptop as I didn't have enough money. (If)


18. She was ill, so she didn't leave home. (If)


3. Choose the correct answer:

1. You had better………………………….well before exams.

(to revise - revise - revises - revised)

2. I'd rather………………………..a cool drink as it is very hot.

(have - had - would have - could have)

3. I'd rather you………………………………..with us now.

(are - have been - were - would be)

4. If only she……………………………the house last week.

(cleaned - has cleaned - had cleaned - was cleaned)

5. I'm so full. If only………………………………so much.

(didn't eat - hadn't eaten - couldn't eat - wouldn't have eaten)

6. I wish she………………………………….at home now.

(is - were - had been - has been)

7. I'm so curious. I wish I ………………………………..her before.

(have asked – asked - has asked – could ask)

8. If only she…………………………………in Port Said last summer.

(spent - has spent - could spend - had spent)

9. I wish I …………………………….sleepy now.

(am not - wouldn't be - couldn't be - wasn't)

10. My radio broke down. I………………………….have misused it.

(must - mustn't - should - shouldn't)

11. I'm not good at tennis. I wish I ……………………….play tennis.

(can't - could - would - should)

12. I missed the bus. I………………………………..left so late.

(hadn't - should have - shouldn't have - would have)

13. They wouldn't have got married if they…………………………….

(wouldn't meet - didn't meet - hadn't met - would meet)

14. If only he………………………………..the meeting yesterday.

(could attend - attended - had attended - has attended)

15. You had better not……………………………. too fast.

(driving - drives - drive - to drive)

16. What…………………………….they do if we went to the police?

(would - will - were - did)

17. Put on your jacket. I'm sure it………………………rain soon.

(could - will - would – won't)


1. Contrast: (Although / Though / Even though / but / however)

Ex: He is clever. He can't answer the question.

Although he is clever, he can't answer the question.

He is clever, but he can't answer the question.

He is clever. However, he can't answer the question.

B) Despite / in spite of + V+ ing / Noun:

Ex: Despite being clever / his cleverness, he can't answer the question.

Ex: Although the weather was bad, they went out. (In spite of)

In spite of the bad weather, they went out.

However + adj + subject + verb, …..........

Ex: However poor he is, he is happy.

Adj + as + subject + verb,…………..

Ex: Although he is short, he is good at basketball. (as)

Short as he is, he is good at basketball.

Whatever + noun/ + subject + verb…………..

Ex: We all admire him despite his mistakes. (whatever)

We all admire him whatever mistakes he makes.

2. Cause & Result:

Reason clause + (because / as / since) + result clause

Result clause +( so/ therefore / as a result)+ reason clause


He is absent today because he is tired.

He is tried, so he is absent today.

because of / due to / owing to / thanks to / on account of) +V+ing / N

Ex: He didn't go to work because he was ill.

He didn't go to work because of his illness / being ill.

3. Addition:

(In addition to / as well as / besides / In addition)

Ex: He went to the club. In addition, he visited his uncle.

In addition to visiting his uncle, he went to the club.

1. Rewrite using the words in brackets:

1. He speaks English wee. He can't write a word of it. (Although)


2. Although she was tired, she went to school. (However)


3. Though he is poor, he is happy. (Despite)


4. Tom is a doctor. His cousin is a doctor, too. (as well as)


5. Despite not feeling very hungry, I ate two pieces of cake. (although)


6. Even though she is tall, she can't play basketball. (as)


7. He didn't pay his debts. He was sent to prison. (because)


8. They lost the match because they didn't play well. (because of)


9. We had a fantastic holiday although it was rainy. (In spite of)


10. They had a terrible accident as they were driving fast. (due to)


11. Sara is interested in reading. She also plays tennis. (In addition to)


12. Jack passed his exams. He didn't study at all. (even though)


13. Despite playing well, they lost the match. (however)


14. Being intelligent, he couldn't answer all the math problems.(However)


15. He made a cup of coffee. He didn't drink it. (but)


2. Choose the correct answer:

1. He went straight to bed…………………………he was tired.

(if - because - unless - when)

2. He is short………………………………., he is good at playing basketball.

(although - despite - However - if)

3. …………………knowing a lot about computers, he couldn't solve the problem

(Despite - However - Although - Even though)

4. ………………….intelligent he is, he can't solve the problem.

(As soon as - Unless - However - whenever)

5. We searched everywhere…………………….we still couldn't find the ring.

(although - so - so that - but)

6. ………………..reading the book three times, she didn't understand it.

(In spite of - Though - As well as – In addition)

7. …………………………doing her homework, Salma helped her mother.

