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Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 2226–2244

Invited review

Neurophysiology of swallowing
Cumhur Ertekina,b,*, Ibrahim Aydogdua,b
Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Ege University, Medical School Hospital, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey
Department of Neurology, Ege University, Medical School Hospital, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey
Accepted 23 June 2003

Swallowing is a complex motor event that is difficult to investigate in man by neurophysiological experiments. For this reason, the
characteristics of the brain stem pathways have been studied in experimental animals.
However, the sequential and orderly activation of the swallowing muscles with the monitoring of the laryngeal excursion can be recorded
during deglutition. Although influenced by the sensory and cortical inputs, the sequential muscle activation does not alter from the perioral
muscles caudally to the cricopharyngeal sphincter muscle. This is one evidence for the existence of the central pattern generator for human
swallowing. The brain stem swallowing network includes the nucleus tractus solitarius and nucleus ambiguus with the reticular formation
linking synaptically to cranial motoneuron pools bilaterally.
Under normal function, the brain stem swallowing network receives descending inputs from the cerebral cortex. The cortex may trigger
deglutition and modulate the brain stem sequential activity. The voluntarily initiated pharyngeal swallow involves several cortical and
subcortical pathways. The interactions of regions above the brain stem and the brain stem swallowing network is, at present, not fully
understood, particularly in humans.
Functional neuroimaging methods were recently introduced into the human swallowing research. It has been shown that volitional
swallowing is represented in the multiple cortical regions bilaterally but asymmetrically. Cortical organisation of swallowing can be
continuously changed by the continual modulatory ascending sensory input with descending motor output.
Significance: Dysphagia is a severe symptom complex that can be life threatening in a considerable number of patients. Three-fourths of
oropharyngeal dysphagia is caused by neurological diseases. Thus, the responsibility of the clinical neurologist and neurophysiologist in the
care for the dysphagic patients is twofold. First, we should be more acquainted with the physiology of swallowing and its disorders, in order
to care for the dysphagic patients successfully. Second, we need to evaluate the dysphagic problems objectively using practical
electromyography methods for the patients’ management. Cortical and subcortical functional imaging studies are also important to
accumulate more data in order to get more information and in turn to develop new and effective treatment strategies for dysphagic patients.
q 2003 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Neurophysiology; Swallowing; Deglutition; Central pattern generator; Electromyography; Functional brain mapping

1. Introduction the cranial nerves (CN) are excited and/or inhibited

sequentially for the execution of the passage of bolus from
Swallowing is a complex sensorimotor behaviour invol- the mouth to the stomach (Miller, 1982; Jean, 1984, 1986,
ving the coordinated contraction and inhibition of the 2001; Donner et al., 1985; Broussard and Altschuler, 2000a).
musculature located around the mouth and at the tongue, Swallowing has received less attention than other
fundamental motor activities such as locomotion, mastica-
larynx, pharynx and esophagus bilaterally. During a
tion, or respiration. This is probably due to the complexity
swallow, different levels of the central nervous system
of the motor pattern along with the greater number of
from the cerebral cortex to the medulla oblongata are
muscles and CN involved, which renders neurophysiologi-
involved and many of the striated muscles innervated by
cal studies difficult in experimental animals and humans.
Although recent advances in the evaluation of dysphagia
* Corresponding author. Gönç Apt. Talatpaşa Bulvarı, No: 12 D.3, 35220
Alsancak, Izmir, Turkey. Tel.: þ 90-232-4220160; fax: þ90-232-4630074.
allow for the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of
E-mail addresses: (C. Ertekin), iaydog@ttnet. swallowing problems, such information in human subjects (I. Aydogdu). does not bring much knowledge to the basic understanding
1388-2457/$30.00 q 2003 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Ertekin, I. Aydogdu / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 2226–2244 2227

of the complex physiology of deglutition (Schindler and subject. Its primary function is the movement of the tongue,
Kelly, 2002). pressing the bolus against the hard palate, and initiating the
Swallowing and its disorders have been intensively movement of bolus to the posterior part of the tongue and
investigated by videofluoroscopic, manometric and endo- toward the oropharynx. The suprahyoid muscles of the floor
scopic methods. These studies are especially useful for of the mouth are particularly important to elevate the
clinical problems, however, it is necessary to develop new tongue, especially for solid bolus. In this stage, the
techniques, in order to understand the central neural contraction of the lips and cheek muscles (i.e. orbicularis
mechanisms controlling swallowing. This review is limited oris and buccinator muscles) are crucial to prevent the
to the neurophysiology of oropharyngeal swallowing. The escape of solid or liquid from the oral cavity (VII CN). This
esophageal phase of swallowing is beyond the scope of this stage is ended by the triggering of the pharyngeal phase of
review. swallowing. The nature of the triggering of the pharyngeal
phase of swallowing is not clearly known.
It is generally assumed that the afferent fibers involved in
2. Peripheral events in swallowing the initiation of swallowing are those running within the
maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve, the glossophar-
It has become convenient to state that, swallowing is yngeal nerve, and the vagus nerve, especially its superior
subdivided into 3 phases: oral, pharyngeal, and esophageal. laryngeal branch (Miller, 1972, 1982, 1986, 1999). These
This conventional division of the human swallowing is nerves innervate peripheral areas such as the dorsum of the
usually ascribed to Magendie (1825) (Miller, 1982). The tongue, the epiglottis, the pillar of the fauces and the walls of
swallow has, however, also been described in two stages i.e. the pharynx. Tactile, chemical, and electrical stimulations
the buccopharyngeal (or oropharyngeal) and esophageal can induce swallowing in experimental animals (Miller,
stages (Thexton and Crompton, 1998; Jean, 2001). 1972, 1982, 1986, 1999; Kessler and Jean, 1985). At the
The 3 phases of swallowing are probably related to their brain stem level, all the afferent fibers involved in initiating
innervation pattern: the oral phase is often accepted as or facilitating swallowing converge in the solitary tract and
voluntary, while the pharyngeal phase is considered a reflex end in the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS). Therefore, the
response, and the esophageal phase is mainly under dual NTS constitutes the main afferent central structure (Kalia
control of the somatic and autonomic nervous systems and Mesulam, 1980; Contreras et al., 1982; Miller, 1999;
(Doty and Bosma, 1956; Doty et al., 1967; Miller, 1982, Jean, 2001). The NTS not only receives the main sensory
1999). The pharyngeal phase of deglutition involves not fibers from the oropharyngeal and laryngeal regions, but also
only pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles but also the muscles cortical descending inputs reach similar areas of the NTS.
in the oral cavity such as tongue and suprahyoid muscles. Some sensory inputs that initiate swallowing are transmitted
The periorbital muscles actively contribute to the involun- to the region of the cortex that facilitates the initiation of the
tary swallows. The actual motor events of swallowing can swallowing. It is possible that during repeated swallowing,
best be described as being composed of an oropharyngeal descending signals from the cortical sites associated with
phase (or buccopharyngeal phase) and a subsequent swallowing decrease the threshold to evoke swallowing
esophageal phase (Jean et al., 1983; Jean, 1984, 2001; (Miller et al., 1997; Thexton and Crompton, 1998; Miller,
Ertekin et al., 1998; Ertekin and Palmer, 2000). 1999). These data are obtained from experimental research
The duration of the whole oropharyngeal sequence of studies in animals. However, the initiation or triggering of
swallowing is short and in the range of 0.6 – 1.0 s; swallowing is probably more complex in humans and may
remarkably constant in all the mammals studied including depend more on regions above the brain stem. It may be
the humans (Ertekin et al., 1995; Ertekin, 1996; Jean, 2001). dependent on the type of bolus, single or continuous
In comparison with the extraordinary complexity and swallows and voluntarily or reflexively induced swallowing.
rapidity of the oropharyngeal phase, the esophageal phase Some factors seem to modulate the initiation of the
of swallowing is simpler and slower. It consists of a voluntarily induced swallows in man. These are the bolus in
peristaltic wave of contraction of the striated and smooth the mouth (food or saliva), corticobulbar drive to the tongue
muscles, which propagates to the stomach. The whole muscles (XII CN), and the submental/suprahyoid muscles at
esophageal phase may exceed 10 s in the conscious human the floor of the mouth (V and XII CN). The triggering of the
(Jean, 1972, 2001; Miller, 1999). For the sake of better spontaneous swallows probably does not require cortical
understanding, oropharyngeal swallowing can be reviewed drive but could involve communication with the cortex and
separately under the two titles, oral and pharyngeal phases. subcortical regions, and can occur between meals and
during non-REM sleep; and depends on the amount of saliva
2.1. Oral phase of swallowing accumulated in the mouth (Lear et al., 1965; Lichter and
Muir, 1975; Sochaniwskyj et al., 1986; Pehlivan et al., 1996;
The oral phase of swallowing is mainly voluntary and Ertekin et al., 2001a).
highly variable in duration depending upon taste, environ- There is no doubt that the mechanoreceptors, chemo-
ment, hunger, motivation, and consciousness for the human receptors, and thermoreceptors in the oral cavity, tongue,
2228 C. Ertekin, I. Aydogdu / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 2226–2244

