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The Youth is the Hope of the Nation.

We are the one who make our own story,

our own pages in life . We are born to become professionals. We are the asset of our
country. We are born to be victorious. We are born to be loved and respected. Young
people are born to be a builder. A Conqueror. Anyone can be a leader, but not
everyone can be an effective leader. As a member of the young generation we are
fearfully and wonderfully made! So we should make ourselves strong and healthy
because the nation needs us.
The nation needs the ability and capability of how strong the youth are. As a
leader I will prove to the older generation that I can continue what they started by
being physically, mentally, and spiritually, strong. That despite of the challenges we
are facing today we as the hope of the land we should not be tempted by the things
that will influences us to do bad things. That the youth should accepts failures and
discouragements in life, but still standing straight and continue fighting the battle.
I firmly believed that a great youth leader should be confident. Confident
leaders are the best kind. A Confident leaders win over their followers because it
inspires people to do the same. As of today I practice this behavior in order to be an
effective leader. Also a true leader does not only open his/her eyes to novelty and
innovation, but himself/herself is a figure of inspiration. So I should definitely hone
my leadership vision and communicate it to the others around you.
In conclusion let us prove to others that we the youth deserve to be labeled as
the hope of nation. To let others know that we are really worthy to be called such, let
us remind ourselves that the adults today who brought pride to our country also came
from being a youth. And being a youth today it is a training ground for us to be the
successful future I know we'll going to unfold as time passes by. Thus, we can say
that we are already being the hope of nation even when we're still young.

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