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Tutoria ls and Revie ws

International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 18, No. 11 (2008) 3183-3206

© World Scientific Publishing Company

Dep artm ent of Information and Communication Engineering,

Fukuo ka Institute of Technology,

Fukuoka 811-0295, J apan

Departm ent of El ectri cal Engineering and Compu ter S cien ces,

University of California, B erkeley,

B erkeley, CA 94120, US A

Received July 15, 2008; Revised Septemb er 18, 2008

The memristor has a ttracted phenomen al worldwide attent ion since its de but on 1 May 2008
issu e of Nature in view of its many po te nt ial applications, e.g. super- dense nonv ola tile com­
puter me mory and neural synapses. T he Hewlett-Packa rd memristor is a passive nonlin ear two­
t erminal circ uit element t ha t maintain s a fun cti on al rela t ionsh ip between t he time int egrals of
current and voltage, res pective ly, viz. charge an d fl ux. In thi s paper, we derive seve ra l nonl inear
oscillators from Chua's oscillators by rep lac ing Chua's d iodes with mem ristors.

K eywords: Memristor ; memrist ive devices; memristive systems; charge; flux; Chua's oscilla t or ;
Chu a 's dio de; learning; ne ur ons; syn apses; Hodgkin-Huxley; nerve membrane model.

1. Memristors T he HP m em rist or shown in Fig. 1 is a pas­

sive two-terminal elect ronic device described by a
In a seminal paper [Strukov et al., 2008] which
nonlin ear constitutiv e relation
appeared on 1 May 2008 issu e of Nature, a team
led by R. Stanley W illiams from t he Hewlet t­ v = M( q)i, or i = W (cp )v , (1)
P ackard Company anno unced t he fab ricat ion of
'. between the device terminal voltage v and ter min al
a nanometer-size solid-state two-termina l dev ice
current i . The two nonlinear functions M (q) and
called the m em ri stor, a contraction for memory
W (cp), called the mem ristan ce and memductan ce,
resis tor, which was postulat ed in [Chua , 1971;
respectively, ar e defined by
Ch ua & Kang, 1976]. This passive elect ronic device

has generate d un precedented world wide interest .' M ( ) ~ dcp(q)

because of its potent ial app lications [Tour & He,
q dq '
2008; Johnson , 2008] in the next gener ation com­
an d

puters and powerful brain-like "neur al" computers.

One imm ediat e applicat ion offers an enablin g low­ W ( ) ~ dq(cp) (3)
cp dcp '
cost technology for n on-volatile mem ories/ where
future computers would t urn on instant ly wit hou t representing t he slope of a scalar function ip = cp( q)
t he usual "booting time", currently required in all and q = q(cp), respect ively, called t he memristor
pe rsonal com puters. con stit utive relat ion.

IMore tha n one million Google hits were registered as of J une 1, 2008.

2The Hewlett- Packard memristor is a t iny nano, passive, two-terminal device requiring no batteries. Memristors charact erized

by a nonmonotonic constit utive relat ion are called active memristors in this paper because t hey require a power supply.

3184 M. Itoh & L. O. Chua

where a, b, c, d > O. Consequently, the memris­

tance M (q) and the memductance W (cp ) in Fi g. 2
+ + are defined by

v v M (q) = d<jJ (q) = {a , Iql < 1,

dq b, Iql > 1,

V=M(q)i W( cp) = dq(cp) = {C, Iwl < 1, (8)

i=W('P)V dip d, Iwl> 1,
F ig. 1. Charge-controlled memristor (left) . Fl ux-cont rolled
memristor (r ight ).
respectively. Since the instantaneo us power dissi ­
pated by t he above memristor is given by
A memristor characterized by a d ifferentiable
q - cp (resp. cp - q) characteristic curve is pas­ p(t) = M(q (t))i(t)2 ~ 0 , (9)
sive if, and on ly if, its small-signal memristance
M(q) (resp. small-signal memductance W( cp)) is or
non-n egative; i.e ,
p(t) = W( cp(t ))V(t )2 ~ 0, (10)
M(q) = d~~q) ~ 0 (resp. W( cp ) = d~~) ~ 0)
the energy flow into the memristor from time to to
(4) t satisfies
(see [Chua , 1971]). In this paper, we ass ume t hat
~ 0,
the memristor is characterized by the "monotone­
increasing" and "piecewise-linear" non linearity
i to
t p(r )dr (11)

shown in Fig. 2, namely, for all t ~ to. Thus , the memristor constitutive rela­
t ion in Fig. 2 is passive.
cp (q) = bq + 0.5(a - b)(lq + 11 - Iq - 11), (5)
Consider next the two-terminal circ uit in Fig. 3,
or which consists of a negative resist an ce' (or a
negative conductance) and a passive memristor.
q(cp) = dip + 0.5(c - d)(l cp + 11-Icp - 11), (6) If t he two-terminal circuit has a flux-cont rolled



slope = b

slope = a slope = c

Fig. 2. The const it ut ive relation of a monotone-in creasing piecewise-linear memristor: Ch arge-controlled memrist or (left).
Flux-controlled memristor (r ight) .

3 T he negative resistance or conductance ca n be realiz ed by a standard op amp circuit, power ed by batteries.

Memristor Oscillat ors 3185

-R memristor, we obtain the following .p - q curve

+ q(ep ) = j i(T)dT

V -G
= j (i 1 (T) + i 2(T))dT

= j (W( ep)v - GV)dT

Vl =M(q)i il =W('P)V
= j (W(ep) - G)VdT

Two-term inal circuit

= j (W (ep) - G) dsp (~~ = v)

! = dsp + 0.5(c - d)(lep + 11- lep - 11) - Gep

= (d - G)ep + 0.5(c - d)(lep + 11- lep - 11),

+ + where we assumed that q(ep) is a cont inuous func ­

tio n satisfying q(O ) = 0 and G > O. Thus , th e sm all
v v signal memductan ce W (ep ) of this two-termin al cir­
cui t is given by

W (ep ) = dq(ep ) = {C- G , Iwl < 1, (13)

dep d - G, Iwl > 1.
V=M(q)i i=W('P)V

If c - G < 0 or d - G < 0, then the instantaneous

Active memristor

power do es not satisfy

Fig . 3. Two-t erminal circui t which consists of a memr ist or
and a nega ti ve cond uctance - G (or a resistance -R). p(t ) = W (ep(t ))v (t )2 2: 0, (14)

- d'
q q
slope = d'
slope ­ c'

-1 f r

Fig . 4. 'P - q charac te rist ic of the two-t erminal circu it .