and pharynx provide information essential to bolus 2.2. Pharyngeal phase of swallowing
identification. Sensory inputs from the oropharyngeal
region, especially the tonsillar pillars, base of the tongue, As it was mentioned above, the oral cavity and pharynx
and oropharyngeal mucosa have been proposed to be are anatomically separated but functionally integrated
important for the triggering of swallows (IX and X CN) regions of the head and neck. These two regions are
(Miller, 1972, 1999; Mansson and Sandberg, 1974, 1975a; involved in the complex motor responses that include
Hollshwander et al., 1975; Hacker and Cattau, 1978; feeding, chewing, swallowing, speech, and respiration.
Nishino, 1993; Ali et al., 1994; Ertekin et al., 2000a, 2001a). From the point of swallowing, the oral and pharyngeal
In most human studies, such as studies of continuous phases are highly interrelated and the distinction between
drinking or eating, it has been reported that a swallow is not them is often unclear. Therefore, we often use the term
induced by water infusion into the valleculae until the liquid oropharynx and oropharyngeal swallowing due to their
reached the pyriform sinuses and aryepiglottic folds intimate interrelationship. When the movement of the bolus
(Pouderoux et al., 1996; Thexton and Crompton, 1998). A from the oral cavity to the pharyngeal spaces triggers the
swallow, however, may be initiated earlier when the bolus swallowing reflex or response, the following physiological
makes contact with the upper third of the epiglottis than events occur in rapid overlapping sequence. All of the
when it is confined to the valleculae and pyriform sinuses at events until the esophageal phase are mainly controlled by
the pharynx (Dua et al., 1997; Thexton and Crompton,
the CPG of the brain stem (Miller, 1982, 1999; Jean, 2001).
These events are as follows:
In normal human subjects, it is evident that there is
usually a gradual accumulation of prepared food on the
posterior surface of tongue, and this solid food reaches the 1. The nasal, laryngeal and tracheal airway is protected by
valleculae in advance of the initiation of the swallow several “reflex” events including closure of the velo-
(Palmer et al., 1992; Thexton and Crompton, 1998). The pharyngeal isthmus by the palate, laryngeal elevation and
mucosa of the hypopharynx and around the larynx needs to suspension by suprahyoid/submental muscles and clo-
be intact where the sensory signals may elicit the pharyngeal sure of the larynx by laryngeal muscles of the vocal folds
reflex swallows in man (Palmer et al., 1992; Pouderoux and epiglottis. Laryngeal elevation is a vital component
et al., 1996; Ertekin et al., 2000a). Thus, the initiation of the of the airway protection as this action does not only
swallow can be expected from the posterior part of the oral facilitate closure of the vestibulae but also repositioning
cavity to the hypopharynx depending on the different kinds of the larynx anterosuperiorly under the tongue base. All
of bolus. swallows take place somewhere between late inspiration
In a small volume swallow (1 –2 ml) such as saliva, there and late expiration, and there is always an apneic period
is no oral preparation, and the oral and pharyngeal stages during the pharyngeal phase of swallowing (Nishino
occur in sequence. In contrast, when taking a large volume et al., 1985; Martin et al., 1994; Paydarfay et al., 1995;
liquid bolus, the oral and pharyngeal stages overlap with Thexton and Crompton, 1998). Protection of the airway
each other, occurring simultaneously (Logemann, 1998; is essential owing to the CPG. The orolaryngopharyngeal
Ertekin and Palmer, 2000). The size of the bolus does not protective reflexes also support the laryngeal closure
alter the sequence of events during oropharyngeal swallow- according to the urgent need.
ing but modulates the timing of each part of the swallow 2. The tongue thrusts posteriorly to push the bolus
(Ertekin et al., 1997). As the bolus size increases (1 –20 ml), throughout the pharynx and into the esophagus (XII
the pharyngeal transit time increases, as do laryngeal CN). A sequential wave of contraction of the pharyngeal
closure and elevation (Ertekin et al., 1997; Logemann, constrictor muscles (X CN) clears any remaining
1998). After 20 ml volume of water, normal subjects tend to material into the esophagus. The main propulsive force
divide the liquid into two or more segments (Ertekin et al., acting on the bolus is thus, provided by the posterior
1996). This is called piecemeal deglutition. Patients with movement of the tongue (Kahrilas et al., 1992; Thexton
neurogenic dysphagia are obliged to divide the bolus into and Crompton, 1998). The pharyngeal contraction seems
two or more swallows successively, below the 20 ml volume to be minimal in relation to bolus propulsion, although it
of drinking water (Ertekin et al., 1996, 1998) (Fig. 1). facilitates subsequent pharyngeal clearance in associ-
Although the site, timing and density of the orophar- ation with a profound shortening of the pharynx
yngeal sensory input may vary from one bolus to another, (Kahrilas et al., 1992).
and from normal subjects to the patients with sensory 3. The upper esophageal sphincter (UES) relaxes and
impairment, once swallowing is initiated, the cascade of the opens for the bolus transport into the esophagus. The
sequential muscle activation does not essentially alter from UES consists primarily of the tonically contracting
the perioral muscles downward. This is one of the lines of striated cricopharyngeus muscle. During a swallow,
evidence for the existence of the central pattern generator this muscle relaxes and is opened and the sphincter is
(CPG) for the human swallowing that will be discussed pulled upon anteriorly by the contraction of the supra-
later. hyoid/submental muscle groups. Then the pharyngeal
C. Ertekin, I. Aydogdu / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 2226–2244 2229

Fig. 1. The integrated orbicularis oris (O. Oris) (top traces in each pair) and submental muscle electromyography (SM-EMG) (lower trace in each pair)
activities (surface electrodes) during swallowing of different amounts of water, increasing in quantity step by step from 3 to 20 ml. Note that all volumes were
swallowed at one go up to 20 ml in a normal adult subject (A), while, in a stroke patient with dysphagia (B), the bolus is divided into two or more separate
swallows during the swallowing of 10–20 ml water. (Arrows indicate the second and subsequent swallows). The sweep duration set at 10 s and the delay line
was adjusted to O. Oris at 2 s. Amplitude calibration: 70 mV (A) and 50 mV (B). Time calibration: 1000 ms in all traces.
2230 C. Ertekin, I. Aydogdu / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 2226–2244

