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Press Coffee

Communications Research Report

Kenzel Williams

Arizona State University

JMC 436: Public Relations Research
April 25, 2021
Table of Contents

Executive Summary ............................................................................ 2

Client Backgrounder ........................................................................... 3
Press Coffee Communications Audit ................................................... 7
Interview Report .............................................................................. 16
Survey Report ................................................................................... 19
Target Audience Report .................................................................... 23
Final Memo ...................................................................................... 30
Conclusion ........................................................................................ 33
Appendix 1: Social Tracking Memos .................................................. 36
Appendix 2: Interview Transcription ................................................. 43
Appendix 3: Survey with Recorded Responses .................................. 46

Press Coffee Research Report 1

Executive Summary
Founded in 2008, Press Coffee provides high-quality coffee to the Arizona community. It’s
various caffeine drinks combined with its coffee subscription has allowed for audiences in
Arizona to enjoy different coffee experiences.

As coffee culture continues to evolve in Arizona, Press Coffee is discovering different ways to
reach out to target audiences. This includes social platforms, media coverage and owned

Extensive research was conducted on Press Coffee and its communication channels. The public
relations team discovered key insights on the brand’s communication thorough an audit on its
various channels as well as a social tracking graph on its Instagram account. With the use of a
survey and interview, the team further discovered key findings in regard to optimizing reach
and engagement with its audiences on social media.

Through primary and secondary research, the team concluded that while coffee quality is
important, Gen Z audiences also enjoy a social media presence that matches an aesthetic and
unique café environment. The team also recommended increasing the number of postings on
Instagram and Facebook, Press Coffee’s two biggest social channels. As of April 25, 2021, Press
Coffee’s Instagram averages at about five posts every two weeks. Increasing the number of
posts on Instagram to everyday or every other day would increase the amount of engagement
in return.

This document details the research that describes and analyzes Press Coffee’s communications
channels. The team’s research tools, analysis and recommendations can be found in this report.

Press Coffee Research Report 2

Client Backgrounder

Press Coffee
10443 N 32nd St.
Phoenix, AZ 85028
Phone: 602-314-4201

Social Media Platforms

Twitter: @PressCoffee
Instagram: @presscoffee

Client Description
Press Coffee is a specialty coffee shop based in Arizona with the goal to provide high-quality
coffee to the community. Founded in 2008 by couple Steve Kraus and Tram Mai, the company
currently has nine locations throughout Phoenix, Scottsdale, Chandler, Gilbert and Tempe.
Aside from its coffee drinks sold in cafes, Press Coffee also has an online subscription that
customers can sign up for to receive coffee grounds from around the world (Press Coffee,

In 2008, couple Steve Kraus and Tram Mai started a specialty coffee shop after not finding the
quality they were looking for in Phoenix. Their first location, known as “Press Coffee Food
Wine,” opened up in November 2008 at CityNorth in Phoenix, followed by “Press Coffee
Roasters” opening up at Scottsdale Quarter in 2010 (Press Coffee, 2021). Press Coffee has
slowly grown throughout the Phoenix area since then, with their flagship roastery opening up in
2019. In an interview with AZ Central, Kraus is committed to staying in Arizona and has no plans
to expand outside of the state (Walters, 2018).

Press Coffee Research Report 3

Other Locations
Press Coffee currently operates nine locations throughout the Phoenix area. Their flagship
location known as “The Roastery” is in North Central Phoenix, along with their Biltmore Center
and Muse Apartments cafes. There are two locations in Scottsdale: the Scottsdale Quarter and
the Waterfront. There are two locations in Tempe, one in Chandler and one in Gilbert.

According to the National Coffee Association U.S.A., coffee-related economic activity comprised
about 1.6% of the country’s gross domestic product. The coffee company doesn’t just include
coffee, but also milks and creamers, sweeteners, flavorings, roasters and packaging, and
equipment used to make coffee. (National Coffee Association USA, n.d.). Coffee first became
popular in the United States when pre-roasted coffee became a hot commodity during the Civil
War. From there, big name coffee brands such as Folger’s, Maxwell House and Hills Brothers
saw success (Wulff, 2016). In 1971, Starbucks opened up their first coffee store in Seattle,
Washington. From then on, coffee culture in the United States changed, as consumers went
from sipping on their cup of joe at home to looking for their favorite comfort coffee drinks at
the most comfortable cafes. According to Bryant Simon in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette,
“Starbucks changed the beverages we drink, when and where we drink them, what they taste
like, how much we consume, and their temperature” (Simon, 2017, para. 2).

Business/Operating Model
Press Coffee is dedicated to providing customers with high quality coffee experiences. They do
so but selling café drinks at their coffee shops, including lattes, cold brews and americanos.
They also sell coffee grounds and wholesale beans in stores and on their websites. The
company also sells single-serve coffee bags and teas. Press Coffee has a subscription service
that has the options to receive coffee weekly, bi-weekly, or every four weeks.

Financial Information
Press Coffee is independently owned and operated by Steve Kraus and Tram Mai. Not much is
known about the company’s financial information.

Xanadu Coffee Company
For over 12 years, Xanadu Coffee has been catering specialty coffee to restaurants, offices, bars
and coffee shops all over Arizona. Owned by Randy Benton and Jessica Bueno, Xanadu Coffee is
currently based in downtown Phoenix. Despite serving the Phoenix community for years,
Xanadu Coffee opened up their first coffee shop in late 2020 (Xanadu Coffee Company, n.d.).

Press Coffee Research Report 4

Cartel Coffee Lab
Cartel Coffee Lab currently operates 10 locations in the Phoenix area and Tucson. They also sell
coffee subscriptions and wholesale coffee on their website. In addition, they provide learning
tools for making coffee, such as a blog that shares brewing tips and a page dedicated to the
different types of brewing methods (Cartel Coffee Lab, n.d.).

Situational Analysis

In 2018, nearly 60% of U.S. consumers visited a branded coffee shop once a month (Newheart,
2018). Press Coffee plays a part in this, as they have managed to create a brand for themselves
throughout Arizona. Their nine locations are a place for these consumers to spend their time to
drink coffee and do other activities, such as working, studying or socializing with friends.

U.S. consumers are also acquiring a higher quality taste. Between 2015 and 2019, consumption
of gourmet or premium coffee increased by 25% (National Coffee Associaton, 2020). Press
Coffee takes this into account and provides specialty coffee sourced from around the world to
provide amazing coffee experiences to their customers (Press Coffee, 2021).

Press Coffee doesn’t just focus on the beans itself, but also the items associated with drinks.
About 40% of Americans add milk or sweeteners to their coffee, which 4% of Americans used
alternative dairy products such as almond milk or oat milk (National Coffee Associaton, 2020).
Press Coffee has been adapting to this by providing various options of milks and sweeteners for
their coffee drinks. There are many flavorings that consumers can add to their drinks as well,
from vanilla to caramel.

The coffee industry is especially prominent in Phoenix. According to an article from AZ Central,
there are over 20 independent coffee shops and kiosks within two square miles of downtown
Phoenix (Hwang, 2018). Press Coffee is included in this statistic, with one of their locations
housed in the area at Muse Apartments. The growth of the coffee industry in Arizona is thanks
to the increase in business professionals and college students coming to the area. Universities
such as Arizona State University have expanded their campuses to downtown Phoenix, and
students along with professionals are always looking for something to get them through the
rest of their work (Hwang, 2018).

Despite this, the COVID-19 pandemic presented challenges to Press Coffee and the other coffee
shops in downtown Phoenix and Arizona. The pandemic resulted in a drop of consumers
coming in for coffee and sitting down. Press Coffee and the coffee scene is now looking for
ways to adapt to the new realty.

Press Coffee Research Report 5

Recent Communications Campaigns
Press Coffee’s social media content follows a specific branding with themes of simplicity and
modernity, which ties into their focus on simple but high-quality coffee. Their Instagram has a
color palette of blacks and whites with pops of color throughout. Coffee and bakery items are
featured throughout their social media.

During the holiday season, Press Coffee released a slogan that went in hand with their seasonal
“Festivus” blend: “Festivus with the rest of us!” The phrase was paired with a picture of their
bagged blend next to a lit-up Christmas tree. This promotion was posted throughout their social
media accounts, including Facebook and Instagram.

