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DOI: 10.1111/prd.



Periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis: An update 2012‐2017

Peter Mark Bartold1 | Isabel Lopez‐Oliva2

Department of Dentistry, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Periodontology department, Queen Mary University London, London, UK

Peter Mark Bartold, Department of Dentistry, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia.

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N human and animal studies but exclude any in vitro studies. An analy‐
sis of all papers published in the field since 2000 demonstrates a
Rheumatoid arthritis and chronic periodontitis have been thought to very significant increase in activity in this field since 2012 (Figure 1).
be interrelated diseases for many years.1 Despite this, the connection Apart from a very large number of reviews, the main areas these
has been considered unclear. Indeed, as recently as 2013, the pro‐ publications have focused on over the period 2012‐2017 are animal
ceedings from a workshop jointly held by the European Federation pathogenesis studies, citrullination and anti–citrullinated antibod‐
of Periodontology and American Academy of Periodontology in ies, cohort studies, effect of periodontal treatment on rheumatoid
2012 reported that epidemiological data on this relationship, includ‐ arthritis, effect of rheumatoid arthritis treatments on periodontal
ing the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data set disease, investigating possible underlying molecular mechanisms of
and case‐control studies, were inconsistent. However, at this time, the association, and the role of bacteria in the association (Table 2).
there was good evidence in the literature from animal studies to Accordingly, this review will focus on these areas as the basis for
demonstrate biological plausibility for such a relationship. For exam‐ determining the strength of an association between periodontal dis‐
ple, Porphyromonas gingivalis can induce and exacerbate a rheuma‐ ease and rheumatoid arthritis.
toid arthritis‐like condition in susceptible rodents. 2-4 Furthermore,
it had been demonstrated that antibodies against citrullinated pro‐
teins and peptides are often detected in the blood of rheumatoid
2.1 | Animal studies
arthritis patients and similar citrullinated proteins can be found in in‐ Animal studies can provide a reasonably well‐controlled environ‐
flamed human gingiva.5,6 From this, it was concluded that there was ment to study specific diseases, as well as disease associations. Prior
at least minimal evidence of an association between periodontitis to 2012, several seminal studies had been carried out demonstrating
and rheumatoid arthritis.7 Since this workshop in 2012, considerable a strong relationship between experimental periodontitis and ex‐
work has been carried out to further study the relationship between perimental arthritis.3,4,8 Interestingly, from these studies it became
periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis. The purpose of this review apparent that this relationship was bidirectional in nature, in that
is to consider what has been published since the 2012 workshop experimental periodontitis could result in joint changes without any
and determine whether the evidence has moved from “minimal” to other induction of experimental arthritis and vice versa, in that ex‐
“substantial.” perimental arthritis could induce changes in the periodontium with‐
out any addition induction of experimental arthritis.
For the period 2012‐2017 there were 17 animal studies iden‐
2 |  PU B LI C ATI O N S 2 012‐2107 tified as being of significance to the investigation into the rela‐
tionship between rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal disease
Since the consensus statement of the conjoint European Federation (Table 3).9 Some of these studies were confirmatory of earlier
of Periodontology and American Academy of Periodontology work‐ studies and added further strength to the already documented
shop on periodontal and systemic interrelationships7 there have associations between these two diseases.9,10,13 The bidirectional
been 152 papers published in the field of periodontal disease and nature of the relationship was also confirmed in a study investigat‐
rheumatoid arthritis (Table 1; Figure 1). These papers include both ing how chronic periodontal inflammation contributed to immune

Periodontology 2000. 2020;83:189–212.   © 2020 John Wiley & Sons A/S. |  189
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

activation and associated joint inflammation. 20 A number of these P.  gingivalis virulence, resulting in more severe periodontitis.
studies progressed the field significantly by beginning to unravel Hence, the degree of periodontitis, rather than antigen citrulli‐
the role of citrullination and peptidylarginine deiminase activity nation and anti–citrullinated protein antibody production, could
in the periodontium in relation to subsequent arthritis develop‐ influence inflammatory arthritis severity.
ment. Although these studies demonstrated that a peptidylargi‐ • In this context, although many animal studies suggest that more
nine deiminase enzyme produced by P. gingivalis could have a role severe periodontal disease intensifies experimental arthritis, es‐
in the association between rheumatoid arthritis and periodonti‐ tablishing that aggravation of arthritis in this model is unique to
tis, a number of questions remained unanswered. For example, P. gingivalis–associated periodontal disease, but not observed with
although infection with a peptidylarginine‐deiminase‐deficient other periodontal pathogens, is of great importance. Therefore,
strain of P.  gingivalis diminishes the severity of experimental ar‐ studies investigating the roles of P.  gingivalis and peptidylargi‐
thritis compared with infection with wild‐type P. gingivalis,11 there nine deiminase as unique drivers of experimental arthritis will
is still ongoing debate concerning asscarthritis. 21,22 Several key is‐ provide a framework in which to address therapeutic questions.
sues remain unresolved with regard to whether this effect is truly Interestingly, studies are beginning to emerge demonstrating that
related to P. gingivalis‐associated peptidylarginine deiminase, re‐ P. gingivalis is not the only bacteria that can be implicated in the
duced virulence of the mutant strain, a general feature of infection relationship between periodontal disease and rheumatoid arthri‐
by periodontal pathogens, or indeed unrelated to specific bacteria tis, with Treponema denticola and Tannerella forsythia also being
and more related to levels of inflammation. The remaining import‐ demonstrated to play a potential role in the exacerbation of ex‐
ant issues are: perimental arthritis. 25

• Since peptidylarginine deiminase is a major virulence factor of The overall relevance of animal studies must be kept in context,
P. gingivalis, the finding that experimental periodontitis is mit‐ because no experimental model can fully replicate the human condi‐
igated when induced by strains deficient in peptidylarginine tion; nonetheless, the various animal models used for experimental
deiminase is not surprising. By catalyzing deimination of arginine, arthritis and periodontitis induction will allow us to study some of
peptidylarginine deiminase may convey a survival advantage to the mechanisms associated with citrullination and development of
P. gingivalis through the generation of ammonia. 23,24 Thus, pepti‐ arthritis. However, interpretation of any findings must be made in the
dylarginine deiminase function may directly, or indirectly, increase context that animal models do not completely reflect the complexi‐
ties of human disease for both periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis.
TA B L E 1   Total number of publications published between
2000 and 2017 in reporting on the interrelationship between
2.2 | Cohort studies
periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis
Prior to 2012 there had been many cohort studies published inves‐
Year of publication Number of publications
tigating the relationship between periodontal disease and rheuma‐
2000 3
toid arthritis.15 Over the last 20 years, many studies have identified
2001 1
an association between periodontitis, tooth loss, and rheumatoid
2002 0 arthritis. Of these, eight cross‐sectional studies were published be‐
2003 1 tween 2000 and 2012 that had study populations of more than 60
2004 0 subjects. 26-33 Only one of those studies reported negative results,
2005 3 and the remaining seven reported a higher risk and prevalence of
2006 4
2007 6
2008 6
2009 11
2010 18
2011 11
2012 17
2013 18
2014 22
2015 27
2016 33
2017 35
Search of papers in English in the Web of Science database using the F I G U R E 1   Number of publications published in the field of
search words “periodont* and rheumatoid.” periodontics and rheumatoid arthritis between 2000 and 2017

TA B L E 2   Number of publications published between 2012 and Early studies focused on the similarities between bacteria asso‐
2017 in specific fields of study relating to the interrelationship ciated with periodontitis and those suspected to induce rheumatoid
between periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis arthritis in a genetically susceptible host. It was noted that periodon‐
Number of tal bacteria are associated with a robust chronic inflammatory host
Topic of investigation publications response within the periodontal tissues. Thus, it was proposed that
Reviews 37 there was the potential for periodontal infection and to trigger, or ex‐

Animal pathogenesis studies 12 acerbate, rheumatoid arthritis.55 Prior to 2012, studies had demon‐
strated the presence of deoxyribonucleic acid in the synovium of
Citrullination and anti–citrullinated antibodies 17
rheumatoid arthritis of a number of bacteria associated with peri‐
Cohort studies 18
odontitis as well as of increased serum antibody levels against such
Effect of periodontal treatment on rheumatoid 13
bacteria in these patients, including P. gingivalis, Prevotella interme‐
dia, Prevotella melaninogenica, T. forsythia, and Aggregatibacter acti‐
Effect of rheumatoid arthritis treatments on peri‐ 12
odontal disease nomycetemcomitans.56-58 Taken together, these findings suggested

