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1 Unit Test Answer key



1 Read and match. Point to one of the household objects in one of the
rooms and say The (clock) is in the (hall).
Answers: 1 c (example) 2 a 3 b 4 f 5 d 6 e Encourage the students to talk about six of the
other household objects and the rooms that they
are in (they can also name the animals). (The car is
Writing in the garage. The stove/fridge is in the kitchen. The
table/dog is in the dining room. The sofa is in the
living room. The cat is in the toilet. The shower is in
2 Look and complete.
the bathroom. The bed is in the bedroom.)
(Two points for each correct answer. Total score:
Answers: 1 bedroom (example) 2 living room
3 the toilet 4 in the garage 5 she in the hall 12 points.)
6 Is she in the kitchen?

Speaking and Listening

Point to and name the rooms in the house.

Say what household objects are in each

Answers: Ask the students to point to and name the

eight rooms in the house. Encourage them to say It’s
the (dining room). (It’s the living room / garage / kitchen
/ bedroom / toilet / bathroom / hall.)
(One point for each correct answer. Total score:
8 points.)

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