Press Coffee is dedicated to giving back to the Arizona community. According to their website,
“Every year we choose a day to donate 100 percent of the day’s profits to a local nonprofit”
(Press Coffee, 2021). Past donations have included Phoenix Children’s Hospital and Phoenix

Recent Major News

Press Coffee’s largest location yet opened in Gilbert in November 2020. Measuring 7,000
square feet, the shop holds five conference areas along with seating inside the café (Morris,
2020). The company also plans to open a tenth location in downtown Phoenix in the Arizona
Republic building.

Research Questions
1. How is Press Coffee addressing the COVID-19 pandemic through its communication
2. What issues are Press Coffee’s audiences most passionate about?
3. How do audiences prefer to receive news about Press Coffee? Is it through social media,
the website’s blog, flyers in the store, etc.?

Press Coffee Research Report 6

Press Coffee Communications Audit
Founded in 2008, Press Coffee is on its way to becoming a household name in Arizona. With
nine locations throughout the Valley, coverage on the coffee brand has been consistent
throughout major Arizona publications as the company continued to grow. The following
communications audit will dive into the company’s communications strategy, including social
media campaigns and media coverage.

Current Strategy
- Social Media: Press Coffee is active on their social media
accounts. Their main platforms are Instagram and Facebook,
and they post every few days on these. Their YouTube
account is relatively new, and they recently started to post
original content related to coffee. Their Twitter account has
not been in use since 2020.

- Traditional Media: Press Coffee is commonly featured in

Arizona publications and broadcast channels, including the
Arizona Republic and ABC 15. Coverage includes new
locations opening in the Valley, new products and services,
and places other than Press Coffee shops where their coffee
is being brewed.

- Key Messages: Press Coffee has made it clear that they’re

dedicated to providing high-quality coffee to the Arizona
community through their motto seen in all of their social Figure 1: Press Coffee' reposting a
story of someone drinking their
media bios, “Quality driven and community focused.” coffee
According to an article from AZ Central, founder Steve Kraus
said that they’re “solidly committed” to staying in Arizona
(Waters, 2018).

- Press Releases: Press Coffee uses its blog on its website to release news, although it’s
not used often. Press releases usually consist of new products and services for their

Social Media
Instagram (@presscoffee)

As of Feb. 19, 2021, Press Coffee’s Instagram account has 22,183 followers and follows 948
accounts. The account is not very consistent with posting, as posts generally appear every few

Press Coffee Research Report 7

days. The Instagram account exclusively posts its coffee and bakery products, and keeps a
theme of simplicity and modernity throughout the feed. Black and white are common colors
used in posts, although colors sometimes coordinate with the holiday. For Valentine’s Day
2021, red was the main color used in three posts.

The profile pictures are Press Coffee’s logo of a black and white bird, which plays into the
modern theme. The bio confirms their dedication to the community and uses a CTA, “Quality
driven and community focused. / Visit our cafes or order online!” Press Coffee also includes a
Link Tree that provides links to their products, subscriptions, merchandise, locations, and job

Press Coffee mainly uses Instagram’s Stories feature to repost stories they’ve been tagged in
(Figure 1). As Stories delete after 24 hours and engagement is hidden, it’s hard to determine
data that comes from stories. Some of their story posts are archived under the bio.

Press Coffee has only used Instagram’s IGTV feature twice during June 2020 to respond to the
Black Lives Matter movement. Both IGTV posts featured Press Coffee workers thanking
customers for bringing awareness to BLM and the social unrest growing in the country.

The company is commonly tagged by third-party posts on Instagram. A majority of accounts

that tag Press Coffee post drinks and products as well as some of Press Coffee’s locations.

According to Keyhole Analytics, Press Coffee has an average of 206 engagements per post. In
each post, Press Coffee uses various hashtags to attract certain target audiences. Hashtags
regularly used are related to coffee and Arizona, such as “#specialtycoffee” and “azcoffee.”

Twitter (@PressCoffee)

As of Feb. 9, 2021, Press Coffee’s Twitter account has 4,917 followers and follows 2,064
accounts. Their profile picture shows their logo of their bird and their banner displays their
flagship store in Phoenix. The account has the same bio as Instagram and shows that they’re
located in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe and Chandler.

The account has generated 4,372 tweets, 677 photos and videos, and 1,325 likes since Press
Coffee joined Twitter in Jan. 2009.

Press Coffee Research Report 8

Press Coffee hasn’t been active on the
account since May 8, 2020. This could
possibly be due to a lack of engagement
with their content. Tweets from 2020 and
2019 mainly consist of sharing news
articles or segments that feature the brand
(Figure 2). The account tweeted or
retweeted a total of three times since

Looking further back, they were more

active on Twitter in 2018, although most
of their tweets didn’t generate more than
10 likes. Content is similar to Instagram
around this time period, as the tweets
show visuals of their products and people
Figure 2: Press Coffee quoting a tweet about their highlight on
Arizona PBS enjoying their services.

Facebook (@presscoffee)

Press Coffee’s Facebook account uses the same banner as their Twitter account, which shows
the flagship Roastery store in Phoenix. The profile picture displays their bird logo, similar to the
other accounts. The Facebook account’s about section features a few paragraphs about the
company. Press Coffee also includes its motto seen throughout their accounts: “Quality driven
& community focused.”

The account has 10,300 followers, and 9,959 people have liked the page as of Feb. 27, 2021.
The Facebook page includes the company’s website, phone number, email and an option to
message them through Facebook Messenger. According to Facebook, the page typically replies
within a day.

The content is virtually the same as the Instagram. Press Coffee uses their page to promote
their new products and deals, with captions accompanied by visuals of their coffee. Their posts
on Facebook are posted the same day as their Instagram.

Similar to their Twitter account, Press Coffee’s engagement is pretty low among posts. Each
post generally gets only a few likes and there’s rarely comments throughout. The few
comments seen are typically positive though, showing appreciation for the company’s products
and services (Figure 3).

Press Coffee Research Report 9

Figure 3: Facebook post of Press Coffee's tumbler and a comment on the post

The Facebook page also features a “shop” section for users to look through their products,
including coffee and tumblers.

YouTube (Press Coffee)

Press Coffee’s YouTube channel is fairly new,

with seven videos currently up as of January
2021. The channel has 14 subscribers and an
average of around five views per video. Video
content consists mostly of their interviews
with local Arizona news channels such as FOX
10 and ABC 15. There is also a video on how
to make cold brew at home with the
company’s coffee products. The channel
posted a 20-minute video in February about
their “Allocation” coffee, featuring some of
their employees explaining what this program
is (Figure 4). This video included links about
where to buy their brewing equipment, as
Figure 4: YouTube video from Press Coffee explaining their well as links to their own products.
Allocation coffee

Press Coffee Research Report 10

In the Media
According to the data
analytics program
Meltwater, Press Coffee
has been mentioned in
Arizona news outlets 38
times in the past year,
during the period Feb. 24,
2020, to Feb. 24, 2021.
Coverage of Press Coffee
includes new stores
opening in the Valley and
new products being
featured. For example, an Figure 5: AZ Central article about Press Coffee's shop opening up at shopping plaza
Scottsdale Quarter
article released on Jun. 10,
2020, from the Arizona
Republic titled “Press opens its new shop at Scottsdale Quarter soon. Here’s how to get a $1
drip coffee” talked about the company’s expansion to a new location in Scottsdale Quarter and
includes an interview with founder Steve Kraus about the decision (Fitzgerald, 2020).

Press Coffee is also mentioned in content

highlighting some of the best food/drink
places in Arizona, as well as where their
products are being served other than their
cafes. An article from the Phoenix New Times
published on Sep. 21, 2020, titled “Nine Local
Coffee Shops With a Drive-Thru in Metro
Phoenix,” featured a variety of drive-thru
local coffee shops in Arizona to check out as a
way to support local businesses while still
practicing social distancing during the COVID-
19 pandemic. Although Press Coffee’s cafes
do not have a drive-thru themselves, The Fix
Drive Thru Coffee brews beans from Press
Coffee in their Tempe and Mesa locations
(Young, 2020).
Figure 6: Phoenix New Times mentioning Press Coffee being
roasted at The Fix Drive-Thru Coffee

Press Coffee has a total of three news releases on their blog section of their website. Content of
these press releases consist of their mobile app that launched March 2020 and their new coffee
blends that have been introduced. As of Feb. 24, 2021, their latest news release “New Year,

Press Coffee Research Report 11

New Single Origin Coffee” describes their coffee blends that have been harvested from all over
the world, including Costa Rica, Guatemala and Peru (Dykyj, 2021).