Investigations into the possible underlying mo‐ 18 the possibility that periodontal bacteria (either whole or deoxyri‐
lecular mechanisms of the association between bonucleic acid) may translocate from the periodontal tissues to the
rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal disease synovium where they could then exacerbate the inflammatory pro‐
Role of bacteria in the association 22 cesses occurring within rheumatoid joints.
Genetic studies 3 One of the most studied periodontal bacteria in relation to rheu‐
matoid arthritis has been P. gingivalis. The reason for this is because
of its unique characteristic for the expression of a peptidylarginine
periodontitis in rheumatoid arthritis patients and vice versa. From deiminase, capable of citrullinating both host and bacterial pep‐
this, it could have been concluded that, from these case‐control and tides.59 Because peptidylarginine deiminase can only citrullinate
cross‐sectional studies, the evidence was very good to support a C‐terminal arginine and not internal arginine, in contrast to its ho‐
relationship between periodontal disease and rheumatoid arthritis. mologue human peptidylarginine deiminase‐2 and peptidylarginine
Nonetheless, in the period 2012‐2017, a further 18 cohort studies deiminase‐4, it can create citrullinated peptides that would not nor‐
were published (Table 4).34 These studies were based on a very wide mally occur in the absence of P. gingivalis, as human peptidylarginine
geographic spread of countries and included study populations rang‐ deiminase targets internal arginine substrates. It has been proposed
ing from 30 subjects to databases of over 1 000 000 individuals, that P.  gingivalis uses its gingipain enzyme to cleave peptides and
and only one study reported no relationship.46 Although the study generate arginine residues that peptidylarginine deiminase would
reporting negative results was based on 2740 rheumatoid arthritis then citrullinate.60 Furthermore, in opposition to human peptidy‐
patients and 3924 matched controls, it seems the majority of studies larginine deiminase, P. gingivalis peptidylarginine deiminase is not
continue to confirm a significant relationship between periodontal calcium dependent, and this enzyme is capable of auto‐citrullination,
disease and rheumatoid arthritis. The most recent systematic review becoming a citrullinated bacterial protein itself.61 This process, al‐
with meta‐analysis considering the epidemiological evidence from though not proven to occur in vivo, does provide a plausible pathway
eight case‐control studies concluded that there is a strong and sig‐ in which, by presenting neoepitopes to the immune system, P. gin‐
nificant association between rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal givalis (in susceptible individuals, such as human leukocyte antigen
disease.52 In light of this, the need for any further case‐control cross‐ (HLA)‐DRB1 carriers) could break the tolerance to citrullinated pro‐
sectional studies is questioned, and there is now a need to delve fur‐ teins and lead to the consequent antigen response characteristic in
ther into the biologic processes associated with these relationships rheumatoid arthritis patients.62
and how they might arise and be managed. Since 2012 there have been a further 22 studies published in‐
vestigating the role of periodontal bacteria in rheumatoid arthri‐
tis (Table 5). 57,63-83 Of these, 10 found no evidence for a role for
2.3 | Role of bacteria in the association between
P.  gingivalis in rheumatoid arthritis, eight studies confirmed a role
periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis
for P. gingivalis, and four reported equivocal results. In addition to
For over 70 years there has been the concept that rheumatoid ar‐ P.  gingivalis, the following have all been implicated in the associa‐
thritis is an infectious disease through which bacterial infection of tion between periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis: A. actinomy‐
the synovium may result in an immune response that could account cetemcomitans, Filifactor alocis, Prevotella spp., Leptotrichia spp., and
for some of the clinical features of rheumatoid arthritis.53 Therefore, P. intermedia.
with the noted relationship between rheumatoid arthritis and perio‐ A recent review has proposed that a close interplay between
dontal disease, similar proposals were made,54 and so studies began microbiota and host can lead to the development of autoimmune
to focus on whether periodontal bacteria might be associated with, diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.84 With the recent recog‐
or even cause, rheumatoid arthritis. nition that bacterial dysbiosis plays an important role in late‐
stage periodontitis,85,86 the potential for the oral microbiome and

TA B L E 3   Animal studies published between 2012 and 2017 investigating the interrelationship between periodontitis and rheumatoid

Study Aims of study Conclusions

Queiroz‐Junior To investigate whether chronic antigen‐in‐ Exacerbation of infection‐induced periodontal disease by arthritis is associ‐
et al (2012)9 duced arthritis influences infection‐induced ated with an alteration in lymphocyte polarization pattern and increased
periodontitis in mice and whether periodon‐ systemic immunoreactivity
tal disease modifies the clinical course of
antigen‐induced arthritis
Queiroz‐Junior To evaluate the effects of an anti–tumor ne‐ Concomitantly with antigen‐induced arthritis, mice presented with alveolar
et al (2013)10 crosis factor‐alpha therapy with pentoxifyl‐ bone loss
line in an experimental model of rheumatoid
arthritis–associated periodontal disease
Gully et al To study the role of peptidylarginine deimi‐ A peptidylarginine deiminase–deficient strain of Porphyromonas gingivalis
(2014)11 nase in the relationship between periodonti‐ was associated with reduced periodontitis and experimental arthritis
tis and rheumatoid arthritis
Maresz et al To study the effect of Porphyromonas gingi‐ Ability of Porphyromonas gingivalis to exacerbate collagen‐induced arthritis
(2013)12 valis infection on collagen‐induced arthritis was dependent on expression of peptidylarginine deiminase
Marchesan et al To determine the contribution of chronic Chronic Porphyromonas gingivalis oral infection prior to arthritis induction
(2013)13 periodontal disease to immune activation increased immune system activation and ultimately accelerated arthritis
and development of joint inflammation using development
the collagen‐induced arthritis model
Chukkapalli To investigate the role of periodontal bacteria Periodontal bacteria were identified in the synovial tissues. Collagen‐in‐
et al (2016)14 in the induction of joint inflammation in col‐ duced arthritis was exacerbated by presence of periodontal bacteria
lagen‐induced arthritis (Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola, and Tannerella forsythia)
Correa et al To investigate if arthritis‐induced alveolar Antigen‐induced arthritis is associated with changes in the composition of
(2016)15 bone loss is associated with modification in the oral microbiota that might account for the alveolar bone loss observed
oral microbiota in antigen‐induced arthritis mice
Eriksson et al To investigate the effect of preexisting Preexisting periodontitis induced antibodies against citrullinated peptide
(2016)16 periodontitis on the development and the derived from peptidylarginine deiminase in rats with pristane‐induced ar‐
immune/inflammatory response of pristane‐ thritis. There was no difference in the development of severity of pristane‐
induced arthritis induced arthritis between periodontitis‐challenged and periodontitis‐free
Sandal et al To explore immune mechanisms that may Exposure of gingival tissues to Porphyromonas gingivalis has systemic effects
(2016)17 connect periodontal disease and rheumatoid that can result in disease pathology in tissues that are spatially removed
arthritis from the initial site of infection. Elicitation of anti–citrullinated protein
antibody in a human leukocyte antigen DR1–restricted fashion by mice
exposed to Porphyromonas gingivalis provides support for the role of the
shared epitope in both periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis. The ability of
Porphyromonas gingivalis to induce disease expression in arthritis‐resistant
mice provides support for the idea that periodontal infection may be able
to trigger autoimmunity if other disease‐elucidating factors are already
Yamakawa To determine the effects of Porphyromonas Porphyromonas gingivalis has the potential to exacerbate rheumatoid arthritis
(2016)18 gingivalis infection on the exacerbation of
rheumatoid arthritis in a mouse model
Jung et al Investigation of the pathogenic effects of Synovial inflammation and bone destruction were more severe in mice
(2017)19 Porphyromonas gingivalis on autoimmune infected with Porphyromonas gingivalis. Citrullination in synovial tissues was
arthritis in vivo greatest in Porphyromonas gingivalis–infected animals. The arthritogenic
effects of Porphyromonas gingivalis were, in part, dependent on the bacte‐
rial strain with or without fimbriae expression, route, and time of infection.
Porphyromonas gingivalis–induced citrullination may explain the possible
link between periodontal disease and rheumatoid arthritis
Correa et al To investigate the immunological features Interleukin‐17 was elevated in the presence of experimental arthritis ir‐
(2017)20 associated with interleukin‐17 interaction respective of the presence of periodontitis. Periodontitis increased levels
between experimental periodontitis and of rheumatoid factor and citrullinated proteins in the gingival tissues and
arthritis altered cytokine balance in arthritic rats. Arthritis was found to increase
periodontal destruction. These findings confirm the bidirectional interac‐
tion between periodontitis and arthritis

TA B L E 4   Cohort and population‐based studies between 2012 and 2017 investigating the interrelationship between periodontitis and
rheumatoid arthritis

Study Study design Country Study sample found Conclusion

Potikuri et al Case‐control India Healthy controls = 93 Yes Periodontal disease is more frequent and
(2012)34 Rheumatoid arthritis = 91 severe in nonsmoking disease‐modify‐
ing antirheumatic drug–naïve rheuma‐
toid arthritis patients compared with
healthy controls
Periodontal disease in rheumatoid
arthritis patients was associated with
high titers of anti–citrullinated peptide
Torkzaban et al Historical cohort Iran Nonrheumatoid arthritis = 53 Yes Rheumatoid arthritis had the potential to
(2012)35 study Rheumatoid arthritis = 53 affect periodontal indices
Susanto et al Case‐control Indonesia Healthy controls = 75 Yes Although prevalence and severity of
(2013)36 Rheumatoid arthritis = 75 periodontitis in rheumatoid arthritis
patients was comparable to controls,
gingival inflammation was greater in
rheumatoid arthritis as measured by
inflamed pocket epithelium surface area
Chen et al Population‐based Taiwan 1 000 000 individuals enrolled Yes Periodontal disease exposure was associ‐
(2014)37 retrospective in National Health Insurance ated with increased risk for rheumatoid
cohort study database arthritis
Khantisopon et Case series Thailand 196 rheumatoid arthritis Yes A high prevalence of periodontitis was
al (2014)38 patients with at least 20 teeth found in Thai patients with rheumatoid
Chou et al Nationwide, pop‐ Taiwan Nonperiodontitis = 628 628 Yes Presence of periodontitis was associated
(2015)39 ulation‐based Periodontitis = 168 842 with an increased risk of rheumatoid
cohort study arthritis development
Ibanez et al Case series Chile 40 patients with rheumatoid Yes Periodontitis is common (87.5%) and
(2015) 40 arthritis severe in patients with rheumatoid
Ozkan (2015) 41 Case‐control Turkey Healthy controls = 60 Yes There was a strong association between
Rheumatoid arthritis = 60 rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal
disease. The severity of periodontal
disease was significantly increased in
rheumatoid arthritis patients compared
to health controls
Pons‐Fuster et Case‐control Spain Healthy controls = 41 Yes Patients with rheumatoid arthritis
al (2015) 42 Rheumatoid arthritis = 44 suffered a higher risk of periodontal
Vahabi et al Case‐control Iran Healthy controls = 30 Yes The severity of periodontal disease
(2015) 43 Rheumatoid arthritis = 30 increases in patients with rheumatoid
Bello‐Gualtero Cross‐sectional Colombia Pre‐rheumatoid arthritis = 119 Yes Individuals with pre‐rheumatoid arthritis
et al (2016) 44 study Early rheumatoid arthritis = 48 have significant periodontal involve‐
Matched controls for both ment. Significant association with im‐
pre‐rheumatoid and early munoglobulin G against Porphyromonas
rheumatoid arthritis gingivalis noted
Choi et al Cross‐sectional Korea Rheumatoid arthritis Yes Prevalence of moderate or severe peri‐
(2016) 45 study patients = 264 odontitis was increased in rheumatoid
Age‐ and sex‐matched arthritis patients compared with
controls = 88 controls
Eriksson et al Case‐control Sweden Rheumatoid arthritis No No evidence of an increased prevalence
(2016) 46 patients = 2740 of periodontitis in patients with estab‐
Matched controls = 3942 lished rheumatoid arthritis