3186 M. It oh & L. O. Chua

for all t > 0. In t his case, there exists cp(to) = CPo between current i and voltage v of the memri st or is
and defined by Eq. (1).
If we integrate th e Kir chhoff's circuit laws with
i t p(T)dT
< 0, (15) respect to time t , we would obtain th e relati on on
the conse rva tion of charge and flux:
for all t E (to, t l )' Thus, the two-terminal circuit in
Fig. 3 can be designed to become an active device, (18)
and can be regarded as an "ac tive m emri stor " . m

We illustrate two kinds of characteristic curves in and

Fig. 4. Similar char act eristic cur ves can be obtained
for charge-controlled mem risto rs. In this pap er , we (19)
design several nonlinear oscilla tors using active or
pas sive memristors . where qm and CPn are defined by

2. Circ uit Law s

qm = .[t oo
i-« dt , (20)

In thi s section, we review some basic laws for elec­ and

trical circuits. Recall first t he following principl es of
conservation of charge an d flu x [Chua, 1969]: (21)
• Cha rge an d flux can neith er be created nor resp ectively.
destroyed. The qu a ntity of cha rge an d flux is
The relationsh ip between voltage v and cur­
always conserved .
rent i for th e four fundamental circuit elements is
We can restate thi s principle as follows: given by

• Cha rge q and volt age vc across a capacito r can­ • Capacitor

not cha nge inst antan eously.
• Flux sp and current it. in an inductor cannot c dv
= i (22)
cha nge instantaneously.
• Induct or
Ap plying t his pri nciple to the circuit, we can obtain di
a rela tion between the two fun damental circuit vari­ L-= v (23)
abl es: the "c harge" and the "flux " . However, we
usu ally use th e other fundamental circuit var iabl es, • Resistor
na mely the "volt age" an d th e " curre nt" by apply­ v = Ri (24)
ing th e following K irchhoff 's circuit laws [Chua ,
1969]: • Memri stor

• The algebraic sum of all th e currents i m flowing v = M(q) i (or i = W( cp )) (25)

into the node is zero: Using t hese relati ons and t he Kirchhoff's circuit
(16) laws, we can descri be t he dynamics of electrical
m circuits.
Integrating Eqs. (22)- (25) with resp ect to
• The algebraic sum of branch volt ages Vn around
time t , we obtain th e following equa tions:
any closed circui t is zero:
• Capacitor
n q = C v (26)
They are a pair of laws t hat resu lt from the con­ • Inductor
servation of charge and energy in elect rical circuits.
If we apply t he Ki rchh off's circu it laws to a mem­ ip = Li (27)
ristive circ uit, we need th e f our fundam ental circuit
• Resistor
variables, nam ely the voltage, cur rent, cha rge, and
flux to describe th eir dyn ami cs , becau se th e relation ip = Rq (28)
Memristor Oscillator s 3187

• Memristor

ip = J M(q)dq (or q= JW( <P)d<P) (29)

-G V2

where q = J~ CX) idt and <P = i':

vdt. T hey provide

the relationship between Eqs. (16)-( 17) and Eqs .

(18)-( 19).
Fi g. 7. Canonical Chua 's oscillator with a flux-controlled
3. Memristor-Based Canonical
O scillators
Chua's circuit in Fig . 5 is the simp lest electronic
circuit exhibit ing chaotic be hav ior [Mad an, 1993].
It is well know n that t he canonica l Chua 's oscil­ L2 Ll
lator [Chua & Lin, 1990] in Fi g. 6 also has a +
chaotic attractor. In th is section, we design a non­ V
linear oscillator by replacing t he " Chua's diode" C
in the canonical Chua's oscillator with a memris­ -R Charge-contro lled
tor characterized by a "m onotone-increasing" and
"piecewise-linear" non linearity.

3.1. A fourth-order canonical Fig. 8. Du al cir cui t with a cha rge-cont rolled memristor.
memristor oscillator
Consider the canonical Chua's oscillator in Fi g. 6. flux- controlled memristor, we would ob tain the cir­
If we replace the Chua 's diode in Fig. 6 with a cuit of Fig. 7. Its dual circuit/' can be easily obtained
by using a charge-contro lled memristor (see
F ig. 8) .
App lying Ki rchhoff's circuit laws to the nodes
A, B and the loop C of the circ uit in F ig. 9, we
+ + il = i3 - i, }
L V2 V1 Chua's
diode V3=V2 - Vl, (30)
C2 C1
i2 = - i3 + i 4.

.. Integrati ng Eq. (30) wit h respect to time t, we get a

set of equations which define the relation among two
fundamental circuit variables, namely, the charge
Fig. 5. Chua's circuit.

+ V3

+ + + + I
... - ......
\ +
-G V2 V1 Chua 's V4 V2
I ,
V Flux-controlled
C2 C2 \ I
C1 diode -G ­ '.l.. , I

Fig . 9. Currents ij , voltages Vj, nod es A, B , and loop C are

Fig. 6. Canon ical Chu a' s oscillator. indicated .

