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Accessing the CMS Targeted COVID-19 Training for Frontline Nursing Home Staff

1. Go to the website (see below). If you are a new user to the site, click on “sign up.” If a returning user,
click on “login” and follow the prompts.
2. If signing up for the first time, the window below will appear. Click “Providers & Other Learners” to register.
3. Complete the online form entering your information into the required fields. When selecting your User Role, select
4. After this step, you will see the screen below and an email will be sent to your email on file to activate your account. The email will state:

“Thank you for signing up for the Quality, Safety & Education Portal (QSEP). To confirm your account, please click the following link: click here”

Click on the link in the email.

5. Clicking on the email will bring you to the following screen which is the CMS course library.
6. Scroll down until you find the course “CMS Targeted COVID-19 Training for Frontline Nursing Home Staff”
7. Click on the “launch” button to enter the course.
8. Clicking “launch” will open the following window:
9. Scroll down to the bottom of that window and begin the course with the pre-test. Once the pre-test is completed, you will be able to access
the course modules.

Once all modules are complete, you will need to take the post-test AND the course evaluation in order to obtain your certificate of completion.
BOTH must be completed.

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