phase of swallowing is completed and the UES closes inhibition and activation in pairs of swallowing muscles
until the next swallow. which have to be synchronised during the motor sequence.
Once this complex motor sequence has been initiated, it
During a swallow, the UES opens and the tonic EMG invariably reaches the UES. Although some sensory inputs
activity of the CP sphincter muscle ceases simultaneously from the oropharynx may modulate the contractions, the
(Ertekin et al., 1995; Ertekin and Aydogdu, 2002). For the basic program is not prevented (Jean, 2001). This is one of
physiology of the relaxation of the CP muscle and the the characteristics of the CPG of swallowing.
opening of the UES, there are two diverse opinions. In an attempt to study the swallowing muscles by EMG, a
According to one view, the cessation of tonic activity of few approaches can be used:
the CP muscle is believed to be due to a neural inhibition,
possibly originating from the CPG at the medullary level Almost all of the muscle pairs related to deglutition can be
(Doty and Bosma, 1956; Jean and Car, 1979; Miller, 1982; recorded experimentally from the mouth level to the end of
Ertekin et al., 1998, 2000c; Ertekin and Aydogdu, 2002). the pharynx. It is not practical to evaluate electromyogra-
The contrary view is that the opening of the UES, together phically all pairs of oropharyngeal swallowing muscles in
with the cessation of the tonic activity are brought about by human studies. This is because it is difficult to reach some
traction of the suprahyoid muscles, which produce the muscles superficially. However, a computer-aided method
anterior displacement of the larynx (Asoh and Goyal, 1978; for calculating the independent components of several
Goyal, 1984; Ekberg, 1986; Dodds et al., 1988; Cook et al., simultaneous surface EMG recordings from the face to the
1989; Jacob et al., 1989; Lang et al., 1991). lower neck has recently been reported and demonstrated that
Probably, the mechanism of the opening and relaxation it can be possible to approach the sequential muscle
of the CP muscle of the UES is under neural control rather activation during swallowing in man (McKeown et al.,
than biomechanical causes, since the relationship and 2002). We will have to wait for confirmatory studies on this
correlation between the laryngeal relocation time and the line.
opening of the UES found in normal subjects (Kahrilas et al., Instead of recording from many muscles, it is usually more
1988; Cook et al., 1989; Jacob et al., 1989; Ertekin et al., logical to record the EMG activity in a few but important
1997), clearly disappear in dysphagic patients with deglutition muscle groups using superficial electrodes. One
suprabulbar palsy due to different nervous system disorders needle electrode or a wire electrode can be used for the
(Ertekin et al., 2000b,c). deep-seated swallowing muscles (Perlman et al., 1999).
The oropharyngeal and esophageal systems possess
certain reflexes that may modify the swallowing and
3. EMG in swallowing muscles they may be protective against the unpredictable passage
of bolus during a swallow. These kinds of protective
The sequential and orderly activity of swallowing reflexes can also be studied by providing natural or
muscles can be demonstrated by EMG methods. Consider- electrical stimuli to the oropharynx with some target
able number of studies have been performed for swallowing deglutition muscles recorded either superficially or by
muscles in experimental animals and to some extent in man. needle electrodes (Hiiemae and Crompton, 1985; Miller,
Doty and Bosma (1956) described the pattern of EMG 1999).
activity in the oral and pharyngeal muscles in dog during
swallowing elicited reflexively by electrical and mechanical There are several groups of muscles of deglutition that
stimuli. The pattern of EMG activity reported in that study were studied in detail:
and others subsequently, suggests the concept of a temporal
pattern of sequential activation where the latency of a burst 1. Jaw and perioral muscles
of EMG activity broadly reflects the distance of that muscle 2. Submandibular/suprahyoid muscles
from the entrance of the mouth to the esophagus. EMG 3. Tongue muscles
activity in each individual muscle consists of a phasic 4. Laryngeal and pharyngeal muscles
discharge in the form of a burst of EMG spikes which ranges 5. CP muscle of the UES.
in general between 200 and 800 ms depending on the muscle
and the species including humans (Doty and Bosma, 1956; The first two groups of muscles are the easiest to pick up
Hrycyshyn and Basmajian, 1972; Ertekin et al., 1995; EMG activity superficially while the latter 3 groups are
Perlman et al., 1999; Jean, 2001). approached by needle electrodes or by means of intralumi-
In addition to the bursts, when background activity is nar catheter electrodes.
present in the muscles, there is a shorter inhibition, which is
maintained until the actual swallowing contraction begins as 3.1. Jaw and perioral muscles
a burst. A strong inhibition of the background activity is also
observed after the phasic discharge. Therefore, the orophar- The oral phase of swallowing consists of both voluntary
yngeal stage comprises an extraordinary sequence of control and reflexive components integrated with feeding
C. Ertekin, I. Aydogdu / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 2226–2244 2231

and chewing (Hiiemae and Crompton, 1985; Miller, 1999).

The oral phase of swallowing recruits the jaw closing
muscles of the mandible (i.e. temporalis, masseter and
medial pterygoid) to stabilise the mandible. As a result, the
type of bolus affects the recruitment of the jaw closing
muscles, and more EMG activity occurs when greater
stabilisation of the mandible is needed (McNamara and
Moyers, 1973; Miller, 1982, 1999; Thexton, 1992). During
pharyngeal swallowing, the jaw closing muscles may
stabilise the mandible.
The masseter muscle can be superficially recorded
together with the submental muscle group and their
relationship is in sequence. It is the first in EMG activation
and the submental muscles are subsequently activated while
the larynx is being raised by the hyoid bone with the
contraction of the submental/suprahyoid muscles. The end
result is the protection of the upper airway during transfer of
the bolus.
Similarly, the perioral-facial muscles are the first recruits
during the oral phase of swallowing to provide an anterior
seal of the lips (Logemann, 1998; Murray et al., 1998;
Miller, 1999). In normal human subjects, orbicularis oris
and buccinator muscles firmly close the mouth to prevent
food from escaping, flatten the cheeks and hold the food in
contact with the teeth (Perlman and Christenson, 1997; Secil
et al., 2002). Their contraction and muscle tone act as a
valve mechanism (Logemann, 1996, 1998). It has been
observed that the perioral muscle activity is ended just
before the pharyngeal phase of swallowing, while the
masseter activity can continue or reappear during the Fig. 2. The sequential muscle activation during 3 ml water swallowing in a
normal subject. Uppermost trace is the laryngeal movement sensor
pharyngeal phase of swallowing (Ozdemirkıran, 2002)
(laryngeal sensor). Onset of upward movement of the larynx is
(Fig. 2). demonstrated by the arrow (the onset of pharyngeal phase) and the
beginning of the downward movement of the larynx was recorded as a
positive deflection. The time interval between the onsets of two deflections
3.2. Submandibular/suprahyoid muscles (SM muscles)
indicates the upward movement of the larynx plus the relocation time
during the pharyngeal phase of swallowing. The orderly activation of the
The SM muscle complex (mylohyoid, geniohyoid and orbicularis oris, masseter, submental, thyroarytenoid and cricopharyngeal
anterior digastric muscles) fires concurrently to initiate a (CP) muscles is obtained from 5 superimposed EMG traces (needle
recording in all but surface recording from the masseter and submental
swallow and function as the laryngeal elevators pulling the
muscles). The arrows are the onset of EMG burst of each muscle except the
larynx upward (Miller, 1982; Donner et al., 1985; Jacob CP sphincter muscle in which the onset of EMG pause (opening of the CP
et al., 1989; Gay et al., 1994; Martin et al., 1994; Schultz sphincter) is shown. Note the sequential and orderly activation of the
et al., 1994; Ertekin et al., 1995; Perlman and Christenson, muscles and EMG pause in CP sphincter during oropharyngeal swallowing.
1997; Logemann, 1998). For this reason, surface EMG Amplitude calibration: 50, 30, 70, 100 and 50 mV for EMG traces
(amplitude of laryngeal sensor signal is unimportant). Time calibration: 200
activity of the SM muscles gives a considerable amount of ms in all traces. The amplitudes of EMG in submental muscles and CP
information about the onset and duration of the orophar- sphincter muscle were cut off by too high a gain on the amplifier.
yngeal swallowing, because the contraction of the SM
muscles pulls up the hyoid bone into an anterosuperior swallowing process (Donner et al., 1985; Gay et al., 1994;
position, which elevates the larynx and initiates other Ertekin et al., 1995, 1998; Ertekin, 1996).
reflexive changes that constitute the pharyngeal phase of When a swallow is initiated voluntarily, the contraction
swallowing (Donner et al., 1985; Jacob et al., 1989; Dodds of the SM muscles should be controlled by at least two
et al., 1990; Ertekin et al., 1995, 2000a, 2001a). Movements routes. During the initial part, SM muscles should be
that occur from the beginning of SM muscle contraction to activated by the cortical drive either directly or via the brain
the elevation of the larynx are important for the safe passage stem CPG. The latter part of SM muscle activation should,
of bolus to the pharyngoesophageal segment without however, be controlled by the CPG of the brain stem
escaping into other cavities. The contraction of SM muscles network, especially in the period immediately after the onset
continues until the completion of the oropharyngeal of laryngeal upward movement, which is an important and
2232 C. Ertekin, I. Aydogdu / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 2226–2244