4A pai r of circ uits N and Nt ar e d ual if the eq uations of the two circ uits are identi cal , after a trivial cha nge of symbols. For
more details, see [Chua, 1969].
3188 M. ltoh & L. O. Chua

and the flux: Thus, (ql' q2, ip, <.p3) can be chosen to be the ind e­
ql = q3 - q(<.p) , }
pendent vari abl es, namely, the cha rge of the capac­
<.p3 = <.p2 - <P I, (31)
ito rs Gl , G2 , and t he flux of the inductor L and the
memristor , respectively.
qz = -q3+q4 ,

From Eq. (30) (or differentiating Eq . (31)

where wit h respect to time t), we obtain a set of four
ql =
6jt i l( t) dt,
first-ord er differential equations , which define the
- 00

<P I =
6jt - 00 VI (t) dt ,
relation amo ng the four circuit variables (VI, V2,
i3, <.p):

= - 00 v2(t) dt,
Gl dt = i3 - W(<.p)V l,

<.p.3 =
6jt - 00 v3(t )dt,
di 3
L&= V2 - Vl ,
= =
G2 dt = -i3 + GV 2 ,

q =
6jt i(
- 00 t )dt ,
<.p - 00 v( t) dt <.p l ·

dt = VI,

Here, t he symbo ls ql , q2, q3, q4 and q deno te t he
charge of t he capac itors Gl , G2 , t he inductor L , th e
cond uctance -G , and t he memri stor , respectively, dql _ i _ G dVl
and the symbol s <P I, <.p2, <.p3 and ip denote th e flux of dt - 1 - 1 dt '

th e capacitors Gl , G2, t he inductor L , and th e mem­

dq2 _ i _ G dV2
ristor , resp ectively. The sp - q characterist ic curve dt - 2 - 2 dt '
of the memristor is given by
dq3 . d<.p3 = V = L di 3
q(<.p ) = lxp + 0.5(a - b) (I<.p + 11 - l<.p - 11) . (33) -;It = 23, dt 3 dt '
Solvin g Eq . (31) for (q3' qs , <P I , <.p2) , we get
W( <.p) = dq(<.p).

Note t hat t he two kind s of independ ent vari abl es

are related by


T hus, Eq. (35) can be recast int o the following set of differential equations using on ly charge an d flux as
dq, <.p3 W (<.p )ql
dt L Gl
dq2 <.p3 Gq2
-;It = -y + G2 '
Memristor Oscillators 3189

We next study the behavior of this circuit . the piecew ise-linear fun ctions q(w) and W( w) are
E quati on (35) can be transformed into the form given by

dx q(w) = bw + 0.5(a - b)( lw + 11- Iw - I I),}

= a(y - W(w)x) ,
dt dq(w) { a, Iwl < 1, (40)
W(w) = - - =
dy dw b, Iwl > 1,
= z - x,
dt respectively, where a, b > O. Note that the unique­
dz ness of solutions for Eq. (39) cannot be guaranteed
dt = - f3y + , z, since W (w) is d isconti nuous if ai-b. If we set a = 4,
f3 = 1, , = 0.65, a = 0.2, an d b = 10, our com ­
di =x, puter simulation'' shows that Eq. (39) has a chaotic
attractor as shown in F ig. 10. By ca lculating the
wh ere x = VI , Y = i3, z = V2, W = ip , a = Lyapunov exponents from sampled time ser ies, we
1/C1 , f3 = I/ C2 , , = G/C2 , L = 1, an d found t hat this chaotic attracto r has on e posit ive

0 .5
z o

-4 2

0 .5
y o

- 1.5 3

Fig. 10. Chaotic att ractor of t he canonical Chua's osci llator with a flux-controlled memristor.

5We used t he fourth-order Rung e-Kutta method for integrating t he diffe rential equations.
3190 M. Itoh & L. O. Chu a

Lyapunov expo nent Al ~ 0.27.6 Furthermore, the which corresponds to the w-axis. The J acobian
divergence of t he vecto r field matrix D at this equ ilibrium set is given by

+ "(
div (X ) = - a W (w)
00 ]
r - 1 o o1
= - 4W(w) + 0.65 D= (42)
o -(3 "( 0 '
- 0.15, Iwl < 1,
1 o o 0
- { -39.35, Iwl > 1,
and its cha racteristic equa tion is given by
is negative. It follows that the Leb esgue measur e 2
of t his chaotic attractor is zero, and at leas t one p4 + (aW(w) - "()p 3 + ((3 + a - a"(W(w))p
Lyapunov exponent must be negative," + a((3W(w) - "()p = O. (43)
The equilibrium state of Eq. (39) is given by set
A = {(x,y, z , w ) lx = y = z = 0, w = constant.}, The four eigenvalues Pi (i = 1,2, 3, 4) of the equi­
I libri um state (0,0 ,'0, w) can be writt en as

P I,2 ~ -0.267093 ± i 2.148, P3 ~ 0.384186, P4 = 0, for Iwl < I,} (44)

PI,2 ~ 0.274905 ± i 0.9 28318, P3 ~ - 39.8998, P4 = 0, for Iwl > 1.
T hus, they ar e characterized by an unstable saddle­ I
focus excep t for the zero eigenvalu e. Furthermore, writ ten as
Eq. (39) can be t ransformed into t he form dVI .

C I dt = 1.3 - W( <P)VI ,

d3 z d 2z

dt 3 + (aW(w) - "() dt 2 + ((3 + a - a"(W (w ) ) dt di 3

L- = V2 - VI
dt '
+ a((3W (w ) - "()z = O. (45) (49)
dV2 .
C2 dt = - 1.3 ,
If we subst it ute

u (t ) = it z(t)dt + uo, (46)

di = VI,

Eq ua tion (35) can be transfor med into t he form

into Eq. (45), we would obtai n a fourth-order dif­ dx
ferent ial equation in t he variable u; namely, dt = a(y - W(w)x),

d4u d 3u d 2u dt = -~( x + z),
dt 4 + (aW(w ) - "() dt 3 + ((3 + a - a"(W(w )) dt 2
du dt = (3y,
+ a((3W(w) - "()di = 0, (47)
where di =x,
du d 2u
(3u-"( - +­
w(t) = dt + woo (48)
Here, Uo and Wo are const ants . Thus , its cha racter­ memristor
istic equation also has a zero eigenvalue.
Consider next t he fourt h-order oscilla tor in
Fig. 11 obtained by removing a resis tor from the Fi g. 11. A fourt h-order osci llator wit h a flux-con t rolled
circuit of F ig. 7. T he circuit equa t ion can be memristor .

