Science 7 Q1W23

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Grade 7



Quarter 1 | Week 2-3

Elements and Compounds

Grade 7—Science
Competency: Recognize that substances are classified into elements and
compounds (S7MT-Ig-h-5)
Science – Grade 7
Sci-Box (A Self-Learning Package) for JHS
Elements and Compounds
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Schools Division of Iloilo
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
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of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agen-
cy or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such
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the payment of royalties.
Quarter 1| Lesson 1
This Sci-Box (A Self-Learning Package) is published to be utilized by the Schools
Division of Iloilo.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical without written
permission from the Schools Division of Iloilo.

Development Team of Sci-Box

Writers: Raissa N. Napao

Illustrator: Armand Glenn S. Lapor

Layout Artists: Lilibeth E. Larupay, Armand Glenn S. Lapor, Zaldy M. Tondo

Reviewer: Zaldy M. Tondo

Division Quality Assurance Team: Lilibeth E. Larupay, Zaldy M. Tondo

Armand Glenn S. Lapor

Management Team: Dr. Roel F. Bermejo, Dr. Nordy D. Siason

Dr. Lilibeth T. Estoque, Dr. Azucena T. Falales
Ruben S. Libutaque, Lilibeth E. Larupay
Zaldy M. Tondo

Grade 7—Science
Competency: Recognize that substances are classified into elements and
compounds (S7MT-Ig-h-5)
Introductory Message
Welcome to Grade 7 Science.

The Sci-Box (A Self-Learning Package) for Junior High School is a developed

to guide you our dear learners to meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum.

The Sci-Box aims to guide our learners in accomplishing activities at their own
pace and time. This also aims to assist learners in developing and achieving the life-
long learning skills while considering their needs and situations.

For learning facilitator: Quarter 1| Lesson 1

The Sci-Box is developed to address the current needs of the learner to continue
learning in the comforts of their homes or learning centers. As the learning facilitator,
make sure that you give them clear instructions on how to study and accomplish the
given activities in the material. Learner’s progress must be monitored.

For the learner:

The Sci-Box is developed to help you, dear learner, in your needs to continue
learning even if you are not in school. This learning material aims to primarily provide
you with meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active
learner, carefully read and understand to follow the instructions given.

To answer the given exercises, questions and assessment, USE your Science Activity
Notebook. When you are DONE, wait for the teacher/volunteer to collect your Activity

Good luck and God bless.

Grade 7—Science
Competency: Recognize that substances are classified into elements and
compounds (S7MT-Ig-h-5)

Elements and Compounds
Learning Competency:
Recognize that substances are classi-
fied into elements and compounds
Ready to Launch!
You have probably seen, touched, and tasted hundreds of different things in your
life. You have touched wood, steel, ice and many more. In fact, all of the objects around
you which have a mass and occupy space are made of matter. Have you ever wondered
what these entire things are made of? What are the properties of elements and com-
pounds? How can we classify some objects into elements and compounds? What are the
different parts of the Periodic Table? What are some common elements and their im-
portance in our body?
Do you know that there are a lot of things that you can learn about matter? Thus,
this module is formulated for you to broaden and deepen your knowledge about substanc-
es. You will find out that substances, are of various kinds. Being so, substances may also
be further classified into smaller groups, such as elements and compounds.

A series of activities will gear you in answering the questions above. In this manner,
you will see the better connection between compounds and elements, that is, compounds
are made up of elements. The periodic table will also be introduced to familiarize you with
the elements and their characteristic that distinguishes them.

Aim at the Target!

After going through this module, you will be able to…

1. classify the substances into elements and compounds.

Try This!
Gear Up! Let’s see if you have ideas regarding this topic.