early event of the pharyngeal phase in voluntarily induced et al., 1989, 1999; Schaefer, 1991; Spiro et al., 1994;
deglutition (Dodds et al., 1990; Perlman et al., 1995; Ertekin McCulloch et al., 1996; Ertekin et al., 2000c,d). Examples
et al., 2001a). In many of the dysphagic patients, the onset of involve the insertion to the thyroarytenoid muscle and the
SM-EMG is extremely prolonged, which indicates the vocalis muscles as the laryngeal adductors (Hiroto et al.,
difficulties of the cortically induced triggering mechanism 1968; Mu and Yang, 1990; Schaefer, 1991; Yin et al., 1997)
due to the involvement of the corticobulbar fibers (Ertekin and the cricothyroid muscle (Schaefer, 1991; Yin et al.,
et al., 1998, 2000b,c, 2001b). 1997).
When the larynx is pulled up anterosuperiorly by the SM
3.3. Tongue muscles muscles during the pharyngeal phase of swallowing, the
laryngeal adductor muscles are activated for the closure of
Intrinsic fibers of the tongue muscle are very difficult to the vocal cords. By this mechanism, the larynx and lower
investigate by surface EMG electrodes except in transcra- airways are thought to be protected from swallowing bolus
nial magnetic stimulation (TMS) studies (Muellbacher et al., that is passing through the pharynx. Laryngeal adductor
1994; Urban et al., 1996; Meyer et al., 1997). Surface muscles including the thyroarytenoid muscle are mainly
electrodes are prone to recording artefacts, and it is difficult activated for the protection of the larynx during swallowing.
to fix them in the oral cavity during swallowing. Some EMG The protective activity of the laryngeal adductors usually
studies have been performed by using wire electrodes begins after the contraction of the SM muscles in both
(Cunningham and Basmajian, 1969; Vitti et al., 1975; voluntarily initiated and spontaneous reflex swallows. Thus,
Cooper and Perlman, 1997). The genioglossus muscle has the activities of both groups of muscles are interrelated
been mostly investigated by this method. Ultrasonographic, through the CPG of the swallowing program (Ertekin et al.,
CAT scan, and some MRI studies seem to be superior for the 2000d). There are two additional EMG activities that are
deglutition studies of the tongue (Brown and Sonies, 1997). sometimes recorded and may have different roles; one
adductor activity is observed just before swallowing and
3.4. Laryngeal and pharyngeal muscles occurs very close but prior to the upward movement of
the larynx (Fig. 3). This foreburst EMG activity appears to
EMG recordings of the pharyngeal and laryngeal be related to the polysynaptic laryngeal reflex mechanisms
muscles are not frequently investigated during deglutition. that are triggered by the intraoral inputs and it is protective.
The reason is related to the difficulty in approaching these Another EMG activity of the laryngeal adductors is
muscles non-invasively. Therefore, it is generally preferred recorded during the downward movement of the larynx,
to insert a needle electrode with the help of a laryngologist. just after the end of the swallowing. This activity might be
Some laryngeal and pharyngeal muscles can be reached by related to a fast and strong expiratory movement at the
percutaneous needle insertion or wire electrodes (Perlman laryngeal folds (Ertekin et al., 2000d). In fact, the laryngeal

Fig. 3. Thyroarytenoid EMG (rectified and integrated) activity of a normal subject with simultaneous recording of laryngeal vertical movement during
swallowing of 3 ml water. The onset of upward deflection of the larynx is denoted by “0” and that of downward by “2”. Five traces were averaged in all.
“Onset” and “End” belong to basic activity (from Ertekin et al., 2000d; by permission).
C. Ertekin, I. Aydogdu / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 2226–2244 2233

adductor reflex has been documented in response to the may be a kind of protective reflex strictly related to
electrical stimulation of the superior laryngeal nerve (SLN) oropharyngeal function and does not necessarily take part
indicating that this is a polysynaptic brain stem reflex in the sequential muscle activity of deglutition, whereas
(Sasaki and Suzuki, 1967; Sasaki and Buckwalter, 1984). the rebound activity is an electrical event that is strictly
During deglutition, normal subjects always inhibit bounded by the CPG (Ertekin and Aydogdu, 2002).
respiration, which is sometimes called the swallowing Foreburst of the CP muscle is similar to that obtained
apnea and normal swallowing usually interrupts the from the laryngeal adductor muscle (Ertekin et al.,
expiratory phase of the respiratory cycle (Miller, 1982; 2000d) (see Fig. 2, bottom trace).
Dodds, 1989; Dodds et al., 1990; Martin et al., 1994). After During a swallow, tonic motoneurons supplying the CP
the swallow, normal subjects always resume breathing with muscle are first inhibited and the CP sphincter is relaxed.
expiration (Preiksaitis et al., 1992; Paydarfay et al., 1995). Consequently, during the rebound burst, phasic larger
As a pharyngeal muscle, the superior pharyngeal motoneurons fire transiently to close the sphincter as fast
constrictor muscles are investigated using bipolar hooked as possible after passage of the bolus and the tonic
wire electrodes (Hairston and Sauerland, 1981; Perlman motoneurons are re-excited. Although both units are under
et al., 1989). Swallowing produces significantly dense EMG the control of the CPG, both are also influenced by sensory
activity which lasts about 800 ms that is almost equal to that and cortical inputs (Ertekin et al., 2000a,b; Ertekin and
of the SM-EMG (Perlman et al., 1989). Aydogdu, 2002).

3.5. Cricopharyngeal muscle of the upper esophageal

sphincter 4. Brain stem and swallowing

CP muscle is a striated muscle sphincter situated at the We owe almost all our knowledge to experimental
pharyngoesophageal junction. It is one of the most deglutition studies except some information that was
important muscles for the evaluation of neurogenic generated by clinical studies. Therefore, most of the
dysphagia (Ertekin et al., 1995, 1998). EMG of the CP information related to the brain stem and swallowing has
sphincter muscle has been studied in a variety of subhuman been obtained from non-human mammals.
species to understand deglutition (Doty and Bosma, 1956; The precise pattern of muscle contraction and inhibition
Kawasaki Ogura and Takenovchi, 1964; Levitt et al., 1965; sequentially as mentioned above is dependent on brain stem
Murakami et al., 1972; Asoh and Goyal, 1978; Venker-van neural structures that conceptually consist of 3 levels
Haagen et al., 1989; Lang et al., 1991; Medda et al., 1997), (Broussard and Altschuler, 2000b):
however, it has seldom been reported in healthy human
subjects and patients (Shipp et al., 1970; Hellemans et al., 1. An afferent and/or descending input level that corre-
1974; Van Overbeek et al., 1985; Tanaka et al., 1986; Elidan sponds to sites of termination of peripheral and central
et al., 1990a,b; Ertekin et al., 1995; Ertekin and Aydogdu, swallowing afferent fibers.
2002). 2. An efferent level that corresponds to the motoneuron
There are two main approaches to recording from the CP pools of the cranial motor nuclei that provide innervation
muscle: the percutaneous and intraluminal approaches. In to swallowing muscles.
the percutaneous approach, a concentric needle electrode is 3. An organising level that consists of an interneuronal
passed through the skin in a posterior and medial direction network of “premotor” neurons in contact with both
at the level of and just lateral to the cricoid cartilage (Ertekin afferent and efferent levels.
et al., 1995, 1998; Ertekin and Aydogdu, 2002). A hook-
wire electrode can also be used for this approach (Perlman These premotor neurons or interneurons, which can
et al., 1989, 1999; Perlman, 1993). The intraluminal initiate or organise the swallowing motor sequence, are
approach to the CP muscle has mostly been used in the known as the swallowing CPG (Jean, 1972, 1978, 2001;
past. The wire electrodes are introduced by an endoscopic Jean et al., 1975; Miller, 1982; Bieger, 1984; Kessler and
procedure under general anesthesia (Van Overbeek et al., Jean, 1985). The experimental electrophysiological studies
1985) or during oropharyngeal operations (Mu and Sanders, and the introduction of axoplasmic tracing techniques have
1998; Sasaki et al., 1999; Brook et al., 1999). CP muscles demonstrated that swallowing premotor neurons are located
have also been investigated by bipolar suction electrodes within the NTS, the adjacent reticular formation surround-
together with pharyngeal topical anesthesia (Palmer, 1989; ing NTS and in the reticular formation around and just
Palmer et al., 1989). above the nucleus ambiguus (NA) of the ventrolateral
The CP sphincter muscle is tonically active during rest medulla oblongata (Jean, 1984, 2001; Kessler and Jean,
and this continuous activity ceases during a swallow in 1985; Broussard and Altschuler, 2000b).
human subjects. During wet or dry swallowing, two Thus, the swallowing interneurons or premotor neurons
bursts of increased EMG activity are clearly observed are located in these two main brain stem areas: the dorsal
just before and after the CP-EMG pause. The foreburst swallowing group (DSG) in and around NTS and ventral
2234 C. Ertekin, I. Aydogdu / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 2226–2244

