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Whow much / how many test 1

1._______ cats are there in the garden?

2. _______ milk is there in the bottle?

3_______ legs does a cow have?

4. _______ time do we have for the exam?

5. _______ chickens does your grandma have

6. _______ homework do we have?

7_______ cities are there in your country?

8. _______ meat do you want from the butcher's?

9_________apples are there in the basket?

10_______ honey do you eat every day?

How much / how many/ test #2

1. _______ pencils has David got?

2._________ toy cars are there in the baby's room?

3._______ sugar do want for your tea?

4._______ orange juice do you drink a day?

5.______money do you earn a month?

6.______ ____ eggs do you need for the cake?

7.________ cheese do you eat at breakfast?

8. _________water do you drink a day?

9. _______ students are there in the classroom?

10_______rooms are there in your house?

How much / how many test # 3

1_____bread have we got?

2______chairs do you need for the party?

3.______bottles of Orange juice do we have?

4_____seasons are there in a year?

5._____people can fit in the lift?

6_____sauce do we need for the salad?

7_____rain do you get every year?

8____applicantas are there for the vacant position?

9______milk does a baby need daily?

10._____furniture do you need for the shop?

How much/ How many #4 (*)

1.______ brothers and sisters do you have? 

2._______ coats do they have in their wardrobe?

3._______ money does this costs? 

4._______ milk is there in the fridge?

5. ________ chocolate is there?

6 ________eggs are there?

7 ________sausages are there?

8 ________ bread is there?

9 ________students are there?

10 ________ cheese is there?

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