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NNRXXX10.1177/1545968317753681Neurorehabilitation and Neural RepairAlmuklass et al

Original Research Article

Neurorehabilitation and

Pulse Width Does Not Influence the Gains

Neural Repair
© The Author(s) 2018
Achieved With Neuromuscular Electrical Reprints and permissions:

Stimulation in People With Multiple DOI: 10.1177/1545968317753681

Sclerosis: Double-Blind, Randomized Trial

Awad M. Almuklass, PhD1,2 , Leah Davis, MS1, Landon D. Hamilton, MA1,

Jeffrey R. Hebert, PhD3, Enrique Alvarez, MD, PhD3, and Roger M. Enoka, PhD1

Background. Multiple sclerosis (MS) eventually compromises the walking ability of most individuals burdened with the
disease. Treatment with neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) can restore some functional abilities in persons with
MS, but its effectiveness may depend on stimulus-pulse duration. Objective. To compare the effects of a 6-week intervention
with narrow- or wide-pulse NMES on walking performance, neuromuscular function, and disability status of persons with
relapsing-remitting MS. Methods. Individuals with MS (52.6 ± 7.4 years) were randomly assigned to either the narrow-pulse
(n = 13) or wide-pulse (n = 14) group. The NMES intervention was performed on the dorsiflexor and plantar flexor muscles
of both legs (10 minutes each muscle, 4 s on and 12 s off) at a tolerable level for 18 sessions across 6 weeks. Outcomes
were obtained before (week 0) and after (week 7) the intervention and 4 weeks later (week 11). Results. There was no
influence of stimulus-pulse duration on the outcomes (P > .05); thus, the data were collapsed across groups. The NMES
intervention improved (P < .05) gait speed and walking endurance, dorsiflexor strength in the more-affected leg, plantar
flexor strength in the less-affected leg, force control for plantar flexors in the less-affected leg, and self-reported levels of
fatigue and walking limitations. Conclusion. There was no influence of stimulus-pulse duration on the primary outcomes (gait
speed and walking endurance). The 6-week NMES intervention applied to the lower leg muscles of persons with mild to
moderate levels of disability can improve their walking performance and provide some symptom relief.

multiple sclerosis, neuromuscular electrical stimulation, wide pulse, walking endurance, muscle strength, force steadiness

Introduction One of the factors that contributes to such discrepancies

in NMES outcomes is differences in stimulus characteris-
The loss of mobility experienced by persons with multiple tics. Conventional NMES protocols apply currents of <100
sclerosis (MS) can be partially restored with exercise mA between electrodes placed on the skin over a target
training,1,2 especially for individuals with Expanded Disability muscle at stimulus frequencies of 40 to 100 Hz with narrow
Status Scale (EDSS) scores <4.0.3 Some evidence suggests, pulse widths of 0.2 to 0.5 ms.5,6 Recent work has shown that
however, that persons with greater levels of disability can the capacity of NMES to influence the function of the ner-
experience gains in physical function when exercise train- vous system depends on the duration of each stimulus pulse.
ing is combined with neuromuscular electrical stimulation Longer stimulus pulses (0.5-1.0 ms)—typically known as
(NMES). For example, Coote et al4 reported that supple-
menting a 12-week progressive resistance program with
NMES (pulse width not reported) augmented the gains in 1
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA
fatigue reduction, muscle endurance, and balance for indi- King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh,
viduals with MS who used a walking aid most of the time. Saudi Arabia
University of Colorado Denver, Aurora, CO, USA
In contrast, Broekmans et al5 found similar gains in strength
but no changes in clinical tests of mobility for individuals
Corresponding Author:
with MS (EDSS = 4.3 ± 02) who performed 20 weeks of Awad M. Almuklass, Department of Integrative Physiology, University of
strength training exercises of the knee extensors either Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, USA.
alone or in combination with NMES (pulse width = 0.4 ms). Emails:;
2 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 00(0)