TA B L E 4   (Continued)

Study Study design Country Study sample found Conclusion

Silvestre et al Prospective com‐ Spain Rheumatoid arthritis = 73 Yes Patients with rheumatoid arthritis are
(2016) 47 parative study Controls = 73 more likely to present with periodontal
Ayravainen et al Cross‐section Germany Rheumatoid arthritis = 168 Yes Patients with rheumatoid arthritis had
(2017) 48 Healthy controls = 168 (age, worse periodontal conditions
sex, and smoking matched) Relationship of bacteria unclear
Schmickler et al Prospective fol‐ Finland Rheumatoid arthritis (early dis‐ Yes Poorer periodontal condition in both
(2017) 49 low‐up study ease‐modifying antirheumatic rheumatoid arthritis groups. Association
drug) = 53 between antirheumatic drug treatment
Chronic rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal parameters
(insufficient response to dis‐
ease‐modifying antirheumatic
drug = 28
Controls (age, sex, and com‐
munity matched) = 43
Ouedraogo et al Case‐control Sub‐ Rheumatoid arthritis Yes Prevalence of periodontal disease was
(2017)50 Saharan patients = 43 twice as high among patients with rheu‐
Africa Controls = 86 matoid arthritis compared with controls
Unriza‐Puin et Case‐control   100 first‐degree relatives of Yes Periodontitis (diagnosis and severity) is
al (2017)51 rheumatoid arthritis patients a risk factor for rheumatoid arthritis in
200 matched healthy controls first‐degree relatives of patients with
rheumatoid arthritis. Presence of anti–
Porphyromonas gingivalis antibodies was
not a risk factor

disease‐associated dysbiosis may play a role in breaking immune fibrin within the synovium and their prolonged degradation, which
tolerance and subsequent development of rheumatoid arthritis. includes citrullination, leads to exposure of new epitopes to im‐
This concept is in keeping with current concepts linking the meta‐ munocompetent cells within the synovium. As already noted, anti–
bolic role of the gut microbiota in health and rheumatoid arthritis.87 citrullinated protein antibodies have a high predictive value for the
Interestingly, of the two next‐generation sequencing studies carried onset of rheumatoid arthritis several years before it is evident clini‐
out to date that have investigated the oral microbiome in rheumatoid cally and are also associated with more severe and worse clinical
arthritis, both found no evidence for association between P.  gingi‐ outcomes. 89,90
valis or its peptidylarginine deiminase and rheumatoid arthritis.
Further research is now needed to determine whether it is the pri‐
2.4.2 | Gingival tissue as an extra‐articular source of
mary periodontal infection and specific bacteria of the associated
inflammation that is the principal linking mechanism between peri‐
odontitis and rheumatoid arthritis. Recent studies have confirmed a potential role for the inflamed
periodontal tissues in the pathophysiology of rheumatoid arthri‐
tis with the identification of citrullinated proteins and peptidy‐
2.4 | Posttranslational protein modification and
larginine deiminase‐2 and peptidylarginine deiminase‐4 in such
autoantibody production
tissues. 5,6 Furthermore, the obligate anaerobe P. gingivalis (signifi‐
cantly implicated in the development of periodontal inflammation)
2.4.1 | Citrullinated proteins and autoimmunity
produces a peptidylarginine deiminase capable of citrullinating
Recognition that rheumatoid arthritis may be an autoimmune proteins as well as undergoing autocitrullination. 62,90 Even more
disease, manifested by development of disease‐specific autoan‐ intriguing is that P. gingivalis also expresses cell‐surface enolase,
tibodies to citrullinated protein antigens, has been an important which, when citrullinated, results in antibodies that cross‐react
development. 88 Citrullinated proteins are produced by peptidy‐ with antibodies to alpha‐enolase found in some rheumatoid arthri‐
larginine deiminase enzymes. 88 The anti–citrullinated protein an‐ tis patients.91 Thus, there is considerable potential for significant
tibodies in rheumatoid arthritis are specific for certain citrullinated citrullination to occur within inflamed periodontal tissues, and this
proteins (including alpha‐enolase, vimentin, and fibrinogen). Of in turn may prime susceptible individuals to a heightened anti–cit‐
the five known mammalian peptidylarginine deiminases, pepti‐ rullinated protein antibody reaction during the later development
dylarginine deiminase‐2 and ‐4 are associated with citrullinated of rheumatoid arthritis.
proteins in rheumatoid arthritis. Accumulation of proteins such as

TA B L E 5   Studies 2012‐2017 investigating the microbiology associated with the interrelationship between periodontitis and rheumatoid

Role for
Study Aims Population Conclusions gingivalis

Scher et al Pyrosequencing used to pro‐ 31 subjects with new‐onset Patients with new‐onset rheumatoid arthritis No
(2012) 63 file the abundance and the rheumatoid arthritis had a high prevalence of periodontal disease.
oral microbiota in new‐onset 34 chronic rheumatoid The subgingival microbiota profile of new‐
rheumatoid arthritis arthritis patients onset subjects was similar to subjects with
18 controls with similar peri‐ chronic rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal
odontitis but no rheumatoid disease of similar severity but no rheumatoid
arthritis arthritis. Overall exposure to Porphyromonas
gingivalis was similar among all groups
Mikuls et al To examine the relationship of 171 autoantibody negative Immunity to Porphyromonas gingivalis, but Yes
(2012)57 Porphyromonas gingivalis to 113 autoantibody positive not Prevotella intermedia or Fusobacterium
the presence of autoantibod‐ 38 autoantibody‐positive nucleatum, is significantly associated with
ies in individuals at risk of and high‐risk subjects the presence of rheumatoid arthritis–related
rheumatoid arthritis autoantibodies in individuals at risk of rheu‐
matoid arthritis. Supports the hypothesis
that infection with Porphyromonas gingivalis
may play a central role in the early loss of
tolerance to self‐antigens during the patho‐
genesis of rheumatoid arthritis
de Smit To compare the host immune 95 rheumatoid arthritis Severity of periodontitis is related to sever‐ Equivocal
(2012) 65 responses in rheumatoid subjects ity of rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid
arthritis patients with and arthritis patients with severe periodontitis
without periodontitis in had a more robust antibody response to
relation to the presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis than nonrheuma‐
cultivable Porphyromonas toid arthritis controls. Not all rheumatoid ar‐
gingivalis in subgingival thritis patients had cultivable Porphyromonas
plaque gingivalis
Totaro et al To evaluate the presence of 32 rheumatoid arthritis Subjects with rheumatoid arthritis showed Yes
(2013)65 Porphyromonas gingivalis subjects higher positivity for Porphyromonas gingivalis
deoxyribonucleic acid in 37 subjects with “other” deoxyribonucleic acid in synovial tissue
synovial‐tissue biopsies arthritides compared with the controls. Subjects with
the HLA‐DRB1*04 allele showed a higher
positivity for Porphyromonas gingivalis
deoxyribonucleic acid in synovial tissue
compared with those negative for the al‐
lele. Presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis
did not influence disease activity, disease
disability, or positivity for autoantibodies.
Porphyromonas gingivalis deoxyribonucleic
acid was detected in synovial tissue
Arvikar et al To examine Porphyromonas 50 subjects with early rheu‐ Not all early‐onset rheumatoid arthritis Yes
(2013)66 gingivalis antibody responses matoid arthritis and not subjects have positive Porphyromonas
and their clinical associa‐ receiving disease‐modifying gingivalis antibody responses. There was
tions in patients with early antirheumatic drug therapy a trend toward greater disease activity in
rheumatoid arthritis prior to 43 late‐onset rheumatoid Porphyromonas gingivalis–positive subjects
and after disease‐modifying arthritis and other con‐
antirheumatic drug therapy nective‐tissue diseases
receiving disease‐modifying
antirheumatic drug therapy


TA B L E 5   (Continued)