swallowing group (VSG) just above the NA (Jean, 1972, transfers the swallowing pre-motoneuron signals to the
2001; Jean and Car, 1979; Amri et al., 1984; Kessler and contralateral CPG (Jean, 2001). Swallowing NTS neurons
Jean, 1985; Ezure et al., 1993; Umezaki et al., 1998). play a crucial role in these synchronisation processes.
Swallowing premotor neurons might be involved in the The dual swallowing centers on both sides of the
bilateral and rostrocaudal coordination of the multiple medullary region and their extensive connections are
motoneuronal pools. Experimental data suggest that within important in understanding the nature of dysphagia in
the swallowing network in the medullary level, VSG Wallenberg syndrome in man. Lateral medullary infarc-
neurons are activated via DSG neurons and that all tion should primarily affect the NTS and in particular the
motoneurons of swallowing in the V, VII, IX, X, and XII NA and their vicinity in the medulla oblongata
motoneuron pools are driven by the premotor neurons of the unilaterally. With the use of MRI, it has been demon-
VSG (Holstege et al., 1977; Jean et al., 1983; Jean, 2001). strated that in a lateral medullary infarction resulting in
As shown in Fig. 4, the swallowing CPG includes two dysphagia and aspiration, the rostral and dorsolateral
main groups of premotor neurons and motoneurons located parts of the medulla are affected (Kim et al., 1994, 2000;
within the NTS and the adjacent reticular formation and Vigderman et al., 1998).
VSG located in the ventrolateral medulla adjacent to the A transverse section through the medulla corresponding
NA. The DSG contains the generator neurons involved in approximately to the rostral third to fourth of the principal
the triggering, shaping and timing of the sequential or (inferior) olivary nucleus contains the site at which the NTS
rhythmic swallowing pattern. The VSG contains the and NA are almost equally affected by the occlusion of the
switching neurons, which distribute the swallowing drive posterior inferior cerebellar artery (Haines, 1991). Although
to the various pools of the motoneurons involved in a lesion of the lateral medullary infarction in human is
swallowing (Jean, 2001). These premotor neurons excite unilateral, its effect on oropharyngeal swallowing is
the motoneuron pools bilaterally from VSG. During the bilateral (Aydogdu et al., 2001), probably because the
functioning of the swallowing network, both excitatory and premotor neurons in and around NA and their connections
inhibitory drives can be exerted along the anatomical are affected. Consequently, a disruption and/or disconnec-
pathways (Zoungrana et al., 1997). tion of their linkage to swallowing-related cranial motor
In fact the CPG for swallowing consists of two hemi- neuron pools bilaterally and to the contralateral NA could
CPGs each located on one side of the medulla. Under produce the swallowing disorders in Wallenberg syndrome.
physiological conditions, the two hemi-CPGs are tightly The remaining intact ipsilateral premotor neurons and the
synchronised and organise the contraction of the bilateral contralateral center in the medulla oblongata may even-
muscles of the oropharyngeal region (Doty et al., 1967; tually begin to operate and overcome the severity and long-
Jean, 2001). Anatomical connections mediated by nerve term persistence of dysphagia (Aydogdu et al., 2001)
fibers crossing the midline have been found to exist (Fig. 5).
between the two medullary regions, where swallowing It is generally assumed that the afferent fibers involved in
neurons are located in the DSG and VSG (Jean et al., the initiation of swallowing are those running within the
1983). Thus, the swallowing motor sequence is mainly maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve, the glossophar-
generated in the ipsilateral hemi-CPG and this CPG yngeus and vagus nerve especially its SLN (Miller, 1972,

Fig. 4. Schematic representation of the central pattern generator of swallowing. Peripheral and supramedullary inputs reach to and around nucleus tractus
solitarius–dorsal swallowing group (NTS-DSG). NTS-DSG activates the ventral swallowing group of premotor neurons in the ventrolateral medulla–ventral
swallowing group (VLM-VSG) adjacent to the nucleus ambiguus (NA). VLM-VSG drives the motoneuron pools of the V, VII, IX, X, XII, C1 –3 CN bilaterally
(modified from Jean, 2001).
C. Ertekin, I. Aydogdu / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 2226–2244 2235

aspiration in stroke patients (Aviv et al., 1996, 1997).

Results obtained during topical anesthesia of the orophar-
yngeal mucosae in human subjects suggest that adequate
sensory inputs are necessary for the perception of the bolus
volume and viscosity by the cerebral cortex and the bulbar
swallowing network (Ertekin et al., 2000a). The insuffi-
ciency of the sensory coding would produce an “uncertain
evaluation” in the central nervous system. The main role of
the oropharyngeal mucosal receptors may be to contribute to
the initiation of swallowing, but when swallowing is
triggered, the pattern and sequential activity of swallowing
is not essentially changed (Ertekin et al., 2000a; Aydogdu
et al., 2001). The sensory inputs physiologically modulate
the central network activity to adapt the forthcoming motor
sequence to the information arising from peripheral
receptors. The continuous sensory feedback may influence
the CPG and thus modulate the central programs (Jean,
At the central level, all the afferent fibers involved in the
initiation or facilitation of swallowing converge and
terminate in the NTS. Thus, the NTS constitute the main
afferent central structure involved in swallowing (Jean,
2001). In addition to the peripheral and suprasegmental
descending inputs, there may exist a rostrocaudal inhibition
within the swallowing network (Jean, 1972, 1984; Otake
et al., 1992). The swallowing neurons controlling the distal
parts of the swallowing tract are inhibited when neurons
controlling the more proximal regions are excited (Jean,
1972). In this way, inhibition – excitation and again
Fig. 5. Swallowing associated connectivity of medulla oblongata and the
inhibition are successively transmitted throughout the
regions affected by lateral medullary infaction (LMI). Top, area affected by
LMI (shaded area) and the involvement of nucleus tractus solitarius and swallowing network (Jean, 2001). The excitatory and
nucleus ambiguus in this region. Bottom, schematic representation of inhibitory messages are transferred from NTS to the
premotor neurons and their ipsilateral connections to V, VII, IX, X and XII motoneuronal levels (Zoungrana et al., 1997). The result
cranial motor neuron pools and the contralateral swallowing center (from is a successful sequential activation and inhibition of the
Aydogdu et al., 2001; by permission).
swallowing muscles.
Within the swallowing CPG, some premotor neurons and
1986). Sensory inputs can be initiated and continued either motoneurons can be involved in at least two different tasks,
by mucosal receptors of the oropharynx and/or by lingual such as swallowing and respiration, swallowing and
and/or palatopharyngeal mechanoreceptors during the mastication or swallowing and phonation (Jean, 2001).
swallowing of the saliva, liquid or solid foods (Miller, Therefore, common motoneurons may be involved in these
1972; Mansson and Sandberg, 1974, 1975a,b; Ertekin et al., activities. Some recent results have indicated that inter-
2000a). It has been demonstrated that the variables of neurons in DSG or VSG regions of the swallowing network
oropharyngeal swallowing can be modified by changes in also fire several motor behaviours such as swallowing,
bolus volumes (Kahrilas et al., 1988; Cook et al., 1989; respiration, mastication and vocalisation (Kessler, 1993;
Jacob et al., 1989; Dantas et al., 1990; Ertekin et al., 1997). Chiao et al., 1994; Oku et al., 1994; Jean, 2001). The
It is believed that sensory feedback originating from the common motoneurons might, therefore, be triggered by
oropharyngeal mucosae and deeper receptors in the region common pools of interneurons. It can be proposed that in
may modify the CPG of the bulbar swallowing network mammals, the neurons liable to be involved in pattern
(Miller, 1982). However, there has been much debate about generation can belong to different CPGs. Multifunctional
the effects of mucosal receptors on oropharyngeal degluti- neurons of this kind would make for great functional
tion, because of the discrepancy among the studies of topical flexibility for mammals. It also appears that within the
anesthesia of the oropharynx (Mansson and Sandberg, 1974; dorsal and ventral medulla there exists a common pool of
Hollshwander et al., 1975; Hacker and Cattau, 1978; neurons that might have multifunctional roles. Some of the
Nishino, 1993; Ali et al., 1994). On the other hand, the components of the swallowing network are not dedicated to
sensory deficit in the oropharyngeal mucosae has been swallowing alone but can also serve some purpose in other
proven to be one of the important causes of dysphagia and central networks (Jean, 2001).
2236 C. Ertekin, I. Aydogdu / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 2226–2244

