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Subject: Therapeutic Exercises 101

Notes on: ROM Exercise

Other Uses for PROM
RANGE OF MOTION (ROM) Exercise o When a therapist is examining inert structures, PROM
is used to determine limitations of motion, to
Definition of terms determine joint stability, and to determine muscle and
other soft tissue elasticity.
ROM: Basic technique used for the examination of movement. o When a therapist is teaching an active exercise
program, PROM is used to demonstrate the desired
Range of Motion Exercise (ROMEx): Initiating movement into motion.
a program of therapeutic intervention o When a therapist is preparing a patient for stretching.

Functional excursion: The distance a muscle is  PROM is often used preceding the passive stretching
capable of shortening after it has been elongated to its techniques.
o Active Insufficiency Vs. Passive Insufficiency Active Assistive Range of Motion (AAROM)
o Assistance is provided manually or mechanically by an
Immobility outside force because the prime mover muscles need
o Physical restriction or limitation of body members and assistance to complete the motion.
of the body in turning, sitting and ambulation.
o Can be a result of certain disease or treatment Active ROM (AROM)
procedures o Active ROM (AROM) is movement of a segment within
o This results in different adverse effects on the different the unrestricted ROM that is produced active
system of the body, including Tightness and contraction of the muscles crossing that joint.
o Leads to Limitation of Motion. Indications for AROM

Purpose of ROM o Whenever a patient is able to contract the muscles

o To Maintain the available Range of Motion and delay actively and move a segment with or without
the onset of Limitation of Motion assistance, AROM is used.
o Move a joint through the desired range (usually
Passive Range of Motion ex. (PROM.) against gravity), A-AROM is used to provide enough
o Passive ROM (PROM) is movement of a segment assistance to the muscles in a carefully controlled
within the unrestricted ROM that is produced entirely manner so the muscle can function at its maximum
by an external force: there is little to or no voluntary level and be progressively strengthened.
muscle contraction. o AROM can be used for aerobic conditioning
o The external force may be from gravity, a machine, programs.
another individual, or another part of the individual’s o When a segment of the body is immobilized for a
own body. period of time, AROM is used on the regions above
o PROM and passive stretching are not synonymous. and below the immobilized segment to maintain the
areas in as normal a condition as possible and to
Indications of PROM prepare for new activities, such as walking with
o In the region where there is acute, inflamed tissue, crutches.
passive motion is beneficial : inflammation after Goals for AROM
injury or surgery usually lasts 2 to 6 days. o If there is no inflammation or contraindication to
o When a patient is not able to or not supposed to active motion, the same goals of PROM can be met
actively move a segment or segments of the body, with AROM.
as when comatose, paralyzed, or on complete bed rest, Specific goals are to:
movement is provided by an external source. o Maintain physiological elasticity and contractility of
the participating muscles
Goals for PROM o Provide sensory feedback from the contracting muscles
The primary goal for PROM o Provide a stimulus for bone and joint tissue integrity
• Decrease the complications that would occur with o Increase circulation and prevent thrombus formation
immobilization, such as cartilage degeneration, o Develop coordination and motor skills for functional
adhesion and contracture formation, and sluggish activities
circulation. Summary of Precautions and Contraindications to Range of
Specific Goals of PROM Motion Exercises
o Maintain joint and connective tissue mobility
o Minimize the effects of the formation of contractures o ROM should not be done when motion is disruptive to
o Maintain mechanical elasticity of muscle the healing process.:
o Assist circulation and vascular dynamics o Carefully controlled motion within the limits of pain-
o Enhance synovial movement for cartilage nutrition and free motion during early phases of healing has been
diffusion of materials in the joint shown to benefit healing and early recovery.
o Decrease or inhibit pain o Signs of too much or the wrong motion include
o Assist with the healing process after injury or surgery increased pain and inflammation.
o Help maintain the patient’s awareness of movement o ROM should not be done when patient response or the
condition is life-threatening

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Limitations of ROM
o True passive, relaxed ROM may be difficult to obtain 1. Communicate with the patient. Describe the plan and
when muscle is innervated and the patient is method of intervention to meet the goals.
conscious. Passive motion does not: 2. Free the region from restrictive clothing, linen, splints, and
1. Prevent muscle atrophy dressings. Drape the patient as necessary.
2. Increase strength or endurance 3. Position the patient in a comfortable position with proper
3. Assist circulation to the extent that active, voluntary body alignment and stabilization but that also allows you to
muscle contraction does move the segment through the available ROM.
AROM Limitations: 4. Position yourself so proper body mechanics can be used.
o For strong muscles, active ROM does not maintain or
increase strength. It also does not develop skill or APPLICATION TECHNIQUES
coordination except in the movement patterns used
1. To control movement, grasp the extremity around the joints.
CONTINUOUS PASSIVE MOTION If the joints are painful, modify the grip, still providing support
o Refers to passive motion performed by a mechanical necessary for control.
device that moves a joint slowly and continuously 2. Support areas of poor structural integrity, such as a
through a controlled ROM. hypermobile joint, recent fracture site, or paralyzed limb
o The mechanical devices that exist for nearly every joint segment.
in the body were developed as a result of the research 3. Move the segment through its complete pain-free range to the
by Robert Salter, who demonstrated that continual point of tissue resistance. Do not force beyond the available
passive motion has beneficial healing effects on range. If you force motion, it becomes a stretching technique.
diseased or injured joint structures and soft tissues in 4. Perform the motions smoothly and rhythmically, with 5 to 10
animal and clinical studies repetitions. The number of repetitions depends on the objectives
of the program and the patient’s condition and response to the
BENEFITS of CPM treatment.

o Prevents development of adhesions and contractures

and thus joint stiffness END
o Provides a stimulating effect on the healing of tendons
and ligaments Suggestion:
o Enhances healing of incisions over the moving joint
o Increases synovial fluid lubrication of the joint and Read the Therapeutic Exercise 6th edition by Kisner and Colby
for a more detailed discussions
thus increases the rate of intra-articular cartilage
healing and regeneration
o Prevents the degrading effects of immobilization
o Provides a quicker return of ROM
o Decreases postoperative pain



Examination, Evaluation and Treatment Planning

1. Examine and evaluate the patient’s impairments and level

of function, determine any precautions and prognosis, and plan
the intervention.
2. Determine the ability of the patient to participate in the
ROM activity and whether PROM, A-AROM, or AROM can meet
the immediate goals.
3. Determine the amount of motion that can be safely
applied for the condition of the tissues and health of the
4. Decide what patterns can best meet the goals. ROM
techniques may be performed in the:
a. Anatomic planes of motion: frontal, sagittal, transverse
b. Muscle range of elongation: antagonistic to the line of pull of
the muscle
c. Combined patterns: diagonal motions or movements that
incorporate several planes of motion
d. Functional patterns: motions used in activities of daily living
5. Monitor the patient’s general condition and responses
during and after the examination and intervention; note any
change in vital signs, any change in the warmth and color of the
segment, and any change in the ROM, pain, or quality of
6. Document and communicate findings and intervention.
7. Re-evaluate and modify the intervention as necessary.

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