wide-pulse NMES—are able to produce more widespread Evaluation sessions were performed before (week 0) begin-
responses in the nervous system than shorter stimulus ning the 6-week treatment, within 1 week after finishing the
pulses (0.2-0.4 ms)7-10 even after the stimulation has treatment (week 7), and approximately 4 weeks after com-
stopped.11,12 The application of wide-pulse NMES, there- pleting the treatment (week 11).
fore, might elicit more consistent improvements in motor
function and disability status for individuals with MS.
Evaluation Sessions
The primary purpose of our study was to compare the
effects of narrow- and wide-pulse NMES on gait speed and On the first day of the evaluation sessions, participants per-
walking endurance of persons with relapsing-remitting MS. formed the 2 walking tests (25-feet walk and 6-minute
Because of its greater engagement of sensory axons,7,9 walk), took a manual dexterity test (grooved pegboard),
wide-pulse NMES was expected to elicit more widespread completed 3 questionnaires, and were instructed on how to
adaptations in nervous system function and to produce measure daily levels of physical activity. Maximal walking
greater gains in walking performance than conventional speed was measured as the time it took to walk 25 feet as
narrow-pulse NMES. The secondary purpose was to deter- quickly as possible from a stationary start.20,23 The average
mine the influence of the NMES protocols on the functional of 2 trials was used as the measure of maximal walking
capabilities of the stimulated leg muscles and on assess- speed. Walking endurance was characterized as the distance
ments of disability status. walked in 6 minutes around a 140-m track. Participants
Because of the critical role of lower-leg muscles in deter- were encouraged to walk briskly, and the distance covered
mining walking ability in persons with MS,13-16 NMES was at 1, 2, 4, and 6 minutes was recorded.24,25
applied to the dorsiflexor and plantar flexor muscles of each The grooved pegboard test, the 3 questionnaires, and the
leg, and their functional capabilities were assessed. In addi- daily levels of physical activity were used to assess disabil-
tion to measuring the strength of the dorsiflexor and plantar ity status. Manual dexterity was quantified as the time taken
flexor muscles in both legs, we measured the fluctuations in to complete the grooved pegboard test, which required par-
force during steady isometric contractions (force steadiness17) ticipants to place 25 pegs into holes on a pegboard as
to derive an index of the neural drive to muscle.17 quickly as possible.26 The questionnaires were the Patient
Previous reports suggest that NMES interventions have Determined Disease Steps (PDDS),27 Modified Fatigue
mixed effects on disability status of persons with MS,4,5 Impact Scale (MFIS),25,28 and MS Walking Scale-12
but exercise programs can modulate some measures of (MSWS-12).29,30 Physical activity was measured with the
disability. We expected that the most likely disability mea- GENEActive accelerometer (Activinsights Limited,
sures to be influenced by the NMES protocols would be Cambridge, UK) for 7 consecutive days beginning on the
the test of manual dexterity (grooved pegboard test),18,19 second day of evaluations and quantified during at least
walking limitations,20 and level of fatigue.4,21,22 24-hour days during that period. Participants were asked to
wear the waterproof sensors all the time but were permitted
to remove it at night if it disturbed their sleep. The monitor
Materials and Methods was worn on the same wrist, and the data were sampled at
Individuals who expressed an interest in the study com- 30 Hz. Custom software (Matlab R2015a, Mathworks,
pleted a screening questionnaire in which they affirmed a Natick, MA) was used to filter the signals (band pass of 0.2
diagnosis of relapsing-remitting MS, difficulty with walk- to 15 Hz), calculate an average gravity-subtracted signal
ing, stable doses of MS-related medications, and the vector magnitude, quantify activity counts per second, and
absence of a relapse within the preceding 3 months, history identify nonwear times (>10 hours). Based on norms estab-
of seizure disorder, implanted biomedical devices or metal, lished for healthy adults, maximal activity category cut-
and skin disease. Participants were recruited from the prac- points were set for sedentary (1.4), light (4.0), and moderate
tice of the Rocky Mountain MS Center and via newsletter (11.3) accelerations per second to estimate the proportion of
distribution along the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. daily time spent performing different levels of physical
The study enrolled 32 volunteers who signed a consent activity.31 The main reason for including this assessment
form that was approved by the institutional review board at was to quantify the potential negative impact of the inter-
the University of Colorado Boulder. vention on daily levels of physical activity.
In a double-blinded, randomized design, participants On the second day of the evaluation sessions, muscle
were assigned to 1 of 2 groups: narrow-pulse group (n = 13; strength and force steadiness were measured. Participants
54.9 ± 4.5 years) or wide-pulse group (n = 14; 50.4 ± 9.0 lay in a supine position, and a strap was placed around the
years). Participants and evaluators were blinded to the type forefoot and connected to a strain-gauge transducer (MLP-
of intervention. Each participant attended 3 evaluation ses- 300, Transducer Techniques, Tenecula, CA). The measured
sions and 18 NMES treatment sessions distributed over 6 force was sampled at 2 kHz (Power 1401, Cambridge
weeks. Each evaluation session comprised 2 days of testing. Electronic Design, Cambridge, UK) and displayed on a
Almuklass et al 3