6We used the soft ware pac kage M A TD S [Govorukh in , 2004] to calcula te the Lyapunov ex ponents.

7Note t hat if t he system is a flow, one Lyap unov exponent is always zero, whic h corresponds to the dir ection of t he flow.

Memristor Oscillators 3191

where x = VI , Y = is , Z = - V2, W = ip, a = st able, and Eq . (50) does not hav e a chaotic attrac­
I/C 1 , (3 = I/C2 , ~ = I/L , and the piecewise-linear tor. However , if we set a = 4.2, (3 = - 20, ~ = -1,
functions q(w) and W (w) are given by a = -2 and b = 9, our computer simu lation of
Eq . (50) gives a chaotic attractor in Fig. 12. By
q(w) = bw + 0.5(a - b)(lw + l l - lw - I I),} calc ulating the Lyapu nov exponents from sampled
W (w ) = dq(w) = {a, Iwl < 1, (51) time series, we found that t his chaotic attractor has
a positive Lyapunov exponent Al ~ 0.050 . In this
dw b, Iwl > 1.
case, the capacitance C2 and the ind uctance L are
Fr om Eq. (50), we obtain both negative (ac tive) and the mem ristor is active
as shown in F ig. 13 (see [Barb oza & Chua, 2008]) .
T he J acobian matrix D at the equilibrium set
{I 2 2
-dtd -2 ( -xa + -y~ + -z{32) } = - W (w )x 2 < 0
- ,
(52) is given by
- a w (W)

assuming a > 0 an d b > O. In t his case, the equ i­ -~

D= o
librium state A = {(x ,y , z ,w)lx = Y = z = 0, w =
constant} (i.e. the w-axis) is globally asymptotically r 1


z 20

-1 0





-1 0
-5 y
2 -1 5


Y 0


-1 5
w 1 .5 -2 0

F ig. 12. Chaotic attractor of the four t h-order oscillator with active elements (a = - 1, b = 5).
3192 M. It oh & L. O. Chua

------------------- ,I
+ I
: Flux-controlled :
, memristor ,
L ~

V2 Act ive

Fig . 13. A four-element fourth-orde r oscillator with three active eleme nts, one linea r capac ito r, one linear ind uctor , an d a

and its characte rist ic equat ion is given by

+ QW (w )p3 + (Q + (J) ~p2 + Q(J~ W(w) p = O. (54)
The four eigenvalu es Pi (i = 1,2 ,3 ,4) a t each equilibrium state (0, 0, 0, w) can be written as
P I ,2 ~ - 0.189912 ± i 4.37021 , P3 ~ 8.77982, P4 = 0, for Iwl < 1, }
P I ,2 ~ 0.0546351 ± i 4.46 535, P3 ~ -37.9093 , P4 = 0, for Iwl > 1.

Thus , they are characterized by an unst abl e sad dle­

Integr ating Eq. (56) with resp ect to time t , we
focus exce p t for the zero eigenvalue .
obtain a set of equat ions wh ich define the relation
b etween the charge and the flux:
3.2. A third-order canonical
ql = q3 - q(cp ),}
m emristor os cillator (57)
CP3 = CP4 - CP I,
Remo ving a capacitor (resp. an inductor) from t he
circuit of Fi g. 7 (res p. F ig. 8), we obtain t he t hird­ where
orde r oscillator in Fig. 14 (resp. Fi g. 15). Applying
Kirchh off's circu it laws to node A and loop G of t he 6jt (t )dt,
circuit in' Fig. 16, we obtain 6jt CP I = -00 VI
ql = - 00 i l(t)dt,
6jt v3(t) dt,
6jt CP3 = -00

q3= -00 i3(t) dt,

6jt v4(t) dt,
6jt CP4 = -00

q = -00 i( t)dt,
6jt v(t)dt =
= -00 CP l ·
-R Flux-controlled (58)

Here, the symbols ql , q3 , and q den ote t he charge
of capacitor G I , indu ct or L , and th e memris­
Fig . 14. A th ird -ord er oscillato r wit h a flux-contr olled tor, resp ectively, and the symbols CP I, CP3, CP4 and
memris to r. cP denote the fl ux of capacitor GI , indu ct or L ,
Mem ristor Oscill ators 3193

dq , _ C dVI dCP3 = V = L di3
zl - I dt ' dt 3 dt '
dq3 . dCP4 .
+ dt = z3, ill = V4 = R Z3,
Charge -co ntro lled
----;[t= VI' W(cp ) = d~;) .
mem ristor (62)
Not e that the two kind s of ind ependent vari ables
are related by
Fi g. 15. Du al circu it with a charge-cont rolled memri stor.
(ql,cp,CP3) <II (vI, cp , i3)
A ql = C I VI , CP3 = Li3
+ V3­
Thus, Eq. (61) can be recast into th e following set
of differential equations using only charge and flux
+ , ,-- ..... , as var iables :
V4 -R I
Flux -cont rolled
\ I mem risto r dq, CP3 W(cp )ql
-' ' C -
dt L CI
dCP3 R CP3 ql
F ig. 16. Currents ij , volt ages Vj, node A , and loo p Care --- - (64)
indi ca ted . dt L CI'
dcp ql
resist an ce - R , and t he memri stor, respectively.f dt CI '
The sp - q characteristic curve of th e memristor is
given by We next study t he behavior of this circuit.
Equation (61) can be t ransfor med into the form
q(cp ) = bcp + 0.5(a - b)(lcp + 11- Icp - 11). (59)
Solvin g Eq . (57) for (q3 ' CP4), we get dt = ex (y - W( z )x) ,
q3 = ql + q(cp), } (60) dy
CP4 = sp + CP3 · dt = - ~x + f3y, (65)
Thus, (ql , sp ; CP3) can be chosen to be the ind epen­
dent vari ables , namely, th e charge of capaci tor C I , - = x
th e flux of inductor L , and the flux of th e memris­ dt '
tor, resp ectively. where x = VI , Y = i3, z = ip, ex = l / C I , ~ =
From Eq. (56) (or differentiating Eq. (57) with 1/L, f3 = R / L , and t he piecewise-linear functions
resp ect to time t ), we obtain a set of three first­ q(z ) and W( z ) ar e given by
ord er d ifferential equations, which defines t he rela­
tion among t he t h ree variables (V I , i3 , cp): q(z) = bz + 0.5(a - b)(lz + 11- [z - 11), }

