Time Periods Event Description of Event: Pater Familias Was Introduced. Meaning "Father of The Family,"

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Time Periods Event Description of Event

By 6000 B.C.E. agriculture had spread from its so

Asian homeland to the eastern shores of the Medit
The Early Spread of Agriculture
and the Balkan region of eastern Europe. Also, by 40
the agricultural society had spread to western E
Around 3000 B.C.E. the earliest Indo-European socie
to break up because of their rapid population grow
Indo-European Expansion
the use of domesticated horses, the Indo-European
were able to expand into the farther west Europe
Tensions between the Greeks and Persians arose a
war broke out. Alexander of Macedon (Alexander t
8000 B.C.E. - 600 C.E. The Persian Wars
pushed forces into the Persian empire in 334 B.C.E
his army to victory as the Achaemenid Empire
Around 800 B.C.E. Greek city-states were created in
Era of the Classical Greek Poliscentralized empire. They functioned as the principa
of Greek society.
Pater familias was introduced. Meaning "father of th
it gave the father the right to do what he wanted
Roman Family/ Society family. Whether selling them into slavery or giving t
to complete. This set up the common patriarchal so
later civilizations.
In 1054 C.E. the Pope and the patriarch mutu
The Schism excommunicated each other, and called the other
not properly Christian. Seperation is still present
During the middle ages, Europe saw many new tech
advances that were largely for the advancement of a
Midieval Europe Agricultural techniques were improved and new cr
introduced. This also contributed to the staggering
36% in 500 years.
In the eleventh and twelfth centuries, textile produ
600 C.E. - 1450 C.E.
Trade trade in the mediterranean became huge (especiall
and Flanders).
Pope Urban II launched the Crusades or "holy war"
Crusades into Palestine. Their quick victories came to the cr
largely by the disorganization of the Muslim
After the Crusades, merchants wanted to travel far
the middle eastern countries to avoid conflict. Inst
Marco Polo Goes to China
traveled to the origins of the spices and silks from
India, and southeast Asia.
Religious wars combined into a big war known as t
Years War. Many different countries were involved
The Thirty Years War
Russia, Sweden, Germany, France, Spain, and o
(1618 - 1648)
By 1641, King Charles and parliament were at a d
involving the Church. The king and parliament cou
English Civil War
communicate effectively. Both sides raised arms an

1450 C.E .- 1750 C.E.

English Civil War

King Charles I was beheaded for tyranny.

In European states, some rulers abused their powe
1450 C.E .- 1750 C.E.
Absolute Monarchies themselves and the state. Absolutism ran parallel
divine right of kings.
Capitalism changed European economy and so
Technology regarding communication and transp
helped businessmen profit from distant markets. G
a lot of wealth and population growth along with Urb
Europe also underwent intellectual and cultural ch
Scientific Revolution the 16th and 17th centuries, people began to ques
heavens based on scientific evidence.
By the mid 1850s industrialization spread to most o
Europe and the United States. Steam power, facto
The Industrial Revolution
steel, and transportation was all invented and used.
provided cheap and fast production.
Industrialization brought about new social classes.
owned factories and made them very wealthy. Al
New Social Classes middle class consisted of small business owners an
On the other end, the working class was created. Th
mostly factory workers that worked for cents eac
European states started to build large empires by ta
1750 C.E. - 1914 C.E.
Emperialism and controlling other countries. They invaded centra
established colonies in places like India.
Between 1875 and 1900, European imperial powers
almost all of Africa. Type of rule changed from usi
The Scramble for Africa
party companies, to using direct rule which helped
law and order.
European countries like Great Britain believed in
supremecy. This was the belief that whites were th
adapted humans. Racism became much more popu
late 1800s based on personal experience in African
The Triple Entente was formed among the cenral pow
The close relationship between the leaders of Germ
World War I
Austria-Hungary formed a major alliance; they were
In 1919 the Treaty between Allied Powers and Centr
The World War Closes was signed. Germany was punished and many new n
formed. This brought about the idea of self-determ
A combination of war debts and borrowed money u
tipped the scales toward an economic crisis. So much
Global Depression
being borrowed and needed to be paid back, that a b
1914 C.E. - PRESENT
the system occurred.
After the war, many people felt depression. People on
side were hurt afterwards and had no trust in their g
Communism that just led them to defeat. They turned to new lea
promised equality to everyone and a better well-be

In 1967 many European countries such as Germany,
Netherlands, and others signed the Treaty of Rome.
European Union
many terrifs on trade and established free trade am
n of Event
ad spread from its southwest
shores of the Mediterranean
n Europe. Also, by 4000 B.C.E.
spread to western Europe.
Indo-European society began
apid population growth. With
s, the Indo-European societies
arther west Europe and Asia.
and Persians arose and soon
acedon (Alexander the Great)
empire in 334 B.C.E. and led
Achaemenid Empire fell.
tates were created in place of
ioned as the principal centers
Meaning "father of the family,"
do what he wanted with his
to slavery or giving them tasks
ommon patriarchal society for
d the patriarch mutually
and called the other church
ration is still present today.
e saw many new technological
he advancement of agriculture.
mproved and new crops were
ed to the staggering growth of
00 years.
nturies, textile production and
ame huge (especiallly for Italy
usades or "holy war" in 1095
tories came to the crusaders
ization of the Muslims.
wanted to travel farther than
o avoid conflict. Instead they
spices and silks from China,
utheast Asia.
a big war known as the Thirty
ntries were involved such as
France, Spain, and others.
arliament were at a dispute
g and parliament could barely
sides raised arms and in 1649
eheaded for tyranny.
s abused their power to lavish
solutism ran parallel with the
t of kings.
ean economy and society.
unication and transportation
m distant markets. Generated
rowth along with Urbanization.
ctual and cultural change. In
people began to question the
cientific evidence.
ion spread to most of western
Steam power, factories, iron,
l invented and used. Factories
d fast production.
t new social classes. The elite
hem very wealthy. Also, the
l business owners and others.
class was created. These were
worked for cents each day.
d large empires by taking over
They invaded central Asia and
in places like India.
ean imperial powers colonized
ule changed from using third
ct rule which helped maintain
at Britain believed in White
f that whites were the better
me much more popular in the
experience in African colonies.
mong the cenral powers in 1914.
n the leaders of Germany and
r alliance; they were joined by
ed Powers and Central Powers
ed and many new nations were
he idea of self-determination.
d borrowed money ultimately
omic crisis. So much money was
e paid back, that a breakdown in
m occurred.
epression. People on the losing
ad no trust in their government
hey turned to new leaders that
and a better well-being of the
s such as Germany, Italy, France
the Treaty of Rome. This broke
blished free trade among the

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