Role for
Study Aims Population Conclusions gingivalis

Mikuls et al To examine the degree to 287 patients with rheuma‐ Periodontitis was more common in anti– Yes
(2014)67 which shared risk factors toid arthritis citrullinated protein antibody–positive
explain the relationship 330 patients with osteoar‐ rheumatoid arthritis patients. No difference
between periodontitis thritis (control) between rheumatoid arthritis patients and
and rheumatoid arthritis controls in the levels of Porphyromonas
and to determine associa‐ gingivalis or anti–Porphyromonas gingivalis
tions of periodontics and antibodies. Weak association between
Porphyromonas gingivalis anti–Porphyromonas gingivalis antibodies
with pathologic features of and anti–citrullinated protein antibody and
rheumatoid arthritis rheumatoid factor. Both periodontitis and
Porphyromonas gingivalis appear to shape the
autoreactivity of rheumatoid arthritis
de Smit et al To investigate whether anti– 298 at‐risk patients for rheu‐ Porphyromonas gingivalis antibody levels were No
(2014)68 Porphyromonas gingivalis matoid arthritis not prognostic for development of rheuma‐
antibody levels are prog‐ toid arthritis
nostic for development of
rheumatoid arthritis
Zhang et al A metagenome‐wide associa‐   Dysbiosis was noted on the oral microbiome  
(2015)69 tion study of fecal, dental, of rheumatoid arthritis subjects, and this
and salivary samples of was partially resolved after rheumatoid
individuals with rheumatoid arthritis treatment
arthritis and healthy controls
Seror et al To investigate the possible 694 subjects with early No association between anti–Porphyromonas No
(2015)70 link between Porphyromonas rheumatoid arthritis not gingivalis antibodies with rheumatoid ar‐
gingivalis infection and rheu‐ exposed to steroids or thritis or anti–citrullinated protein antibody
matoid arthritis disease‐modifying antirheu‐ status
matic drugs
Lee et al To measure levels of 248 subjects with rheuma‐ Anti–Porphyromonas gingivalis and anti–alpha‐ Equivocal
(2015)71 serum antibodies against toid arthritis enolase antibody titers were correlated
Porphyromonas gingivalis and 85 age‐ and sex‐matched with severity of periodontitis in rheumatoid
human alpha‐enolase‐1 in healthy controls arthritis subjects. Porphyromonas gingivalis
patients with rheumatoid antibody titers not associated with rheuma‐
arthritis and determine the toid arthritis disease activity
association with severity of
periodontitis or rheumatoid
Kimura et al To investigate the role of peri‐ 21 subjects with active rheu‐ Persistent synovitis was associated with No
(2015)72 odontal pathogens in rheu‐ matoid arthritis Prevotella intermedia
matoid arthritis remission 70 subject in clinical
Hashimoto To determine whether the 72 subjects with arthralgia Advanced periodontics was associated with No
et al presence of periodontitis who had never received higher arthritis activity. The presence of
(2015)73 and Porphyromonas gingivalis any antirheumatic drugs or Porphyromonas gingivalis was not associated
in subgingival biofilm associ‐ glucocorticoids with arthritis activity
ates with the development of
rheumatoid arthritis
Kobayashi To determine whether serum 60 subjects with rheumatoid Patients with low anti–peptidylarginine Yes
et al antibodies to peptidylar‐ arthritis and treated with deiminase titers had a greater decrease
(2016)74 ginine deiminase affect disease‐modifying antirheu‐ in clinical markers of rheumatoid arthritis
the clinical response to matic drugs disease activity compared with patients
disease‐modifying antirheu‐ with high anti–peptidylarginine deiminase
matic drugs in patients with titers. The serum immunoglobulin G levels to
rheumatoid arthritis peptidylarginine deiminase appear to affect
the clinical response to disease‐modifying
antirheumatic drugs treatment in patients
with rheumatoid arthritis


TA B L E 5   (Continued)

Role for
Study Aims Population Conclusions gingivalis

Santegoets To determine the differ‐ 35 rheumatoid arthritis A reduced immune response to Equivocal
et al ences in the innate immune subjects Porphyromonas gingivalis in rheumatoid
(2016)75 response to Porphyromonas arthritis subjects was noted. Proposed to re‐
gingivalis between healthy sult in prolonged exposure to Porphyromonas
controls and rheumatoid gingivalis and possible autoantibody produc‐
arthritis patients tion, but not proven
Kharlamova To investigate the role of 65 subjects with Porphyromonas gingivalis is a credible candi‐ Yes
et al Porphyromonas gingivalis periodontitis date for triggering and/or driving autoim‐
(2016)76 in the etiology of rheuma‐ 59 nonperiodontitis subjects munity and autoimmune disease in a subset
toid arthritis by analyz‐ 1974 rheumatoid arthritis of rheumatoid arthritis patients
ing antibody response to subjects
Porphyromonas gingivalis 377 nonrheumatoid arthritis
arginine gingipain type B subjects
Johansson To investigate whether anti– 251 rheumatoid arthritis Anti–Porphyromonas gingivalis antibody con‐ Yes
et al Porphyromonas gingivalis subjects centrations were significantly increased in
(2016)77 antibodies predate symptom 198 healthy controls rheumatoid arthritis patients compared with
onset and anti–citrullinated controls and were detectable years before
protein antibody production the onset of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms
Goh et al To investigate the association 2461 subjects nonrheuma‐ Elevated levels of immunoglobulin G anti‐ No
(2016)78 between elevated serum toid arthritis subjects with bodies to periodontal bacteria are mostly
levels of immunoglobulin G positive immunoglobulin G unassociated with rheumatoid factor
antibodies to 19 periodontal antibodies to 19 periodon‐ seropositivity
bacteria and the prevalence tal bacteria and rheumatoid
of rheumatic factor factor
Ghotaslou To investigate the relation‐ 22 subjects with rheumatoid Porphyromonas gingivalis deoxyribonucleic No
et al ship between the presence arthritis acid was detected in 13.6% of subjects with
(2016)79 of Porphyromonas gingivalis 20 subjects without rheuma‐ rheumatoid arthritis. There was no signifi‐
deoxyribonucleic acid in toid arthritis cant relationship between Porphyromonas
synovial fluid of rheumatoid gingivalis deoxyribonucleic acid and rheuma‐
arthritis patients toid arthritis
Bender et al Systematic review of studies 114 articles identified and Meta‐analysis revealed a statistically higher Yes
(2017) 80 investigating serum antibody 13 met the inclusion criteria antibody titer against Porphyromonas gin‐
levels in patients with and and included studies from givalis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
without rheumatoid arthritis the years 1995‐2015 than in healthy controls
Cheng et al To characterize the subgin‐ 45 anti–citrullinated protein Levels of Porphyromonas gingivalis were high No
(2017) 81 gival microbiomes from antibody–positive nonrheu‐ in anti–citrullinated protein antibody–posi‐
periodontitis and health in matoid arthritis subjects tive nonrheumatoid arthritis subjects
individuals with/without 31 healthy controls Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans was
rheumatoid arthritis and at 30 anti–citrullinated protein detected at similar frequency in all groups.
risk of rheumatoid arthritis antibody–positive rheuma‐ Bacteria implicated in periodontitis and/
toid arthritis subjects or autoantibody generation were Filifactor
alocis, Prevotella spp. and Leptotrichia spp.
Martu et al To detect bacterial deoxyribo‐ 19 patients with peri‐ Serum and subgingival plaque from pa‐ No
(2017) 82 nucleic acid from subgingival odontitis and refractory tients with rheumatoid arthritis contain
plaque and serum in patients periodontitis Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia,
affected by rheumatoid No controls and Prevotella intermedia
arthritis and refractory Note: invalid conclusion due to absence of
periodontitis any controls
Martinez‐ To evaluate the relationship 132 consecutive rheumatoid Rheumatoid arthritis activity is associated No
Rivera et al of salivary ammonia and the arthritis patients with high salivary ammonia and the pres‐
(2017) 83 presence of bacteria with ence of Tannerella forsythia
rheumatoid arthritis

Since 2012 there have been 17 papers published that focused It was concluded that the potential for these posttranslational
specifically on citrullination and anti–citrullinated protein anti‐ modifications of proteins to play a role in autoimmunity in a mul‐
body production in periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis subjects tisystem inflammatory syndromic disease model now needs to be
(Table 6).3,4,11,22,92-104 Of these, seven studies concluded that inflam‐ determined.
mation was the principal driver of gingival citrullination, five focused
solely on bacteria, and in particular P. gingivalis, as being the driver
2.5 | Immunogenetics
of gingival citrullination, two studies concluded the process was a
combination of both inflammation and bacterial infection, and the In multifactorial diseases such as periodontitis and rheumatoid ar‐
remaining two studies were unclear in what the driving force behind thritis, genetics is of considerable importance, because a proportion
gingival citrullination was. of the clinical variance of these diseases can be attributed to genetic
Future research will need to continue to probe the role of gingi‐ factors. In particular, genes controlling the expression of interleukin‐1,
val inflammation and infection as an extra‐articular source of protein tumor necrosis factor, and prostaglandin E2 are crucial to the patho‐
citrullination and production of anti–citrullinated protein antibody. logic processes associated with periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Importantly, the roles of P. gingivalis and its unique peptidylarginine Many of the genes that regulate the cytokine expression have
deiminase in this process need to be determined. To date, P. gingi‐ been mapped to the HLA‐DR region of chromosome 5 in the area
valis and peptidylarginine deiminase are thought to be critical to the of the interleukin‐1 and tumor necrosis factor‐alpha genes.110 The
relationship between periodontal disease and rheumatoid arthritis. HLA genes appear to confer the strongest genetic associations for
However, peptidylarginine deiminase has not been identified in in‐ rheumatoid arthritis.111 The disease‐conferring portion is confined
flamed periodontal tissues, and good evidence for peptidylarginine to a short sequence within the third hypervariable region of the
deiminase activity in situ has also not been demonstrated. Thus, HLA‐DRB1 gene.112 For rheumatoid arthritis, the HLA genes and
with gingival inflammation, much like lung inflammation in smokers, gender constitute about 30% of the genetic risk, with other ge‐
evidence is accruing to support that it is the initial inflammatory hit netic factors such as germline genes, T‐cell receptors, and cytokine
and not the presence of P. gingivalis that is the critical factor in gin‐ genes also accounting for some of the genetic risk for rheumatoid
gival citrullination and initial production of anti–citrullinated protein arthritis.113 The HLA‐DR phenotype has also been reported to be
antibody. an important component for genetic susceptibility in some forms
Based on these findings, it has been proposed that human and of periodontitis.114 However, although the HLA‐DR4 epitope has
bacterial peptidylarginine deiminases could be important targets for been found to be associated with both rheumatoid arthritis and
therapy in the management of rheumatoid arthritis.105-107 Moreover, periodontitis, it is believed that this shared genetic epitope is not
it has been hypothesized that periodontal therapy could decrease enough to explain the association between rheumatoid arthritis
the load of P. gingivalis and peptidylarginine deiminase in the gingival and periodontitis. 31
pocket and that by reducing gingival inflammation the expression of Only three reports have been published since 2012 investigating
human peptidylarginine deiminases could be reduced, and therefore the role of genetic correlations between both rheumatoid arthritis
lessen endogenous and bacterial citrullination and weaken the auto‐ and periodontitis, with the focus moving away from the HLA‐DR
immune response. gene and focusing more on cytokine expression.115-118 From these
studies, it has been concluded that interleukin‐1 and interleukin‐10
gene polymorphisms have some, albeit small, correlations between
2.4.3 | Carbamylation and malondialdehyde‐
periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis.
acetaldehyde adducts
As detailed earlier, posttranslational modification of proteins can
2.6 | Studies investigating possible underlying
lead to the production of autoantibodies and loss of immune tol‐
molecular mechanisms of the association between
erance. Apart from citrullination, several other posttranslational
rheumatoid arthritis and periodontitis
modifications of proteins have been associated with rheumatoid ar‐
thritis. Of these, malondialdehyde‐acetaldehyde adducts and car‐ With it becoming increasingly apparent that nearly all the popula‐
bamylated proteins are receiving particular attention.108 A recent tion‐based studies have confirmed the association between peri‐
study identified immunohistochemical evidence of the presence of odontal disease and rheumatoid arthritis, it is now time to move
malondialdehyde‐acetaldehyde adducts and citrullinated and car‐ the field from pure observation studies to one of dissecting out
bamylated proteins in inflamed human gingival tissue biopsies but the possible mechanisms that might be responsible for such an
not in biopsies of healthy, noninflamed gingiva.109 Identification of association.
such modified proteins in inflamed gingiva may explain, in part, how In rheumatoid arthritis, there is considerable dysregulation of the
inflammation of the periodontal tissues may influence the develop‐ major inflammatory cytokine networks118 in a manner similar to that
ment of rheumatoid arthritis through the production of modified seen in periodontitis.119 The imbalance between proinflammatory
proteins that have the potential to produce autoimmune responses and anti‐inflammatory cytokines and growth factors in periodontitis
that can later influence alterations in inflamed rheumatoid joints. and rheumatoid arthritis is comparable. Both conditions demonstrate

