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 to accompany  to steam   to discover

 to pay attention 
 ¬ to keep J  to muffle,  to remove
to, respect  ¬ to bite damp  to abduct,
| ¬ to   ¬ to get,  x to thank kidnap
recognize, acknowledge receive |

 to show,    to reply,

|   M ¬ to begin 
 to enliven, portray retort
See Verb prefixes (an-, cheer J  to dam, check, 
 M ¬ to contain
aus- ) 
   to insult curb   to escape,
 to fish, angle 

 to bark  to last, endure get away

|  ¬ to arrive 
 to reward  to cover, set 
J  to change, alter   ¬ to recover, ( ) excuse, apologize
|  ¬ to attack salvage  to stretch   to invent
|  ¬ to have on,  to report   to 
 M ¬ to obtain,
wear  ¬ to burst demonstrate receive, preserve
|  ¬ to accept;  ¬ to own  ¬ to think s.  to

 to order  to point, remember

| ¬ to call up  to visit indicate s. J
 to catch a
()  to pray  to caulk; write cold
  x to answer   ¬ to deceive, poetry 
J to explain,
s. | ¬ to get cheat  to serve declare
dressed   to move   ¬ to urge, pierce
 to be
 to work  
 to pay  to print extinguished, dim
J  to annoy, irritate   ¬ to bend  to push, press;  to erect,
  to breathe  to offer, bid oppress establish

 ¬ to stand   ¬ to tie  to stoop, duck;  to exhaust,

out, attract attention  ¬ to request, ask humble drain
|  ¬ to come for  to be permitted,  ¬ to be
out, have enough of, 
 M ¬ to blow allow frightened
make do, get along with 
 ¬ to stay  to thirst, be  to choke,
|  - 10 
 to look, glance thirsty smother
 to flash J  to consider,

 to exhibit 
 to bloom  ponder
s. | to undress 
 to bleed  to honor J to mention
   M ¬ to fry, roast |   to breathe in J
 to tell,
  ¬ to bake   to need |  to install, put recount, relate
  to bathe, swim   to brew in  ¬ to eat
  to build   to shower; roar s. |
 to imagine,
 to quake,  M ¬ to break get the idea   ¬ to travel, drive
tremble  ¬ to burn     M ¬ to 

 ¬ to fall
  to mean   ¬ to bring receive J

 to cut down
s.   to serve 

 to roar, shout  

 M ¬ to 
 to fold
oneself  to brush recommend    ¬ to catch,

 ¬ to command     to feel, capture
s.   ¬ to be, find  ¬ sense   to grasp, seize,
oneself J  to dam, check,  to do conceive
 to set free curb without; lack, miss  to fence, fight
   x to meet J  to dawn, fall See Verb prefixes 

 to ascertain,
  ¬ to begin (
); doze (emp-, ent- ) establish
  ¬ to find
 to believe   to vaccinate,  ¬ to pinch,

 to patch, repair
 ¬ to be like, inoculate squeeze, crimp

  ¬ to fly resemble    to impress,  to tie, knot,

 ¬ to flee, avoid
 to glide make an impression

 ¬ to flow, run
 to gape, stare    to import

 to curse, swear
 to glow    to inform   to cook, boil,

 to flood, overflow   ¬ to dig s.  to be seethe

 x to follow  ¬ to grasp, grab, interested (in)   ¬ to come
  to ask seize  to wander, stray;  § to be able,
 M ¬ to eat, feed, 

 to be angry, be mistaken can

devour grumble  to confuse;   to cost
s.  to be glad,  to greet irritate
  to vomit, puke
rejoice  to look, peep 
 to insulate;
 ¬ to freeze, feel  isolate J to caw, croak
cold   ¬ to have    to scratch,
 to eat 
 M ¬ to hold, stop,   to hunt; chase, scrape, claw
breakfast keep drive  ¬ to crawl,

 to feel, perceive J  to hammer,   to wail, moan, creep
 to lead pound yammer
  to get, obtain

 to fill   
 to act, trade,   to rejoice,

 to cool, refresh
 to fear deal cheer
 J  to hang  
 to howl  to shorten,
J to yawn   to hate   to work, have a abbreviate
J to ferment   to hit, hew job
 to smile
J to give birth to  ¬ to lift, raise  
 to yodel
 to laugh
 M ¬ to give   to marry   to jog
 M / ¬ to load
  to use  ¬ to be named  to itch
 M / ¬ to let, leave,
  ¬ to thrive, 
 to heal  to adjust, allow
prosper  to heat justify (
 M / ¬ to run, walk

 M ¬ to be 
 M ¬ to help w
 to eavesdrop,
pleasing, like  |  ¬ to J  to comb listen
 ¬ to go get out; find out, figure J  to fight,
 to live

  ¬ to succeed out struggle
 to lick; leak

 ¬ to be valid  |   to
  to lay, put, place
  to chew
 to recover, challenge ¬
convalesce  to rush about,   to buy
 to teach
s.  to feel incite  to turn; sweep
  ¬ to suffer
 to howl, bawl  ¬ to know, be
 ¬ to lend,
 ¬ to enjoy   to hamper, familiar with borrow, hire
  to get into, fall impede 
 to get to
 to learn, study
into   to hope know, become
 M / ¬ to read
 M ¬ to  to hear
 to light up,
acquainted with
happen  to hop, jump shine, gleam
 ¬ to win, gain  to cough 
 to lament,
 to thin out,
s.  to get used  complain lighten
to, accustomed to   to identify 
 to paste, stick
 to love
 ¬ to pour, cast  
  ¬ to ring, sound
  ¬ to lie, recline,