(In addition - But - Although - In addition to)

8. He was ill,………………………… he insisted on going to work.

(but - despite - however - so)

9. I haven't seen him…………………..he returned from his trip.

(so - since - but - for)

10. My friend, as well as I ,…………………..good at tennis.

(are - is - am - were)

11. My friends as well as I ……………………….interested in reading.

(are - is - am - have)

12. As well as……………………..his aunt, he went to the cinema.

(visited - to visit - visiting - to visiting)

13. She speaks…………………….English and French.

(both - neither - either - but)

14. She refused to eat the steak……………………..she is vegetarian.

(so - though - because - also)

15. ……………………the computer was very small, it was very expensive.

(Although - However - But - Also)

Poetry "Sonnet 18" By Shakespeare
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date :

Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines ,

And often is his gold complexion dimm'd ;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimm'd

But thy eternal summer shall not fade,

Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest;
Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou growest;

So long as men can breathe , or eyes can see ,

So long lives this , and this gives life to thee.
compare=liken ,say you are like dimmed = made dim, made dull
thee = you fair n. = beautiful thing
art = are fair adv. = beauty
lovely = beautiful decline = decay , goes away
temperate = mild , moderate untrimm'd = having become ugly
rough =not soft , wild eternal = lasting forever
shake = move violently fade = grow dull and colourless, die
buds = young flowers lose possession = no longer possess
lease = duration of summer is short brag = boast , speak proudly
all too short = a very short thou wander'st = you wander , walk aimlessly
eye of heaven = the sun shade = shadow
complexion = colour of the face lines = lines of verse , poetry
thou growest = you continue to live
Shakespeare asks if he could compare his beloved to a summer's day. Then he
refuses doing so as she is more beautiful and more sweet-tempered. In the next
four lines, he mentions why he does not like the idea of such comparison as a
summer's day is sometimes so windy that it roughly shakes the tiny flowers. The
summer is of a short duration. The sun in summer is very hot and sometimes the
sky is cloudy. It is a well known fact that every beautiful thing at a certain point will
stop being beautiful either by an accident or naturally by time and death.

Then the poet says that his beloved's youth and beauty will be everlasting as
he is sure that his beloved will always be beautiful and never be affected by the
old age, even death will fail to put her in its dark shadow. She will actually live in
his poetry which will be always read as long as mankind exists. The poet's verse
will live and his beautiful beloved will live in it. Thus, she will never lose her


The sonnet is a short poem of 14 lines expressing one personal idea or

emotion. The sonnet started in Italy in the form of two parts: the first part
is of 8 lines, called (Octet) and the second part of 6 lines, called (Sestet).
But Shakespeare divided it into 3 quatrains (4lines) and a heroic couplet ; two
lines of poetry one after the other that rhyme and usually contain ten
syllables and five stresses.

The main idea of Sonnet 18 is the first line:

"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"

Then his answer to this question comes in the next line:

"Thou art more lovely and more temperate."

In the next 6 lines, the poet gives 4 reasons for refusing the idea of making
such comparison; being windy, hot, cloudy and short.

In the next 3 lines, he declares that his beloved youth and beauty will be
eternal because she will always be present in his poetry. In the last 2 lines
(the heroic couplet) the poet sums up the idea that his beloved will live
forever in the lines of his poetry.

The rhyme scheme of his sonnet is ABAB ,CDCD , EFEF ,GG

Questions and answers
1-What's a sonnet ? What is the difference between the Italian and the
Shakespearean sonnet ?
- The sonnet is a poem of 14 lines, dealing with one idea or emotion and that
idea or emotion is usually a personal one.
-The sonnet originated in Italy and in its first form was divided into 2 parts:
one consisting of 8 lines ( octet), the other of 6 ( sestet). Shakespeare
changed the internal form of sonnet. He divided the 14 lines into 3 quatrains
and a heroic couplet.

2-What will make the lady's beauty everlasting ?

-Her beauty will be everlasting in the verse of the poet's sonnet that will be
repeated among people forever. As long as men live, and as long as they read

3-In sonnet 18 Shakespeare says that poetry defies time. Discuss .

-Shakespeare believes that poetry defeats time and death. He says that
poetry prevents death and time from frightening the people who are
mentioned in the poems.

4-Why does the poet use the repetition of certain words?

- To create internal musical patterns in the sonnet, for example ,
( more / fair/so long)

5- Pick up the figures of speech in sonnet 18.

- Shakespeare used only a few traditional metaphors in this sonnet,

* describing the sun as the " eye of heaven " *also the eternal summer"

*There is also personification in:" his gold complexion ", "nor shall death

brag thou wander'st in his shade."


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