monitor that was placed ~1 m in front of the participant. distributed data were analyzed with mixed ANOVA, and
Muscle strength was quantified as the peak torque (N m) nonnormally distributed data were analyzed with the Kruskal-
achieved by the dorsiflexor and plantar flexor muscles of Wallis test. Comparisons across time were examined with
each leg when participants gradually increased muscle either 1-way repeated-corrections ANOVA (parametric) or
torque up to maximum and sustained it briefly. Participants Friedman’s test (nonparametric) with Bonferroni adjust-
performed up to 5 trials until 2 maximal values were within ments. When group differences reached significance, post
10% of each other; the greater value was designated as the hoc comparisons were performed with either paired, inde-
maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) torque. Participants pendent t (parametric data), Wilcoxon sign ranked, or Mann-
then performed submaximal isometric contractions with the Whitney U tests (nonparametric data). Post hoc comparisons
dorsiflexor and plantar flexor muscles to match target forces were made within groups, which involved 3 statistical
of 10% and 20% MVC torque with the self-reported less- comparisons.
affected leg. The task was to match the target force dis- Effect size for group differences were quantified as η2
played on the monitor and then maintain a steady (parametric data) or as x 2 / N and z / n1 + n 2 (non-
contraction.32 The protocol comprised two 30-s trials at parametric data). Effect sizes of 0.1 were considered small
each target force with each muscle group. Force steadiness and those ≥0.5 were deemed large. Pearson and Spearman
was measured as the coefficient of variation for force. correlations were used to examine the associations between
the outcomes and PDDS score. All statistical procedures
were performed with SPSS (version 22.0; SPSS, Chicago,
NMES Intervention IL), with α set to .05.
The NMES treatments were applied with an FDA-approved
clinical device (Vectra Genisys Therapy System, DJO
Global) that delivered symmetric, biphasic pulses of current
through pairs of electrodes (2 × 3.5 in or 2 × 5 in each) Of the 32 individuals who were enrolled in the study, 5
placed on the skin overlying the muscles of each leg (Figure were unable to complete the protocol because of time com-
1). NMES was applied to the dorsiflexor and plantar flexor mitments or an unrelated injury. Thus, 27 persons (mean ±
muscles (10 minutes each muscle, 4 s on and 12 s off) of SD; 52.6 ± 7.4 years) completed the protocol. There were
each leg. NMES was applied to one leg at a time in a coun- no statistically significant differences between the 2 groups
terbalanced order across sessions. Stimulus frequency was in the baseline values for the outcome measures (walking
set at 100 Hz with a pulse width of 1 ms for wide-pulse performance, leg muscle function, and disability status;
stimulation and at 50 Hz with a pulse of 0.26 ms for narrow- Table 1). The average scores (both groups combined) for
pulse stimulation. To reduce the discomfort associated with the 3 self-reported assessments indicate that the partici-
NMES, the participant was encouraged to contract the pants exhibited a range of disabilities: PDDS (range = 0-6),
involved muscles while the stimulation was being applied. MFIS (range = 0-76), and MSWS-12 (range = 17-57).
The stimulation was applied while the participant was Based on the PDDS criteria, most participants were classi-
seated during the first and last 2 weeks (12 sessions) of the fied as either with gait disability (n = 13) or early cane
intervention and while standing in the middle 2 weeks (6 (n = 8), but 1 person self-reported a score of 0 (normal),
sessions). In the seated position, the legs were lifted parallel and 2 were essentially confined to a wheelchair.
to the floor, and the participant pushed against a restraint There was no difference (Kruskal-Wallis test) between
during application of NMES. In the standing position, par- the 2 groups (wide- and narrow-pulse NMES) in the gains
ticipants stood in a lunge position when NMES was applied in the 2 primary outcome variables: 25-feet walk speed
to the plantar flexors and with the heels placed on a plat- (χ2 = 4.85; df = 3; P value = .18) or 6-minute walk distance
form when the NMES was applied to the dorsiflexors (χ2 = 0.25; df = 3; P = .94). However, both groups exhibited
(Figure 1). Current was progressively increased across ses- an effect of time (weeks 0, 7, and 11), which was quantified
sions to the maximal tolerable level for each participant and by combining the data for the 2 groups.
then tapered during the last 3 sessions. After ~19 evoked
contractions, the participant performed 3 passive stretching
exercises with the involved leg muscles. The treatment ses-
Walking Performance
sions were performed or supervised by a physical therapist 25-Feet Walk.  Friedman’s test with Bonferroni adjustment
with clinical experience in providing such treatments. Each for post hoc comparison and adjusted P value (Table 2)
treatment session lasted ~50 minutes. indicated significant improvements (P = .003 [effect size =
0.38]) in the 25-feet walk test at week 7 (7.9 ± 11.1 s, P = .043
[0.304]) and week 11 (7.8 ± 11.9 s, P < .01 [0.43]) com-
Data Analysis pared with week 0 (8.8 ± 13.9 s). The decrease in time it
The data were coded during analysis to maintain blinding. took to walk 25 feet relative to week 0 was −0.90 ± 3.1 s
The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to assess normality. Normally (5% ± 16%) at week 7 and −1.0 ± 2.3 s (8% ± 15%) at week 11.
4 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 00(0)

