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Unit 1.

Task 2 To describe and compare your city

Marly Fabiola Tenorio

Group: 551012A_761

Diana Sofia Grisales

Universidad Naciola Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

March 16
Task 1. Making comparisons.

• Write a description of the city where you live.


1. City overview:

Sardinata is located in the northern subregion of the department, with the

municipalities of Bucarasíca, El Tarra and Tibú. Founded in 1876 . When in
1848 a group of settlers settled on the ground being attracted by its fertile land,
their first settlements gave rise to what is now known as the Táchira hacienda,
but after the earthquake of 1875 they returned to their place of origin. In 1876,
Father Secundino Jácome, who is known as the founder of this municipality,
came to this place. Its foundation was given due to the settlements of the
colonists since they made the grouping of fiefs and later their political and
religious foundation was given, with a population of: 22,632 inhabitants.
Its economy is based on three sources, which are:

• Agricultural production such as coffee, plantain, sugar cane, cassava, corn,

• .Livestock production such as cattle, pigs, horses, donkeys and poultry.
• In the mining part, coal and phosphoric rock stand out.

2. Infrastructure
In sardinata at the service of the community we have a Level 1 hospital, with a church,
public transport we have two companies, but we do not have a transport terminal.

3. Sardinata Services

Sardinata has two high school colleges, a basic elementary school, a soccer school
for growth in sport, a skating school and a basketball school, we have the energy
service provided by power plants, we have cars at the service public transport and
motorcycle taxi service at the service of the community

4- Sardinata Places:

Pailitas waterfalls

Located on the Sardinata -Lourdes highway. Approximately 8 km from the

municipality of Sardinata.

The Pailitas stream, born at the height of the Las Mesas sidewalk, with an
approximate extension of 15 kilometers, is a tributary of the Tiesito river; from
its union with the river upwards, we can find along 3 kilometers, ascending 12
or 15 natural pools, where people take the opportunity to swim and enjoy the
natural wonder that is formed by the fall of the water within the rock. This is
produced by the speed of the water that when falling into the rock eats away at it
forming natural pools, in some of them it is dangerous to swim due to the speed
of the water that forms eddies and the depth of some pools

The Sulfur

Located on the Riecito river, Sardinata-Lourdes highway, approximately 3 km

from Sardinata.

It is a spring of water from the mountain, located on the banks of the Riesito
river. Inside the mountain there is a cave, where the birth springs from the earth;
the crystalline water has a sulfur smell and taste, and when it joins the river at its
bottom you can see the whitish mineral deposit. For this reason the Sardinata
community and outsiders visit the place with the aim of finding a cure for their
ills, as the healing qualities of the water demonstrate this. Sulfur water can be
used, either bathing with it inside the cave where there is a well and a tunnel, or
taking it. Another characteristic point of the place is the pilgrimage site, since
the belief that the place is curative has empowered it as a place of prayer; We
find a monument to the child God, to whom visitors implore miracles with the
help of miraculous water, which in most cases is packaged in jars and pots, to
have it at hand in homes.
5. Sardinata key issues:

Sardinata is a municipality with great wealth, since we have a good economy, with good
income to the municipality, but we do not have a good health system since our hospital is
undergoing renovation and the community is being cared for in provisional houses, As for
security, we have a police station that gives us security, we have a beautiful church that is
among the best in the department, this was built thanks to the monetary contribution of each
of the inhabitants of the municipality with the help of our priest

6. Images:

City overview:
Sardinata services:
Sardinata Places:
Sardinata key issues:

7. Conclusions

I invite you to know Sardinata, since it is a beautiful town, bathed in rivers,

abundant in agriculture, it has tourist places such as the Pailitas gorge, where
you go and share with your family, there you can admire the great works of
nature, we have others rivers such as la sulfur, the popular julia, the Riecito
river, we have a swimming pool at the service of the community owned by the
municipality, the main park and the municipality's church

- Información general de Sardinata. Alcaldía del municipio. Consultado el 1 de mayo

de 2015.
- Resultados y proyecciones (2005-2020) del censo 2005». DANE. Consultado el 1
de mayo de 2015.
-Web oficial del municipio de sardinata

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