Little is known so far about synaptic transmitter 2001) converging evidence from electrophysiological,
mechanisms in brain stem swallowing CPG, even in neuroimaging, and clinical studies indicates that the
experimental fields. Among the various neurotransmitters cerebral cortex also plays a fundamental role in the regula-
that are known to intervene in deglutition, the excitatory tion of swallowing (Martin and Sessle, 1993; Miller, 1999).
amino acid (EAA) receptors, in particular those of the In animal models, particularly the non-human primate,
NMDA type, play an important role in triggering the motor studies employing cortical stimulation (Jean and Car, 1979;
event and patterning the motor sequence. Especially the fast Huang et al., 1989; Martin et al., 1997, 1999), ablation or
information transfer uses EAA transmission by means of reversible inactivation of the cortex (Narita et al., 1999) and
several glutamate receptors subtypes (Jean, 2001; Bieger, cortical neuronal recordings (Martin et al., 1997; Yao et al.,
2001). 2001) have begun to delineate the detailed functional
Inhibitory phenomena were reported to be associated by organisation of the cortical swallowing representation
the GABAergic mechanism (Jean, 2001; Bieger, 2001). experimentally.
Local and reticular cholinergic neurons are implicated in An individual can command the swallow voluntarily (i.e.
pharyngoesophageal coupling in deglutition and the gener- either food or saliva in his or her oral cavity). This fact
ation of propulsive esophagomotor output (Bieger, 1991, suggests that the medullary swallowing network can be
2001). activated by cortical commands. On the other hand, a
As we have stated at the beginning of the review, the normal human fetus can swallow by the 12th gestational
pharyngeal phase of the swallowing is controlled by the week, before the cortical and subcortical structures have
medullary CPG. The effects of the cortical control on developed (Thexton and Crompton, 1998; Jean, 2001). It
the bulbar CPG are rather complex on the oropharyngeal has also been reported that swallowing is still possible in the
swallowing as a whole in human subjects. For example, it human anencephalic fetus (Thexton and Crompton, 1998;
can be said that material in the mouth (food or saliva) and Jean, 2001; Miller et al., 2003). Recent evidence indicates,
the cortical drive to the tongue and the floor of the mouth are however, that the cerebral cortex plays an important role in
necessary for the initiation of the voluntarily induced even the highly automatic type of swallowing in adult
swallows, whereas the triggering of the spontaneous humans (Hamdy et al., 1999a,b; Kern et al., 2001a; Martin
swallows do not require any cortical drive. However, a et al., 2001) as we discuss later.
reflex mechanism should play a role in both swallowing Several clinical reports have indicated that cortical
types. Perioral, submental, and lingual striated muscles can dysfunction of any kind especially from the cerebro-
be controlled by the medullary CPG beyond the cortical vascular disorders may result in dysphagia (Gordon et al.,
drive. This can be shown by the EMG recording from those 1987; Barer, 1989; Horner et al., 1990; Alberts et al., 1992;
muscles mentioned above, during a spontaneous swallow- Robbins et al., 1993; Smithard et al., 1997a,b; Daniels and
ing. In addition to the control of medullary CPG on the Foundas, 1997; Daniels et al., 1999; Smithard, 2002).
reflex and voluntary swallowing, some protective reflexes Indeed, in different studies, incidence of dysphagia in
could also operate according to the level of risk of aspiration conscious patients following stroke has been reported from
(Sasaki and Suzuki, 1967; Sasaki and Buckwalter, 1984; just below 30% (Young and Durant-Jones, 1990) to over
Ertekin et al., 2001a; Altschuler, 2001). The pharyngeal 50% (Gordon et al., 1987) depending upon various factors.
phase of swallowing may be controlled by the cortical Therefore, damage to the cerebral cortex can have a
drives via medullary CPG in addition to triggering the significant effect upon the peripheral swallowing mechan-
pharyngeal swallow. This is suggested from some clinical ism operating at the brain stem level.
studies. The involvement of the corticobulbar-pyramidal The concept of the cortical control of swallowing can be
fibers can cause dysphagia in which the relaxation and drawn back to the studies of cerebral cortical stimulation in
opening of the CP muscle of the UES becomes abnormal, humans, electrically to the open cortex by Penfield and co-
especially in motor neuron disease and in suprabulbar palsy workers since 1937 (Penfield and Boldery, 1937; Penfield
due to multiple strokes (Ertekin et al., 2000b,c). This and Rasmussen, 1950; Penfield and Jasper, 1954). Recently,
suggests that descending excitatory and inhibitory drives TMS to the human scalp suggests that swallowing is
influence the pharyngeal phase of swallowing and trigger represented within multiple cortical foci including the
and modulate the medullary pattern generator. The cortical lateral precentral and premotor cortices (Aziz et al., 1995,
control of the pontomedullary CPG must have increased 1996; Hamdy et al., 1996, 1997a). It has also been possible
phylogenetically and reached its maximum control in the to stimulate the CP muscle of the UES by TMS of the cortex
human. (Ertekin et al., 2001b).
In healthy subjects, there is a somatotopic arrangement of
the various swallowing muscles in an asymmetrical
5. Cerebral cortex and voluntary swallowing representation between the two hemispheres (Hamdy et al.,
1996). In stroke patients, damage to the hemisphere that has
Although the act of swallowing is thought to be the greater representation of swallowing corticospinal
mediated principally by brain stem mechanisms (Jean, output appears to predispose that individual to develop
C. Ertekin, I. Aydogdu / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 2226–2244 2237

