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Creative Director

For my choice of career, I would like to go into being a creative director in

fashion. As a creative director, they plan out layouts, visuals, digital publications,

product advertising, and companies’ product and branding. Creative directors are a

creative staff team that essentially produce art and designs to support someone's ideas

on their projects. They are the main part of brands or artist's ability to produce what they

are saying or advertising.

The type of skills and abilities needed to have this type of career include being

able to have excellent leadership and interpersonal skills to be able to make your team

the best it can be. Another skill is having strong writing and verbal communication. This

will help everyone know what is going on and to as well be able to give input on what is

being put out by the team. Presentation skills are also a must in this career, being able

to present will help you put out your ideas to your team.

In order to become a creative director, you will need to have a bachelor's degree.

The degree would be in industrial, graphic, marketing, or fashion design. I would need

to gain experience with at least 7 to 10 years and build a portfolio. I would mostly need

to gain experiences in internships or any job that would need me to present those

abilities that were stated above. The salary of a creative director hourly is usually

around $50 - $82 hourly in the US, which would be 82K - 320K annually.

A similar job is an art director, they have a lot of similarities. They require

functions in theater, advertising, marketing, publishing, fashion, film and television, the

internet and video games. The main purpose of an art director is to supervise and unify

the main vision of the production of art. Art director and fashion director are essentially

the same because they both are careers that use creativity and publish those ideas to a
set of people to create something great. The difference between these careers is that

being an art director is focused more on the theater, and the innerweb side. Compared

to a creative director, there is greater focus in fashion.

I would succeed in this career because my surveys that my strengths are mostly

in creativity. I am very interested in fashion and making a statement with what is being

put out. Creating a vision for that artist while making a statement with their pieces is

something I can very much do. Even though I prefer to be independent, I am very good

at working with people and putting out my ideas and coming up with a solution that

everyone can like. I tend to think about what other people would like and how it would

be presented, that would be another strength in looking ahead and knowing what would

be acceptable to society.

“Art Directors : Occupational Outlook Handbook: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.” U.S.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2 June 2021,


“Creative Director Job Profile | Prospects.Ac.Uk.” Prospects.Ac.Uk, /job-profiles/creative-director#responsibilities. Accessed 26 July


“Hourly Wage for Creative Director | Salary.Com.” Salary.Com, /salary/benchmark/creative-director-hourly-wages.

Accessed 26 July 2021.

“How to Become an Art Director | Career Girls - Explore Careers.” Career Girls,,

Accessed 26 July 2021.

“Learn About Being an Art Director | Indeed.Com.” Job Search | Indeed, Accessed 26

July 2021.

“Q: What Are Different Types of Creative Director Jobs? | ZipRecruiter.” ZipRecruiter,

Accessed 26 July 2021.

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