1. All living things contain which element?

A. Helium C. Copper
B. Sodium D. Carbon
2. The chemical element that is most abundant in the human body is...
A. Nitrogen. C. Carbon.
B. Iron. D. Oxygen.
3. The chemical formula for water (H2O), means that each water molecule
A. two hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms.
B. two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.
C. two hydrogen atoms and zero oxygen atoms.
D. one hydrogen atom and two oxygen atoms.
4. A group of atoms that acts as a unit is called a(n)
A. mixtures. C. element.
B. molecule. D. compound.
5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Elements are the only kind of matter that can be properly classified as pure sub-
B. Only pure matter is classified as substance, which includes only elements and
C. All mixtures can easily be identified as impure, since the components are always
easily recognizable.
D. All solutions consist of a solid dissolved in a liquid.

Keep This in Mind!

Chemistry is the study of physical matter, which is classified in many

different ways, such as state of matter (gas, liquid or solid), chemical form
(element, mixture or compound), chemical structure (atoms or molecules, etc.)
and so on.
It is important to understand the
words element, mixture and compound, because these convey useful infor-
mation. Substance, which can be used to refer to either an element or a com-
pound - but not to a mixture because a 'substance' always has a definite com-
position. The most general word is matter which can be
used to refer to any of substances, elements, mixtures or

Element - consist of only one type of atom , which

may, or may not join together to form molecules or large
structures, therefore: can
exist as either atoms (e.g.
Example: Element
argon) or molecules (e.g.,
existing in the form of nitrogen) and cannot be
atoms broken down into a simpler
type of matter by either
physical or chemical techniques.

Compound - a pure substance that con-

sists of two or more elements chemically com-
bined in a fixed proportion, that can be
further subdivided into simpler substanc- Example: Compound whose molecules con-
es by chemical (not physical) means only. sist of one atom of one element chemically
joined with two atoms of another element.
Keep This in Mind!
Activity 1: “What Am I?”

Direction: Check ( ) the appropriate column below if it is

an element or a compound. Number 1 is done for you.

Name Picture Element Compound

1. Aluminum

2. Water

3. Carbon dioxide

4. Table salt


5. Silver

6. Copper

7. Helium
Name Picture Element Compound

8. Vetsin

9. Ferrous sulfate

10. Calcium

Activity 2: “Elements or Compounds?”

Direction: Write E if it is an Element and C if it a Compound.

Remember, each shape symbolizes an element.

1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________

6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________ 9. ________ 10. ________


Guide Questions:
1. What is the difference between an element and compound?
2. Give examples of elements that is present in fruits that you eat.
3. Give examples of the compounds you use in your kitchen.

Aim at the Target!

At the end of this module, you will be able to…
1. familiarize the different parts of the Periodic Table, and
2. recognize some common elements and their functions in the human

Try This!

Refresh your learnings by selecting the symbol of an element from the


Ca C Mg Mn F Ar

N Fe Si Zn O Au

1. Gold 5. Magnesium 8. Silicon

2. Iron 6. Manganese 9. Oxygen
3. Carbon 7. Argon 10. Fluorine
4. Zinc

1. Elements play an important role in the human body. Which of the following is
A. sodium: important in nerve conduction and fluid balance
B. phosphorus: important in bones and teeth and some amino acids
C. chlorine: found outside the cells which serves as a major electrolyte
D. oxygen: found inside the cell essential in the conduction of nerve
2. This element maintains regular heart beat, water balance and cell integrity; needed
in nerve transmission, carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Banana is also
rich in this element.
A. Sodium C. Selenium
B. Sulfur D. Calcium
Keep This in Mind!
Activity 1: “The Periodic Table: It’s Element-ary!”
Periodic Table of Elements (see previous page)
1. Complete the table below.
2. Please refer your answers to the Periodic Table of Elements
found on the previous page.

The group number in the periodic table represents number of valence electrons of
the elements in a certain group. For example, all the elements
in Group−1 have 1 electron in their outer most shell.


