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What did Daryl explicitly say he didn’t like to do in the series? Drinking.

How do you heal wounded troops effectively when there are many wounded troops but no
speedups? Heal them in batches via Timer Help from Allies.

How often do towers attack? (Least Frequent)? 300s

How often do towers attack? (Most Frequent)? 60s

How do you ward off infected invasion for a longer period of time? Upgrade the Barricade.

How much Chief Stamina can be obtained in Daily Drop per day? 100

Battle benefits of the settlement do not include? Increase March speed Chief’s max level is?

What should you do if you encounter an infected? Escape.

Who gave the Hero Daryl the medal on his chest in the game? Made it himself.

Among the following Heroes, which one is not a “Hunter Hero”? Jane

If your top 3 Heroes are at Level 50, 60, and 70 respectively, which level will your other
Heroes in the Hero Training Area be? 50

What color are Tony’s headphones? Black

Legendary Hero Fragments can be obtained in the free VIP Daily Crate when VIP level
reaches? 7

Why did Willy kidnap Maddie? To join the Raiderz

At what VIP level can a Chief receive Legendary Hero Fragments in the Daily Free? 7

You can unlock level 9 troops when your Troop Buildings are upgraded to? Lvl. 26

Which Hero has the best sense for aesthetics? Ghost

What is a Cherokee Rose? A type of flower

Which of the following actions is wrong during an infected outbreak? Have a celebration

Which of your Alliance members’ Hero’s skills is effective during the rally? The one with the
highest Battle Power

What did Julie Garcia’s relationship with Becca? Becca’s Foster Mother

How many kinds of monsters/infected can be located via the hunting logs? 2

How long can Capital Clash last at most? 12 hours

If you encounter someone who has fainted in the field, which of the following is NOT a first
aid method? Sit up straight and whack the chest
What is the Helixr? Biology Lab

What are the numbers on Ghost’s clothes? 56

Hero gear will be unlocked after HQ reaches:? 16

How many kinds of crates are there in the chief rewards of Capital Clash? 3

Which of the following is NOT a characteristics of Daryl in series? Careless

Where do wild racing item came from? Daily rewards crates

What does Frank dislike about Nikola? Nikola's tool

After the Influencer trap is opened, how much time must be passed before it can be opened
again? 47

Among the descriptions of Lightly Wounded, Heavily Wounded and the Lost, which one is
correct? All of the above

Your lucky that all four stores around you actually still have stock. Time is limited and you
can only go to one store to retrieve supplies. Your choice? Pharmacy

You can only go to the wilderness after building:? Intel post

What is the name of Daryl's dog? Dog

Alliance honor cannot be obtained through:? Speed up troops training

How many training camps can be build at most? 4

What was Daryl's first use of an RPG in the series? Kill speedster

What is Julie Garcia's relationship with Becca? Foster Mother

What store did Ray operate before the apocalypse? Nightclub

How do you speed up Prosperity recovery? Build more decorations

Which of the following is a member of Final Hope? Max

How many hero fragment can be bought in daily deal per day? 36

What is the maximum legendary hero fragment that can be obtained in the daily free? 6

Which of the following heroes was once with the raiderz? Rusty

How many crates can you get in total through completing daily tasks? 7

How many categories are there of Chief Talents? 2

How often do we have Capital Clash? 2 week

Which behavior will not get you food in the wild during the apocalypse? Shop online

How many members can an Alliance have at most? 100

In the plot, Daryl has never used? Bow

The infected horde opens at? Tuesday and Thursday

Ability to recover donations every: 10minutes

Which of the following actions is wrong when your partner is seriously injured? Urge him to
keep fighting

You will win capital clash after occupying the capital for? 6hr

How many roads can be built in settlement at most? 300

What is eva's nickname? Black widow

What is the best use of paper money in an apocalypse? Fuel for a fire

What is the design of tattoo on Eva's arm? Red Rose

Which of the following actions is wrong during an infected outbreak? Have a celebration

Which of your Alliance members’ Hero’s skills is effective during the rally? The one with the
highest Battle Power