Competitive Analysis

Press Coffee is dedicated to serving the Arizona community, but they’re not the only ones
looking to expand in the state. One of Press Coffee’s main competitors in Arizona is Cartel
Coffee Lab.

Arizona has a growing number of coffee roasters dedicated to the state. Cartel Coffee Lab has
ten locations, seven of which are in Arizona: Tempe, Scottsdale, Tucson, Paradise Valley and
Phoenix. Founded by Jason and Amy Silberschlag in Jan. 2008, Cartel Coffee Lab first opened its
flagship store in Tempe, across from Arizona State University. Similar to Press Coffee’s
Allocation, Cartel has a subscription service called “Edition” that allows people to have fresh
roasted coffee delivered to their doorstep (Cardenas, 2019).

Social Media Metrics

The following table illustrates social media metrics for Press Coffee and Cartel Coffee Lab in the
last 30 days as of Feb. 26, 2021. The data was retrieved from Rival IQ and Keyhole Analytics.

Table 1: Comparing Press Coffee and Cartel Coffee Lab's Social Media Metrics

Metrics Press Coffee Cartel Coffee Lab

Facebook Followers 9,954 13,390
Avg. Engagement Rate by Facebook Follower 0.055% 0.050%
Average Engagement Rate for Facebook 0.054% 0.049%
Instagram Followers 22,183 26,654
Average Engagement Rate by Instagram Follower 0.68% 0.71%
Average Engagement Rate for Instagram 0.67% 0.71%
Twitter Followers 4,917 5,904
Average Engagement Rate by Twitter Follower 0% 0.017%
Average Engagement Rate Per Tweet 0% 0.017%
YouTube Subscribers 14 13
Average Views Per Video 6.7 175.7

Press Coffee Research Report 12

Strategy Comparison: Instagram

Similar to Press Coffee, Cartel Coffee Lab

(@cartelcoffeelab) posts about their coffee
products, bakery items and various locations.
According to Rival IQ, Cartel Coffee Lab’s
Instagram account has 4,471 more followers
than Press Coffee and a higher engagement rate
by .04%.

According to Keyhole Analytics, Cartel Coffee

Lab has a total of 170 engagements per post.
Cartel’s Instagram post with the most
engagement was on Feb. 19, 2021, and was
about their cafe in Austin, Texas, opening up
again. It had a total of 1,133 engagements and a
total of 1,112 likes.

While Press Coffee has a more modern and Figure 7: Cartel Coffee Lab's Instagram Feed
simple aesthetic (Figure 8), Cartel Coffee Lab is
going for a cozier feeling with a warm color
palette (Figure 7). Recently, Cartel Coffee Lab
has also been posting murals from the Black
History Matters Mural Project
(@bhmmuralproject) during the month of
February for Black History Month.

Cartel Coffee Lab’s bio states, “Specialty coffee

roaster-retailer in Arizona, California, and
Texas.” While Press Coffee is committed to
staying in Arizona, Cartel Coffee Lab is hinting in
their bio that they’re branching outside of the
state. Their bio also includes two links that
aren’t hyperlinked. One of the links will take you
a website to order online and pick up in store.
The second link that isn’t hyperlinked will take
you to their homepage. The hyperlink will take Figure 8: Press Coffee's Instagram Feed
you to a page where you can shop for products
that are featured on their Instagram page.

Unlike Press Coffee, Cartel Coffee Lab does not use hashtags in their Instagram posts.

Press Coffee Research Report 13

Strategy Comparison: Twitter

Similar to Press Coffee, Cartel Coffee doesn’t utilize their Twitter account often. The last post
was on Feb. 19, when they introduced their Nitro Cold Brew on tap at all locations in Arizona.
Cartel Coffee Lab’s Twitter account was used monthly in 2020, showing off their new locations
and announcing COVID-19 guidelines.

Cartel Coffee Lab’s Twitter account has 987 more followers than Press Coffee’s account, with a
follower count of 5,904 as of Feb. 26, 2021.

Strategy Comparison: Facebook

Cartel Coffee Lab’s Facebook posts are very

similar to their Instagram posts. Many of
their pictures are the same across the two
platforms. Their Facebook page is also used
to announce new job positions at their
locations in Arizona, California and Texas
(Figure 9). Captions for Facebook posts are
essentially the same as Instagram posts.

Cartel Coffee Lab’s “About” section is less

descriptive than Press Coffee. Like their other
platforms, their bio states, “Craft single-
origin coffee roaster in Arizona, California,
and Texas.” According to their Facebook
page, 14,247 people follow the page and
13,390 people like the page. This section
includes a link to their website, a phone
Figure 9: Cartel Coffee Lab's Facebook post announcing that
number, an email address, and an option to
they're hiring at their Palm Springs, California location direct message them on Facebook
Messenger. Unlike Press Coffee, Cartel
Coffee Lab doesn’t have a section on their Facebook page that shows some of their products
that they offer. There is simply a “Shop Now” button that one can click on to be redirected to

According to Rival IQ, Press Coffee publishes an average of 2.8 posts a week, while Cartel Coffee
Lab posts 5.6 posts a week. While they do not post as often as Cartel Coffee Lab, Press Coffee
has a higher engagement rate by follower of 0.055%, as its competitor has an engagement rate
by follower of 0.05%.

Press Coffee Research Report 14

Strategy Comparison: YouTube

Cartel Coffee Lab has 13 subscribers on their YouTube account and hasn’t posted a video since
Mar. 13, 2020. The channel has a total of nine videos, mainly about their services and products
they have to offer to their consumers. Similar to Press Coffee’s YouTube channel, they also post
some of their features on Arizona broadcast channels. Unlike Press Coffee, Cartel Coffee Lab
hasn’t been active on its YouTube channel in the past 11 months as of Feb. 26, 2021.

Although Press Coffee is currently more active on YouTube than Cartel Coffee Lab, their
average views per video are much lower. Press Coffee currently has an average of 6.7 views per
video, while Cartel Coffee Lab has 175.7 views per video. It’s important to note that Cartel
Coffee Lab has more original content on their YouTube channel while Press Coffee’s channel
mostly has recordings of broadcast features as of Feb. 27, 2021.

Strategy Comparison: In the Media

Both coffee shops are regularly mentioned in Arizona-based publications. According to data
monitoring program Muck Rack, Cartel Coffee Lab has been mentioned 83 times in articles
targeted toward Arizona consumers since Jan. 2, 2020. Press Coffee has been mentioned in 51
articles targeted toward Arizona customers since Jan. 6, 2020. While Cartel Coffee Lab has more
mentions than Press Coffee, it’s important to remember that they’re also based in Tucson,
Arizona’s second-largest city, while Press Coffee is not.

Similar to Press Coffee, Cartel Coffee Lab’s media mentions involve new locations, new
products and new services for the community. For example, an article from North Central News
titled “Construction booms despite pandemic” mentioned Cartel Coffee Lab’s new location in
the hotel ARRIVE Phoenix, which is under construction as of Feb. 27, 2021 (Sparks, 2021).

Unlike Press Coffee, Cartel Coffee Lab is also mentioned more often in outlets outside of
Arizona, as they’re also based in Texas and California. For example, a blog post from The
Effortless Chic titled “The Best Coffee Shops in Austin By Neighborhood” featured Cartel Coffee
Lab and mentioned their presence in the Phoenix airport (Pinkston, 2021).

Press Coffee Research Report 15

Interview Report
The research team on behalf of Press Coffee conducted a one-on-one interview with a Gen Z
college student, who is part of its target audience. The interview gave the team insight on Gen
Z’s preferences and trends in regard to Press Coffee and small business coffee shops.

Participant Background
Participant 1 is a 20-year-old, second-year college student at Arizona State University studying
journalism and mass communication. She is an avid coffee drinker and enjoys visiting coffee
shops in Tempe and Phoenix.