1. Beryllium Be 2

2. Phosphorus ___________ ___________

3. ___________ B ___________

4. Nitrogen ___________ ___________

5. ___________ F ___________

6. ___________ Li ___________

7. Chlorine ___________ ___________

8. Mercury ___________ ___________

9. ___________ K ___________

10. Aluminum ___________ ___________

Activity 2: “The “Matter” on Labels”
Food labels available at home
1. Refer to the labels of different food products below.
2. List down in the table below the compounds in the product label and the
constituent elements. There are cases that you will need to look up the
constituent elements because they may not be obvious from the
compound name (e.g., citric acid, oil).


Cereal Drink

Chocolate candy

Soy sauce

1. The elements iron and zinc are listed in the Nutrition Facts for the cereal
drink. Find out from the Ingredients the source of these elements.
2. Name three elements present in the Ingredients of the cereal drink
which are not listed in the Nutrition Facts.

Abstraction and Generalization

Matter is defined as anything that

takes up space and has mass. Matter exists
in many diverse forms, each with its own
characteristics. Rocks, metals, and glasses
are just few examples of what seems an end-
less assortment of matter.
Matter is categorized into mixture and
substance. Substance is broken down to
compounds and elements.
Element is a substance that cannot be
broken down by other substances by chemi-
cal reactions. There are 118 elements. Each element has different set of
properties. No two elements have the same set of properties. Just like the
two elements hydrogen and oxygen. Even though they are both in gaseous
state at room temperature, they behave differently when exposed to a flame
or spark of flame. Hydrogen gives off a “pop” sound when ignited; while oxy-
gen induces a brighter spark. This difference in behavior implies a difference
in property. In effect, hydrogen and oxygen are different substances, or to be
more specific, they are different elements.
Scientists agreed to give symbols for each element. This is very
helpful especially to those elements with long names. Instead of writing the
full names, a one-letter or two-letter symbol may be used. You can find
these symbols in the periodic table too. It is written inside the same box for
that element. For instance, O is the symbol for oxygen.
For the two-letter symbols, most of them start with the first letter of
the element. Notice that the second letter in the symbol may be any letter
found in the element’s name. Notice as well that only the first letter is capi-
talized for the two-letter symbols.
There are symbols that use letters that were taken from the ancient
name of the element. Examples of ancient names are ferrum (iron), argen-
tum (silver), hydrargyrum (mercury) and plumbum (lead).
Elements that are in the same column have similar properties. For this, each
column is called a family and has a family name. However, at this point, you will
refer first to each family with their corresponding group number. Notice that the
columns are numbered 1 to 18 from left to right.
A compound differs from an element in that an element contains only a single
type of atom while a compound consists of smallest units which contain at least two
different types of atom joined together by chemical bond.
Electrolysis decomposed water, a compound, into hydrogen and oxygen. Hy-
drogen and oxygen are elements. As you have seen from the activity above, com-
pounds are substances that could be made up of two elements. As you encounter
more compounds, you will find out that there are compounds that may be com-
posed of more than two elements.

Hydrogen burns and oxygen supports burning, these are just two elements in
a form of gas. Water on the other hand, is a compound, a combination of
these two elements, is in a form of liquid and extinguishes fire. In other words,
when elements combine to form compounds, a different substance is formed
having its unique property.

After studying the elements and compounds and knowing the im-
portance of these substances to our daily lives, what realizations have you
made? What are the foods you need to eat to make you healthy and

Reinforcement & Enrichment

Column A Column B


Assess Your Learning

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Ferrous sulfate cannot be broken down into simpler substances.
B. Compounds are made up of one kind of element.
C. Water is composed of more than two elements.
D. Compounds are more complex than elements.
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE for both elements and com-
A. They are homogenous.
B. They are the simplest form of matter.
C. They are commonly found free in nature.
D. They can be broken down into simpler substances.
3. Which of the following substances is an element?
A. Air C. Salt
B. Iron D. Sugar

4. The following substances are examples of compounds EXCEPT:

A. hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) C. helium gas (He)
B. Ammonia (NH3) D. table sugar (C12H22O11)
5. Which of the following boxes represent a compound?

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