How long can Capital Clash last at most? 12 hours

If you encounter someone who has fainted in the field, which of the following is NOT a first
aid method? Sit up straight and whack the chest

Originally the number of the members that a new alliance can has? 50

Which is the sacred text of the Holy Wrath ? Holy Wrath scriptures

Which of the following things is not something that Daryl is good at in the series ? Long
range sniping

Which of the following is a member of the Raiders ? Billy

Sotf opens : Once every 2 weeks

Which hero escaped prison ? Eva

whose singing voice is most lethal? Rusty

Chief Badge will be unlocked when HQ reaches : Lv.25

What is the maximum number of Heroes that can be put in the Hero Training Area at a time ?

Which company is Kline the CEO of ? GigaCorp

Among the following Heroes, wich one is not an Infantry hero ? Basel

How much time will be reduced for Construction or Tech Research after the Chief Talent «
Rapid Development » is activated ? 20%

At which HQ level did we unlock the ability to reset heroes level? 15

What is Travis' occupation? Hunter

Which faction Becca is a member of? Final Hope

Which of the following buildings can be attacked without any connection to Alliance
territory ? Fortified bunker

What kind of animal is ray’s companion ? falcon

What was tony’s original occupation ? actor

In the field, which of the following options cannot be used as a basis for determining
direction ? Instinct

The vast majority of the Raiderz’ survival resources come from what source ? Robbert &

Whose father is Hoffman? Becca

Why are my VIP benefits not in effect? Your VIP has not been activated

Which is the sacred text of the holy wrath? Holy wrath scriptures

What is the relationship between frank and daryl’s dog? Hate to be apart

Why do we need to wear more clothing during the apocalypse? Prevents the infected
puncturing the skin

What should be done with the body of an infected? Burn In the field,

what thing cannot be used to determine location? Instinct

Which of the following can be discarded first during the apocalypse? Cash

In the Explore trail, which kind of heroes can move freely? Brawler

What did Daryl once give to a Certain Mother who had lost her daughter? Rose

The vast majority of the Raiderz survival resources come from what source? Robbery and

What percentage of enemy troops each of the tower attacks cut down? 2%
If you upgrade the hospital, you can advance: hospital capacity

Which of the following weapons did Daryl not use in the series? Dagger

An extra march slot can be obtained when VIP level reaches? 8

Among the following Heroes, which one is NOT a “Rider Hero”? Tony

What is Chef’s best cuisine? Grilling

Which of the following organizations is the richest? Gigacorp

What is Daryl’s usual mode of transportation? Motorcycle

How often do we get to rescue chances? The clocks? 1.5 hr

What is the name of Basel’s tiger? Fahad

Wow, lucky you, you actually found a supermarket that still has food. What kind of food
should you stock up? High protein energy bar

What is Ghost favorite thing to do? Drawing

Which part of the body should be attacked to ensure that an infected is completely dead?

If an alliance wants to occupy a resource node, how much of the node’s area must be
covered? Cover all

The maximum level of resource nodes is:? Lvl. 8

What was Sarge’s occupation in Marine Corps? Sergeant

How can you cause more damage during influencer traps? Do not take infantry

Among the following Heroes, who does not have a pet? Nikola

The shortest rally time for infected fiends is:? 5 min

Which of the following items is not suitable for use as weapon? Shaver

What determines the number of times you can make a free hero search? Hero precinct level

The target of the last wave of the infected horde is? Alliance HQ

Difference between attacker defending sides in a battle: If both sides have empty hospitals,
which side is more likely to be killed immediately? Defending side
The difference between the offensive side and the defensive side in a battle: If the two sides
in the battle both have empty hospitals, the troops which side are more likely to get killed
right away? The offensive side

Which of the following is the wrong way to deal with a large group of infected? Surrender to
the infected

What was the tony’s career before the zombies? Actor

Which troop building was built on a basketball court? Barracks

If you are bleeding, which of the following should you NOT do? Enlarge the wound

What breed a maddie’s dog? A pitbull

What is Travis’ favorite thing to do? Hunting

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