TA B L E 6   Studies 2012‐2017 investigating the role of citrullination in the interrelationship between periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis

Role for inflamma‐

Study Aims of study Conclusions tion or bacteria

Nesse et al To determine the presence and location Within the periodontium, citrullination is a physiologic Inflammation
(2012)3 of citrullinated proteins in periodontitis process in healthy tissues and increased during perio‐
tissue and synovial tissue of rheumatoid dontal inflammation. Periodontitis‐induced citrullination
arthritis patients may play a role in the etiology of rheumatoid arthritis
Harvey et al To determine the presence of peptidylar‐ Peptidylarginine deiminase‐2 and ‐4 and citrullinated Inflammation
(2013) 4 ginine deiminase‐2 and ‐4 in periodontal proteins were present in inflamed but not healthy peri‐
tissues and levels of anti–citrullinated odontal tissues. Presence of anti–citrullinated protein
protein antibody in gingival crevicular antibody in gingival crevicular fluid was mainly associ‐
fluid from inflamed and noninflamed ated with the presence of periodontitis
periodontal sites
Quirke et al To study the immune response to pepti‐ Evidence was presented to demonstrate peptidylargi‐ Bacteria
(2014)92 dylarginine deiminase in patients with nine deiminase autocitrullination. This supports the
rheumatoid arthritis, periodontitis and hypothesis that, as a bacterial antigen, citrullinated
controls (no arthritis); determine pepti‐ peptidylarginine deiminase may break immune tolerance
dylarginine deiminase autocitrullination in rheumatoid arthritis
Gully et al To study the role of peptidylarginine A peptidylarginine deiminase–deficient strain of Bacteria
(2014)11 deiminase in the relationship between Porphyromonas gingivalis was associated with reduced
periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis periodontitis and experimental arthritis
de Pablo et al To determine whether periodontitis is as‐ The antibody response seen in periodontitis patients is Inflammation
(2014)93 sociated with autoantibodies character‐ generally targeted against uncitrullinated autoantigens
istic of rheumatoid arthritis associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Such loss of toler‐
ance could lead to epitope spreading to citrullinated
epitopes as the autoimmune response in periodontitis
evolves into presymptomatic rheumatoid arthritis
Reichert et al To investigate, in generalized aggressive Generalized aggressive periodontitis and generalized Unknown
(2015)94 periodontics and generalized chronic chronic periodontitis and the presence of periodonto‐
periodontitis, the presence of anti–cyclic pathic bacteria are not associated with increased risk for
citrullinated peptide and citrullinated occurrence of anti–cyclic citrullinated peptide
alpha‐enolase peptide 1 compared with
nonrheumatoid arthritis/nonperiodonti‐
tis controls
Konig et al To define the citrullination status and Peptidylarginine deiminase autocitrullination is not the Inflammation
(2015)22 biology of peptidylarginine deiminase underlying mechanism linking periodontal disease and
and to characterize the anti–peptidylar‐ rheumatoid arthritis. Peptidylarginine deiminase may be
ginine deiminase response in rheumatoid protected from autocitrullination. Anti–peptidylarginine
arthritis and associated periodontal deiminase antibodies could have a protective role in the
disease development of periodontitis
Janssen et al Determine the presence of rheumatoid Rheumatoid arthritis–associated autoantibodies were Inflammation
(2015)95 arthritis–associated autoantibod‐ associated with lung mucosal inflammation and also may
ies in patients without rheumatoid be associated with periodontal inflammation
arthritis who had oral or lung mucosal
Gonzalez et al To assess alveolar bone loss in anti–cit‐ Greater alveolar bone loss was associated with higher Not determined
(2015)96 rullinated protein antibody–positive anti–citrullinated protein antibody titers
rheumatoid arthritis patients compared
with osteoarthritis control patients
Gabarrini et al To assess peptidylarginine deiminase Peptidylarginine deiminase is ubiquitous to Unclear, but
(2015)97 gene expression and citrullination pat‐ Porphyromonas gingivalis but absent in other related mitigates
terns in Porphyromonas gingivalis isolates species. No significant difference was found in the against a role for
from periodontitis patients with and composition and expression of the peptidylarginine peptidylarginine
without rheumatoid arthritis deiminase gene regardless of the presence of rheuma‐ deiminase
toid arthritis or periodontal disease. Thus, it is unclear
whether Porphyromonas gingivalis plays a role in rheuma‐
toid arthritis; and if it does, it is unlikely to arise due to a
variation in peptidylarginine deiminase gene expression


TA B L E 6   (Continued)

Role for inflamma‐

Study Aims of study Conclusions tion or bacteria

Fisher et al To determine the relation of peptidylar‐ Smoking is a risk factor for rheumatoid arthritis before Inflammation
(2015)98 ginine deiminase and smoking as risk it develops clinically. Porphyromonas gingivalis was not
factors for rheumatoid arthritis associated with pre‐rheumatoid arthritis autoimmunity
or risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Antibodies to peptidy‐
larginine deiminase peptides are not an early feature of
anti–citrullinated protein antibody ontogeny
Shimada et al To evaluate the serum levels of anti– There is a possible association between anti–pepti‐ Bacteria
(2016)99 citrullinated protein antibody and to dylarginine deiminase immunoglobulin G and anti–
peptidylarginine deiminase as well as the citrullinated protein antibody implicating a role for
endogenous expression of peptidylargi‐ peptidylarginine deiminase in protein citrullination in
nine deiminase‐4 in individuals with and patients with rheumatoid arthritis and periodontitis
without rheumatoid arthritis before and
after periodontal treatment
Li et al To determine whether circulating plasma‐ Circulating plasmacytes can produce anti–citrullinated Bacteria
(2016)100 blasts from rheumatoid arthritis patients protein antibody, and this process can be facilitated by
produce anti–citrullinated protein anti–Porphyromonas gingivalis immune responses
antibody and whether Porphyromonas
gingivalis facilitates the generation of
anti–citrullinated protein antibody
Laugisch et al To assess human and bacterial peptidy‐ Peptidylarginine deiminase and peptidylarginine deimi‐ Both bacteria and
(2016)101 larginine deiminase activity on gingival nase activities were elevated in rheumatoid arthritis and inflammation
crevicular fluid nonrheumatoid arthritis patients with periodontitis
Konig et al To define the microbiological composition The citrullinome in periodontitis was similar to the hy‐ Both bacteria and
(2016)102 and antigenic repertoire of gingival cre‐ percitrullination observed in inflamed joints implicating inflammation
vicular fluid in patients with periodontal the periodontium in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid
disease and healthy controls arthritis. Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans was
associated with hypercitrullination in host neutrophils
Schwenzer et al To determine the mechanism by which Two citrullinated peptides were elevated in gingival cre‐ Bacteria
(2017)103 periodontal disease could induce anti– vicular fluid of rheumatoid arthritis subjects and these
citrullinated protein antibody were associated with antibodies to Prevotella intermedia
but not Porphyromonas gingivalis arginine gingipains
Janssen et al To determine the presence of citrullinated Citrullinated histone H3 can be identified in inflamed Inflammation
(2017)104 histones in inflamed periodontal tissue periodontal tissues and is targeted by autoantibodies in
and determine the presence of anti–cit‐ the sera of rheumatoid arthritis subjects. This supports
rullinated histone autoantibodies in sera the role of periodontitis in the generation of antigens
from rheumatoid arthritis patients targeted by autoantibodies against citrullinated proteins

levels of interleukin‐6 and tumor necrosis factor‐alpha systemically necrosis factor‐alpha than those without periodontitis, and these
and locally, which are known to activate the inflammatory response, levels are positively correlated with rheumatoid arthritis severity.120
and lower levels of interleukin‐10 and transforming growth factor‐ Since 2012 there have been 24 studies published beginning to
beta, which are known to have anti‐inflammatory effects.120 address these issues (Table 7).51,124-137,139,140 All of these studies have
Identifying the cytokine networks operational in rheumatoid considered possible molecular pathological processes that are either
arthritis has resulted in the development of new therapeutic ap‐ common to both conditions or responsible for driving similar patho‐
proaches for the management of this disease. Of special impor‐ logical processes in both conditions. Specifically, these studies have
tance is the proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor‐alpha, considered the role of various inflammatory cytokines (including
as it plays a key role in the immune response for both rheumatoid ar‐ interleukin‐1, interleukin‐4, interleukin‐6, interleukin‐17, and tumor
thritis and periodontitis. Tumor necrosis factor‐alpha modulates the necrosis factor‐alpha), how oxidative stress may play a role in both
inflammatory response as it can increase the inflammatory response conditions, effects of altered serum protein profiles, environmen‐
by binding to the receptor p55 (T receptor type 1; CD120a), whereas tal factors, such as obesity and smoking, and extracellular enzyme
binding to receptor p75 (tumor necrosis factor receptor type 2; activity (including cathepsins, matrix metalloproteinases, and plas‐
CD120b) attenuates the inflammatory response.122 In periodontitis, minogen activator). To date, it is too early to determine which, if any,
tumor necrosis factor‐alpha has been associated with the breakdown of these processes are important; but it is an important beginning,
of connective tissue attachment and bone.123 Rheumatoid arthri‐ and further studies are required. Given that both diseases represent
tis patients suffering with periodontitis have higher levels of tumor a significant dysregulation of the inflammatory response, it seems

