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Peter and the Wolf - 6th

Your Name: Danielle Donnelly Date: 3/23-24 Grade Level: 6th


Learning Outcomes/Objectives/Aims :
1. Students will be able to analyze the musical score of “Peter and the Wolf.”
2. Students will be able to evaluate the expressive and musical qualities of excerpts from
“Peter and the Wolf.”

Assessment/Evaluation Plan:
1. Students will be informally assessed on their ability to actively listen and participate in
the musical analysis of “Peter and the Wolf.”
2. Students will be informally assessed on their ability to assess and identify expressive and
musical qualities of various instrumental excerpts from “Peter and the Wolf” via a
Google Doc.

National Core Arts Standards Addressed: MU:Cr2.1.6, MU:Pr4.1.6, MU:Pr4.2.6, MU:Pr5.1.6,


Time Requirements: One 40-minute class

Equipment/Resources Needed:
Chairs, desks, smart board, computer, PowerPoint, speakers.

Procedure and Planned Questions


1 minute Introduction – Welcome

● Check-in with the class, see how everyone is doing, how their
days have been going, etc.
25 minutes “Peter and the Wolf”
● As a class, we complete an activity focusing on the musical
selection of “Peter and the Wolf” by Sergei Prokofiev to bring to
a close our unit on the Instruments of the Orchestra.
○ We will discuss using an informational document: Sergei
Prokfiev, the storyline of “Peter and the Wolf” as well as
Program Music.
○ We will briefly discuss what students should be actively
listening for during this activity.
■ Different instruments of the Orchestra.
■ The themes related to each instrument
■ How each instrument matches the character’s
mood and personality, and is used as a
storytelling technique.
○ The video that students will be viewing to accompany
the music is produced by Disney who worked directly
with Prokofiev to give a visual representation of his
musical score.
● When the viewing is over, we will discuss as a class what we
heard, the various sounds for each animal, and the
characteristics that these sounds had.

15 minutes Orchestral Analysis

● Students will be directed to Google Classroom in which they will
complete two instructional resources based on what they heard
in the musical score of “Peter and the Wolf.”
○ This is taking place at the end of our Instruments of the
Orchestra unit, in which all students should have a
working comprehension of the instruments, their
sounds, and relative family.
● The first document asks students to match the character to its
corresponding instrument.
○ Students will have to do this based on the instruments
they hear in the score and their prior knowledge of the
Instruments of the Orchestra.
● The second document asks students to respond to the
expressive and musical qualities of each character's instrument,
the features of the program music, and how it can relate to their
own lives.
○ How would you describe Peter’s mood and
movement when you hear the strings?
○ Describe the pitch of the bird.
○ Is the flute a good choice for this animal? Why?
○ Describe the timbre of the oboe (duck).
○ Why do you think Prokofiev chose the oboe for
the duck?
○ Describe the movement of the cat (clarinet).
○ Describe the pitch of the bassoon. Does this suit
the grandfather? How?
○ What atmosphere do the horns (wolf) create
when they first appear?
○ Why do you think Prokofiev chose timpani to
represent the hunters?
○ Which orchestral instrument would you use to
represent you and why?
● Once students complete their documents, they will
submit for informal assessment via google docs.

5 minutes Questions
● A few minutes will be left at the end of the period to clean desks
and answer any questions they may have.

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