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“We are not makers of history. We are made by history.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
If we want to know how and why our world is the way it is today, we have to look to history for
answers. This position paper will discuss about the two major events happened in 1872. First was the
1872 Cavite Mutiny, and the martyrdom of the three martyr priests in the persons of Fathers Mariano
Gomes, JoseBurgos and Jacinto Zamora (GOMBURZA). However, not everyone knew that there were
different accounts in reference to the said event. All Filipinos must know the different sides of the story ,
the execution of GOMBURZA which in effect a major factor in the awakening of nationalism among the
The Cavite mutiny

Cavite Mutiny, (Jan. 20, 1872), brief uprising of 200 Filipino troops and workers at the Cavite arsenal,
which became the excuse for Spanish repression of the embryonic Philippine nationalist movement.
Ironically, the harsh reaction of the Spanish authorities served ultimately to promote the nationalist
cause. The mutiny was quickly crushed, but the Spanish regime under the reactionary governor Rafael
de Izquierdo magnified the incident and used it as an excuse to clamp down on those Filipinos who had
been calling for governmental reform. A number of Filipino intellectuals were seized and accused of
complicity with the mutineers. After a brief trial, three priests José Burgos, Jacinto Zamora, and Mariano
Gómez were publicly executed. The three subsequently became martyrs to the cause of Philippine

The Martyrdom of the three priest (GOMBURZA) which is the collective name of the three martyred
priest, tagged as the masterminds of the Cavite mutiny. The (GOMBURZA) were prominent Filipino
priest charge with treason and sedition. The Spanish clergy connected the priest to the mutiny as part of
a conspiracy to stifle the movement of secular priest who desired to have their own parishes instead of
being assistants to the regular friars.
There are two versions of the Cavite Mutiny the Spanish and Filipino Version. The accounts
of Dr.Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera and the account of Jose Montero y Vidal. The perspectives of the two
historians created an controversy, Is Cavite mutiny an grand conspiracy an attempt in overthrowing the
Spanish government in the Philippines or Cavite Mutiny is not a grand conspiracy but merely a labor
Spanish Version of Cavite Mutiny

Jose Montero y Vidal was a Spanish historian who wrote the book Historia General de Filipinas as the
Spanish version of Cavite Mutiny of 1872. Monteros account centered on how the event was an attempt
in overthrowing the Spanish government in the Philippines. His account on mutiny was criticized as
woefully biased. Carlos Maria de la Torre was relieved from his post with the establishment in Spain of a
government which was less radical. Rafael de Izquierdo assumed control of government. The abolition of
the privileges enjoyed by the laborers of the Cavite Arsenal of exemption f rom the tribute was the cause
of the insurrection. Underscore the reason for the revolution, abolition of privileges enjoyed by the
workers of Cavite Arsenal such as exemption from payment of tribute and being employed in Polos Y
Servicios (Force Labor). The presence of the native clergy, against the Spanish friars conspired and
supported the rebels.
Filipino Version of Cavite Mutiny

According to Dr. Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera, this was merely a mutiny of native Filipino soldiers and
laborers of Cavite arsenal against the harsh policy of despotic Governor and Captain-General Rafael
de Izquierdo which abolished their old-time privileges of exemption from paying the annual tribute and
from rendering forced labor (polo). Filipinos had great hopes of an improvement in the affairs of their
country. The loss of privileges resented by the soldiers and laborers was the primary cause of the
revolt. Dissatisfaction and discontent with the government spread all over. Gen. Izquierdo made it clear
that there will be no changes in the government and intended to govern the people with a crucifix in
one hand and a sword in the other. He also established the school of arts and trades in the country.
Those who supported ex-Governor de la Torre were classed as persona sospechosas (suspects) a term
used to refuse to obey the wishes and whims of the authorities. The peace of the colony was broken and
culminated in the overthrow of the Spanish sovereignty in the Philippine islands. Uprisings and
assassinations in the entire garrison in Cavite were disaffected. The uprising among the soldiers in Cavite
was used as a powerful lever by the Spanish residents and by the friars.

The Stand

By the evidences that been stated by the different sides, I will side into the Spanish version of the Cavite
Mutiny written by Jose Montero y Vidal which I believe that Cavite Mutiny is a Grand Conspiracy


I believe that Cavite Mutiny is a Grand Conspiracy which deals with the Spanish version or Spanish
perspective. Even though I know that the abolition of the privileges enjoyed by the laborers of the Cavite
Arsenal of exemption from the tribute was the cause of the insurrection but if we analyze or revie w it
carefully we must look to the bigger views of contents we must not focus on just only one argument that
Cavite mutiny is just because of labor issue it is just a simple and weak argument that leads to a
widespread uprising of the Filipinos. Also the Polos Y Servicios was mentioned a another reason why
Cavite Mutiny happened, but is there a theory that the Polos Y Servicios was there before the Spaniards
arrived here?. And lastly the GOMBURZA was not executed because of the labor issue, they were
executed because GOMBURZA was blamed for being the masterminds of the Cavite Mutiny. It is a grand
conspiracy because when the GOMBURZA was being the defendants they were convicted guilty by the
fiscal. However the prosecutor used the interpretations of Gov. Izquierdo base on the report of
Izquierdo the three priest was the cause of the widespread uprising because of the circulation of the
events. That why the Cavite Mutiny was blamed to GOMBURZA so if we analyze it the labor issue is not a
strong argument that caused the Cavite Mutiny to happen or occur.

I oppose to the perspective or the Version of Dr. Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera, because as I say we must
look into the bigger side of the controversy not just focus on one argument that the Cavite Mutiny was
only because of the Labor Issues of the Filipinos that caused an widespread uprising
I firmly believed that the Cavite Mutiny an event of the history is a Grand Conspiracy and not a merely
labor issue because of the gathered and shown evidences and also because of satisfactory impact of the
evidences that was given in the argument.

Submmited by: Gregory Loi P. Romano


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