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Lecturer’s Name: Agcopra, Pearl Marie Sabaiton Date: September 3, 2018

Course/Year: BEED-2 Duration: 1 hour
Subject Unit: Science Level: VI

Time Concept Learning Assessmen Learning
Content Objectives Core/Related Across Scriptural Materials
Allotment Generalization Outcome t Activities Social Orientation
Values Discipline Text
1 hour Integumentary At the end of the o The After a lesson o Lecture ICV: o How skin color o Mathematics o Grade
System class, the students integumentary on o Excellence affects the VI
will be able to: system acts integumentary different races o Social Scienc
o Function of as a barrier system, RV: in the world? Studies e Book
the 1. Identify the from the learners o Responsibilit
integumentary organs the outside should be able y o How can you as o Health o Visual
system integumentary environment. to assess their a student Aids
o Structure of system. selves in o Discipline spread
the skin 2. Describe the o It protects the taking care awareness o Integum
functions of body from their body. about racism? entary
the harmful system
integumentary organisms, chart
system and temperature,
how it works. and other
3. Create a external
concept map factors.
on healthful
habits that o The skin is
promotes the main
proper organ of the
functioning of integumentary
the system.

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