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Activity 1

Vania : The end of the year is coming soon. Where do you guys want to go?

Maya : Uhmm, I intend to go to Lampung

Vania : Will you go there with your parents?

Maya : No. My parents still have a lot of work. I’ll go with my brother and my uncle.

Vani : Oh, I see. Lampung is nice, there are many islands there. Have fun there!

Maya : Thank you. How about you? Where are you going to go?

Vania : Oh, maybe I’ll go to my grandparents’ house. I haven’t been there in a long time.

Maya : That’s nice. Please send my regards to them.

Vania : Okay. See you, May!

Maya : See you!

2. Answer the question below based on the dialogue below !

tugas 1
1) Introducing my self
2) Because he think English became very important nowadays
3) they really support him and their often spend time together in the weekend
4) He really love music

Tugas 2

Good morning my friends. I am so happy to see you in this occasion. Well, my name is
(ISI NAMA PANJANG). I come from Padang. I was born in (KOTA KELAHIRAN), on
(BULAN TANGGALth TAHUN). My family and I live at (ALAMAT). I have two
sisters and one brother. They are (NAMA LENGKAP SAUDARA). I really love them.
We often spend time together in the weekend. Besides that I have a quiet nature and
compassionate. I am very fond of each person. People said I never get angry, but I just
always try to restrain anger and envy. I am very angry with someone if I get hurt over and
over again without any error so great. I have the usual behavior makes others feel less
comfortable that has a very quiet nature and test others. I have lived in maintaining the
principle of friendship "Love is that condition in the which the happiness of another
person is essential to your own."  I am so obsessed with someone who has a high science
and humble, I hope to have a heart like that. I take hold of my life motto is "Every
successful person must have a failure. Do not be afraid to fail Because failure is a part of
success. " I think that's all about myself. Thank you so much for nice attention.

Tugas 3

Andi : Hello. Can I sit here next to you? 

Fajri : Of course, you can. You are the new student, aren’t you? 

Andi : Yes, my name is Andi. Andiatama.

Fajri : I’m (NAMA LENGKAP). Where are you from Andi? 

Andi : I’m from Padang Pariaman. My family moved here because of my father’s job. 

Fajri : Do you like it here? 

Andi : Well, so far it’s been nice. Going to a new school is nerve wrecking, but I’ve only met
nice people so far. 

Fajri : You seem nice. You’ll make a lot of friends. You can sit next to me on the next class. 

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