Press Coffee selected one college student that regularly visited small business coffee shops in
Arizona, particularly in the Valley. The interview was conducted in person on Mar. 10, 2021.

The interview lasted approximately 30 minutes and questions focused on why a consumer
would visit Press Coffee, as well as what motivates a consumer to choose a small coffee chain
over bigger chains in Arizona.

The participant was shown no additional information during the interview to get accurate
opinions about Press Coffee.

Limitations of the Study

The interview participant was known to the researcher prior to the interview, which may have
biased questions and responses. In addition, the participant is originally from California and has
only been in Arizona for approximately two years, which limits her knowledge of coffee shops in

Ideas for Future Research

Topics discussed during this interview will be further studied through the use of a survey that
will be sent to the targeted audience.

Press Coffee Research Report 16

Interview Analysis
Based on the interview, the team concluded that the Gen Z audience thinks that an online
presence is important for small coffee chains such as Press Coffee, as it helps them decide if
they should visit said shop. Platforms such as Yelp and Instagram can help contribute to their

The team also gathered that Gen Z audiences enjoy the novelty and environment of smaller
coffee shops compared to big coffee chains such as Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts. Audiences
connect social media branding to the environment of the café, so they’re looking for platforms
with aesthetically pleasing posts. The following are responses from the interview participant.
The full interview transcription can be found under the transcription section of the report.

Key Quotes
1. Novelty

a. “Usually when I go to like a smaller coffee shop they're usually more friendly
than like a chain restaurant because in chains they're usually like, go, go, go, go,
go, you know, but then like smaller restaurants and small coffee shops. I feel like
they really take their time with their customers and that's like one thing I really
liked about Press.”

b. “Since [Press Coffee] is like an Arizona staple I guess, and like a chain, only in
Arizona I wanted to try it out like at least once like while I lived in Tempe…. I
usually look through like something that has like their own drinks as well as like
the classic drinks and good food. And like if the presentation is nice and like the
reviews on Yelp that I'm usually like okay like I'll probably visit that one.”

2. Online Presence

a. “I have like a list of like coffee shops on Yelp that I want to visit around like my
apartment. So like, [Press Coffee] was on it, and I didn't know it was a chain. I
thought it was just, like, another coffee shop near the university. So yeah, it was
just on Yelp and it had pretty good reviews and I saw that it had avocado toast.
And that's how I found out about it.”

b. “I go on social media a lot and if a coffee shop has like a cute social media I'm
probably I'm more likely to go there because I can like gauge what type of vibe
their, their shop has, or like what type of products they serve.”

c. “I've never actually looked at their social media platforms, but something I
always look for in like a good social media is like consistent themes like

Press Coffee Research Report 17

consistent posts. Like, like a overall like design and then there's social media. So
like, I don't want it to be like a bunch of random posts that kind of look like they
don't belong together.”

d. “Another plus for me is like if they actually engage with their followers, like one
of the coffee shops I used to go to back home… they're always commenting back
and forth, it was like people that comment on their posts. Each shop usually has
their own Instagram, and they repost like locals that come in and regulars that
come in and they have like, like a social media team knows them. And I
appreciate like when smaller businesses understand and like no other

Press Coffee Research Report 18

Survey Report
To better understand the behaviors of consumers interested in coffee and their perception of
Press Coffee, the research team conducted an online survey to collect data. The survey
explored how influential social media is in regard to consumers choosing a small business
coffee shop, as well as how target audiences feel about Press Coffee. The data will be used to
develop recommendations for Press Coffee’s social media activities, in order to match outreach
better with the preferences of the target audience. The target audience is individuals of all ages
who use social media.

The survey opened on March 26, 2021 and was distributed through the social media platforms
Instagram and Twitter. The software service Qualtrics was used to create the survey and
retrieve data from responses. A total of 13 questions were asked of participants. The survey
closed on Apr. 5, 2021 and a total of 56 responses were recorded.

Response Rate and Participant Demographics

A total of 56 responses were recorded. Thirty-six of the participants selected the age range of
18-24, one participant selected the age range of 25-34 and one participant selected the range
of 45+. While 56 responses were recorded, 18 of the responses did not complete the survey. No
other demographic questions were asked.

Limitations of the Study

The survey was posted from a personal account on Instagram and Twitter. Doing so made it
harder to fully reach the target audience, so it’s possible that some participants are outside of
the target audience. Also, due to the anonymity of participants, it’s unknown if a participant
took the survey more than once. Finally, the questions about social media in the survey were
somewhat vague, so the data talks about social media in general and does not go specifically
into each platform.

Key Findings
Question two found that while 35% find new coffee shops through word of mouth, 30% of
participants stated that they use social media platforms such as Instagram or Facebook when
looking for new small business coffee shops to visit. 15% of participants use business review

Press Coffee Research Report 19

sites such as Yelp or OpenTable to also look for coffee shops. These findings hint that social
media is becoming a growingly influential way to look for new businesses.

While a majority of participants use digital presence to look for coffee shops, it’s not the main
factor when determining if they should visit. In question three, only 5% of participants said that
digital content from the coffee shop influences this decision, and 5% said that influencers on
social media help with the decision. 35% of participants said that environment of café is
important, while 25% looks for the quality of coffee. Despite this, digital presence is still
somewhat influential when visiting a coffee shop. In question five, over 61% of participants said
that digital presence influences their decision to visit a small business coffee shop.

Press Coffee Research Report 20

Question 10 and the questions following focused more on Press Coffee specifically. 64% of
participants said that they didn’t know about Press Coffee. Since a majority of locations are in
the Phoenix area, it’s possible that these participants live elsewhere and do not come to
Phoenix often. It’s possible that Press Coffee’s social media presence could determine people
knowing about the brand, as it was seen earlier that social media and review sites are ways that
people look for small business coffee shops.

Based off of question 11, participants would like to see a variety of new content from Press
Coffee. 40% of participants would like to see posts about new products, 17% want to see more
engagement with customers, while 15% want to see collaborations with local influencers. These
are all good opportunities that Press Coffee could utilize to increase their social media
presence, thus possibly increasing their coffee shop traffic as well.

Press Coffee Research Report 21

Press Coffee Research Report 22
Target Audience Report
The purpose of this report is to explain the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of
Press Coffee in regard to its communications practices. The research team also analyzes
stakeholders, influencers and target audiences. Two audience personas are also included within
the report.

SWOT Analysis

Strengths: Weaknesses:

• Good relationships with media outlets • Weak presence on certain social

• Strong branding seen among social media platforms such as Twitter
media • Content on Instagram and Facebook
• Transparency on where they source is essentially the same
coffee from • Low brand awareness among target

Opportunities: Threats:

• Collaborations with Arizona-based • Press Coffee has lower engagement

influencers and artists rates than its competitors
• Partnerships with local food • Lack of social media presence can
businesses hurt engagement with younger
• Utilize more social media platforms to audiences
grow audiences • Lack of convenience for some


The research team conducted a communications audit on Press Coffee in 2021 and found that
Press Coffee is frequently mentioned in some of the biggest publications in the Valley, including
AZ Central and Phoenix New Times. During the period of Feb. 24, 2020, to Feb. 24, 2021, Press
Coffee was mentioned 38 times in Arizona news outlets. These reoccurring mentions in news
outlets contributes to Press Coffee’s growing success in Arizona.

Press Coffee Research Report 23

Press Coffee has a strong theme on their social media, keeping to a simple color palette that
mainly uses black and white. This goes hand-in-hand with their logo, which is simply black and
white. Their strong branding makes consumers recognize Press Coffee more easily.


While Press Coffee has built a strong community of

loyal customers, overall brand awareness is still
relatively low. According to an online survey report
conducted by the research team earlier this year, over
60% of participants didn’t know about Press Coffee
(Williams, 2021).

Press Coffee also uses the same content on their

Instagram and Facebook, risking a lack of variety in
their varying audiences on different platforms. Press
Coffee also hasn’t used Twitter since May 8, 2020,
possibly due to a lack of engagement with their
content. Figure 10: According to the survey report, over 60% of
participants didn't know about Press Coffee.


