Muhammad Fahad Malik - Assignment 2

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Muhammad Fahad Malik

Business Communication
Assignment 2
This notification is to inform all our fellow employees at company XYZ regarding the new enacted SOP’s
that shall be implemented at our factory tomorrow onwards, dating xx-xx-xxxx. We, as responsible
citizens must remember the impact COVID-19 has left on the global economy, and more importantly the
planet. The health and safety of our employees is our foremost priority, and your health should be your
foremost priority for the sake of your loved ones as well as the entire community.
We are presently living in distressing times facing what the W.H.O has declared as a pandemic. We share
a collective responsibility of playing the roles designated to us. Following are the measures we have
o Establishment of a help desk for COVID-19 to process latest information or instruction for the
o Placed health education material and preventive information posters across the factory that
encourage hygiene practices, cough and sneeze etiquettes and how-to self-quarantine at home at
entrance and common places of the official buildings.
o In case of outbreak in the plant, we have created separate the visiting center/area /room with
designated staff with mouth and hand cover PPEs who may disinfect the area.
o Made necessary arrangements of washing or disinfection of the commonly used doorknobs,
reception tables, shelves, canteen tables.
o Provided tissues and no-touch disposal receptacles for use by employees at their workplaces.
o Instructed and circulated the information for the employees to clean their hands often with hand
or wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Soap and water should be used
preferentially if hands are visibly dirty.
o Provided soap and water and hand rubs sanitizer in the workplace. We have also placed hand rubs
in multiple locations or in conference rooms to encourage hand hygiene.
o We have developed our own travelling advise for our employees with following
1. ▪ Take record of each employee’s travel to the different areas inside and outside of country.
2. ▪ Conduct surveillance about the areas where disease outbreak is going on and prohibit the
employees not to travel to the areas of outbreak.
3. ▪ If someone seeks close connection with the people who travelled from the infected area with
COVID-19, they must inform the surveillance/administrative desk of the organization.
4. ▪ Advise employees who travel outside the area to check themselves for symptoms of acute
respiratory illness before and end of travel and notify our official focal person and stay home if
they are sick.

We hope and expect that all employees follow the SOPs. We shall get through this virus as a team.

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