swallowing problems (Hamdy et al., 1996). The recovery of the right hemisphere in right-handed subjects (Kern et al.,
swallowing function is associated with an enlargement of 2001b) or with handedness independent hemispheric
the cortical representation in the undamaged hemisphere dominance (Hamdy et al., 1996; 1997a, 1999b).
suggesting that recovery depends on the presence of an
intact projection from the undamaged hemisphere that can 5.2. Supplementary motor area (SMA)
develop increased control over brain stem centers or CPG
over a period of weeks (Hamdy et al., 1997b, 1998a,b). The supplementary motor area (SMA) represented in the
Unfortunately, information gathered using TMS refers only superior and middle frontal gyri, is believed to be associated
to the projections from motor regions of the cortex to with motor planning and, in particular, with planning of
swallowing muscles and not necessarily the cortical activity sequential movements (Tanji et al., 1996) as occurs with
associated with functional swallowing (Hamdy et al., oropharyngeal swallowing. Therefore, SMA may play a
1997a). dynamic role in the execution of different swallowing tasks,
The recent advance in functional brain imaging including the activity of which may depend on the degree of difficulty
functional MRI (fMRI) and PET studies now offers the of the task (Mosier et al., 1999b).
opportunity to examine the cortical representation of
swallowing in healthy humans (Hamdy et al., 1999a,b; 5.3. Anterior cingulate cortex
Mosier et al., 1999a; Zald and Pardo, 1999). Functional
studies of the human brain also indicate cortical involve- Activation of this region during volitional swallowing
ment in swallowing to be multifocal and bilaterally may reflect the attentional and/or affective component of the
represented. Most commonly cited of these foci include swallowing task. Its activation with swallowing may also
those corresponding to areas in the sensory/motor cortex, reflect a role for this region in the mediation of visceromotor
prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate, insular (Hamdy et al., activity such as digestive functions (Hamdy et al., 1999a,b;
1999a,b; Mosier et al., 1999a; Zald and Pardo, 1999) Kern et al., 2001b).
parietooccipital (Hamdy et al., 1999b; Zald and Pardo,
1999) and temporal (Hamdy et al., 1999a; Mosier et al., 5.4. Insula and frontal operculum
1999a; Mosier and Bereznaya, 2001; Martin et al., 2001)
regions. Insular function is thought to involve sensorimotor
Swallowing also produces areas of increased signal integration, auditory and speech processing and effects on
change in the basal ganglia, thalamus, cerebellum and the cardiovascular rhythm (Augustine, 1996). In primates,
internal capsule (Mosier et al., 1999a; Mosier and stimulation of the insula evokes swallowing, whereas
Bereznaya, 2001). Even with 1.5 T fMRI, the cranial nuclei stimulation of the frontal operculum preferentially induces
of pons and medulla and other nuclei of the lower brain stem mastication but at a higher stimulation level also evokes the
and cervical spinal cord might be localized in awake swallowing sequence (Martin et al., 1997, Martin and
humans with specific sensory stimulation or motor per- Sessle, 1993).
formance (Komisaruk et al., 2002). The activation and role In fact neuroimaging studies of representation of taste in
of some cortical foci during swallowing can be discussed as the human brain have found cortical areas activated to taste
follows. such as the frontal operculum/insula and the orbitofrontal
cortex (Small et al., 1997, 1999; Zald et al., 2002;
5.1. Lateral precentral gyrus O’Doherty et al., 2001).
Water, a substance that itself has a taste and is known to
The caudolateral sensorimotor cortex is important in the activate neurons in the primate insular and orbitofrontal
initiation of swallowing (Penfield and Boldery, 1937; taste cortices, is used as the cortical stimulus in swallowing
Hamdy et al., 1999a). This region of cortex is closely studies (Zald et al., 2002). Given this, important questions to
linked to the control of tongue and face, so the presence of consider are how the taste of water and other foods and their
swallowing activity in this region is not surprising (Corfield swallowing interact with each other and how we can
et al., 1999; Kern et al., 2001b). In terms of the cortical differentiate the cortical representation of taste from
motor control of human swallowing, there might be two swallowing. These problems need to be addressed in future
distinct patterns of activity: first, the caudolateral motor studies.
cortex which may be associated with the initiation of the full As it can be understood from above that swallowing is
swallowing sequence at the highest level and second, the associated with activation of the inferior frontal gyrus
premotor regions which may be more modulatory and corresponding to the inner face of the frontal operculum or
concerned with “priming” the pharyngoesophageal com- Brodmann’s area 44 on the cortical convexity adjacent to
ponents of swallowing (Hamdy et al., 1999a). the sylvian fissure in some subjects. Frontal operculum must
As swallowing involves both hemispheres with large and have contributions to swallowing because sensations of the
more intense activity present in the right hemisphere, the human mouth and pharynx have been partly localized to the
motor/premotor areas have greater volume recruitment in operculum (Penfield and Jasper, 1954). This area of cortex
2238 C. Ertekin, I. Aydogdu / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 2226–2244

also may play a role in the control of non-speech orofacial 5.7. Lateralization of cortical function in swallowing
sensorimotor behaviours (Martin et al., 2001).
Although human voluntary swallowing is represented
5.5. Somatosensory and parietal cortex within a number of spatially and functionally distinct
cortical foci bilaterally, these regions may be activated
The swallowing tasks yield activation of the lateral differently by volitional swallowing. There is a kind of
postcentral gyrus localized to Brodmann’s area 3, 2, 1 lateralization between hemispheres in the regulation of
and/or 43. This finding of swallow-related activation of the swallowing (Martin et al., 2001; Mosier et al., 1999b;
postcentral gyrus might reflect various types of orophar- Kern et al., 2001a). Especially during swallowing, the
yngeal sensory processing and underscore the importance of sensorimotor cortex is organised bilaterally but display
afferent information in the regulation of swallowing (Martin interhemispheric asymmetry independent of handedness
et al., 2001). Cortical activation during both swallowing and (Hamdy et al., 1996). The hemispheric lateralization has
swallowing-related motor tasks that can be performed been reported in the right hemisphere or the left
independent of swallowing was also found in the parie- hemisphere without a consistent pattern of lateralization
tooccipital region corresponding to Brodmann’s areas 7, 9 from the sensorimotor cortices (Hamdy et al., 1996).
Lateralization to the right hemisphere tends to be greater
and 31 (Kern et al., 2001b). Somatosensory and parietal
than that in the left hemisphere (Mosier et al., 1999b;
regions have been cited as a region of activity during
Martin et al., 2001) while the activity was found to be
mechanical and chemical stimulation of the esophagus
dominant for one hemisphere with left hemispheric
(Furlong et al., 1998; Kern et al., 1998; Aziz et al., 1997,
dominance more prevalent among normal healthy sub-
2000) as well as during sensation of swallowing urge (Kern
jects (Mosier et al., 1999b). Why the right hemisphere
et al., 2001b).
shows stronger lateralization is unclear and remains to be
The somatosensory cortex and posterior parietal cortex
are likely to have a sensory role in the control of
Swallowing is a phylogenetically old physiological
swallowing. It might, therefore, be speculated that these
function. In an investigation of functional brain asym-
regions are utilized in the reception and higher processing of
metry during childhood, it was shown that human infants
sensation arising from the oropharynx and esophagus which
are right-hemisphere dominant up to the age of 3 years at
may then be linked to modulation of the motor activity via
which point an asymmetric shift to the left occurs
connectivity with precentral cortex and insula (Hamdy et al.,
(Chiron et al., 1997). It can be speculated that stronger
1999a; Aziz et al., 2000).
lateralization in the right hemisphere during the swallow-
ing task may represent a primal cortical organisational
5.6. Temporal cortex structure (Mosier et al., 1999b).
Activation of the insula was found to be lateralized to
The swallow-related activation of the superior temporal the right hemisphere in right-handed subjects for
gyrus, corresponding to Brodmann’s areas 42/41 and 22/21 voluntary saliva swallow, suggesting a functional hemi-
was found during water bolus swallow (Martin et al., 2001). spheric dominance of the insula for the processing of
The temporal lobe has been implicated in a number of swallowing, salivation and gustatory functions (Zald and
functions that are related to swallowing. PET findings Pardo, 1999; Small et al., 1999). The development of
suggest that the anteromedial temporal lobe is involved in dysphagia in human subjects was reported as a result of
human taste quality recognition (Small et al., 1997). It can damage to the right anterior insular region (Hamdy et al.,
be proposed that the temporal lobe activations reflect the 1997b; Daniels and Foundas, 1997).
processing of the acoustic correlates of swallowing, It is likely that the alternate hemispheric lateralization
swallow-related sounds that are audible to the swallower, may reflect a cortical organisation scheme for swallowing
by the auditory cortex (Martin et al., 2001). Another view is that facilitates the diverse neuromuscular demands of
that the temporal cortex together with the prefrontal cortex different swallowing tasks (Mosier et al., 1999b). Further
could play a supplementary role in the regulation of examination of the role of hemispheric lateralization in the
swallowing and feeding because of its relationship with cortical control of swallowing and its implications for
taste and imagery of food (Hamdy et al., 1999a). normal and abnormal swallowing is necessary.
The role of the subcortical structures including basal
ganglia, thalamus and cerebellum in the swallowing 5.8. Volitional versus reflexive swallowing in cortical
function has not been clarified using neuroimaging methods, regulation
however, clinical studies indicate that in some disorders of
the basal ganglia, dysphagia can be seen whereas in pure It has been reported that reflexive or automatic swallows
cerebellar disorders, it is difficult to encounter swallowing are represented in the sensorimotor cortex and that
problems (Ertekin et al., 1998, 2002; Ertekin and Palmer, volitional swallow (or voluntarily initiated swallow) is
2000; Ertekin, 2002). represented in multiple cortical regions including
C. Ertekin, I. Aydogdu / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 2226–2244 2239