Being based solely in Arizona, Press Coffee has the opportunity to work with influencers also
based in the state that post places to visit. This can improve Press Coffee’s social media
presence while also increasing traffic into stores and its website. Many influencers use social
media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok to post the best places to check out in Arizona,
and Press Coffee could be included in said posts. The Influencer Analysis section of this report
will go into more detail.

Partnerships with other local food businesses could also generate stronger loyalty among local
consumers. Press Coffee already works with other businesses, including The Fix Drive Thru
Coffee, which brews beans from Press Coffee in their two Valley locations (Young, 2020).
Creating more partnerships with complementary businesses could increase social media
presence as well, as these businesses would post on their own social media platforms that they
now brew Press Coffee.

Press Coffee Research Report 24

Building a greater social media
presence can increase conversions
among target audiences. In the
survey report, a majority of
participants said that social media
presence is important when
finding a small business coffee
shop to visit.

Figure 11: According to the survey report, consumers believe that digital presence
is important to them.


Arizona’s growing coffee culture means that Press Coffee has a few competitors in the Valley.
For example, Cartel Coffee Lab is also based in Arizona. According to a communications audit
conducted by the research team earlier this year, Cartel Coffee Lab had higher social media
states on Facebook and Instagram. Cartel Coffee Lab also had a higher average of views per
video on YouTube, as well has a higher engagement rate on Twitter.

Table 2: Comparing Press Coffee and Cartel Coffee Lab's Metrics

Metrics Press Coffee Cartel Coffee Lab

Facebook Followers 9,954 13,390
Avg. Engagement Rate by Facebook Follower 0.055% 0.050%
Average Engagement Rate for Facebook 0.054% 0.049%
Instagram Followers 22,183 26,654
Average Engagement Rate by Instagram Follower 0.68% 0.71%
Average Engagement Rate for Instagram 0.67% 0.71%
Twitter Followers 4,917 5,904
Average Engagement Rate by Twitter Follower 0% 0.017%
Average Engagement Rate Per Tweet 0% 0.017%
YouTube Subscribers 14 13
Average Views Per Video 6.7 175.7

Press Coffee has an especially low presence on Twitter and YouTube, as seen from the lack of
data in the table above.

Press Coffee Research Report 25

The lack of convenience could also hurt
Press Coffee’s target audience. None
of the Press Coffee locations have
drive-throughs, something that is
considered convenient and efficient for
many consumers. According to the
survey report, 25% of participants said
that convenience was important when
looking for a coffee shop.

Figure 12: According to the survey report, convenience and

environment of the cafe are among the most important traits of a
coffee shop.

Stakeholder Analysis
Primary Stakeholders

Press Coffee is a small business coffee chain solely dedicated to serving communities in Arizona.
Primary stakeholders that are mainly affected by normal operations include the co-owners
Steve Kraus, Jason Kyle and Alex Manson (AZ, 2019). Because Press Coffee is relatively small
and private, it’s hard to clearly identify all of the executives that lead the business.

The baristas that operate the locations across the Valley are also primary stakeholders. They’re
the ones that have to learn new coffee drinks to make as well as what food the stores will be
selling. They are some of the first to feel the effects of decisions after executives.

Finally, customers can also be considered as primary stakeholders. Many Press Coffee locations
are housed in apartment complexes and office buildings, serving the residents and workers of
said buildings.

Secondary Stakeholders

Stakeholders that are not as impacted by Press Coffee’s decisions include charities, coffee farms
and local communities.

Press Coffee sources coffee from all over the world, including Africa and South America. They
don’t rely on one coffee farm to source all of their beans, as they switch quarterly (What is
Allocation?, n.d.). On the other hand, coffee farms don’t rely solely on Press Coffee to make a
profit, so decisions made by Press Coffee don’t greatly impact farms.

Press Coffee Research Report 26

Press Coffee supports Arizona communities with their “PressOnCharities” initiative. With this
campaign, Press Coffee donates 100% of profits through sales of their Community Blend coffee
(Press On Charities, n.d.). Local communities such as Phoenix Children’s Hospital and Phoenix
Zoo have benefitted from these decisions.

Finally, Press Coffee has created places for people to gather and
conduct meetings, interviews and friendly outings. Communities
that have Press Coffee have a place to grab coffee and can be
seen as a third place outside of home and work.

Influencer Analysis
Working with Arizona’s growing number of influencers that post
about the state could be beneficial to Press Coffee’s success.
One influencer is Andrea Blake, known as @southwestsampler
on Instagram. On April 3, 2021, Blake posted a list of activities
to do in Scottsdale, Arizona. She mentioned that Press Coffee
would be a good spot to grab coffee in Scottsdale. Blake has 278
likes on the post and has over 17 thousand followers on Figure 13: @southwestsampler's post
Instagram. Blake’s content focuses mainly on things to do in including Press Coffee
Arizona, with story archives in various cities such as Scottsdale,
Flagstaff and Williams.

Another influencer is Isabella Frederickson, known as

@_isabella_eats on Instagram. Frederickson has a small but
rapidly growing following on Instagram and has posted many
local businesses in the Valley, including one of Press Coffee’s
competitors Songbird Coffee House in Phoenix. On Mar. 22,
2021, Frederickson partnered with cookie bakery Dirty Dough
and announced a giveaway to everyone following both her and
@dirty_dough on Instagram. The post attracted 221 likes and
117 comments, which is considerably high for Frederickson’s
account of 987 followers. This example of a partnership could
inspire future collaborations from Press Coffee and other

It’s important to note that Press Coffee has the biggest

following on Instagram out of all of their social media platforms,
so it would be beneficial to work with other influencers also
based on Instagram. Figure 14: @_isabella_eats Instagram

Press Coffee Research Report 27

Audience Analysis
Press Coffee is dedicated to Arizona and currently has no plans of expanding outside of the
state. The company’s target audience are Gen Z and millennial coffee-drinkers based in Arizona.
Press Coffee’s main channels are Instagram and Facebook, both of which are widely dominated
by the two generational groups.

The research team conducted a one-on-one with a Generation Z college student who regularly
visits coffee shops. The research team concluded from the interview that online presence is
important when choosing a coffee shop to visit. The survey further supports this idea, as 61% of
participants said that a digital presence influences their decisions. 95% of participants who
participated in the survey identified themselves in the age range 18-24 (Williams, 2021).

Audience Personas

Name: Peyton
Age: 19
Location: Tempe, Arizona

Peyton is a college student that is attending Arizona State

University. She is pursuing an undergraduate degree and
has a minimum wage part-time job at the mall near
campus. Peyton makes $12,000 a year and is in a
relationship with a guy who also goes to ASU. She enjoys
hiking, shopping and watching Netflix. Peyton is living in an
apartment complex with three other girls, so sometimes it
gets too loud to study in her apartment. Peyton likes to
spend her time studying at cafes and often needs a cup of
coffee to finish her homework due for the week. Peyton
likes to visit Press Coffee because of café environment and
proximity from her apartment. Figure 15: Audience Persona 'Peyton'

Press Coffee Research Report 28

Name: Daniel
Age: 23
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona

Daniel is a recent graduate from the University of Arizona

and moved to Scottsdale to work on his start-up business.
He is single and makes an average income of $40,000. He
has a huge interest in business tech and video games.
Daniel recently rented an office space in a building in
Scottsdale and it’s only a walk away from a Press Coffee
location. When he needs a break, Daniel takes a walk over
to this café to grab his go-to order: a vanilla cold brew with
oat milk. Figure 16: Audience Persona 'Daniel'

While Press Coffee is reaching their current target audiences that follow them on social media,
they may have to increase their amount of social content to improve brand awareness. Press
Coffee has very low engagement rates on Twitter and YouTube, and engagement rates on
Facebook and Instagram are currently being beat by competitors. Given that the company is
only based in Arizona, Press Coffee can use this to their advantage by working with Arizona-
niche influencers and partnering with other local businesses. Press Coffee has already
established branding for their social media and has a relatively good number of loyal followers.

