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I think that this Universal Health Care Law is a good thing and beneficial for all the Filipino
people especially the poor ones. I firmly believe that Filipino families should have access to a
safety net in times of need. One of the bill's primary components is that every Filipino will be
automatically enrolled in the National Health Insurance Program. So, with this safeguard, it can
shield people from having to pay out of their own money. It lowers the likelihood of people
falling into poverty by reducing the impact of having to utilize the family's savings or borrow
money to pay for health-care services. Through this UHC Law, Filipinos can access the
preventive, curative, rehabilitative, and palliative health care they require, all of which are of
sufficient quality to be effective, while also ensuring that they do not face financial hardship as a
result of their use.
2. Community quarantines, as well as transportation and border restrictions, have had a
widespread impact on health-care access and delivery, particularly for patients who require
specialized care. As existing resources were drawn to conduct COVID19-related duties, existing
record-keeping and surveillance mechanisms were impeded. Local health systems implemented
telemedicine services to reduce face-to-face consultations and strengthened gatekeeping
measures for secondary and tertiary care through referral systems. In the Philippines, health
system impacts have varied by municipal socioeconomic class and topography, owing to long-
standing symptoms of inequitable resource distribution.
3. Millions of people have been impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak around the world. The
pandemic has shattered our goals, upended our family dynamics and employment
responsibilities, and jeopardized our economic stability, in addition to having major health
effects. COVID-19 had impacted my life significantly in a negative way. It limited my actions. My
social life has been disrupted. I cannot just go out and have some fun with my friends. It has also
affected my mental health as I overthink of the possibility that this virus will not end and
continue to destroy millions of lives and livelihoods. It created panic on to me as I can’t stop
thinking of the “what ifs”. COVID-19 had shattered our normal way of living. We cannot go out
like we used to. We must wear masks, face shields, and get along or closed with people
including the ones that are closest to us. Even our families in a distance cannot visit us, the same
way for us, and there’s more that this pandemic had brought us that made us lived
4. As a student and as a youth, I know that I only have limited capacity or should I say I do not have
the capacity and capability yet to engage in a major and higher discussions. Yet, I believe that
micro efforts will have a macro effect. So, even by just doing little things, it can result and greatly
contribute to patch things up that this pandemic had disrupted. I believe that I can aid this
problem with my own little way by following health and safety protocols: wearing of mask and
face shields when going out, sanitizing my hands, practicing one-meter physical distancing,
limiting physical and social interaction, and ensuring good indoor ventilation and air flow. These
simple things can have a big positive impact in mitigating the spread of COVID-19 virus. Thus,
ensuring the safety of the people.

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