the primary sensorimotor cortex. The total volume activity integrate this highly complex, sequentially based motor
during volitional swallowing is significantly larger than that behaviour. It is suggested that the cortical organisational
during reflexive swallows in either hemisphere. For the scheme for swallowing may incorporate a functional
reflex swallow, there is a significant larger left hemispheric structure that supersedes the anatomical structure, in
volume compared with the right hemisphere (Kern et al., which each functional unit or module, performs a specific
2001a). In another report, the automatic (naive) swallowing role in sensorimotor planning and execution (Bass, 1997;
of saliva or other highly automatic types of swallowing were Mosier and Bereznaya, 2001). We will have to wait for
also demonstrated to activate the cerebral cortex (Martin further studies for a clearer understanding of the inter-
et al., 2001). The fact that area M1 (precentral cortex) is actions of several cortical foci during swallowing.
activated in over 80% of human subjects in association with
the automatic saliva swallows is of particular interest, given
that this cortical region is classically considered to be 5.10. Clinical implications
involved in voluntary movement execution. Automatic
swallowing produced activation within several other The fact that cortical representation of swallowing is
common cortical regions: lateral postcentral gyrus and multifocal and bilateral may lead to two concepts:
right insula (Martin et al., 2001).
The signal changes in fMRI peak some 9 –12 s after the
swallow. This may indicate that in swallowing, the time 1. The extent of cortical and subcortical representation
course of associated neuronal activity is prolonged (Hamdy could explain why so many neurological conditions
et al., 1999a). This may be related to all of the processes of produce dysphagia (Zald and Pardo, 1999; Kern et al.,
swallowing from oral, pharyngeal and esophageal phases. 2001a).
This long-lasting event incorporates secondary motor 2. The same physiological phenomena help to describe
activity in the esophagus and continual modulatory ascend- the critical role for the intact hemisphere reorganis-
ing sensory input with descending motor output (Hamdy ation in recovery from dysphagia in stroke, because
et al., 1999a), however, whether this phenomenon occurs in the return of swallowing is associated with increased
reflexive swallowing remains to be clarified in future pharyngeal representation in the unaffected hemisphere
neuroimaging studies. (Hamdy et al., 1997b, 1998b). The organisation of the
healthy human swallowing motor cortex can be altered
5.9. How the cortex works with multiple foci during in a sustained manner after electrical sensory stimu-
swallowing lation of the pharynx (Hamdy et al., 1998b). Sensory
driven reorganisation of human motor cortex is highly
The fact that volitional swallowing is represented in dependent upon the frequency, intensity, and duration
multiple cortical regions can simply be explained by the of stimulus applied. Those patterns of input associated
sensory inputs (i.e. tactile, gustatory) coming from the with enhanced excitability (5 Hz, 75% maximal
oropharyngeal and esophageal inner surfaces which activate tolerated intensity for 10 min) induce stronger cortical
the sensorimotor cortex, posterior parietal, anterior insula, activation to fMRI. When applied to acutely dyspha-
and temporal cortex and the motor output being initiated gic stroke patients, swallowing corticobulbar excit-
from the precentral and lateral motor cortex. Other regions ability is increased mainly in the undamaged
might be related with the emotional and attentional aspects hemisphere, being strongly correlated with an
of swallowing such as the anterior cingulate cortex. All non- improvement in swallowing function. Thus, input to
sensorimotor regions of the cerebral loci may be related human adult brain can be programmed to promote
with swallow-related intent and planning and possible urge beneficial changes in neuroplasticity and function after
(Kern et al., 2001a). Such an explanation for the multiple cerebral injury (Fraser et al., 2002; Siebner and
cortical foci during swallowing may favor a singular, Rothwell, 2003; Hamdy et al., 2002).
hierarchical model from multiple sensory inputs to the
single motor output to and from the cortex descending
through the CPG of the pontobulbar region. A role for fMRI in examining cortical and subcortical
Involvement of many different cortical sites, on the functions in abnormal swallowing should be necessary for
other hand, also suggests that the control of swallowing future studies. Having established a normal database, fMRI
may be organised differently from that suggested by the may prove an adjunctive technique to conventional MR
hierarchical projection system (Bass, 1997; Mosier and imaging in the investigation of dysphagia following cerebral
Bereznaya, 2001). It has been hypothesized that there are injury, insult and disease. Also, the temporal relationship
two separate, serial pathways from the sensorimotor cortex between activation in the swallowing CPG in the ponto-
or insula to thalamus. Organisation of the control of bulbar region and the primary somatosensory cortex
voluntary repetitive swallowing into two parallel systems remains to be elucidated and is a subject for future
may confer the ability to effectively coordinate and investigation.
2240 C. Ertekin, I. Aydogdu / Clinical Neurophysiology 114 (2003) 2226–2244

6. Conclusions The recent advance in the functional brain imaging

including fMRI and PET image studies now offer the
Swallowing is subdivided into 3 phases: oral, pharyngeal opportunity to examine the cortical representation of
and, esophageal phases. The oral cavity, pharynx, and swallowing in human. These studies indicate that cortical
larynx are anatomically separated but functionally inte- involvement in swallowing is multifocal and bilaterally
grated for the complex and sequential motor responses that represented. Most commonly cited of these foci include
include chewing, swallowing and speech. From the point of those corresponding to areas in the sensory/motor cortex,
swallowing, the oral and pharyngeal phases are highly prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate, insular, opercular,
interrelated and the term oropharyngeal swallowing is often parietooccipital, and temporal regions. Swallowing also
used. Despite this, the oral phase is often accepted as produces areas of increased signal change in the basal
voluntary, while the pharyngeal phase is considered a reflex ganglia, thalamus, and cerebellum.
response. Apart from the chewing and taste functions, the Although human voluntary swallowing is represented
oral phase is primarily related with the oral preparation and bilaterally, there is interhemispheric asymmetry indepen-
the triggering to the pharyngeal phase of swallowing. dent of handedness. Lateralization to the right hemisphere
Sensory inputs arising from posterior oral, pharyngeal and tends to be greater than that in the left hemisphere. Insular
some laryngeal mucosae and transmitted to the medullary cortex is found to lateralize to the right hemisphere in right-
NTS and the cerebral cortex are necessary for the triggering handed subjects for voluntary saliva swallows. It has also
of the bolus in the oropharyngeal region. Once swallowing been reported that reflexive or automatic swallows are
is initiated, the cascade of the sequential muscle activation represented in the primary sensorimotor cortex and in
does not essentially alter from the perioral muscles down- several other common cortical regions.
ward. The main events are the transport of the food safely to Such functional neuroimaging and TMS studies may lead
pharyngoesophageal segment by the activation of the some concepts. First of all, the extent of cortical and
tongue, submental/suprahyoid muscles and pharyngeal subcortical representation explains why so many cortical
constrictor muscles and the relaxation and opening the CP and subcortical neurological conditions produce dysphagia.
sphincter muscle. During the food transport, the airway is Second, the same findings help to describe the critical role
protected and closed by several laryngeal muscles and the for the intact hemisphere reorganisation in recovery from
larynx is pulled up. dysphagia in stroke, as the return of swallowing is
The sequential and orderly activity of swallowing associated with increased pharyngeal representation in the
muscles can be demonstrated by EMG methods. Submen- unaffected hemisphere.
tal/suprahyoid muscles are easily recorded by surface There are also various possibilities for the treatment of
electrodes and demonstrate the onset and complete duration dysphagia given the multiple and bilateral representation of
of the oropharyngeal phase of swallowing. Laryngeal and swallowing in the cortex, including the increase of sensory
pharyngeal muscles are approached by needle electrodes or inputs (i.e. electrical) to the cerebral cortex to promote
by means of intraluminar catheter electrodes. The CP beneficial changes towards cortical plasticity.
muscle of the UES is tonically active during rest and the
tonic activity ceases during a swallow.
Some premotor neurons or interneurons are found in the Acknowledgements
bulbar reticular formation, which can initiate or organise
the swallowing motor neurons. Their network is known as This work has been supported in part by the Turkish
the CPG. These neurons are located in and around the NTS Academy of Sciences.
and around the NA of the ventrolateral medulla oblongata. We are also grateful for the cooperation of our co-
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generator neurons involved in the triggering, shaping and MD, Nefati Kıylıoglu, MD, Sultan Tarlaci, MD, Yaprak
timing of the sequential swallowing pattern. The premotor Secil, MD. We thank Nilüfer Ertekin-Taner MD, PhD, who
neurons around the NA contain the switching neurons which reviewed the English text.
distribute the swallowing drive to the various pools of the
motoneurons involved in swallowing (V, VII, IX, X, XII
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