Press Coffee Research Report 29

Final Memo

To: Press Coffee

From: Kenzel Williams
Cc: Sonia Bovio
Date: Apr. 7, 2021
Re: Bi-weekly research report for Mar. 25 – Apr. 7, 2021

During the evaluation period of March 25 – Apr. 7, 2021, Press Coffee shared a total of three
posts on their Instagram account, a decrease of 25% from the last bi-weekly period. This is the
lowest number of posts that Press Coffee has shared since the bi-weekly period of Feb. 10,
2021. The reason for the lack of posts could be due to the Easter holiday, as Press Coffee values
this holiday and closed all stores on Easter Sunday.
Number of Posts
10 7
4 5 4

2/10/21 2/24/21 3/10/21 3/24/21 4/7/21

The Instagram account also received 228 likes, the lowest number of likes throughout the
entire evaluation period. This could be due to the lack of posts during the period.
Bi-weekly Posts Likes

4/7/21 228

3/24/21 595

3/10/21 732

2/24/21 888

2/10/21 500

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

This period could have also seen a decrease in likes because of the lack of hashtags used in the
posts. During this period, Press Coffee used a total of 54 hashtags, a decrease of 55% from the

Press Coffee Research Report 30

last period. None of the hashtags used seemed to be targeting a specific audience besides
coffee drinkers. Most of the hashtags used have been seen in all of the posts, including
“#coffee” and “#espresso.”

Bi-Weekly Post Hashtag Usage

140 129
120 106
100 78
60 43
2/10/21 2/24/21 3/10/21 3/24/21 4/7/21
This period also saw the lowest number of comments out of all the bi-weekly periods. Press
Coffee saw a total of nine comments during this period, a decrease of 59% from the last period.
This is the biggest drop in comments Press Coffee has seen, as the last period peaked in
Bi-Weekly Comments on Posts
20 16 14
15 9
2/10/21 2/24/21 3/10/21 3/24/21 4/7/21

Interestingly, a few of the comments offered suggestions for Press Coffee and gave insight into
changing consumer tastes.

• 4/1/2021 @tatartara: “Wish the Quarter kitchen could have longer hours through

• 4/7/2021@alan.lun_packaging: “Hey do you want to do 100% compostable bag?”

These comments hint at the idea that audiences are becoming more aware of sustainability and
are increasingly interested in Press Coffee’s food options. This also plays into the idea that Press
Coffee should post a greater variety of content, focusing on issues other than coffee products.
Further research will be needed to confirm these insights.

While overall engagement in likes and comments decreased, tags stayed the most consistent.
Press Coffee received 24 tags during the bi-weekly period, a decrease of 8% from the last

Press Coffee Research Report 31

Bi-Weekly Tags
23 24



2/10/21 2/24/21 3/10/21 3/24/21 4/7/21

During the entire evaluation period since Feb. 2021, Press Coffee saw higher engagement when
using hashtags that represented a target audience. For example, during the bi-weekly period of
March 24, 2021, Press used hashtags such as “#jetset” and “#campinglife.” These niche
hashtags resulted in 595 likes and 13 comments across four posts, an increase from the period
of Feb. 10, 2021 that also had only four posts.

Press Coffee also saw higher engagement when more posts were released. During the period of
Feb. 24, 2021, Press saw a peak in 888 likes and 22 comments across seven posts, the highest
the company has seen throughout the whole period.

Moving forward, what should Press Coffee do to increase engagement on Instagram?

• Use hashtags that target certain audiences. Press Coffee needs to find their target
audiences and use hashtags that represent these consumers. Consistently doing so
throughout all their posts could result in an increase in engagement, as they will
organically reach more of their target audience.

• Increase the number of posts. Press coffee only posts once every few days, resulting in
inconsistency between engagement of each post. The bi-weekly period of Feb. 24, 2021
saw the highest engagement because Press shared seven posts. If Press were to post
every-other day or even every day, they will very likely see more engagement.

• Increase variety of content. Most of Press Coffee’s posts focused on their coffee blends
and their drinks, but some comments have hinted that consumers would like to see a
bigger variety in content. If they included different content on their Instagram account,
such as information about sustainability or how they’re helping out the community,
they could see an increase in engagement.

Press Coffee Research Report 32

For further research, the public relations team recommends a follow-up survey that focuses
more closely on those living in the Valley, which is where Press Coffee is mainly located. The
survey was distributed to people throughout all of Arizona and tightening the target audience
could create even more accurate results in regard to Press Coffee’ social presence.

The team also recommends observing at least three different Press Coffee locations to see
what current Press Coffee consumers enjoy. These in-person interactions could also lead to
new recommendations on which audiences to target online.

Finally, the team recommends closely following media coverage on Press Coffee through media
tracking tools such as Muck Rack and Meltwater. Press Coffee receives coverage from Arizona-
based publications every so often, and tracking this could lead to insights on building
relationships with journalists and media professionals.

Press Coffee Research Report 33

Works Cited
(n.d.). Retrieved from
AZ, E. (2019, July 22). Press Coffee opens new flagship location. Retrieved from AZ Big Media:
Cardenas, C. d. (2019, October 28). Cartel Coffee Lab owners build community one sin at a time.
Retrieved from AZ Big Media:
Cartel Coffee Lab. (n.d.). Retrieved from Cartel Coffee Lab:
Dykyj, K. (2021, January 13). New Year, New Single Origin Coffee. Retrieved from Press Coffee:
Fitzgerald, K. (2020, June 10). Press opens its new shop at Scotttsdale Quarter soon. Here's how
to get a $1 drip coffee". Retrieved from AZ Central:
Greguska, E. (2020, December 1). Survey conducted by ASU researchers and collaborators found
Hispanic households are among those most affected . Retrieved from ASU News:
Hwang, K. (2018, April 7). Coffee shops are taking over downtown Phoenix, and they're not all
Starbucks. Retrieved from AZ Central:
Morris, T. (2020, September 30). 2 popular Valley coffee shops are opening new locations in
Gilbert. Here's what we know. Retrieved from AZ Central:
National Coffee Association USA. (n.d.). Retrieved from National Coffee Association USA:
National Coffee Associaton. (2020). Retrieved from National Coffee Association:
Newheart, B. (2018, November 5). Beverage Daily. Retrieved from Beverage Daily:
Pinkston, J. (2021, 1 20). The Best Coffee Shops in Austin by Neighborhood. Retrieved from The
Effortless Chic:
Press Coffee. (2021). Retrieved from Press Coffee:

Press Coffee Research Report 34

Press On Charities. (n.d.). Retrieved from Press Coffee:
Simon, B. (2017, December 10). Arkansas Democrat Gazette. Retrieved from Arkansas Onlin:
Sparks, C. (2021, January). Construction booms despite pandemic. Retrieved from North Central
Walters, G. A. (2018, July 20). Press Coffee is building a mega roastery in northeast Phoenix.
Retrieved from AZ Central:
Waters, G. A. (2018, July 20). Press Coffee is building a mega roastery in northeast Phoenix.
Retrieved from AZ Central:
What is Allocation? (n.d.). Retrieved from Press Coffee:
Williams, K. (2021). Press Coffee Interview Report and Transcript.
Williams, K. (2021). Press Coffee Survey Report.
Wulff, A. (2016, November 29). The Culture Trip. Retrieved from Culture Trip:
Xanadu Coffee Company. (n.d.). Retrieved from Xanadu Coffee:
Young, A. (2020, September 21). Nine Local Coffee Shops With a Drive-Thru in Metro Phoenix.
Retrieved from Phoenix New Times:

Press Coffee Research Report 35

Appendix 1: Social Tracking Memos

To: Press Coffee

From: Kenzel Williams
CC: Sonia Bovio
Date: Feb. 10, 2021
Re: Bi-weekly research report for Jan. 27 – Feb. 10, 2021

During the two weeks between Jan. 27 and Feb. 10, Press Coffee’s Instagram account received
a total of 500 likes and 16 comments. The account was tagged in 31 posts from third party
accounts and currently holds 22.2K followers as of Feb. 10. The two posts that had a call to
action in their captions gained 35% more likes than the one without.

Out of the three Instagram posts, the post on Feb. 6 generated the least amount of likes and
comments. This post’s captions didn’t have a call-to-action, while the other two did.

Date Posted Call to action Likes

“Pair it with your favorite
1/27/21 182
coffee at our brew bar…”
“Simply order in store to get
2/3/21 183
one for yourself!”
(no call to action)
2/6/21 135

The post on Feb. 6 also generated four less comments than the posts on Jan. 27 and Feb. 3.