TA B L E 7   Studies 2012‐2017 investigating the possible molecular mechanisms involved in the interrelationship between periodontitis and
rheumatoid arthritis

Study Aims Conclusions

Inflammatory cytokines
Ishida et al (2012)124 To determine deoxyribonucleic acid methylation pro‐ Hypomethylation of the interleukin‐6 promoter region
file of interleukin‐6 gene promoter in patients with may lead to increased levels of serum interleukin‐6
rheumatoid arthritis and periodontitis
Guzeldemir et al (2013)125 To determine whether the proinflammatory and anti‐ No consistent patterns were identified
inflammatory cytokine levels in gingival crevicular
fluid can distinguish between rheumatoid arthritis
and periodontitis patients
Javed et al (2014)126 A review of the literature to assess cytokine levels in Interleukin‐1beta, interleukin‐4, interleukin‐10, matrix
gingival crevicular fluid of rheumatoid arthritis and metalloproteinase‐8, matrix metalloproteinase‐13, and
periodontitis patients tumor necrosis factor‐alpha were found to be higher
in patients with rheumatoid arthritis than in healthy
controls without periodontitis
de Aquino (2017)127 To determine whether the Th17/Th17 signaling path‐ Development of Porphyromonas gingivalis experimental
way is involved in Porphyromonas gingivalis–induced arthritis was dependent on the Th17 axis, leading to
experimental arthritis increased neutrophil infiltration of the joints
Tumor necrosis factor studies
Gumus et al (2013)128 To assess gingival crevicular fluid levels of a prolifera‐ Tumor necrosis factor and B‐cell‐activating factor levels
tion‐inducing ligand and B‐cell‐activating factor in were higher in rheumatoid arthritis patients than in
patients with rheumatoid arthritis and periodontitis periodontitis patients, suggesting an overproduction of
and compare with tumor necrosis factor levels these mediators in rheumatoid arthritis
Kojima et al (2016)129 To evaluate the methylation profile of the tumor ne‐ Hypermethylation of tumor necrosis factor‐alpha gene
crosis factor‐alpha gene in patients with rheumatoid promoter may be unique to patients with both rheuma‐
arthritis and periodontitis toid arthritis and periodontitis
Oxidative stress
Esen et al (2012)130 To evaluate the relationship between rheumatoid The presence of rheumatoid arthritis did not af‐
arthritis and periodontitis with regard to antioxidant fect the local oxidative stress index in patients with
and oxidant status periodontitis
Sezer et al (2013)131 To investigate the impact of periodontitis on oxidative Increased oxidative stress was noted in both rheumatoid
stress in rheumatoid arthritis patients arthritis and periodontitis patients, but the relationship
was weak
Environmental studies
Unriza‐Puin et al (2017)51 To investigate body mass index and anti–Porphy‐ Obesity and presence of periodontics was positively cor‐
romonas gingivalis antibodies in first‐degree relatives related with rheumatoid arthritis
of rheumatoid arthritis patients
Huang et al (2017)132 To identify environmental factors associated with Male gender and vitamin C intake and vitamin D levels
rheumatoid arthritis and gingival disease were found to be correlated with elevated gingival
disease in rheumatoid arthritis patients
Serum proteins
Yokoyama et al (2014)133 To evaluate serum protein profiles specific for patients Complement component 3, complement factor H, and
with rheumatoid arthritis and periodontitis ceruloplasmin were found to be elevated in patients
with rheumatoid arthritis and periodontitis
Redman et al (2016)134 To investigate serum procalcitonin and C‐reactive pro‐ Circulating procalcitonin is a more discriminative bio‐
tein levels in serum of rheumatoid arthritis patients marker than serum C‐reactive protein for periodontitis
and correlate this with periodontitis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Silosi et al (2015)135 To determine gingival crevicular fluid and serum Serum levels of matrix metalloproteinase‐9 were similar
matrix metalloproteinase‐9 as a biomarker for rheu‐ between rheumatoid arthritis only and rheumatoid
matoid arthritis and periodontitis arthritis/periodontitis patients. Gingival crevicular fluid
levels of matrix metalloproteinase‐9 were increased
in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and periodontitis
compared with periodontitis alone


TA B L E 7   (Continued)

Study Aims Conclusions

Hao et al (2015) To study the effect of cathepsin K deficiency on ex‐ Deficiency of cathepsin K caused a significant reduction
perimental rheumatoid arthritis and periodontitis in rheumatoid arthritis associated inflammation and
gingival inflammation
Kirchner et al (2017)137 To determine levels of active matrix metalloprotein‐ No difference in periodontal bacteria noted. Matrix met‐
ase‐8 and periodontal bacteria in gingival crevicu‐ alloproteinase‐8 levels were increased in the rheuma‐
lar fluid of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and toid arthritis/periodontitis group
Kim et al (2017)138 To explore the role of nicotinamide phosphoribo‐ Inhibition of nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase
syltransferase in periodontal inflammation during was found to play an important role in the pathogen‐
arthritis pathogenesis esis of rheumatoid arthritis–mediated periodontal
Montero‐Melendez et al To investigate the relationship between periodontitis, A melatocortin agonist was found to protect against joint
(2014)139 the melanocortin receptor, and rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal damage in an animal model of peri‐
odontitis and arthritis
Gittaboyina et al (2017)140 To investigate the relationship between A positive association between Porphyromonas gingivalis
Porphyromonas gingivalis and pentraxin‐3 levels in and pentraxin‐3 levels in patients with rheumatoid
patients with rheumatoid arthritis and periodontitis arthritis and periodontitis was noted

likely that investigations into underlying common cytokine path‐ confounding factors of comorbidity.47,117,141-151 Since the review
ways will be particularly important. To date, interesting advances are by Caldeloro et al149 in 2017, which covered the literature up to
being made in identifying common genes and gene polymorphisms, December 2014, there have been a further two studies published
particularly with regard to interleukin‐1 and interleukin‐6.117,124 investigating the influence of periodontal treatment on rheumatoid
arthritis.150,151 Unfortunately, both of those studies also suffer from
very low subject numbers. Nonetheless, both studies reported a
2.7 | Effect of periodontal treatment on
beneficial outcome in terms of clinical markers of rheumatoid ar‐
rheumatoid arthritis
thritis activity through a reduction in disease activity score‐28 and
Owing to its high prevalence, periodontitis may represent an im‐ erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Thus, it is clear, as concluded from
portant modifiable factor for rheumatoid arthritis incidence and the first systematic review published in 2014, that larger studies are
severity. If this is proven, treatment of periodontitis could present required to explore the effect of nonsurgical periodontal treatment
an inexpensive and safe nonpharmacological treatment with direct on clinical indicators of rheumatoid arthritis.
benefit for patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Prior to 2012, a number of small clinical studies evaluating the
2.8 | Effect of rheumatoid arthritis treatments on
effect of nonsurgical periodontal therapy on rheumatoid arthritis
periodontal disease
concluded that treatment of periodontitis may have a significant
positive effect on rheumatoid arthritis severity. As a result, the joint Given that a bidirectional association has been observed in animal
European Federation of Periodontology and the American Academy models, it stands to reason that treatments for rheumatoid arthritis
of Periodontology workshop held in 2013 concluded that more rig‐ should have some potential to influence the clinical manifestation of
orous clinical controlled trials and research were needed in the field.7 periodontitis. This is particularly important since most treatments
Since 2012 there have been a further 19 studies published con‐ for rheumatoid arthritis involve the use of host‐modifying drugs. In
cerning the effect of periodontal treatment on rheumatoid arthritis particular, the medications known as disease‐modifying antirheu‐
patients (Table 8).47,117,141-151 Three recent systematic reviews have matic arthritis drugs are of particular assistance in managing severe
concluded that nonsurgical periodontal treatment in individuals with forms of rheumatoid arthritis and used as a higher level of clinical
periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis could lead to improvements intervention if conventional drugs such as nonsteroidal anti‐inflam‐
in markers of disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis. However, all matory drugs are having little effect. Interestingly, host modulation
of the studies included in the systematic reviews had low subject treatments are beginning to emerge as an important area of investi‐
numbers, with the periods of intervention no longer than 6 months. gation for the adjunct treatment of periodontitis.152
It was concluded that larger studies are required to explore the Since 2012 there have been 12 studies published investigating
effect of nonsurgical periodontal treatment on clinical indicators the effect of various treatments for rheumatoid arthritis on peri‐
of rheumatoid arthritis, using more rigorous biochemical and clini‐ odontitis (Table 9).117,153-163 Of these, the majority have focused
cal outcome measures, as well as giving consideration to potential on the effect of tumor necrosis factor‐alpha inhibitors, with most