Figure 1.  The intervention setup showing the stimulation pad locations over the plantar flexor (A) and dorsiflexor (D) muscles, the
standing positions when stimulation was applied to the plantar flexor (B) and dorsiflexor (E) muscles, and the sitting position when
stimulation was applied to the plantar flexor (C) and dorsiflexor (F) muscles.
Almuklass et al 5

Table 1.  Descriptive Statistics for the 2 Groups and Combined Group of Participants Prior to Beginning the Intervention.a

Wide (n = 14) Narrow (n = 13) Combined (n = 27)

Age (years) 54.0 ± 9.0 54.9 ± 4.5 55.0 ± 7.4b
6-Minute walk (m) 410 ± 131 345 ± 138 379 ± 136
25-Feet walk (s) 5.8 ± 2.1 6.3 ± 19.9b 6.0 ± 13.9b
Dorsiflexor torque (N m)  
  Affected leg 11.4 ± 7.7 9.6 ± 5.9 8.1 ± 6.8b
  Less-affected leg 15.2 ± 6.4 14.5 ± 6.8 14.9 ± 6.5
Plantar flexor torque (N m)  
  Affected leg 24 ± 14 22 ± 11 23 ± 12
  Less-affected leg 26 ± 13 24 ± 9 25 ± 11
Dorsiflexor steadiness (percentage MVC)
 10% 4.7 ± 5.3b 4.7 ± 5.2b 4.7 ± 5.1b
 20% 2.9 ± 3.6b 4.0 ± 6.4 3.6 ± 5.1b
Plantar flexor steadiness (percentage MVC)  
 10% 2.5 ± 3.1b 3.6 ± 1.9 2.7 ± 2.5b
 20% 2.8 ± 1.5 2.6 ± 2.1b 2.5 ± 1.8b
PDDS 3.0 ± 1.3b 3.0 ± 1.0b 3.0 ± 1.2b
MFIS score 42 ± 19 39 ± 21 41 ± 20
MSWS-12 42 ± 12 48 ± 12b 47 ± 11b
Grooved pegboard test (s) 99 ± 35 89 ± 44b 89 ± 39b

Abbreviations: MFIS, Modified Fatigue Impact Scale; MSWS, Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale-12; MVC, maximal voluntary contraction; PDDS, Patient
Determined Disease Steps.
Values reported as mean ± SD. Steadiness values are coefficient of variation for force (%). There were no significant differences between groups.
Median ± SD.