C I dt = i3 - W (cp )VI,
W( z) = dq(z ) = {a, Izl < 1,
dz b, Izl > 1,
di 3 .
resp ectively, where a , b > O.
L~ = R Z3 - VI (61)
dt ' The equilibrium st ate ofEq. (65) is given by th e
dcp set A ~ {(x ,y, z )lx = y = 0, z = constant }, which
di = VI,
corresponds to th e z-ax is. The Jacobian matrix D

8T he term "charge" and "flux" are just names given to th e definition in Eq . (58) , and should not be interpret ed as a phys­
ical cha rge or flux in the classical sense . The imp ortant concept here is that they ar e m easurable qu ant it ies, obtained via
int egr ation .
3194 M. It oh & L. O. Chua

at this equ ilibrium set is given by

- a w (Z) a 0]
D= -~ (3 0 , (67)
r 1 0 0
and its characterist ic equation is given by
p3 + (aW( z) _ (3) p2 + a( ~ - (3W(z))p = O. (68)
If we set a = 1, (3 = 0.1 , ~ = 1, a = 0.02, and b = 2, then it has three eigenvalues Ai (i = 1, 2, 3):
Al,2 ~ 0.04 ± i 0.998198 , A3 ~ 0, for Izi < I , }

Al ~ - 1.27016, A2 ~ -0.629844, A3 = 0, for [z] > 1. (69)

f'::, • f'::,
Thus, the set B = {(x ,y, z )lx = y = O ,lzl < I} IS un stable, and the set C = {(x , y , z )lx = y = 0,
Izl > I} is stable. Our com puter sim ulation shows that Eq. (65) has two distinct stable periodic attractors
as shown in Fig. 17. Observe that they are od d symmetr ic images of each other , as expected in view of the
odd -symmetric cha racterist ic q = q(<p) of the memrist or in Eq . (66).
Equ ati on (65) can be transformed into t he for m
d2y dy
dt 2 + (aW (z ) - (3) dt + a( ~ - (3W (z ))y = 0, (70)
or equiva lent ly

dt 2
+ (co - (3)-
+ a(~ - a(3)y = 0
' for Izi < I,} (71)
d2y dy
-&2 + (ba - (3 )-
+ a(~ - b(3 )y = 0
' for [z] > 1.

Thus, Eq . (65) can be interpreted as a secon d-orde r linear different ial equation over the domain of the
state variable z whose dynamics evolves according to dz/dt = x in Eq. (65). Furthermore, if we substitute

r + c,
u(t) =f'::, in y(t)dt )

z (t) ~ £.:1 { flU(!) - d~;t) } + d,


Z 1
0 .5
-0 .5

- 0.0 8
-0.0 6
-0 .0 4
-0 .0 2
x 0 .02
0 .04
0 .06 - 0 .06
0.08 ­ 0 .00

Fig. 17. Two pe riodic a t t rac tors of the thi rd-order canonical memristor oscillator.
Memristor Oscillators 3195

into Eq. (70) (c and d are constants), we would obtain the following third-order differential equation

~:~ + [aw(C'{I3U(t)- d:;t) }+ d)-13] ~~ + a[, -I3W (C'{I3U(t)- d:;t) }+ d)] ~~ ~ 0

in terms of u, or equivalently
d3u d2u
I ~-l { (3u (t ) - d~~t) } + d I < 1,
dt 3 + (aa - (3) dt 2 + a(~ - a(3) dt = 0, for
d3u d2u
I C 1 { (3u(t ) - d~~t) } + d I > 1.
dt 3 + (ba - (3) dt 2 + a( ~ - b(3 ) dt = 0, for

They can be written as

~ [ ~~ + [aW(C' {I3U(t) - d:;t) }+ d) - 13] ~~ + a[, - I3W(C' {I3U(t) - d:;t) }+ d) ]U] = 0,

-d { -d U2 + (aa- (3 )-du + a (C- a(3 )u } = 0
dt dt dt <, , for I e:' { (3u (t ) - d~~t) } + d I < 1, )
-dtd {~U
-dt 2 + (ba - (3)-~ + a(C -
dt <,
b(3 )u }
= 0
for IC 1
{ (3u (t ) - d~~t) } + d I > 1,
respectively. Note t hat dW( z)jdz = O. Since the
characteristic equation of Eqs. (73) an d (74) have
a zero-eigenvalu e everywhere, and Eq. (76) can
be interpreted as a second-order linear different ial
equation, Eq. (65) does not have a chaotic attractor, L V Flux-controlled
even if t he circuit elements are active. (1 memristor
Consider next the th ree-element circuit in
Fig. 18, obtained by shor t circuiting the resistor
from Fig . 14 (its du al circuit is shown in Fig. 19).
F ig. 18. A th ird-order circuit wit h a flux-cont rolled
The dynamics of t his circuit can be written as memristor .
ill = a(y - W( z) x) ,


dt = -~x , (77)


dt = x.
From t his equation, we obtain
-d { -1 (x- + -y2) } = - W (z )x
dt 2 a ~
2 < O.
(78) + memristor
Hence, t he z-axis is globally asymptotically stable.
From Eq. (77), we obtain

dy c dz = O. (79)
dt + <, dt Fig . 19. Dual circu it with a charge-cont rolled memristor.
3196 M. ltoh & L. O. Chua

Thus, y( t) an d z(t ) satisfy

+ Flux-controlled
where Yo is a constant. Since W( z) W(Yo - y), -G V
Eq. (77) can be transformed into the form

d 2 + aW ( Yo - Y) -.J!...
--.J!... d + ay = O. (81)
dt ~ dt

Thus, Eq. (77) is equivalent to a one-parameter fam­ . Fig . 20. A second -order circuit with a flux-controlled
ily of second-or der d ifferent ial equat ions. Since the memristor .
mini ma l dimension for a continuous chaotic system
is 3, Eq. (77) cannot have a chaotic attractor, even
if the circu it elements are active. We will d iscuss
thi s observat ion in Sec. 4.2.

