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“The Crisis” Study Guide

1. What do you think is the definition of a “summer soldier” and/or a “sunshine patriot”. What do you think Paine is saying by
using these phrases? Are these images appropriate? Why or why not? What connections can be drawn about a summer soldier
and a winter soldier? Paine is saying that those who jump on the bandwagon of patriotism and volunteer to fight when the
battle is easily won will in these times shrink from service because they are not true patriots or soldiers. They are not
strong/steadfast in their faith in their country. A winter soldier is one who fights in the harshest conditions—cold, wet, hungry,
windy,gloomy, overcast..etc. A summer soldier has the warmth of the summer that goes along with the feeling of safety,
carefree, easy to find food. Can take off clothing when hot, but winter soldiers don’t have enough food and have trouble finding
food along with the elements. Once they are wet and cold in the winter it is difficult to get warm. Winter soldiers weather
obstacles and the environment for their cause while summer soldiers are only on board when the weather is pleasant and the
obstacles/battles are easily won.

2. What loaded language does Paine use to describe the king’s treatment of the colonists?   (I want you to use this question to
discover what loaded language IS.  So reword the question to “How does Paine describe the king’s treatment of the colonists?” 
When you answer that question, you’ll know what loaded language is.)
LL. 8-12. Paine uses words that will evoke images of slavery and compares tyranny to hell. “Britain, with an army
to enforce her tyranny, has declared, that she has a right(not only to tax) but ‘to BIND us in ALL CASES
WHATSOEVER.’ And if being bound in that manner is not slavery, then there is no such a thing as slavery upon the

L.3-4 “Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; …”

3. What does “What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly” (line 5) mean in this context?  (This question is designed to
make you pay attention to the entire question.  Your answer must discuss the Revolutionary War in some way.)
Paine intends for his readers to understand that the freedoms they will gain from winning the Revolutionary will come at a high
price including some of their lives and not ignoring the lives that have already been lost. However, because of this heavy price,
they will appreciate them.

4. What power does Paine declare is God’s alone?  (You’re going to want to put “slavery,” but that is not the answer.  Read
the sentence right before that one, and put the two ideas together to get this answer.) Paine uses this historical reference
(allusion) to the Declaratory Act of 1766, which repealed the hated Stamp Act but also gave Britain absolute free control over
laws governing the colonies. Paine: "If being bound in that manner is not slavery, then there is not such a thing as slavery
upon earth." The author is trying to express the magnitude and implications of this legislation; it basically authorizes a
dictatorship of Britain over the colonies

5. Both England and the colonists call upon God to help them in their fight.   What argument(s) does Paine use to suggest that
God is really on the colonists’ side? Paine says in paragraph 2 that “God almighty will not give up a people to military
destruction, or leave them unsupportedly to perish, who had so earnestly and so repeatedly sought to avoid the calamities of
war, by every decent method which wisdom could prevent.” God wouldn’t abandon them because they tried so hard to avoid
war and did everything they could to prevent it. AND Paine says he doesn’t see how the King of England can ask for God’s help
when he is no better than a common murderer, a highwayman or a housebreaker. He also compares being under the rule of
England to being in the care of devils.

6. Why does Paine mention previous wars? (author’s purpose) He mentions the Indian Wars to evoke the fear of what would
have happened if the colonists had not been well armed. He is trying to evoke images of a bloodbath.

7. Why does Paine give such a detailed description of Fort Lee? (author’s purpose) Skip this Question
8. A Tory, or Loyalist, is someone who supports the crown against the colonists.  A Whig, is someone who supports the colonists’
desire for independence from the crown.  Tories and Whigs lived side-by-side, neighbors.  Why does Paine describe Tories as he
does? (positively or negatively) Paine describes the Tories as small minded who are selfish.

9. To whom does Paine appeal in the question above and how does he appeal to them?(persuasive technique)
10.He uses the imagery of the Tavern Keeper who wants peace in his own day while his son stands next to him. As a good parent he
should be want peace in his son’s day. He is using ethos to say that the Tories are like bad selfish parents. The ethos connection
is how a good parent should behave.

11.How does Paine appeal to the paternal instincts of the colonists? (loaded language/emotional appeals. You may want to use a
dictionary) He uses a description of the child as pretty and gives the age as 8 or 9 to create a picture of innocence. He then
points out what a generous parent would do. He also uses phrases such as “the blood of his children shall curse his cowardice.”
Meaning his children will suffer for his cowardice is a man is not willing to fight.

12.Quote one emotional appeal from Paine’s text. What emotion is this meant to appeal to?
You can do this one on your own.

12. Thomas Paine uses metaphors within his speech. List one and explain its meaning.
You can do this one on you own.
13. Paine uses Biblical references in his work. What could this use of Biblical allusions imply? His audience is a God fearing people
who are well versed in the Bible whether they are literate or not. They will understand and make a deeper connection to his
words. It can also imply that their fight is divine and that God is on their side so they will feel inspired.

14. Persuasive writers often use analogies to draw connections between two things that have similar characteristics. Paine uses an
analogy that connects the King of Britain with a common housebreaker (burglar or thief). What point is he trying to make using
this analogy? The King is no better than a common criminal.

15. Where in The Crisis does Paine reaffirm the Puritan belief that America is divinely guided?
When he states that he doesn’t believe that God will let them die/lose in paragraph 3.

16. In the fourth paragraph, Paine uses his own experience to argue a point. What point does he make in telling his readers about
the tavernkeeper at Amboy? He wants them to connect to his personal experience and then take that personal experience and
place that generalization upon all stereotypes. SlipperySlope: If this Tory is selfish then all Tories must be self serving.
Rhetoric Notes, “The Crisis,” and “Speech
1. The Claim that Patrick Henry is making in his “Speech to the Virginia Convention” is :
a. They must vote to work with England.
b. They must vote to boycott England.
c. They must vote to go to war against England.
d. They must vote to pacify England with tea.

2. Why do Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine use biblical allusion?

a. Their audiences were educated in the Bible.
b. Their audiences detested all religious doctrine.
c. Their audiences associated the Bible with England.
d. Their audiences would riot when they heard God’s name.

3. How does Paine structure his text?

a. By listing all of the battles and their outcomes in chronological order
b. By describing each of the offenses made by the British and the Tories by region
c. By giving his reasons why American will win the fight, what will happen to the Tories, and then warning of the
outcomes if the citizens do not fight together
d. By giving an general overview of the war, an update on the battles, and ending with a plea to the Continental
Congress to intervene and stop the war

4. When the Paine addresses the "summer soldier and the sunshine patriot," he is most likely referring to:
a. the American army's reserve soldiers
b. those citizens who are infidels
c. the British soldiers stationed in America
d. those who support the revolution only when convenient
e. the government's specialized forces

5. What loaded language does

a. Common murderer
b. Highwayman
c. Housebreaker
d. King
e. Coward

6. According to the author, freedom should be considered

a. that which will vanquish cowards
b. one of the most valuable commodities in heaven
c. that which can be achieved quickly
d. desirable but never attainable
e. an issue only governments should negotiate

7. Paine’s purpose in using the phrase "with as pretty a I ever saw" is most likely to
a. prove that the tavern owner has a family
b. display his anger
c. add emotional appeal to his argument
d. symbolically increase the tavern owner's evil
e. dismiss traditional values

8. Grounds
a. explanation
b. description
c. narration
d. illustration
e. persuasion
9. Bandwagon is best defined as:

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