TA B L E 8   Studies 2012‐2017 investigating the effect of treatments for periodontitis on rheumatoid arthritis parameters

Study Study aims Conclusions

Okada et al (2013) To evaluate whether periodontal treatment may affect Supragingival scaling decreased the disease activity
serum antibodies to Porphyromonas gingivalis and citrul‐ score‐28–C‐reactive protein and the serum levels of im‐
line levels in relation to disease activity of rheumatoid munoglobulin G to Porphyromonas gingivalis and citrulline
arthritis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Erciyas et al (2013)142 To evaluate the effects of nonsurgical periodontal Nonsurgical periodontal treatment may prove beneficial
treatment on clinical periodontal measurements and in reducing rheumatoid arthritis severity as measured
systemic inflammatory mediator levels in low or moder‐ by erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C‐reactive protein,
ate to highly active rheumatoid arthritis patients with tumor necrosis factor‐alpha levels in serum, and disease
periodontitis activity score‐28 in low or moderate to highly active
rheumatoid arthritis patients with chronic periodontitis
Biyikoglu et al To evaluate the clinical outcomes and effects of nonsurgi‐ Significant decreases in disease activity Score‐28 and gin‐
(2013)143 cal periodontal therapy on serum, gingival crevicular gival crevicular fluid interleukin‐1 amounts were noted
fluid interleukin‐1 levels in chronic periodontitis patients after periodontal treatment, suggesting that periodontal
with/without rheumatoid arthritis therapy synergizes with systemic rheumatoid arthritis
therapy to improve rheumatoid arthritis status
Kaur et al (2014)144 Systematic review of literature up to September 2013. Nonsurgical periodontal treatment in individuals with
Five studies included from 2005 to 2013 periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis could lead to im‐
provements in markers of disease activity in rheumatoid
Jeffcoat et al (2014)145 To estimate the effects of periodontal therapy in medical No treatment effect was noted for rheumatoid arthritis
costs and hospitalizations among individuals diagnosed
with a number of systemic conditions, including rheuma‐
toid arthritis
Roman‐Torres et al To evaluate the efficacy of periodontal scaling and oral Periodontal therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
(2015)146 hygiene instruction for patients with mild chronic peri‐ and mild chronic periodontitis showed an improvement
odontitis and rheumatoid arthritis through clinical peri‐ in the periodontal parameters and laboratory tests that
odontal parameters and laboratory tests for C‐reactive were evaluated
protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Silvestre et al (2016) 47 A systematic review up to February 2015. Eight studies Nonsurgical periodontal therapy improved the periodon‐
included from 2005 to 2013 tal conditions of patients with rheumatoid arthritis with
beneficial effects on the disease activity score‐28 and
erythrocyte sedimentation rate scores
Khare et al (2016)147 To examine the effect of nonsurgical periodontal therapy Nonsurgical periodontal therapy may contribute to reduc‐
on the clinical parameters of rheumatoid arthritis. tion in severity and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis
Case‐control study of 30 controls (nontreated chronic
periodontitis with rheumatoid arthritis) and 30 cases
(treated chronic periodontitis with rheumatoid arthritis)
Kurgan et al (2016)148 To evaluate the effect of nonsurgical treatment on gingi‐ Nonsurgical treatment in patients with rheumatoid
val crevicular fluid levels of matrix metalloproteinase‐8, arthritis and periodontitis may reduce gingival crevicular
prostaglandin E2, and interleukin‐6 levels in patients fluid levels of matrix metalloproteinase‐8, prostaglandin
with periodontitis with or without rheumatoid arthritis; E2, and interleukin‐6. No effect on rheumatoid arthritis
27 subjects with periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis, parameters noted
26 patients with gingivitis or periodontitis only, and 13
healthy controls
Calderaro et al A systematic review up to December 2014. Four studies Reduction in disease activity score‐28 in patients with
(2017)149 included from 2005 to 2013 rheumatoid arthritis after periodontal treatment sug‐
gested that the improvement in periodontal condition is
beneficial to rheumatoid arthritis patients
Kurgan et al (2017)150 To evaluate the effect of nonsurgical treatment on gingi‐ In patients with rheumatoid arthritis, nonsurgical peri‐
val crevicular fluid levels of plasminogen activator‐2 in odontal treatment reduced plasminogen activator‐2
patients with periodontitis with or without rheumatoid levels. No effect on rheumatoid arthritis
arthritis; 15 subjects with periodontitis and rheumatoid
arthritis, 15 patients with periodontitis only, and 15
healthy controls
Balci Yuce et al To evaluate inflammatory cytokine and vitamin D levels in Elevated vitamin D levels in rheumatoid arthritis patients
(2017)151 healthy, rheumatoid arthritis, and periodontitis patients decreased following periodontal treatment
before and after nonsurgical treatment

TA B L E 9   Studies 2012‐2017 investigating the effect of treatments for rheumatoid arthritis on periodontal parameters

Study Aims Conclusions

Han and Reynolds To determine the relative effect of antirheumatic There are limited data to suggest that anti–tumor necrosis
(2012)153 agents on the levels of inflammatory biomarkers and factor‐alpha agents can reduce local production of inflamma‐
periodontal inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis pa‐ tory cytokines and periodontal inflammation in rheumatoid
tients with periodontitis. Systematic review including arthritis patients with periodontitis
13 studies published between 2000 and 2011
Savioli et al (2012)154 To evaluate the influence and the evolution of Periodontal disease may affect tumor necrosis factor blocker
periodontal disease in rheumatoid arthritis patients efficacy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Sustained
submitted to anti–tumor necrosis factor therapy gingival inflammation may hamper treatment response in
rheumatoid arthritis
Mayer et al (2013)155 To evaluate the effect of autoimmune diseases (in‐ Patients with autoimmune diseases (including rheumatoid
cluding rheumatoid arthritis) and anti–tumor necrosis arthritis) had higher periodontal indices and higher tumor ne‐
factor‐alpha therapy on the clinical and immunologic crosis factor‐alpha levels in the gingival crevicular fluid than
parameters of the periodontium controls did. Anti–tumor necrosis factor‐alpha treatment
appeared to reverse this phenomenon
Ustun et al (2013)156 To evaluate the effects of host modulation therapy on Tumor necrosis factor blockers may significantly modify host
periodontal and biochemical parameters responses in terms of biochemical parameters of the peri‐
odontium and may mask significant associations reported
between periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis
Kobayashi et al To assess interleukin‐6 receptor inhibition treatment Anti–interleukin‐6 treatment resulted in decreases in gingival
(2014)157 on the periodontal condition of patients with rheu‐ bleeding index, bleeding on probing, pocket depth at‐
matoid arthritis and periodontitis tachment levels, serum interleukin‐6, and serum matrix
Kobayashi et al To assess the effect of anti–tumor necrosis factor‐ Anti–tumor necrosis factor‐alpha treatment had a beneficial
(2014)158 alpha antibody on periodontal condition of rheuma‐ effect on the periodontal tissues of rheumatoid arthritis
toid arthritis patients and compare serum protein patients. Changes in unidentified serum proteins were noted
profiles before and after treatment
Fabri et al (2015)159 To evaluate effect of anti–tumor necrosis factor ther‐ No improvement in periodontal parameters noted after
apy on periodontal status in patients with ankylosing anti–tumor necrosis factor treatment in rheumatoid arthritis
spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis patients
Kobayashi et al To compare the periodontal condition in patients with There was a beneficial effect of tocilizumab therapy on levels
(2015)160 rheumatoid arthritis and periodontitis before and of periodontal inflammation in patients with rheumatoid
after interleukin‐6 receptor inhibition therapy arthritis and periodontitis
Coat et al (2015)161 To assess the potential effect of anti–B lymphocyte Anti–B lymphocyte therapy improved periodontal outcomes
(rituximab) therapy on the periodontal status of in periodontitis patients with rheumatoid arthritis
patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Kadkhoda et al To investigate the effect of anti–tumor necrosis Anti–tumor necrosis factor‐alpha therapy may have a benefi‐
(2016)162 factor‐alpha blockade on periodontal conditions in cial effect on periodontal conditions and reduce the tumor
patients with active rheumatoid arthritis necrosis factor‐alpha levels in the gingival crevicular fluid of
periodontitis patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Ancuta et al (2017)163 To evaluate the periodontal status with and with‐ There was a significant improvement in both rheumatoid
out tumor necrosis factor inhibitors in rheumatoid arthritis–related characteristics and periodontal status after
arthritis patients 6 months of anti–tumor necrosis factor therapy
Dominguez‐Perez et To assess the effect of anti–tumor necrosis factor‐ Anti–tumor necrosis factor‐alpha treatment had a beneficial
al (2017)117 alpha antibody on the periodontal condition of pa‐ effect on the periodontal condition of rheumatoid arthritis
tients with rheumatoid arthritis and compare serum patients. Changes in unidentified serum proteins were noted
protein profiles before and after treatment after treatment

finding a beneficial effect on the periodontium and only one re‐ this subject area has been published, and it reviewed the litera‐
port demonstrating no improvement in periodontal parameters ture up to 2011.153 This systematic review concluded that there
noted after anti–tumor necrosis factor treatment in rheumatoid were limited data to suggest that anti–tumor necrosis factor‐alpha
arthritis patients.159 Other disease‐modifying antirheumatic drugs agents can reduce local production of inflammatory cytokines and
investigated included interleukin‐6 receptor inhibitor and anti–B periodontal inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis patients with
lymphocyte therapy, both of which also demonstrated a beneficial periodontitis. This is an important area of investigation that needs
effect on the periodontal tissues of rheumatoid arthritis patients further larger studies. One issue of importance is whether peri‐
taking these medications.160,161 Only one systematic review on odontal inflammation and infection can influence the efficacy of