Some tags come from other accounts with fairly big followings. On February 8, Madison Rae
(@madstyle__) posted a picture of her holding a cup of press coffee. On February 7, brunch
spot Breakfast Bitch (@breakfastbitch_az) announced to their 10.6K followers on Instagram
that they brew Press Coffee at their restaurant in Phoenix. All of the tags were positively in
favor of Press Coffee.

The hashtag #presscoffee is used on all posts and currently has 12.2K posts on the hashtag. It’s
important to note that not every post is about the company, as press coffee can also refer to a
way to brew coffee. On the other hand, the more specific hashtag #presscoffeeroasters has
over 500 posts according to Instagram. About six third-party accounts have used this hashtag
during the two-week period.

As we get closer to Valentine’s Day, we’re likely to see more content related to the holiday
posted on Instagram. There may be an increase in tags, as more people might tag Press Coffee

Press Coffee Research Report 36

when they post coffee dates to one of the nine locations. This increase in tags will hopefully
lead to more followers as well and an increase in likes.

To: Press Coffee

From: Kenzel Williams
CC: Sonia Bovio
Date: Feb. 24, 2021
Re: Bi-weekly research report for Feb. 11 – 24, 2021

During the evaluation period of Feb. 11 – 24, 2021, Press Coffee shared a total of seven posts
on their Instagram account, an increase of 75% from last period. This increase comes with the
help of their Valentine’s Day campaign, where they replaced the usual black and white theme
with red. They also promoted their new ALLOCATION coffee, focusing on the rarity and quality
of this coffee in their captions.

Number of Posts
10 7
0 0 0
2/10/21 2/24/21 3/10/21 3/24/21 4/7/21

The company received a total of 888 likes during this period, a 78% increase from the last
period. The increase in likes could be attributed to multiple factors. For one, the company
posted more often on Instagram compared to the last period.

Bi-weekly Posts Likes

4/7/21 0

3/24/21 0

3/10/21 0

2/24/21 888

2/10/21 500

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Press Coffee Research Report 37

While the number of likes have increased, the number of comments on posts have increased.
This could be because of a lack of CTAs in the captions. Also, the ALLOCATION coffees are
targeted to a smaller audience, as fewer people utilize this service compared to the general

Bi-Weekly Comments on Posts

20 16
5 0 0 0
2/10/21 2/24/21 3/10/21 3/24/21 4/7/21

The number of total hashtags used increased from 43 to 129, an increase of 200% from the last
period. The increase in hashtags but decrease in comments hints that the quantity of hashtags
has less of an effect on engagement than originally hoped.

Bi-Weekly Post Hashtag Usage

140 129
60 43
20 0 0 0
2/10/21 2/24/21 3/10/21 3/24/21 4/7/21

To: Press Coffee

From: Kenzel Williams
Cc: Sonia Bovio
Date: Mar. 10, 2021
Re: Bi-weekly research report for Feb. 25 – Mar. 10, 2021

During the evaluation period of Feb. 25 – Mar. 10, 2021, Press Coffee shared a total of five
posts on their Instagram account, a decrease of 40% compared to the last evaluation period.
During this period, no particular campaign was initiated, as each post was about something

Press Coffee Research Report 38

Number of Posts
10 7
4 5
0 0
2/10/21 2/24/21 3/10/21 3/24/21 4/7/21

Press Coffee’s Instagram account received a total of 732 likes during this period, a 21%
decrease from the last period. There are a few reasons why this happened. For one, the
decrease in posts contributes to earning fewer likes.

Bi-Weekly Likes

4/7/21 0
3/24/21 0
3/10/21 732
2/24/21 888
2/10/21 500
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000

Another reason could be due to the decrease in total number of hashtags used. During this
period, Press Coffee used a total of 106 hashtags throughout all of the posts, a decrease of 18%
from the last period. During the period of Feb. 11 – 24, 2021, Press Coffee received the highest
number of likes. They also used the most hashtags during this time, indicating a correlation
between hashtag usage and number of likes.
Bi-Weekly Post Hashtag Usage
140 129
120 106
60 43
20 0 0
2/10/21 2/24/21 3/10/21 3/24/21 4/7/21

During this period, the company received 14 comments throughout all the posts, an increase of
7% from the last period. The number of comments received each period has been generally
consistent, and just about all of the comments have been positive.

Press Coffee Research Report 39

Bi-Weekly Comments on Posts
20 16
13 14

5 0 0
2/10/21 2/24/21 3/10/21 3/24/21 4/7/21

To: Press Coffee

From: Kenzel Williams
Cc: Sonia Bovio
Date: March 24, 2021
Re: Bi-weekly research report for Mar. 11 – 24, 2021

During the evaluation period of March 11 – 24, Press Coffee shared a total of four posts on their
Instagram account, a decrease of 20% from the last period. During this period, no particular
campaign was initiated, as each post was about something different. This is also the lowest
number of posts since the period of Feb. 10 – 24, 2021.

Number of Posts
10 7
4 5 4
2/10/21 2/24/21 3/10/21 3/24/21 4/7/21

This period gathered a total of 595 likes, a decrease of 19% from the previous period. This
shouldn’t be too worrying, as fewer posts were shared compared to the previous period.

Interestingly, this period had more likes compared to the other period with four posts, with an
increase of 19% since then.

Press Coffee Research Report 40

Bi-weekly Posts Likes

4/7/21 0

3/24/21 595

3/10/21 732

2/24/21 888

2/10/21 500

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

This increase could be due to the number of hashtags used compared to the period of Feb. 10 –
24, 2021. During this period, Press Coffee used a total of 78 hashtags and targeted different
audiences with each post. For example, Press Coffee’s post on its single serve coffee bags had
hashtags “camping life,” “camping” and “jet set.” This indicates that they were targeting
campers who want coffee but have no access to coffee machines in the wild, as well as busy
workers who don’t have time to stop to make a cup of coffee. These hashtags have not been
seen in past periods.

Bi-Weekly Post Hashtag Usage

140 129
120 106
100 78
60 43
20 0
2/10/21 2/24/21 3/10/21 3/24/21 4/7/21

This period saw the highest number of comments since Feb. 10. During this period, Press Coffee
gained 22 comments, an increase of 57% compared to the previous period. The four posts
during this period seemed to be targeted to more loyal audiences who already have a good
understanding of Press Coffee. Most comments were generally positive and were indicative of
loyalty to the company. Examples:

• 3/15/21 @jourdanrollandmusic: “You guys have the best beans!”

• 3/17/21 @javamammma: “I’m enjoying Bloom this morning via my moccamaster!”

Press Coffee Research Report 41

• 3/19/21 @jxcquelinee: “super fun job y’all won’t regret it 💃☕”

Bi-Weekly Comments on Posts

20 16 14
5 0
2/10/21 2/24/21 3/10/21 3/24/21 4/7/21

Finally, Press Coffee saw a total of 26 tags on Instagram, an increase of 13 percent from the
previous period. A few micro influencers based in Arizona have tagged Press Coffee during this
period, including:

• @thingstodoinaz (10.1k followers)

• @lindscatherine_ (19k followers)

• @thehealthyavo (21.4k followers).

These influencers specialize in either Arizona content or healthy habits and could give good
insight into targeting audiences for future content.

Bi-Weekly Tags
25 23



2/10/21 2/24/21 3/10/21 3/24/21 4/7/21

Press Coffee Research Report 42

Appendix 2: Interview Transcription
Press Coffee conducted an interview to gain insight on the importance of online presence for
small coffee shops, as well as how consumers decide on which coffee shops to visit

The interview took place on Mar. 10 at 7 p.m.

Interviewer Introduction:
Hello, my name is Kenzel Williams and I here as part of a study that is looking into Press Coffee.
I'd like to ask you a few questions regarding your perception of small coffee shops in Arizona, as
well as press coffee specifically this study is for class purposes only and has not been funded by
this or any organization. I assure you that your name will be used in the will not be used in the
final report, without your permission and your anonymous entity will be maintained at all
times. Would you mind if I record this interview?

Interviewer: Okay, first question. Have you visited Press Coffee before?

Participant 1: Yes.

