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Workshop: Troubleshooting with Premier

Resolve or even prevent

incidents faster by Overview
optimizing your Do you recognize this picture? You are involved in a serious production
troubleshooting skills, and incident, but cannot find the root cause by inspection. You really need
by learning how to interact to use tooling like Network Monitor or the Windows Debugger, but
unfortunately you are not familiar with them. On top of that, the
more effectively with
Microsoft Support Engineer asks you to make a memory dump quickly,
Premier Support. but you don’t really know how to do that.
You need to get to the next level and this training is designed to get
you there. The trainer will enable you to get started with the most
important troubleshooting tools, both offline and online. At the same
Benefits: time, you will learn how to create and manage Premier Support cases
 Reduced number of effectively and increase your understanding of Premier structures and
incidents processes.
 Reduced number of cases
You will learn:
with Microsoft, including
CritSits  how Microsoft Support processes work in respect to; Hotfixes,
 Reduced time per case Security Updates, DCR’s and our Support Lifecycle.
 how to detect and describe issues in your environment.
 how to gather specific data related to a detected issue.
 how to analyze and interpret gathered data.
 how to use Microsoft Premier Online to gather and analyze data
and start interacting with Microsoft Support Engineers.
Workshop Highlights
After attending this workshop, students will be able to: Syllabus
 Troubleshoot effectively using standard tools and This workshop runs for two days. Students should anticipate
processes. consistent start and end times for each day. Early departure
 Resolve ‘basic’ Windows and Performance issues. on any day is not recommended.
 Gather appropriate data to resolve issues more efficiently. Lesson 1: The Org. Learn what Microsoft organizations are
 Learn how to use the same tools Microsoft Support involved in working with you and your cases.
Engineers use like: Netmon, WinDbg, Process Explorer,
Lesson 2: The Problem. Learn to distinguish several common
WPA, XPerf, etc., but also automated diagnostics.
problem scenarios, get guidance on detection, description,
and (proactively) resolving/preventing problems on your own,
as well as guidance on escalation to Microsoft Premier

Target Audience Support. This Lesson also touches upon possibilities of System
Center Advisor and Windows Intune.
To ensure the high-quality knowledge-transfer expected by
Lesson 3: The Solution. Learn what types of solutions there
attendees of this workshop, class size is limited to a maximum
are, the differences between them, and processes involved, for
of 16 students who meet the following criteria:
example, the Hotfix Request process. Also, learn about GDR,
 Two (or more) years of experience as a Windows LDR and SP servicing branches and the Product Lifecycle.
Lesson 4: The Data. Know what data to obtain based on the
 Have basic understanding of Windows Internals. problem scenario and what tools to use to capture this data,
 Experience in managing Microsoft Premier Support cases as well as what tools to use to analyze and interpret the data.
is an advantage. This Lesson is split across Day 1 and 2.
Lesson 5: The Basics. Here, you take the first steps to root-
cause analysis through various labs, using for instance
Windbg to look at a memory dump, Netmon to capture and
Hardware/Software Requirements filter traces, WPR/WPA (Xperf v5) to capture and analyze
To participate in the course, when delivered at the customer traces, etc. A discussion of basic Windows Architecure
site, each student needs to have access to a workstation that concepts starts this lesson.
meets or exceeds the minimum requirements below. This
workstation is used to run the different tools.
Optionally there is a three-day version of this workshop
Requirements: available which is structured the same way, but goes much
more in depth for The Data and The Basics lessons. As this
- Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8 PC (32 bit or 64 bit). 4 variant is only available in closed (onsite) form, students are
GB RAM is required. If the machine cannot run encouraged to bring along their own cases, memory dumps,
Hyper-V, local Administrator privileges on the Xperf/WPR traces, Perfmon logs, etc.
machine are needed to be able to install various
Technical Level
- Internet Connectivity. Day 1: 100-200
Day 2: 200-300
Note: For workshops delivered at a Microsoft facility
Windows 8 workstations will be provided.

This data sheet is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,

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