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Assessment Features/ codes:

Application and Communication Exploration, Analysis, Reflection


Assessment Rubric:

- Application and Communication Exploration, Analysis, and Reflection

A Astute and highly effective application of knowledge and Focused exploration and in-depth analysis of evidence relating to
understanding of movement concepts and strategies. physical activity.
Focused and sustained application of communication and Insightful reflection on movement concepts and strategies.
collaborative skills.
Insightful reflection on and highly-focused application of feedback to
Highly effective communication using accurate subject- improve participation and /or performance.
specific terminology.

B Effective application of knowledge and understanding of Thorough exploration and some depth of analysis of evidence
movement concepts and strategies. relating to physical activity.
Mostly thorough and sustained application of Reflection on movement concepts and strategies with some insights.
communication and collaborative skills.
Reflection on and focused application of feedback to improve
Effective communication using accurate subject-specific participation and /or performance.

C Generally effective application of knowledge and Generally competent exploration and analysis of evidence relating to
understanding of movement concepts and strategies. physical activity.
Competent application of communication and collaborative Reflection on movement concepts and strategies.
Reflection on and generally focused application of feedback to
Generally effective communication using subject-specific improve participation and /or performance.
terminology with some accuracy.

D Some application of knowledge and understanding of Some exploration and analysis of evidence relating to physical
movement concepts and strategies. activity.
Some application of communication and collaborative Some reflection on movement concepts and strategies.
Some reflection on and application of feedback to improve
Some communication using subject-specific terminology. participation and /or performance.

E Attempted application of knowledge and understanding of Attempted exploration and analysis of evidence relating to physical
movement concepts and strategies. activity.
Attempted application of communication and/or Attempted reflection on movement concepts and strategies.
collaborative skills.
Attempted reflection on and application of feedback to improve
Attempted communication with limited use of subject- participation and/or performance.
specific terminology.

Your coaching session plan was excellently constructed with thoughtfully sequenced activities. Your
description and explanations of the activities are easy to understand and follow. Your diagrams are
clearly labelled and support the written instructions well. Your session plan could be improved by
detailing some key questions which you could ask your group to test their knowledge and
understanding of the activities.

On the day of your session, you were very organised. It was clear that you and Declan were well
planned and prepared. You adapted well to having less participants than expected. The feedback you
gave the participants was clear and supportive. You did exceptionally well to come up with a second
activity with such little planning time. This demonstrates your deep understanding of the concepts
covered. Very well done.

You have demonstrated a clear and effective understanding of volleyball concepts throughout your
SWOT analysis. You have effectively demonstrated an understanding of the movement concepts and
strategies related to volleyball to a high level. You have explained how communication strategies are
effective and how they can be implemented into gameplay to improve performance.

You have provided a detailed analysis of your individual gameplay. You have reflected on movement
concepts and strategies with some insights however this could be improved by justifying your
opinions with more results and evidence. You have set and achieved a thoughtful SMART goal.

You have reflected on your coaching session and outlined areas you could improve. You explained
how your coaching session has helped to improve your team’s performance. From the survey
responses it is clear that your delivery of the session and explanations of activities were of high

Grade: A

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