J to glitter, shine register (
 to knock, beat be situated

 to praise German Verb 

 to roll toss

 to lure, attract, Conjugator  to roast  

 ¬ to melt
entice "  to move, bring   to hurt,

 to reward,   to lease, rent nearer smart

recompense   to pack; grab  ¬ to call   to grease;
 to be worth   to fit, be suitable  to rest bribe
(doing)   to happen  to stir, touch   ¬ to cut, slice

 to solve, dissolve;  ¬ to whistle  to arm  to snow

 to plant '  ¬ to write

  to lie (  
 to plague, annoy   to say, tell  ¬ to scream,

)  to praise,   ¬ to drink to yell

 to suck (on) commend excess  ¬ to step,

 to clean, groom    to suck, absorb stride
 to make, do # ' &   to  to soar,

 to mill, grind $J
 to torture, vacuum (VP) hover, float

 to paint, draw torment   to damage,   ¬ to be silent
  to manage $
 to give off hurt   ¬ to swim
  ¬ to avoid, shun smoke   ¬ to create  to sweat
 to mean, be of $

 ¬ to gush, spring   to do, make,  to swear

the opinion, think from accomplish   to bless
 to notice, mark, $ to squeeze, 
 to switch, shift  M / ¬ to see
perceive crush (  )  ¬ to be
 M / ¬ to $ to squeak, J to value,   to send,
measure squeal estimate broadcast
 to rent, hire %   to see, look s.  to sit down
  § to like (to) J to avenge   ¬ to separate,  to sigh
 § to have to, % &  to ride a divide   to boil, simmer
must bike (VP) s.  &
 ¬ to   to conquer,
Õ   to advise, guess divorce triumph
  to gnaw, nibble   to smoke  ¬ to shine,   ¬ to sing
J to nourish; J  to clear away, seem  ¬ to sink
suckle evacuate  to joke, kid  ¬ to sit
  to snack,   to rustle,  to send 

 § should, ought
nibble, nosh murmur  ¬ to push, to, supposed to
 to tease  to calculate, shove 
 to split, divide
  M / ¬ to take reckon  ¬ to shoot   to save
 ¬ to name, call  ¬ to tear, rip 
 to slaughter,   to stroll, walk
 to nod, doze  ¬ to ride ( ) butcher 
 to play
 to use; be useful  ¬ to run 
 M / ¬ to sleep  to spin; be nuts
!  to reach; pass 
 ¬ to hit, beat  ¬ to speak,
 to open  to travel, journey 
 ¬ to sneak, talk
 to operate   to clean, refine creep   ¬ to jump
()  to excite, charm 
 ¬ to grind,  to spray, squirt
 to sacrifice  to set right, polish  to spray;
  to organize, put adjust 
 to close; sparkle
in order  ¬ to smell conclude  to spit
  to struggle,   to taste 
 to rinse, flush
wrestle   ¬ to throw,  to feel, detect
 |  ¬ to take  M / ¬ to step, 
 M / ¬ to  M / ¬ to throw
place, happen walk oversleep  to sharpen,
' &   to  ¬ to drink  ¬ to grind
vacuum (VP)   to dry understand   to dedicate,
  to be amazed   to drip, drop  to attempt, devote
 M / ¬ to stab,  ¬ to do, make, put try  
 to repeat
sting, prick  to represent,   ¬ to weigh
 to set, be £ stand in for  ¬ to know
located  to exercise, 
 to   to reside, live
 to stand practice administer, manage 

 § to want (to)

 to steal   to surprise 
 to confuse,  to wish,
  to climb, rise   ¬ to mix up desire
 to stink overcome   to refuse  to season, spice
 to groan, moan  

 to change 
 to linger, *
  to stuff, cram over, shift while away  
 to pay
 to disturb, upset  ¬ to  ¬ to pardon, J
 to count
  to push, bump interrupt forgive J  to tame
 to beam, s. 
 ¬ to |  ¬ to occur,
  to tap ()
radiate converse, entertain happen
 to strive oneself |

 to   to do magic,
 to stretch, ’ introduce, present enchant
extend   to despise s. |

 to imagine to draw, sign

 to strike,   ¬ to ruin, )   to show, indicate
cancel; paint spoil   to be awake; 
 to camp
 to quarrel,   to earn, keep watch 
 M ¬ to
argue deserve   M / ¬ to grow
shatter, smash
 to knit   to unite   to dare
  to study  to seduce J
 to choose, vote  to destroy
)   ¬ to forget J to last, hold out  ¬ to pull, draw
 to plunge, fall,  
  to rape J
 to roll 
 to aim, target
crash s. 
 ¬ to    to hike,  to cite, quote
 to look for, seek behave, act wander  to shake,
 to negotiate   M / ¬ to wash
  to get   to sell 
 to change,
  to hesitate
gas/petrol, refuel  to trade, exchange
  to dance traffic; frequent  to wake, rouse  to breed,
   to be of 
 to complain,  to restrain; culivate
use/value sue prevent   to ignite
  to storm, rave   ¬ to decay, s.  to defend |  M ¬ to
 to kill go bad oneself take back
  M ¬ to wear, s. 
 to fall in  to yield
  ¬ to force,
carry love  to consecrate,
  to trust, believe 
 ¬ to lose devote compel
in; marry   to increase  to cry, weep
J  to dream  to   to turn
 M / ¬ to meet, hit annihilate, exterminate  to recruit,
 ¬ to drive,   ¬ to betray court, woo, advertise
propel   to fail   ¬ to become

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