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Tupaz, Ishi Pearl C. Sept.

30, 2021


Passion Over Everything: My Journey in Hospitality Industry

Earlier this morning, the Tourism Circle organization conducted a webinar via
Zoom where the topic was all about Passion Over Everything: My Journey in Hospitality
Industry. It was started by an opening remarks by Prof. Marc Llarenas and followed by
the introduction of the guest speaker by Prof. Juliet Lerios. The speaker was Ms. Jezzreel
Villanueva, she is currently residing at United States of America. Her inspiring story gave
a lot of realizations to the students to pursue their dreams.

According to her, a lot of people were asking why did she end up on where she is
right now. She started sharing her experiences as a hardworking student. She was a
housekeeper back then when she started her internship in the US. She was really a
hardworking woman. A lot of challenges in life she encountered but she never gives up.
She continues to work and grow in the United States. Her job was not that easy, imagine
cleaning 12-16 rooms a day. But she didn’t stop there. A lot of curiosity was in her mind
during that time. That’s why she entered the world of Hospitality Industry. It was a roller
coaster ride for her but she was really determined and passionate on what she wants in
life. Because she wanted to grow and explore more in Hospitality Business. Now, she is
already a successful and a woman with substance. Her story and experiences about her
passion was really inspiring.

Listening to Ms. Jezzreel story, it made me think about my passion. I am very

happy that I have attended the webinar because I am encouraged to really pursue and
follow what my heart desires. Being passionate on what we want in life is very important,
it gives a big impact in our lives. I’ve realized that we must have passion in our works so
we can do and achieve it very well. And at the same time, we grow as an individual and
we learn a lot of things because we love what we’re doing even if it is hard, we still did
our best to achieve our goals in life.

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