Table 2.  Measures of Walking Performance and Disability Status at the 3 Time Points During the 6-Week Intervention.a

Week 0 Week 7 Week 11 P Value Effect Size

b b
6-Minute walk (m) 379 ± 136 (33-598) 415 ± 154 (60-674) 421 ± 160 (45-698) .001 0.29
25-Feet walk (s) 8.8 ± 13.9 (3.4-78) 7.9 ± 11.1b (3.4-63) 7.8 ± 11.9b (3.4-67) .003 0.38
PDDS 3.5 ± 1.2 (0-6) 3.1 ± 1.4 (0-6) 3.2 ± 1.5 (0-6) .19 0.07
MFIS score 41 ± 20 (0-76) 29 ± 16b (0-56) 31 ± 16b (0-66) .004 0.21
MSWS-12 43 ± 11 (17-57) 35 ± 13b (12-55) 38 ± 13b (16-55) .001 0.33
Grooved pegboard 103 ± 39 (57-199) 97 ± 34 (54-174) 93 ± 33b (55-167) .006 0.36
test (s)
Daily activity (%)
 Sedentary 77.9 ± 6.6 76.5 ± 5.2 78.4 ± 6.1 .171 0.12
 Light 15.4 ± 4.6 15.8 ± 3.9 15.1 ± 4.3 .546 0.04
 Moderate-Vigorous 7.2 ± 3.1 8.5 ± 4.2 7.3 ± 3.4 .059 0.19

Abbreviations: MFIS, Modified Fatigue Impact Scale; MSWS, Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale-12; PDDS, Patient Determined Disease Steps.
Values are mean ± SD (range).
P <.05 relative to week 0.

Despite the variability in the changes in walking perfor- The increase (mean ± SD) in the distance walked in 6 min-
mance among participants, Figure 2 indicates a relatively utes relative to week 0 was 37 ± 51 m (12% ± 21%) at week
consistent relation between the gains in the 2 walking tests 7 and 43 ± 66 m (13% ± 21%) at week 11.
observed immediately after the intervention (week 7) and 4 The gains in 6-minute distance and 25-feet time at week
weeks later (week 11). 7 were not significantly different from those at week 11,
whether the improvements were examined as either abso-
6-Minute Walk.  One-way repeated-measures ANOVA with lute (6-minute: P = .27 [0.14]; 25-feet: P = .33 [0.13]) or
Bonferroni adjustment indicated significant improvements relative (6-minute: P = .5 [0.09]; 25-feet: P = .23 [0.16])
(P = .001 [0.29]) in the 6-minute walk distance (Table 2). changes.
6 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 00(0)