3.3 . A second-order canonical Ll

memristor circuit
If we remove an inductor (resp. a capacitor ) from
Fig. 14 (resp. Fig . 15), we would obtain the second­ -R
order circuit in Fig . 20 (resp. Fig . 21). Appl ying the
Kirchhoff's circuit laws to t he circuit in F ig. 22, we Charge-controlled
obtain memristor

Integrating Eq . (82) with resp ect to time t , we F ig. 21. Dual circui t with a charge-cont rolled memristo r.
obtain a set of equat ions which define a relation
bet ween th e charge an d the flux:
respectively. The cp - q characteristic curve of th e
ql = q3 - q(cp), (83) memristor is given by

where q(cp ) = bcp + 0.5(a - b)( lcp + 11- Icp - 11). (85)

ql =
6jt - 00 i l (t)dt ,
Solving Eq . (83) for q3, we obtain

q3 = ql + q(cp) . (86)

Thus, ql and cp can be chosen as independent

(84) variables.
q "= ].
- 00 i(t)dt , From Eq . (82) (or differentiating Eq . (83) with
resp ect to t ime t) , we obtain a set of two first -order

6jt v(t )dt .

cp = - 00
differential equations:

Here, the symb ols qi , qz , an d q den ote the charge of (87)

capacitor G l , cond uctance - G, and the memr istor, dcp

an d t he symbol ip denotes the flux of memristor, 7ft --v1 ,

M em ristor Oscillators 3197


il i

+ +
(1 r
slope = a

Fig. 22. The circuit from Fig . 20 a nd th e <p - q charac te rist ic of t he flux-c ontrolled memristor d efined by Eq. (85). Currents
and voltage Vi a re indicated .
ii, i 3

where given by

dqI _ i _ C dVI q(y ) = by + 0.5(a - b)(ly + 11 - Iy - 11), }

dt - 1 - 1 dt '
W (y ) = dq(y) = {a, Iyl < 1, (92)
= '/,3 = e VI , (88) dy b, Iyl > 1,
resp ect ively, where a, b > O. The first equat ion of
W( ) = dq(e.p) Eq. (91) can be wri t ten as
e.p de.p ·
dx { a(f3 - a )x, Iyl < 1,

dt = a(f3 - b)x , jyj > 1. (93)

Note that the two kind s of independent variables

are related by Thus , t he solution of Eq . (93) for Iyl < 1 and Iyl > 1
can be expressed as
x( t) = xoeo{B-a)t, (94)
(q I, e.p) .. ~ (VI, e.p)
(89) an d
qI = C I VI
x (t ) = xoea(.B- b)t , (95)
respecti vely, where x(O) = Xo is the initial condi­
Thus , Eq. (87) can be recast in terms of the charge
tion for t = O. If we set a = 0.01, b = 0.05. a = 1,
and t he flux as state variab les:
f3 = 0.03 an d e = 10, our compute r simulation

= (e - W( e.p )) ~II' 1 (90)
shows t hat x (t) -> 0 for t -> 00 as shown in Fig. 23.
Thus, t his second-order circuit does not oscillate.

de.p q: 4. Memristor-Based Chua Oscillators

- -
dt CI '
In t his sect ion, we design a nonlinear oscilla tor
We next stud y t he be havior of t his circuit . by replacing " Chua's diode" with an act ive two­
Equation (87) ca n be t ransformed int o th e form terminal circuit consisting of a nega tive conduc­
tance an d a memristor (or an act ive mem rist or ).

dt = a(f3
- W(y )) x ,
1 (91)
We deri ve a set of differential equations from t he
nonlinear circuit directl y.

4.1. A fourth-order memristor-based

dt = x,
Chua os cillator
where x = VI , Y = ip, a = 11C, f3 = e, and Con sider Ch ua 's oscillator in F ig. 24. If we replace
the piecewise-linear fun cti ons q(y ) and W(y ) are Chua' s d iode wit h an active two-t erm inal circuit
3198 M. It oh & L. O. Chua









a 250 300 350 400

F ig. 23. Solution of th e second-order circ uit in F ig. 22.

consisting of a conductance and a flux-controlled Equation (96) can be transformed into the form
memristor , we would obtain the circuit as in Fi g. 25. dx
The dyn amics of the circuit in Fi g. 25 is given by the di = O'(y - X + ~x - W( w)x ),
following set of four first- ord er differential equations dy

dVI V2 - VI dt =x - y + z ,

CI dt = R + GVI - W (<P) VI , (98)

dV2 _ VI - V2 dt = - f3y - ,,(Z ,
C2 dt - R - i,
(96) dw
di . &= x,
L- = V2 - rz
dt '
where we set
di = VI , x = VI, Y = V2, Z = - i, w = sp ;

where 1 1 r

0' - , f3 = L' "( = ~ = G, (99)

q(<p) = b<p + O.5(a ­ b)(I<p + 11- l<p - 11), } CI L'
C2 = 1, R= 1,
W (<p) = d~~) .
and the piecewise-linear functions q(w) and W(w)
(97) a re given by
R q(w) = bw + O.5(a - b)(lw + 11- Iw - 11), }
W (w) = { a, Iwl < 1,

b, Iwl > 1,

L + + (100)
V2 VI Chua 's
diode respectively, where a, b > O. If we set 0' = 10,
C2 CI f3 = 13, "( = 0.35, ~ = 1.5, a = 0.3 and b = 0.8,
r our computer simulation shows t hat Eq. (98) has
a chaotic attractor as sh own in Fig. 26. By calcu ­
lating the Lyapunov exp onents from sampled time
series, we found that this chaotic attractor has one
Fig. 24. Chu a 's oscillator . positive Lyapunov exponent Al = 0.0779.
Memristor Oscillator's 3199

R --------------- -----1

L + +
V2 VI -G Flux-controlled
C2 CI memristor


L + +
V2 VI Active
CI memristor

F ig. 25. Chua's oscillator with a flux-controlled memristor and a negative conductance.

