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Name : Reza Laurina

Class : XII IPA 1

Date : 11 September 2020


Answer the following question correctly!

1. What is caption?
2. What is generic structure of caption?
3. What are the language features of caption?
4. What is the message of caption?
5. Give the CAPTION under the picture ! ( underline the cut line )

CAPTION : A worldwide virus outbreak. We think that the "virus outbreak" is very dangerous
and currently attacking various parts of the world.There are worries are everywhere. Who is
responsible for this outbreak if not ourselves, so we must always take care of our health by not
forgetting to keep wearing masks and washing hands and stay at home to avoid dangerous

1. A caption(cutline) is an explanation for a picture or an illustration, especially in magazine or

2. 1) The lead
2) Description

3. 1) Exclamation
2) Adjective phrase
3) Question
4) Prepositional phrase
4. Message on caption is words that someone wants to send to the readers or viewers that are
useful to help readers understand information that may or may not be in the image.


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