differed with target force (10% and 20% MVC), muscle

group in the less-affected leg (dorsiflexors and plantar flex-
ors), and after the intervention. Force was more steady
(lower coefficients of variation values) for the dorsiflexor
muscles at 20% than at 10% MVC (Table 3) both at week 0
(P = .039 [0.32]) and week 7 (P = .003 [0.46]), but not at
week 11 (P = .18 [0.21]). The plantar flexors were steadier
at 20% than at 10% MVC (Table 3), but only at week 7
(P = .004 [0.44]) and not at week 0 (P = .31 [0.16]) or at
week 11 (P = .058 [0.29]). The plantar flexors were steadier
than the dorsiflexors across all time points and at both target
forces: 10% MVC, week 0 (P < .001 [0.53]), week 7 (P = .021
[0.36]), and week 11 (P < .001[0.52]); 20% MVC, week 0
(P = .008 [0.41]), week 7 (P < .001 [0.58]), and week 11
(P < .001[0.57]). Force steadiness improved (P = .005
[0.25]) for the plantar flexors at 20% MVC, but not at 10%
Figure 2.  The relative (%) improvement in the distance walked MVC, at week 7 (2.3% ± 1.1%, P = .027) and at week 11
in 6 minutes and time taken to walk 25 feet immediately at (2.4% ± 1.5%, P = .028) compared with week 0 (3.2% ± 1.8%).
weeks 7 and 11. There were no statistically significant changes in force
steadiness for the dorsiflexors.
Leg Muscle Function
Disability Status
Muscle Strength.  Friedman’s test and 1-way repeated mea-
sures ANOVA with Bonferroni correction for post hoc Grooved Pegboard Test. Friedman’s test with Bonferroni
comparisons indicated significant improvements in the adjustment for post hoc comparisons indicated significant
MVC torque (N m) for 2 of the 4 tested muscle groups. The differences (P = .006 [0.36]) across the intervention (Table 2),
strength of the dorsiflexors in the affected leg (Table 3) with significant differences (P = .005 [0.43]) between week
increased (P = .016 [0.32]) at week 11 (13.5 ± 7.8 N m, P = .02 0 (103 ± 39 s) and week 11 (93 ± 33 s) but not (P = .088
[0.38]), but not at week 7 (12.7 ± 7.4 N m, P = .08 [0.29]), [0.29]) at week 7 (97 ± 34 s). This result indicates a main
compared with week 0 (10.5 ± 6.8 N m). The increase in effect for time on the grooved pegboard times.
dorsiflexor strength relative to week 0 was 66% ± 167% at
week 7 and 71% ± 148% at week 11. Self-reported Assessments. MFIS (P = .004 [0.212]) and
Similarly, the strength of the plantar flexors in the less- MSWS-12 (P = .001 [0.33]) scores were improved at
affected leg (Table 3) increased (P = .038 [0.29]) at week 7 weeks 7 and 11 (Table 2), but the change in PDDS score at
(33.3 ± 18.8 N m, P = .04 [0.34]), but not at week 11 (28.3 week 7 and 11 were not statistically significant when com-
± 10.4 N m, P = .2 [0.25]), compared with week 0 (25.0 ± pared with that at week 0 (P = .19 [0.07]). However, there
10.9 N m). The increase in plantar flexor strength relative to was a statistically significant correlation (P < .05) between
week 0 was 39% ± 54% at week 7 and 26% ± 58% at week PDDS score and the increase in distance (m) walked in 6
11. There were no statistically significant changes in the minutes at week 7 (r = −0.40); participants with greater
dorsiflexor torque of the less-affected leg (P = .48 [0.03]) or PDDS scores experienced lesser gains in 6-minute distance.
the plantar flexor torque of the affected leg (P = .36 [0.04]).
These selective changes in muscle strength influenced Daily Levels of Physical Activity. There were no statistically
the between-limb differences in muscle strength. Although significant changes in the daily levels of physical activity at
the dorsiflexor muscles in the affected leg were stronger week 7 or at week 11 in any of the 3 categories of physical
after intervention, they remained weaker than those in the activity (Table 2): sedentary (P = .17 [0.12]), light (P = .55
less-affected leg (Table 3) at week 0 (P = .003 [0.31]), week [0.04]), and moderate-vigorous (P = .06 [0.19]). The inter-
7 (P = .048 [0.15]), and week 11 (P = .045 [0.16]). In con- vention, therefore, did not compromise the daily levels of
trast, it was the plantar flexor muscles in the less-affected physical activity of the participants.
leg that gained strength during the intervention (Table 3),
which made them even stronger than those in the affected Discussion
leg (P = .001 [0.47]).
In a double-blind, randomized comparison of narrow- and
Force Steadiness.  The coefficient of variation for force dur- wide-pulse NMES, individuals whose mobility was impaired
ing the steady isometric contractions (force steadiness) by MS showed clinically significant improvements in
Almuklass et al 7

Table 3.  Strength for Muscles in the More-Affected and Less-Affected Legs and Force Steadiness for the Less-Affected Leg at the 3
Time Points During the 6-Week Intervention.a

Week 0 Week 7 Week 11 P Value Effect Size

Dorsiflexor torque (N m)
  Affected leg 10.5 ± 6.8 12.7 ± 7.4 13.5 ± 7.8b .016 0.32
  Less-affected leg 14.9 ± 6.5c 14.8 ± 6.5c 16.3 ± 10.0c .48 0.03
Plantar flexor torque (N m)
  Affected leg 22.6 ± 12.3 24.9 ± 11.6 25.8 ± 11.9 .357 0.04
  Less-affected leg 25.0 ± 10.9 33.3 ± 18.8b,c 28.3 ± 10.4 .038 0.29
Dorsiflexor steadiness (percentage MVC force)
 10% 6.9 ± 5.1 7.2 ± 6.2 6.3 ± 4.9 .26 0.18
 20% 5.9 ± 5.1d 4.6 ± 4.0d 5.3 ± 4.0 .13 0.23
Plantar flexor steadiness (percentage MVC force)
 10% 3.8 ± 2.5e 4.0 ± 2.6e 3.3 ± 2.4e .13 0.22
 20% 3.2 ± 1.8e 2.3 ± 1.1b,d,e 2.4 ± 1.5b,e .005 0.25

Abbreviation: MVC, maximal voluntary contraction.