The equilibrium state of Eq . (98) is given by A = {(x ,y,z,w) lx = y = z = 0, W = constant} , which

corresponds to t he w-ax is. The J acobian mat rix D at t his equilibr ium set is given by
a(- 1 + ~ - W(w)) a 0 0
1 - 1 1 0
D= 0 -{3 -, 0
, (101)

1 0 0 0

a nd its four eigenvalues Pi (i = 1, 2,3 , 4) can be wr itten as

Pl ,2 ~ - 1.31104 ± i 2.74058, P3 ~ 3.27207, A4= 0, for Iwl < I,} (102)
Pl ,2 ~ 0.0786554 ± i 2.84655, P3 ~ -4.50731, P4 = 0, for Iwl > 1.
Thus, t hey are characterized by an unstabl e saddle-focus except for t he zero eigenvalue.

4.2. A third-order memristor-based I

Chua oscillator
Consider next t he Van der Po l oscillator wit h W( ) = dq(cp ) }
cp d'
Ch ua's diode as illust rated in F ig. 27. If we replace
Chua's dio de with a two-terminal circuit consist ing q(cp) = bCP : 0.5(a ­ b)(lcp + 11­ Icp - 11).
of a cond uctance and a flux-controlled memristor , (104)
we would obtain the circuit shown in F ig. 28. The
dynamics of t his circuit is given by Equation (103) can be trans forme d into t he form
dv dx
C dt = -i - W( cp)v + Gv, dt = a( - y - W(z)x + , x ),
di dy
L dt = v, (103) dt = {3x , (105)

dcp dz

di = v, dt = x,

3200 M. ltoh & L. O. Chua




-3 5

F ig. 26. Chaotic attractor of Chua 's oscillator with a flux-controlled memrist or and a nega t ive cond uctance.

where x = v , y = i , z = sp, a = l/C, /3 = 1/ L ,
G, and t he piecewise-linear fun ctions q(z) and
W (z) ar e given by
respectively, whe re a, b > O. From Eq. (105), we

q(z) = bz + 0.5(a - b)(lz + 11- [z - 11),
Thus , y(t ) and z (t ) satisfy
a, Izl < 1,
W( z) = { _ y(t ) + c
b, Izi > 1, z (t ) - /3 ' (108)
Memri st or Oscillat ors 3201

odd-symmetric images of each other, as expected .

The equilibrium state of Eq . (105) is given by
+ A = {(x,y, z )lx = y = O, z = const ant }, which
V correspo nds to t he z-ax is. The J acobian matrix D
L Chua 's
at t his equilibrium set is given by
C diode
ah - W( z)) -a

D= {3 o
Fi g. 27. Va n de r Pol oscillator. 1 o
Its characteri sti c equ ation and eigenvalues Ai (i =
I 1, 2, 3) can be written as

-G Flux-controlled p(p2 + a(a -,) p + a(3 ) = 0, Izl < I,} (112)
memristor p(p2 + a (b -,) p + a (3 ) = 0, Izl > 1,

~ - - - - - - ------ - - - - - - - - - --

A1,2 = 0.2 ± i 1.4, A3 = 0, for Izl < I, } (113)

A1,2 = - 0.2 ± i 1.4, A3 = 0, for Izi > 1,
resp ectively. Thus , th e equilibrium set is unstable if
jzl < 1, and stable if Izl > 1.
memristor 4. 3 . A s econd-order memristor-based
Fig. 28. A third-order oscillator with a flux-controlled mem­
risto r and a nega ti ve cond uctance. Consider again th e Van der Pol oscillator with the
voltage-cont rolled Chua's diod e from [Barboza &
Chua, 2008], as illustrated in Fig . 27. If we let t he
where e is const ant . Since W (z ) = W ((y + e)/{3), capacitance C -'> 0, we would obtain th e relaxation
Eq. (105) can be transformed into the form oscillator shown in Fig . 30, which exhibits a jump
2y behavior [Chua, 1969]. Furt hermore, by replacing
-d - -e) - , } -dY + a{3 y = 0
+ a { W (y+ (109) Chu a's diode in Fig . 30 with a two-terminal circuit
dt 2 {3 dt ' cons isting of a cond uct an ce and a flux-controlled
or equivalent ly memri stor , we obtain t he circuit of Fig. 31. The
dt 2 + a (a -
, ) dt + a{3y = 0, [z] < I,} (110)
dyn amics of t he circuit in Fig. 31 is given by

i = (G - W( <p))v ,
d2y dy

dt 2 +a(b -,) dt + a{3 y =O , [z] > 1.

L dt = v, (114)
Thus, Eq . (105) is equ ivalent to a one-p ar ameter d<p
fami ly of second-order differential equations, di = v ,
parametrized by the constant "e" , via Eq . (108).
Since th e minimal dimen sion for a cont inuous wher e
chaot ic system is 3, Eq . (105) cannot have a
chaot ic attractor, even if t he circuit elements ar e W( <p) = dq(<p ) ,
active. If we set a = 2" = 0.3, {3 = 1, a = 0.1 d<p
and b = 0.5, our computer simulation shows t hat (115)
Eq. (105) has two periodic at tractors as shown in q(<p) = bip + 0.5(a - b)
Fig. 29. Observe th at th ese two limit cycles are x (I<p + 11- I<p - 11)·
3202 M . Itoh & L. O. Chua

z 2





-1 .5

F ig . 29. T wo p er iod ic at tractors of th e t hi rd-order memri st or oscilla tor.