disease‐modifying antirheumatic drugs in the management of rheu‐ factor kappa‐Β ligand pathways, bacterial infection, viral infection
matoid arthritis, since there is potential for significant suppression and the “two‐hit” model (Figure 2). Of these, the two‐hit model, as
of basic biologic defense mechanisms to allow the periodontal in‐ originally proposed by Golub et al in 2006,164 is the most attrac‐
fection to worsen as the host loses a considerable portion of its tive as it allows either inflammation or infection, or indeed both,
host defense capacity. One study has demonstrated that such a to play central roles in the development of rheumatoid arthritis
situation is possible, in that periodontal disease may affect tumor in susceptible individuals (Figure 3). In this model, the possibility
necrosis factor blocker efficacy in patients with rheumatoid ar‐ exists that priming anti–cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies may
thritis whereby sustained gingival inflammation and infection may be produced during the development of periodontitis. If a later
hamper treatment response in rheumatoid arthritis.154 event, such as joint inflammation, results in citrullination then, in
a primed individual, the subsequent antibody response could be
very robust. Such a response is in keeping with recent observa‐
3 | A U N I F Y I N G H Y P OTH E S I S tions that experimental animals with a preexisting chronic infec‐
tion or periodontitis develop experimental arthritis at a faster and
From the evidence to date, it is clear that periodontitis and rheu‐ more pronounced rate than nonprimed animals.7,8
matoid arthritis, in a subset of hitherto unidentified patients, is
associated. The evidence for this is clear, in that, though associa‐
tions can be shown, not all periodontitis patients have rheuma‐ 4 | W H AT A R E TH E I N CO N S I S TE N C I E S
toid arthritis and, conversely, not all rheumatoid arthritis patients I N TH E A S S O C I ATI O N B E T W E E N
have periodontitis. However, in a subset of individuals (most likely PE R I O D O NTITI S A N D R H EU M ATO I D
with common genetic and environmental risk factors), rheumatoid A RTH R ITI S ?
arthritis and periodontitis are intimately interrelated. The impor‐
tant question now is to identify these subsets and determine how Notwithstanding the strong evidence to support an association be‐
these associations occur. Over the years, a number of hypotheses tween periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis, a number of inconsist‐
have been put forward as to how these associations might occur; encies still exist that have not been fully explored or explained.
these include host‐mediated osteoclast activation and vascular
damage mediated through common receptor activator of nuclear

F I G U R E 2   Concept proposals for the interplay between periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis. A, How gingival citrullination may interact
with subsequent citrullination in joints to modify rheumatoid arthritis. B, Common inflammatory pathways between periodontitis and
rheumatoid arthritis (NF, nuclear factor; TNF, tumor necrosis factor). C, Two‐hit model, whereby inflammatory changes in the periodontium
can exacerbate subsequent inflammatory process in the joints

F I G U R E 3   Two‐hit working model for the interplay between gingival inflammation and subsequent inflammatory joint disease. (1) Initial
inflammation and subsequent Porphyromonas gingivalis infection leads to (2) citrullination and (3, 4, 5) subsequent antibody production.
A later event in the joints (6) leads to joint inflammation (7); localized citrullination; (8) exacerbated antibody response with amplification
of joint inflammation (ACPA, anti–citrullinated peptide antibody; B, B cell; CPA, citrullinated peptide antibody; Mϕ, macrophage; PAD,
peptidylarginine deiminase; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; T, T cell; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; Y, antibody)

4.1 | Incidence and gender frequencies of 4.2 | Rheumatoid arthritis is a relatively modern

periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis disease. Is peridontitis?
The most striking and confounding difference between periodon‐ Although rheumatoid arthritis was reported by Hippocrates, there is
titis and rheumatoid arthritis is their different gender frequencies. some doubt as to whether this was a true case of rheumatoid arthri‐
Rheumatoid arthritis occurs worldwide, affecting approximately tis.169 Today, it is generally considered that rheumatoid arthritis was
1%‐2% of the population in a female:male ratio of 3:1 and has a peak not documented in Europe until the 1800s, around the time of the
onset in the fourth and fifth decades of life. Periodontitis is also Industrial Revolution, indicating that this condition may have been a
a global condition, with up to 95% of the population suffering from by‐product of the industrial age.169 Based on the identification of six
gingivitis and up to 50% having some form of chronic periodonti‐ skeletons in ancient (Late Archaic Culture Period, 3000 to 5000 years
tis. Approximately 5%‐15% of the population appear to suffer from ago) burial sites in Alabama with lesions suggestive of rheumatoid ar‐
advanced and aggressive periodontitis. Most studies have re‐ thritis, it was proposed that rheumatoid arthritis may have been pre‐
ported that periodontitis (both prevalence and severity) in males is sent in the pre‐Columbus New World and subsequently translocated
higher than in females.168 The phenomena of incidence disparity and to the old world of Europe through pathogens or allergens originally
gender frequency has not been investigated in any detail to date and native to the New World.170 Nonetheless, the antiquity of rheuma‐
remains a significant issue with regard to the association between toid arthritis remains controversial. A review of all reported rheuma‐
periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis. toid arthritis cases from ancient Egypt revealed that none of them
represent real rheumatoid arthritis, instead being either examples

of changing naming conventions or of imprecise diagnostic criteria.

4.5 | Not everyone with rheumatoid arthritis has
Most cases represented osteoarthritis or spondyloarthropathies.171
periodontal disease, and vice versa
Though there is little doubt periodontitis affected ancient civiliza‐
tions, some doubt has been cast as to its prevalence and severity in One of the most important observations in any association studies is
those populations.171-174 More recently, studies have emerged indicat‐ that the disease relationship is not 100%. In the case of periodontitis
ing that the incidence and severity of moderate to severe periodon‐ and rheumatoid arthritis, not everyone who has rheumatoid arthritis
titis in ancient populations was markedly decreased when compared manifests periodontitis, and not everyone with periodontitis manifests
with the prevalence in modern populations.175 This highlights the po‐ with rheumatoid arthritis. However, there is a subset of individuals for
tential importance of modern‐day risk factors such as smoking and whom this is true; and it is these individuals who should be targeted and
diabetes in determining susceptibility to progressive periodontitis in identified, as they will be the individuals who most likely will benefit
modern populations. From these studies, it seems that although peri‐ greatly for periodontal or rheumatoid arthritis treatment interventions.
odontitis was present in ancient civilizations its exacerbation in the
post‐Industrial Revolution era does give it some similarity with rheu‐
matoid arthritis. Nonetheless, the obvious discrepancy of rheumatoid 5 | CO N C LU S I O N S
arthritis being a post‐Industrial Revolution disease and periodontitis
being an ancient disease needs further investigation. A biologic link between periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis
was first postulated in 1982.1 Since then, a considerable amount
of work in the field has been carried out, particularly in the last
4.3 | There is no evidence that peptidylarginine
5 years. It now seems that we can say with confidence that there
deiminase is present and active in situ in
is a very strong relationship between these two chronic inflam‐
periodontal tissues
matory conditions. However, none of the proposals put forward
Despite the claims that P. gingivalis and its peptidylarginine deiminase to date can adequately explain this relationship. Though it seems
are central to the periodontitis/rheumatoid arthritis association story, a that there is an epidemiological relation between the two condi‐
number of critical issues remain to be resolved: importantly, anti–P. gin‐ tions, it is not clear whether this is coincidental or due to common
givalis antibodies or the frequency of P. gingivalis between rheumatoid risk factors. At present, a causal relationship between these two
arthritis patients and osteoarthritis controls. Furthermore, another conditions would seem unlikely, and it would be more feasible that
study reported that the frequency of anti–P. gingivalis antibody titers the relationship is one of an association in a subset of susceptible
and subgingival presence of P.  gingivalis were no different between rheumatoid arthritis patients, perhaps even in a syndromic relation‐
rheumatoid arthritis patients with and without periodontitis. A num‐ ship through linked hyperinflammation and other dysregulated in‐
ber of other periodontal bacteria also appear to be present at the same flammatory mechanisms. There is clear need for further research,
level between rheumatoid arthritis and control patients. Together, but more cohort studies and population‐based studies considering
these findings argue strongly against a central role for this bacterium in case‐control relationships should now be considered redundant,
rheumatoid arthritis. The role for peptidylarginine deiminase has also and more biologically focused approaches need to be utilized. In
been exaggerated. Until such time that peptidylarginine deiminase can addition, larger studies are required to determine, with certainty,
be demonstrated to be present and active in periodontal tissues, a cen‐ whether periodontitis prevention and therapy could ameliorate
tral role for the bacteria‐derived enzyme should be questioned. both the onset and progression of rheumatoid arthritis in yet to be
defined patient groups. If proven, periodontal therapy could be an
inexpensive, nonpharmaceutical way of improving rheumatoid ar‐
4.4 | Absence of peptidylarginine
thritis in addition to the known local and systemic benefits of main‐
deiminase decreases both experimental
taining periodontal health. Notwithstanding this, population‐based
periodontitis and arthritis
studies have provided sufficient evidence to recommend that all
In animal studies, it has been noted that when infected with strains of patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis should undergo a
P. gingivalis deficient in the expression of peptidylarginine deiminase periodontal assessment, as they may have a higher risk of suffering
the rheumatoid arthritis experience is diminished. However, impor‐ from chronic periodontitis than the rest of the adult population.
tantly, in these animals exposed to the peptidylarginine deiminase–de‐
ficient P. gingivalis, the degree of periodontal disease is also diminished.
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Periodontal Disease. Washington, DC: ASM; 1982:354‐362.
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matter that needs to be resolved through carefully planned experi‐
ments to account for all permutations of experimental outcomes.

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How to cite this article: Bartold PM, Lopez‐Oliva I.
160. Kobayashi T, Ito S, Kobayashi D, et al. Interleukin‐6 receptor inhib‐
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