Values are mean ± SD.
P <.05 relative to week 0.
P <.05 relative to affected side.
P <.05 relative to 10% MVC.
P <.05 relative to dorsiflexors.

walking endurance and maximal walking speed after the flexors) while the participants performed isometric contrac-
6-week NMES intervention. In contrast to the hypothesis, tions in seated and standing positions improved gait speed,
however, there was no influence of stimulus-pulse duration walking endurance, some measures of muscle strength and
on the primary outcomes. force steadiness, fatigue (MFIS), and self-reported levels of
The hypothesis was derived from studies that have dem- walking disability (MSWS-12 score).
onstrated a gradual increase in the torque evoked in lower- The decrease in time to walk 25 feet (8.8 ± 13.9 to 7.9 ±
leg muscles by wide-pulse NMES relative to the same 11.1 s) corresponds to a clinically significant improvement
initial level of torque elicited by narrow-pulse NMES.7,9 (week 7: −5% ± 16%; week 11: −8% ± 15%) in maximal
The increase in torque is attributed to the progressive gait speed (<8 s to walk 25 feet).35 However, the 25-feet
recruitment of motor neurons resulting from the widespread walk test at a fast speed is less responsive to changes pro-
distribution of sensory input associated with wide-pulse duced by rehabilitation than the longer walk tests.20
NMES.10,11,33 The relative activation of sensory and motor Consistent with this conclusion, the improvement in 6-min-
axons, however, is influenced by the placement of the ute walk distance (379 ± 136 to 415 ± 154 m) represents an
NMES electrodes. When the electrodes are placed over a improvement (week 7: 12% ± 21%; week 11: 13% ± 21%)
peripheral nerve, wide-pulse NMES engages a greater pro- that exceeded the minimally important change of 22 m.20
portion of sensory axons compared with when the elec- Moreover, the decline in MSWS-12 score (maximum = 60
trodes are placed over the muscle belly.7 The results of our points) at week 7 (7.6 ± 8.4 points) was similar to the
study, however, suggest that pulse width had no influence 8-point reduction deemed to indicate a meaningful improve-
on the adaptations elicited by NMES when the electrodes ment in walking disability,30 but the improvement began to
were placed over the dorsiflexor and plantar flexor muscles dissipate at week 11 (5.4 ± 9.5 points).
of the study participants.34 As expected, the NMES intervention produced some
Some of the findings from our study are similar to those limited improvements in measures related to disability sta-
reported in other NMES interventions, but there are some tus. In addition to the decrease in the MSWS-12 score, the
significant differences. Coote et al4 found that supplement- self-reported level of fatigue (MFIS) declined by 11 ± 17
ing a 12-week home-based resistance program with NMES (maximum = 53) points at week 7 and by 8 ± 16 points at
applied to the quadriceps muscles of individuals who were week 11. As a symptom, an individual’s level of fatigue is
moderately disabled by MS augmented the gains in muscle derived from 2 domains: performance fatigability and per-
endurance and self-reported level of fatigue (MFIS). ceived fatigability.36 The fatigue experienced by persons
Critically, the NMES was applied to the weaker leg while with MS appears to be minimally influenced by perfor-
the participants performed the prescribed exercises. In con- mance fatigability and appears to depend more on perceived
trast, the current study found that the 6-week NMES proto- fatigability,37 which depends on the psychological state of
cols applied to lower-leg muscles (dorsiflexors and plantar the individual and the capacity to accommodate challenges
8 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 00(0)