Interviewer: So since you know about Press Coffee, how did you hear about them?

P1: Well I've only been there once. It was like one near Tempe Town Lake, but I've been like
once, and I have like a list of like coffee shops on Yelp, that I want to visit around like my
apartment. So like, that was on it, and I knew I didn't know it was a chain I thought it was just
like, I'd like another coffee shop near the university. So yeah, it was just on Yelp and it had
pretty good reviews and I saw that it had avocado toast. And that's how I found out about it.

Interviewer: Okay, so what are some aspects of Press Coffee that you enjoy when you visited it.

P1: I really liked the atmosphere of the whole place. I thought it was like, I thought it was cute
because it was underneath an apartment complex and I found a lot of their locations are, but I
really liked the like the whole vibe they had really big windows and they're like I like studying
there for a little bit. Another thing is like I really liked the employees I didn't really I didn't know
what to get. So I just asked the employees like what they recommended. I just ended up getting
like an iced tea, but like they were nice they were, they recommended their favorite foods, and
I got an avocado toast too So, yeah.

Interviewer: And just to clarify, which Press Coffee was it?

P1: Um, it was one, the one near Tempe Town Lake, I don't know, it's, um, I think it's the one
under the apartment buildings.

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Interviewer: Okay. So, what, what are some things you look for when deciding on a coffee shop
to visit?

P1: I usually see, like when I'm, I usually like look on Yelp and whichever one has like the best
reviews. But for me, specifically, I really like it when coffee shops have their own drinks,
because I feel like that's something like a novelty thing that makes me want to go to a specific
coffee shop but I feel like pressed really didn't have that. But I felt like some other avocado
toast looks really yummy so I wanted to try that too. And like since it is like an Arizona staple I
guess, and like a chain, only in Arizona I wanted to try it out like at least once like while I lived in
Tempe. Um, but yeah, I usually look through like something that has like their own drinks as
well as like the classic drinks and good food. And like if the presentation is nice and like the
reviews on Yelp that I'm usually like okay like I'll probably visit that one.

Interviewer: Okay. As a consumer do you value the quality of coffee more or the price?

P1: I feel like it's kind of a bit of both because like, obviously if it's like a really expensive coffee
and it doesn't taste very good. I'm probably not going to come back but like if it was like, like a
$5 latte and I really liked it, I'd probably go back for that latte. Um, as far as like, have, like, like I
was saying earlier, like the drinks if they are like the regular types of drinks that you get every
coffee shop. And like they were specifically good at this place, I might come back, but you know
like I particularly like, look for like specialty drinks from specific like restaurants, if that makes
sense. I was like, do you have anything like cool here and they're like, we have iced tea and I
was like, I'll take the iced tea. Yeah, so I went back in like first semester. So like it. Yeah, I don't
remember. I don't know if it'll take him out during them but,

Interviewer: Yeah. So going on well there's some reasons you would choose a small coffee chain
such as coffee over big chains such as Starbucks or Dunkin?

P1: Well, well first thing like I would choose like a big chain mostly like for convenience, but like,
other than that I usually we'll lean more towards small businesses because especially like
founder and COVID I like to support small businesses and I always like tip well. And I like, I want
to make sure like those businesses stay afloat. And also I think like, I think it's just nice
supporting like small businesses in general, because like I feel like they work hard, and like, and
usually like I feel like the workers, enjoy their jobs more. If that makes sense. I don't know
usually when I go to like a smaller coffee shop they're usually more friendly than like a chain
restaurant because in chains. They're usually like, go go go go go, you know, but then like small
smaller restaurants and small coffee shops. I feel like they really take their time with their
customers and that's like one thing I really liked about the press. Like, they, they're always like
take your time. But then add like chain restaurants I feel, I feel rushed.

Interviewer: So moving on, as a consumer is online engagement important to you?

P1: Um yeah I would say so because, like if, if, for example, I'm looking for a coffee shop. And
they don't really have like an online presence like Instagram, or something like that, or like a

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cute Instagram. I'm less likely to go to it just because I can't really like based on first impressions
online I can't really gauge like, what kind of vibe they have, because, like, I don't know, like,
how do I, I don't know how to explain it. Yeah, like I, I, I go on social media a lot and if a coffee
shop has like a cute social media I'm probably I'm more likely to go there because I can like
gauge what type of vibe their, their shop has, or like what type of products they serve. And if
another plus for me is like if they actually engage with their followers like one of the coffee
shops I used to go to back home, like they would, they're always commenting back and forth, it
was like people that comment on their posts and like each shop has like their own usually has
their own Instagram, and like they they repost like locals that come in and like, and regulars
that come in and they have like, like a social media team knows them. And I appreciate like
when smaller businesses understand and like no other customers.

Interviewer: And do you follow Press Coffee on social media?

P1: Um, no, I don't follow them simply because like I've only been there once and I was like, I
wasn't I wasn't like I wasn't like wowed I liked it, but it wasn't like enough for me to follow

Interviewer: So what would you like to see from Press Coffee social media platforms?

P1: I think, um, I mean I've never actually looked at their social media platforms, but something
I always look for in like a good social media is like consistent themes like consistent posts. Like,
like a overall like design and then there's social media. So like, I don't want it to be like a bunch
of random posts that kind of look like they don't belong together.

Interviewer: Yeah.

P1: I also look for like if they have photos of their products because I think like that says a lot
about a brand. And like I feel like people if they see like a, like a coffee shop online, and they
see like their products or like look pretty. And they're more likely to go there.

Interviewer: Finally, is there anything else you would like to see from Press Coffee in general?

P1: Um, probably like Like I said before, I like didn't know that they had like any specialty drinks
that were like specific to press coffee and I wish like they told me about that or like if they like
had anything interesting because like I just know that they have like their own roasts and like
their like their own teas, but like, yeah, I always look for like, like the weird drinks that you can't
get it looks like a lavender latte or like, like a, I don't know, some like weird like like coffee drink
that you can't get a chain restaurant. Yeah.

Interviewer: Great, well that concludes this interview. Thank you so much and have a great day!

P1: Thank you!

Press Coffee Research Report 45

Appendix 3: Survey with Recorded Responses
Survey Introduction

My name is Kenzel Williams and I'm a student from Arizona State University conducting a
survey for my public research class about how social media and digital presence may affect a
consumer's decision to visit a small business coffee shop. Answers will remain completely
anonymous and participation is voluntary. This survey will take approximately less than 5
minutes to complete. If any questions arise, please contact me at

Q1 – How often do you visit small business coffee shops?

Q2 – Where do you look to find coffee shops to visit?

Press Coffee Research Report 46

Other (please specify) answers:
• I live in a downtown area, so I can just walk around and stumble upon new places pretty
• When I drive by them I contemplate stopping by.
• Driving around aimlessly
• Walking around and seeing what is open.

Q3 – What influences your decisions to choose a coffee shop?

Other (please specify) answers:

• Menu online and reviews as well as friendliness and helpfulness from the staff

Press Coffee Research Report 47

• Price
• Aesthetics

Q4 – How often do you use social media?

Q5 – Does digital presence (via Yelp, Google, Instagram, etc.) affect your decision to visit a
small business coffee shop?

Q6 – When getting coffee, how likely are you to choose a small business coffee shop over a
big chain (e.g. Starbucks, Dunkin’)?

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Q7 – What reason(s) might you choose a small business coffee shop over a big chain?

Q8 – How important is social media presence to you when finding a small business coffee

Press Coffee Research Report 49

Q9 – Do you know about Press Coffee?

Q10 – What is your overall opinion of Press Coffee?

Q11 – What actions on social media platforms might affect your decision to visit Press Coffee
more often?

Press Coffee Research Report 50

Other (please specify) answers:
• Deals!
• If someone I knew took me there
• Recommendations/social media shares from friends
• Collab with ASU

Q12 – What else would you like to see from Press Coffee in general?

• Vegan cookies
• More coffee items on their menu
• Better coffee
• Presence on campus?
• More syrup flavors
• General social media presence
• Go on girl, give us nothing
• Don’t really know about Press Coffee

Q13 – What is your age?

Press Coffee Research Report 51

This concludes the survey. Thank you for your participation. Email me at if
you have any questions.

Press Coffee Research Report 52

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