L VD Chua 's

F ig . 30 . A relax at ion osc illator where t he VD - iD curve of Chua's di od e is given by F ig. 15 of [Barboza & Chua, 2008].

Equ ation (114) can be written as ,-------------------1I

y= b- W (z ))x , I
L I -G Flux-controlled 1
dy I
dt = /3x , I memristor :
(116) I I
dz I
dt = x,

where x = v, y = i, z = 'P,/3 = l / L , G = , . From

Eq . (116), we obtain
dy _ /3 dz =0. (117) L V Active
dt dt memristor
T hus , y(t) an d z (t ) satisfy

y(t ) - /3z(t) = c, (118) F ig . 31. A second -order osc illa tor.

M em ris ior Oscillators 3203

where c is a constant. From Eq . (116) , we obtain we would obtain

dz dz {3 z + c
y= b- W (z))x = b- W (z)) dt . (119)
dt , - z2'

We can interpret Eq. (119) as a one-p ar ameter fam­ If we set , = 1, (3 = 1 and c = 1, the corr ect solution
ily of first-order differential equa tions, namely, of Eq. (124) is given by
dz y
- z(t ) = 1 ± } 2 (e - t ), (125)
dt 't ': W (z)
where e is a constant , and shown in Fig. 32.
(3 z + c Our comp uter simulation shows that Eq . (124)
, - W( z) exh ibits the in correct irregular oscillation shown in

r+ I -a

{3 z + c


"t ': b '

[z] < 1,

[z] > l.


Fig. 33. T his erroneous comp uter-generated solu­

t ion is caused by the numerical integration err or at
z = ± l.

4.4 . Fi rst-order m emristor-bas ed

The solution of Eq . (120) for Iz[ < 1 and [z] > 1 circuit
can be expressed as
Consider the circuit in Fig. 34, which consist s of a
(J t c cur rent source J and a two-te rminal circuit consist­
z(t ) = de -y- a - /3 ' (121)
ing of a conductance and a flux-con troll ed memris­
tor. The circuit equat ion of Fig. 34 can be written as
-.iL t
z(t ) = de ..,-b -
/3 ' (122) J (J + Gv )dt = q(<p ), (126)

resp ect ively, where c and d are constants. where q(<p ) denotes th e characteristic of th e mem­
If we replace the piecewise-linear function of the ristor. Differentiating Eq . (126) with resp ect to time
memristor by a smooth cubic function , namely t , we obtain

q(z) = 3
Z3 ' }
J + Gv = W(<P)V,}
(123) d<p (127)
W( z) = z2, &=v,
1.2 .------,-----~---,----_.__--~---

0 .8

N O.6


0 .2

0 1<::::..._ _- ' - " -_ _---"-- " -_ _----'-- _

o 01 0 .2 0.3 0 .4 0 .5 0.6
F ig. 32. Correct solut ion z(t ) = 1 - V1=2t, which satisfies the initial condition z(O) = O.
3204 M. Itoh & L. O. Chua

10 , - - -. - ­- ,..-­ .---­ ,...-­ --.--- - , - - - - - . - -- - - - . - - - - - . - - - - - ,


N · 10




-30 L - _.l...-_ - ' -_ - ' -_ --'--_ --'-_ - ' - _ - - - ' -_ - - - ' - _ - - - ' - _ - - - l
o 100 zoo 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Fi g. 33. Erroneo us oscillation of the second-orde r oscillator from Fi g. 31 obtained by compute r-simulat ion via a fourth-order
Runge-Kutta formu la with st ep size h = 0.002 and the initial condit ion z(O) = O.

wh ere where x = ep, e = J, (3 = G, and the functions q(x )

and W (x) ar e defined by
W (ep) = d~~). (128)
q(x ) = {0.05X , x 2 0,
From th e first equation of Eq. (127), we obtain 0.05x , x < 0,
J dep
v - -­
- W (ep) - G - di ' (129) W( x) = dq(x ) = { O.l X, x 2 0,
dx 0.05, x < 0.
Thus , Eq. (127) can be written as
In t his case , q(x) is not a piecewise-linear function.
dx e
(130) If we set (3 = 0.3 and e = 1, our computer sim­
dt W( x) - {3 ' ula tion shows that Eq. (130) exh ib its an irregular
oscillation as shown in Fig. 35. This computer gen­
r-------------------I erated solution is erroneous , and is ca used by t he
numerical integra t ion err or at x = 3, since Eq . (130)
I can be recas t into th e form
J t V Flux-controlled I dx - 10
for x > 0, (132)
memristor : dt x - 3'
I it follows t hat Idx/ dtl tend s to infini ty when x ---+ 3.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _I T he exact solut ion of Eq. (132) is given analyti­
cally by

x = 3 ± )2(C - lOt), (133)

J t Active
where C is som e constant , and does not exhib it
any oscillations, as shown in Fig. 36. Note t hat
solut ion of Eq. (133) do es not exist for t >
C / 10, implying that a more realist ic circuit model
Fig. 34. A first-or der oscillator with a flux-controlled of the physical circ uit is needed [Chua et ol.,
memristor. 1987].
Memristor Oscillators 3205





·1 50


·25 0
a 100 200 300 400 500 600

Fig. 35. Erroneous oscillation of the first-order oscillator from Fig. 34 obta ined by compute r-simulation via a fourth-order
Runge-K utta formula with step size h = 0.003 and th e initial condition x( O) = 0.3.

3 .5 ,...---­ ,...------,,-------,- - - - - - , -­ ----.------.-­ -----r-----,

2 .5


0 .5

oL-_ _ '-----_ -----.J_ _-----.J_ _-----'_ _ -----'_ _- "_ _ ---'-_ _---'

o 0 .05 0 .1 0 . 15 0 .2 0 .25 0. 3 0 .35 OA


Fig. 36. Correct solution x (t ) = 3 - )2(C - lOt) (C = 3.645) .

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3206 M. It oh & 1. O. Chua

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