to homeostasis.36 Our findings suggest that an NMES inter- the dorsiflexors, improved after the NMES intervention,
vention is able to modulate at least 1 mechanism related to which suggests an adaptation in the neural drive to these
either psychological state or homeostasis that contributed to muscles that likely has consequences for motor
perceived fatigability in persons with MS. function.40-42
In contrast, the NMES intervention did not produce a In contrast to expectations, there was no influence of the
statistically significant change in PDDS score, although NMES stimulus-pulse duration on the primary outcomes
there was an inverse relation between the increase in (gait speed and walking endurance), and the data were com-
6-minute walk distance and the initial PDDS score. This bined into a single group to examine the influence of the
association suggests that the impact on the NMES protocol NMES intervention. The 6-week intervention elicited clini-
was greater for those participants who were mildly dis- cally significant improvements in the primary outcomes
abled. However, the statistically significant decreases in and several secondary outcomes in individuals whose
grooved pegboard times are consistent with central adapta- mobility was compromised by MS. A major limitation,
tions produced by the 6 weeks of NMES. Moreover, the however, is that the actual influence of NMES could not be
intervention did not compromise the daily levels of physi- evaluated, because of the absence of a control group that
cal activity as measured with a wrist-worn accelerometer. would have assessed a potential placebo effect. In addition,
Because of the association between habitual walking per- we were unable to assess the outcomes during the interven-
formance and disability status,38 the absence of change in tion and for a longer follow-up period. Secondary outcomes
the daily levels of physical activity is consistent with no suggest that the improvements in mobility likely involve
change in the PDDS score. increases in muscle strength and the control of muscle force
The current results provide some insight into adaptations for some of the involved muscles. These findings suggest
that likely contributed to the improvements in walking per- that several weeks of NMES applied to the lower-leg mus-
formance. In a 2-year longitudinal study, Zackowski et al39 cles can improve walking performance and provide some
reported that the decrease in strength of the ankle dorsiflexor symptom relief for persons with mild to moderate levels of
muscles (3.3 lb/year) for persons with MS was associated disability caused by MS.
with an increase in the time it took to walk 25 feet; time
changed by 0.19 s for each 1 lb decline in strength. We found Acknowledgments
that 18 sessions of NMES applied to the dorsiflexor and We thank Ryan Price for help with Figure 1 as well as 3 anony-
plantar flexor muscles of both legs increased the strength of mous reviewers for their helpful suggestions.
the dorsiflexor muscles in the affected leg and elicited a tran-
sient increase in strength of the plantar flexors in the less-
Authors’ Note
affected leg. Given the critical role of the dorsiflexor muscles
in limiting walking performance in persons with neurologi- Trial registry name: Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation and
cal disorders,13-15 it seems likely that at least some of the Mobility in Multiple Sclerosis. Identifier:
improvements in walking endurance and maximal walking
speed in our study can be attributed to the increase in strength
of the dorsiflexor muscles of the affected leg.
Consistent with previous reports on healthy individuals Declaration of Conflicting Interests
in which force steadiness is usually worse in weaker The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
muscles,40,41 the fluctuations in force during submaximal to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
isometric contractions with the dorsiflexors were greater in
our study than those for the plantar flexors at both target Funding
forces. Compared with healthy individuals, however, the The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support
force fluctuations (coefficient of variation for force) for the for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: The
dorsiflexors in the current study (5.9% ± 5.1%) were much Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health &
greater than those for both young (1.20% ± 0.62%) and Human Development of the National Institutes of Health provided
older adults (1.74% ± 0.69%). Similarly, force steadiness support for the project (R03HD079508). Chattanooga Inc. kindly
for the plantar flexors was greater for individuals with MS loaned us 3 Vectra Genesys 2-channel systems that are Food and
(3.8% ± 2.5% at 10% MVC and 3.2% ± 1.8% at 20% MVC) Drug Administration approved for the delivery of neuromuscular
than for healthy adults (mean ± SE at 10% MVC force = electrical stimulation to human volunteers. Almuklass was sup-
ported by a scholarship from the King Saud bin Abdulaziz
0.93% ± 0.13%).42 These comparisons indicate that the neu-
University for Health Science in Saudi Arabia.
ral drive to the dorsiflexor and plantar flexor muscles dur-
ing submaximal isometric contractions is more variable for
individuals with MS relative to healthy adults. Moreover, ORCID iD
force steadiness for the plantar flexors at 20% MVC, but not Awad M. Almuklass
Almuklass et al 9

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